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Fire Emblem and Pokemon basically becoming the same thing?


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So I've been looking at the information we have about Fire Emblem If and have come up with a list of similarities between it and the main line of Pokemon games.

1. Of course Fire Emblem If is coming in two versions with a third that is a mix of both, similar to how Pokemon has been released since it's beginning.

2. Weapons are no longer breakable similar to how recently Pokemon stopped having breakable TMs. And yes I realize that Gaiden had unbreakable weapons when it came out, but it was the only Fire Emblem game to do so until now..

3. You train Pokemon and and your FE units very much the same way. In both games you should train your unit's/pokemon equally since they all have their own advantages and disadvantages, and in both after you train a unit/pokemon up you can evolve them into a new better unit/pokemon.

4. In Pokemon there are rivals and evil syndicates in FE If there's rivals (Your family) and a evil syndicate (Garon and his followers).

5. Secret Base and My castle. In pokemon ORAS you had a secret base that you designed and battle people in, In Fire Emblem If you have my castle where you can design and fight people....

6. Pokemon Amie and what ever that thing that you touch your units in Fire Emblem If... I don't think I need to explain...

7. I don't if this is coming back to Fire Emblem If or not but in Awakening you breed units similar to what you do in Pokemon.

So yeah... There's the list.

Now my question is do you like this? Dislike this? Agree? Disagree? Am I missing anything? Please do tell.

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I feel that some of these features are common in many games, not just Pokemon. The face rubbing thing is weird, sure, but much of this doesn't make Fire Emblem any more like Pokemon than it does as with other games.

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As someone who has played quite a bit of Pokémon, I'll just say that the TM thing makes perfect sense for numerous reasons, but most importantly because you've got over 700 pokémon now and a battle is just a few clicks away; if you gave one pokémon one of your best TMs, let's say Earthquake, you're more or less stuck with that pokémon.

Also I vastly prefer what they're doing to weapons now. Instead of just stocking up on the same weapons, now you've got to think about which ones you want because each one has different attributes; there's far more strategy involved than just giving a unit two brave swords instead of one before a difficult fight.

As for your other complaints, we don't know if we'll get two versions in the West, but even so, the content will be incredibly different unlike Pokémon. Training units in Fire Emblem has been a staple in the series since...what, game one? I'm not sure what's so different about Fire Emblem: if.

Getting bases has become very popular in a lot of games recently and not just Pokémon.

As for the face-rubbing, they definitely got that idea from Poké-amie, but I doubt it'll be the same; I think people are just exaggerating it for fun. We can't judge it just yet.

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I think the face rubbing feature is the only Pokemon-ish thing really. The bases are more similar to Harvest Moon and leveling up by training is done is pretty much all RPGs.

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You're stretching more than Wii Fit Trainer.

2. Weapons are no longer breakable similar to how recently Pokemon stopped having breakable TMs. And yes I realize that Gaiden had unbreakable weapons when it came out, but it was the only Fire Emblem game to do so until now..

Unbreakable weapons would be more like Pokemon attacks not having PP anymore. Unbreakable TMs is more like if we had assignable skills in FE that can be given to everyone simultaneously.

3. You train Pokemon and and your FE units very much the same way. In both games you should train your unit's/pokemon equally since they all have their own advantages and disadvantages, and in both after you train a unit/pokemon up you can evolve them into a new better unit/pokemon.

This is called "playing an RPG."

4. In Pokemon there are rivals and evil syndicates in FE If there's rivals (Your family) and a evil syndicate (Garon and his followers).

This is called "playing a video game."

Never mind the fact that the games are still vastly different in mechanics and presentation. "Becoming the same thing"? That's ridiculous. There are a few similarities. That's all.

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Please tell me this topic is a joke. No offense, but these games are only really similar because they are both marketed by Nintendo. Fire Emblem is a SRPG, Pokemon an open-world adventure game. There are some details that kind of look the same, but not really.

