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We can now rub characters' faces to bond with them?

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We'll have to wait for translations to give us more precise information, but it appears that

1. you bond with opposite-sex characters by rubbing their faces, and

2. you bond with same-sex characters by meeting half-naked in bath houses

It's borderline parody.

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No actual support conversations shown, though. Wonder how those will work. (And here I thought this would be a serious game.) I'm confused but it's....a....good thing??....I think?......

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Does the expanded video confirm anything about S ranking being romantic?

The rubbing face is interesting? But how can you logically invite a character into your room, and then you let them sit down, and then you rub their face? Does this truly make the other characters feel happy?

I can see how this makes Tharja happy but…?

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We'll have to wait for translations to give us more precise information, but it appears that

1. you bond with opposite-sex characters by rubbing their faces, and

2. you bond with same-sex characters by meeting half-naked in bath houses

It's borderline parody.

You can also rub same-sex characters's faces.

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You can also rub same-sex characters's faces.

We can't say for sure, since we never see the gender of the Avatar who is face-rubbing. The impression I got was that the male characters shown were having their faces rubbed by the female Avatar, and vice-versa.

Man, just typing out "face-rubbing" makes me uncomfortable.

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We can't say for sure, since we never see the gender of the Avatar who is face-rubbing. The impression I got was that the male characters shown were having their faces rubbed by the female Avatar, and vice-versa.

Man, just typing out "face-rubbing" makes me uncomfortable.

It showed both males and females on the list of characters to select for face-rubbing.

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We'll have to wait for translations to give us more precise information, but it appears that

1. you bond with opposite-sex characters by rubbing their faces, and

2. you bond with same-sex characters by meeting half-naked in bath houses

It's borderline parody.

You can also "bond" with opposite-sex characters by meeting half-naked in bath houses (and by "bond", I mean "get chased out, probably with lots of yelling and concealed weapons").

I look forward to getting the crud beaten out of me by Kazahana, actually.

Man, just typing out "face-rubbing" makes me uncomfortable.

You are not the only one.

Edited by Wildshot
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It showed both males and females on the list of characters to select for face-rubbing.

Thanks for the correction.

Now I'm just confused. I can sort of understand face-rubbing as a way to bond with love interests (in a creepy kind of way), but... who face-rubs their friends? And is this sort of bath house-hopping, face-rubbing behavior really an appropriate way to act during war? An appropriate way to act towards your troops?

The tone of this game is all over the place.

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Thanks for the correction.

Now I'm just confused. I can sort of understand face-rubbing as a way to bond with love interests (in a creepy kind of way), but... who face-rubs their friends? And is this sort of bath house-hopping, face-rubbing behavior really an appropriate way to act during war? An appropriate way to act towards your troops?

The tone of this game is all over the place.

Well, at least this can offer a little relief to those who want same sex pairings.

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I seriously hope inviting someone (as in, multiple people) to your room and... uhm... rub their faces is not the only method to trigger support levels.

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Heh. Grind.

This sure is an intriguing development. I'm equal parts excited and concerned about it. The latter more so if only due to the reaction it ought to get. Hoo-boy. This is gonna be a long week, I can already tell. ^^'

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Whoever said that they were going to expand on Awakening's 'dating sim'...

What the...wow. A new direction indeed.

I'm still gonna rub though

inb4 rub-a-dub sound effects

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Whoever said that they were going to expand on Awakening's 'dating sim'...

What the...wow. A new direction indeed.

I'm still gonna rub though

inb4 rub-a-dub sound effects

Now I'm thinking of the bath minigame from Nintendogs, including its accompanying song that Smash Bros. burned into my skull.

The mental images, make them stop.

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Now I'm just confused. I can sort of understand face-rubbing as a way to bond with love interests (in a creepy kind of way), but... who face-rubs their friends?

Who says they're just friends?

Even as a guy I'd be pretty pleased to land Harold.

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But when does this amie thing start working?

Surely it cannot start before rank B or A right? Gotta at least make some sense.

See those heart icons? That indicates a certain relationship has been reached before you can amie them. Which means the OP's question as to possible multiple romances at once seems likely.

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