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We've had a few instances of this, would you like to see it expanded on? Would you add other weather conditions?


Rain: reduces movement range of cavalry(seen in FE7)

Fog/darkness: can't see the whole map(seen in FE7, FE8, FE9, FE10)

Sunny/heat: increases accuracy of fire magic, lowers power of ice magic(not seen anywhere yet with those effects)

Snow/cold: increases accuracy of ice magic, lowers power of fire magic(not seen anywhere yet with those effects)

Windy: reduces movement range of fliers(not seen anywhere yet)

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That's a good idea, Dcat! I mean, weather conditions are a thing in Pokemon, and they'd work really well in FE too. I'm surprise IS hasn't thought of this yet...

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No, because it'd be incredibly difficult, unless certain weather cons were always active on certain maps.

Though Windy giving an Atk buff to Wind magic and an Acc pen on Bows might help, too.

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That's a good idea, Dcat! I mean, weather conditions are a thing in Pokemon, and they'd work really well in FE too. I'm surprise IS hasn't thought of this yet...


Personally, I don't like the idea. Not when all weather did was be an annoyance.

No, because it'd be incredibly difficult, unless certain weather cons were always active on certain maps.

Though Windy giving an Atk buff to Wind magic and an Acc pen on Bows might help, too.

IDK. If it had beneficial stuff like I said with sunny and snowing, it would be cool. And that's a good idea for windy.

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IDK. If it had beneficial stuff like I said with sunny and snowing, it would be cool. And that's a good idea for windy.

I don't trust IS to NOT fuck it up. That is all.

That's a good idea, Dcat! I mean, weather conditions are a thing in Pokemon, and they'd work really well in FE too. I'm surprise IS hasn't thought of this yet...

Just because Pokemon made weather work well does not mean that it can work well in FE...

Edited by Levant Caprice
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The problem is that weather conditions make maps more tedious. Rain meant that the map would take twice and long, and they'd punish the player for certain choices.

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I don't trust IS to NOT fuck it up. That is all.

Just because Pokemon made weather work well does not mean that it can work well in FE...

Okay, that's fine. But it worked well with the rain and fog/darkness, so...

The problem is that weather conditions make maps more tedious. Rain meant that the map would take twice and long, and they'd punish the player for certain choices.

This is true. But it doesn't have to be on EVERY map, just maybe a few.

Edited by Dragoncat
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Okay, that's fine. But it worked well with the rain and fog/darkness, so...

Oxymoronic. Those that you just mentioned are the main reason I'm against weather in the first place.

Also, FE7 did have snow, but it was essentially no different from rain (though it didn't affect units that were indoors).

Edited by Levant Caprice
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I think shin's point was that the weather conditions make some maps more tedious and penalizing for unit choices, not necessarily that it would be on all maps. Having 5 tedious maps in 20 isn't as bad as 20 of 20, but it can still be detrimental to map design overall.

Honestly I don't care, I don't like things such as the 2-gen system and skills anyway and still like to play FE13, so as long as the impact on gameplay wouldn't be too big I'd be fine with it. I'm not seconding it, though.

Edited by Gradivus.
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Windy: reduces movement range of fliers(not seen anywhere yet)

I think the units should be blown by 1-2 two spaces (number of spaces should be random) to the dircetion of the wind.

The other ideas sound good so far.

However ice magic never really has existed. Tomes like blizzard or ®excalibur still belong to wind magic.

Edited by Mister CatTeaDawn
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I think the units should be blown by 1-2 two spaces (number of spaces should be random) to the dircetion of the wind.

The other ideas sound good so far.

However ice magic never really has existed. Tomes like blizzard or ®excalibur still belong to wind magic.

We have some pretty nasty wind where I live, but never once have I seen it actually move a person. Fliers having their movement range reduced, well, it's harder to fly in that.

I know ice magic isn't a canon thing, but it looks like If will have it and it's been in my headcanon for awhile.