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I think they are still a bit different. I'm of the opinion that IS is just trying the two version thing for this title since choice is a big part of the gameplay and I doubt they will do it in future iterations or if they do they will probably sell it as one cart with DLC. Plus even with the weakest of FE stories they are still deeper than Pokemon's storys and are far more focused on the characters. In the Pokemon games the closest you get is a guy called N and generic trainer group number 53. Furthermore I thought the whole infinite weapon thing was only in Pheonix mode. Speaking of modes Pokemon has one set difficulty from the beginning while Fire Emblem has multiple settings.

I love both series but they are still two different RPG's as far as I'm concerned.

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Pokemon's biggest feature is the whole "capture" system. That's what really defines it. In this sense, no, Fire Emblem is not becoming like Pokemon in anyway.

Rather, I believe that Nintendo is adding a number of RPG features to each game series. In this sense, it is more accurate to say that Fire Emblem and Pokemon are becoming more like Nintendo's ideal RPG, rather than taking features from each other.

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So I've been looking at the information we have about Fire Emblem If and have come up with a list of similarities between it and the main line of Pokemon games.

1. Of course Fire Emblem If is coming in two versions with a third that is a mix of both, similar to how Pokemon has been released since it's beginning.

2. Weapons are no longer breakable similar to how recently Pokemon stopped having breakable TMs. And yes I realize that Gaiden had unbreakable weapons when it came out, but it was the only Fire Emblem game to do so until now..

3. You train Pokemon and and your FE units very much the same way. In both games you should train your unit's/pokemon equally since they all have their own advantages and disadvantages, and in both after you train a unit/pokemon up you can evolve them into a new better unit/pokemon.

4. In Pokemon there are rivals and evil syndicates in FE If there's rivals (Your family) and a evil syndicate (Garon and his followers).

5. Secret Base and My castle. In pokemon ORAS you had a secret base that you designed and battle people in, In Fire Emblem If you have my castle where you can design and fight people....

6. Pokemon Amie and what ever that thing that you touch your units in Fire Emblem If... I don't think I need to explain...

7. I don't if this is coming back to Fire Emblem If or not but in Awakening you breed units similar to what you do in Pokemon.

So yeah... There's the list.

Now my question is do you like this? Dislike this? Agree? Disagree? Am I missing anything? Please do tell.

1. Sure this FE has two versions, but this is gonna most likely be a one time thing. There is no way they would do this for every FE game here forward, like time travel was Awakening only, and how laguz was Tellius only. Unlike Pokemon, FE likes to consistently try new things, and always has. This two game style is an attempt at something new, and it is VERY unlikely this will become a staple of the FE series from here on out.

2. You have a good point here, but this isn't really the same situation. In pre gen 5 games TMs were hard to come by (At least in my experience), meaning you had 1 chance to teach a Pokemon that move via TM. Now that shops have been confirmed for FE IF we know we will have a lot more access to duplicate weapons then we did for TMs in Pokemon.

3. Yes, you train both your units/Pokemon by fighting. But isn't this the way you train in almost ANY RPG ever? I can't think of a combat based RPG where you don't train by fighting. Unfortunately, this connects Pokemon and FE just as much as it connects a game like Xenoblade Chronicles and FE. To be fair, evolving/promoting are a lot like each other, but both these mechanics have been around since the series beginning, and therefore do not contribute to FE becoming like Pokemon. Not only that, but with IF's reclassing this really separates evolving and promoting.

4. First off, I believe you are being a bit too general in your wording. Correct me if haha IF. Get it? I'm wrong, but are you saying that both Pokemon and FE have villains? And if that is what you are saying, then yes, both games do have villains.

5. I don't believe Secret Base and My Castle have much relation other then acting as a base for you. Secret bases are no where near the scale of a castle would be, and while you can battle in both locations, this is just how these games feature streetpass, nothing more. Not only that, since you can collect resources and buy from shops at your castle, these locations aren't very related to one another.

6. This is definitely a valid point, and one I would agree with you on.

7. Sorry, but this is completely untrue. Pokemon breeding is very hands-off in that you need to leave 2 Pokemon alone to get an egg. Getting an S-Support is VERY hands on, and will need to be controlled by the player every step of the way. Also, since you are referring to Awakening breeding, getting an S-Support will most of the time immediately get you an optional level where you can recruit a full-grown unit. Getting a Pokemon's child means walking x number of steps and finally having a level 1 baby Pokemon hatch from the egg.

Even though I disagree, you made some great points in your argument, and I appreciate having someone to argue with. :)

Edited by kdports
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7. Sorry, but this is completely untrue. Pokemon breeding is very hands-off in that you need to leave 2 Pokemon alone to get an egg. Getting an S-Support is VERY hands on, and will need to be controlled by the player every step of the way. Also, since you are referring to Awakening breeding, getting an S-Support will most of the time immediately get you an optional level where you can recruit a full-grown unit. Getting a Pokemon's child means walking x number of steps and finally having a level 1 baby Pokemon hatch from the egg.

Although no longer relevant without the inclusion of children, his comparison is rather on point. In Pokemon, you select the parents to get the best stats and to pass down abilities/moves. In Fire Emblem, you (can) choose parents for optimal stats and which skills you want to pass down to the children.

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If you think the castle thing is like Pokemon. You've obviously never played Suikoden

Your other points are also incredibly stupid except maybe this one.

Although no longer relevant without the inclusion of children, his comparison is rather on point. In Pokemon, you select the parents to get the best stats and to pass down abilities/moves. In Fire Emblem, you (can) choose parents for optimal stats and which skills you want to pass down to the children.

Which I'll bounce off with it was in FE4 first and people should stop blaming Awakening for everything they hate. Because its rather childish.

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1. Sure this FE has two versions, but this is gonna most likely be a one time thing. There is no way they would do this for every FE game here forward, like time travel was Awakening only, and how laguz was Tellius only. Unlike Pokemon, FE likes to consistently try new things, and always has. This two game style is an attempt at something new, and it is VERY unlikely this will become a staple of the FE series from here on out.

2. You have a good point here, but this isn't really the same situation. In pre gen 5 games TMs were hard to come by (At least in my experience), meaning you had 1 chance to teach a Pokemon that move via TM. Now that shops have been confirmed for FE IF we know we will have a lot more access to duplicate weapons then we did for TMs in Pokemon.

3. Yes, you train both your units/Pokemon by fighting. But isn't this the way you train in almost ANY RPG ever? I can't think of a combat based RPG where you don't train by fighting. Unfortunately, this connects Pokemon and FE just as much as it connects a game like Xenoblade Chronicles and FE. To be fair, evolving/promoting are a lot like each other, but both these mechanics have been around since the series beginning, and therefore do not contribute to FE becoming like Pokemon. Not only that, but with IF's reclassing this really separates evolving and promoting.

4. First off, I believe you are being a bit too general in your wording. Correct me if haha IF. Get it? I'm wrong, but are you saying that both Pokemon and FE have villains? And if that is what you are saying, then yes, both games do have villains.

5. I don't believe Secret Base and My Castle have much relation other then acting as a base for you. Secret bases are no where near the scale of a castle would be, and while you can battle in both locations, this is just how these games feature streetpass, nothing more. Not only that, since you can collect resources and buy from shops at your castle, these locations aren't very related to one another.

6. This is definitely a valid point, and one I would agree with you on.

7. Sorry, but this is completely untrue. Pokemon breeding is very hands-off in that you need to leave 2 Pokemon alone to get an egg. Getting an S-Support is VERY hands on, and will need to be controlled by the player every step of the way. Also, since you are referring to Awakening breeding, getting an S-Support will most of the time immediately get you an optional level where you can recruit a full-grown unit. Getting a Pokemon's child means walking x number of steps and finally having a level 1 baby Pokemon hatch from the egg.