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Just because Pokemon made weather work well does not mean that it can work well in FE...

Sure it does. They're both turn-based RPG games that have weapons/attacks/units/etc that can reasonably benefit from or be penalized by weather. I'm not saying it will automatically work well, I'm just saying that it can if implemented correctly.

Edited by Anacybele
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Rain: reduces movement range of cavalry(seen in FE7)

How the hell does that make any sense, exactly?

Windy: reduces movement range of fliers(not seen anywhere yet)

Surely that would also affect Archers...

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Sure it does. They're both turn-based RPG games that have weapons/attacks/units/etc that can reasonably benefit from or be penalized by weather. I'm not saying it will automatically work well, I'm just saying that it can if implemented correctly.

The chances of IS implementing it correctly is equal to a no-Luck LV1 Brigand with a Devil Axe landing a hit against a max Speed Swordmaster holding a Killing Edge, and living long enough to tell the tale

How the hell does that make any sense, exactly?

Surely that would also affect Archers...

The rain makes the horses frisky.

As for your other comment...

Though Windy giving an Atk buff to Wind magic and an Acc pen on Bows might help, too.

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Sure it does. They're both turn-based RPG games that have weapons/attacks/units/etc that can reasonably benefit from or be penalized by weather. I'm not saying it will automatically work well, I'm just saying that it can if implemented correctly.

Overly optimistic much?

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I think if they implement weather it should be pretty focused. Fog of War is something that can potentially be implemented very well as long as it affects the CPU as much as it does the player (aka they can get surprised like in Advanced Wars if they try to move to a space occupied by your unit) of course its hard to do because you'll never be able to program the hesitation factor that human players feel when trying to make movement decisions based on limited information.

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As long as it's with the ideas presented and not just a decrease in movement range, because that's just annoying and pointless. Buffs and debuffs to specific stuffs I could see working.

I don't trust IS to NOT fuck it up. That is all.

So, what, you never want IS to try anything new? They'll just fuck anything up? Sheesh.
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Do you guys think IS are ten year olds or something? They can definitely implement it correctly. They're not stupid.

You're assuming that just because it worked in Pokemon, it'd work in FE, which is a rather flawed assumption to begin with. How do you know there's any way to implement weather in FE without it either being a Scrappy Mechanic or feeling tacked on???

So, what, you never want IS to try anything new? They'll just fuck anything up? Sheesh.

I never said that. However, I believe weather would wind up as one of two things, in all likelihood - a Scrappy Mechanic or tacked on.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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You're assuming that just because it worked in Pokemon, it'd work in FE, which is a rather flawed assumption to begin with. How do you know there's any way to implement weather in FE without it either being a Scrappy Mechanic or feeling tacked on???

I never said that. However, I vehemently believe bad mechanics can suck the fun out of a game. And in all honestly, I believe weather would wind up as one of two things - a Scrappy Mechanic or tacked on.

They aren't inherently bad though. I mean I have my doubts, but still.

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I never said that. However, I believe weather would wind up as one of two things, in all likelihood - a Scrappy Mechanic or tacked on.

It's the logical conclusion of what you said. What makes weather different from any other potential mechanic they could add in? Why would they fuck up weather specifically? You said you "don't trust them" on it...but you would trust them elsewhere? On what, and why?
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It's the logical conclusion of what you said. What makes weather different from any other potential mechanic they could add in? Why would they fuck up weather specifically? You said you "don't trust them" on it...but you would trust them elsewhere? On what, and why?

Maybe because past implementations of weather were exactly one of the things I said it'd most likely be (Scrappy Mechanic, thanks to slowing everything down to a crawl)? After that, I'm not exactly ready to believe weather can be implemented well (read: not being a Scrappy Mechanic or feeling tacked on as it only affects a small minority of units; as far as I'm concerned, all the ideas seen in this thread are guilty of being one or the other).

Edited by Levant Caprice
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