Even though I disagree, you made some great points in your argument, and I appreciate having someone to argue with. :)

1. I would like to point out that if this makes money why wouldn't they continue making FE in two games? They just seem to being a better job than Pokemon does at making two sides of one game.

2. Think about what you said "In pre gen 5 games TMs were hard to come by (At least in my experience), meaning you had 1 chance to teach a Pokemon that move via TM. Now that shops have been confirmed for FE IF we know we will have a lot more access to duplicate weapons then we did for TMs in Pokemon." How many rare weapons in Fire Emblem would you have liked to give to multiple characters?

3. I retreat on this front.

4. Sorry let me bring it out bit further. Think about it, from what it looks like it doesn't matter which version you choose you will end up fighting the "bad guys" just from a different perspective which is something that happened in Pokemon. You could also look at in light of Sapphire and Ruby in which depending on which game you buy you will be helping a different team in the case of If it's Nohr or Hoshido also each having different admins/family. I can't think of any other RPGs that have done this.

5. I was stretching this point a bit much.

6. Thank you.

7. As NekoKnight pointed out.

Although no longer relevant without the inclusion of children, his comparison is rather on point. In Pokemon, you select the parents to get the best stats and to pass down abilities/moves. In Fire Emblem, you (can) choose parents for optimal stats and which skills you want to pass down to the children.

I appreciate having a person to argue with as well.

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I don't think the comparison is that far-fetched. They're both RPGs that involve recruiting/managing a large number of units, striking party balance for type matchups, evolving/class-changing, and now, managing a base and interacting with your units on the side. They also differ from standard RPGs in that the amount of playable characters is huge and diverse; Fire Emblems often have 40+, Pokemon often have 200+ before trading and postgame content.

Obviously they're not "becoming the same thing", but both series appeal to me for similar reasons.

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4. Sorry let me bring it out bit further. Think about it, from what it looks like it doesn't matter which version you choose you will end up fighting the "bad guys" just from a different perspective which is something that happened in Pokemon. You could also look at in light of Sapphire and Ruby in which depending on which game you buy you will be helping a different team in the case of If it's Nohr or Hoshido also each having different admins/family. I can't think of any other RPGs that have done this.

The Pokemon games pretty much have the same story regardless of the version. Ruby/Saphire was "Extremist group tries to capture legendary Pokemon in order to drastically alter the ecosystem." It's not even a matter of perspective or "what if I sided with Team Aqua (lol) or Team Magma" because they follow an almost identical story and reach the same goal of preserving balance. Fire Emblem follows different story paths and rather than it being "In this version, the other team is evil" it's "Nohr is the aggressor and you can either fight against them or fight with them to steer them towards more noble goals."

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Also, different fire emblem characters per route is a far larger difference than a dozen or two different Pokemon.

Though alpha sapphire and omega ruby have a bit more of a difference between them than the original.

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No because Pokemon is going in a good direction and Fire Emblem is going in a bad direction

Before today I would have said no, not at all, since the dual-versions are clearly different unlike Pokemon, but then FE's blatant rip-off of Pokemon Amie happened... They didn't even bother to change some of the effects, like the music notes that make sense when you pet a Pokemon but make the ridiculousness that is face-petting even more ridiculous (you pet their face and they start singing or humming or something stupid like that).

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Maybe if is bringing back FE5 capture

Haha, if only. Isn't there some new system of purchasing defeated enemies you meet in My Castle? Catching and trading characters, just like Pokemon! OP was right!

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troll detected .... he can't be serious about this .-.

to start, they aren't only versions, they are different routes with different stories, basically different games. Pokemon differ almost nothing in its versions. The only thing that actually looks like it's the "amie" that for sure wasn't created by Pokemon (cof ... Nitendogs)

Again can't take this post serious xD

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