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i'm feeling pretty mixed about the face rubbing thing

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And who are most people in this case? The folks in Sf, reddit, gameFAQs and neogaf? We are quite literally less than a percent of the overall fanbase this game is trying to appeal to.

So you think a community like us which is very familiar with Japanese media would be less accepting of this creepy fetish pandering then the average person who thinks that "Animated = For Children?" Really?

Edit: Where do you get that confidence from that you of all people are the one who speaks for everyone outside of this community anyway?

Edited by BrightBow
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So you think a community like us which is very familiar with Japanese media would be less accepting of this creepy fetish pandering then the average person who thinks that "Animated = For Children?" Really?

No, but I DO think that most people dont actually give a damn if this is in or not. In fact, I can see most people trying it out just for shits and giggles.

EDIT: And notice I just said its what I THINK. For all I know there's going to be mass boycotting of this game from the general gaming populace.

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You know what this feature remind me of ? Of Pokemon amie, and a hentai game.

Thing is, in pokemon, it was petting ANIMALS, and the hentai game was not only a hentai game, but also a horrible game where you could just flat out laugh about it.

But here ? We are talking about Fire Emblem, I'm sorry to say this, but if we come to the point where petting humans reminiscent of a hentai game is not creepy, we really are at the bottom of the barrel here.

What does IS think of their fans to pull things like that ?

... No, I haven't even played this hentai game, just seen some critics of it, so don't even try.

Now let's see how many people will disregard my post after reading 'hentai'... :p

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And who are most people in this case? The folks in Sf, reddit, gameFAQs and neogaf? We are quite literally less than a percent of the overall fanbase this game is trying to appeal to.

Actually, Neogaf hates the face rubbing with a passion of a thousand suns so...

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No, but I DO think that most people dont actually give a damn if this is in or not. In fact, I can see most people trying it out just for shits and giggles.

Oh, I am sure about that. The question is simply whether something like this costs them more customers that they gain from it.

Again, why do you think that the casual audience that got attracted by Awakening will react better to this feature then a bunch of otakus like us who are very familiar and accepting of the quirks of Japanese media?

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Actually, Neogaf hates the face rubbing with a passion of a thousand suns so...

That's exactly what I'm saying. All the negative feedback is from said sources.

Oh, I am sure about that. The question is simply whether something like this costs them more customers that they gain from it.

Again, why do you think that the casual audience that got attracted by Awakening will react better to this feature then a bunch of otakus like us who are very familiar and accepting of the quirks of Japanese media?

We wont know till thw game drops in the west. All I can say is that from what I have experienced, my casual friends heard this news, laughed about how stupid it is and then proceedednto talk about which units they want to use on their playthrough.

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Except my brother plays Neptunia cause he enjoys the gameplay. He doesnt give a fuck about the girls(he's not into women).

Then your brother is not the demographic I take issue with. (Although he plainly needs a primer on how to evaluate RPG quality.)

In animated pornography, this is not really the case, so I don't really see a reason to judge that one any differently then regular pornography.

I'm sure you're honest enough to admit this is a minority view. Most people would find the consumption of animated child pornography downright disturbing, and judging those who enjoy such material is plenty reasonable. If this is the case, it follows that judgment for lesser degrees of the same activity is acceptable.

Except for the girls in Neptunia is cute in a non-sexual way which you will know if you actually play the game and care about the characters and story instead of whining like a kid. There's nothing wrong with looking at a kid and say she's cute.

Laughably dishonest.

Here is a pseudo-NSFW image of a Hyperdimension Neptunia character captured by a tentacle monster. Tentacle monsters are, for whatever reason, an extremely common trope within animated pornography.

Please explain how this image is about enjoying the game's "cuteness."

Im not whining about the game. I just detest feplus assumption that peoplw who play neptunia are pedos in the making.

Not "in the making," no. Just quasi-pedophiles.

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We wont know till thw game drops in the west. All I can say is that from what I have experienced, my casual friends heard this news, laughed about how stupid it is and then proceedednto talk about which units they want to use on their playthrough.

So they were going to buy the game anyway? Then I wonder were this statement came from:

It leads to sales which is the most beneficial thing for IS.

Yeah, I am not seeing it.

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Im not whining about the game. I just detest feplus assumption that peoplw who play neptunia are pedos in the making.

I'd say that it's less of an assumption than it is a declaration that anyone who plays HDN are all creeps because Felpus can't comprehend how anyone can genuinely like the game aside of what he's stated and will most likely end up calling those people creeps anyways regardless of what's said to him.

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Laughably dishonest.

Here is a pseudo-NSFW image of a Hyperdimension Neptunia character captured by a tentacle monster. Tentacle monsters are, for whatever reason, an extremely common trope within animated pornography.

Please explain how this image is about enjoying the game's "cuteness."

Wow, havent played Mk2 yet. My bad then.

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I'd say that it's less of an assumption than it is a declaration that anyone who plays HDN are all creeps because Felpus can't comprehend how anyone can genuinely like the game aside of what he's stated and will most likely end up calling those people creeps anyways regardless of what's said to him.

Reading comprehension is proving a struggle, so let me be as clear as I can: my issue is with those who enjoy HDN for its fanservice elements. Just as my issue is with those who plan to enjoy If for the creepy face-rubbing. Fine to play those games for the gameplay.

It's kinda creepy how determined you are to judge others. Just saying.

Judging creepy behavior is rarely, if ever, construed as a creepy behavior in itself. I suppose you're entitled to your unique view.

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... This feature is now what truly makes me fear for FE's future.

But what do I know? I am but one child.

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People are taking the whole amie thing too far. Do we really need animated pornography analogies?

It's a relatively harmless (if awkwardly executed) excuse to use the touch screen to get a few extra lines from characters and support bonuses in-between missions. Nothing more, nothing less.

I seriously doubt many (if any) people are exited by the prospect of rubbing their hands over the characters faces. And if they are, they could already do that to the icons anyway.

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It's not necessarily the case that people think this feature is going too far in and of itself. It does, however, speak of a worrying direction to be taken with the series. And perhaps of a somewhat questionable shift in their target audience.

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My issue is with those who enjoy HDN for its fanservice elements. Just as my issue is with those who plan to enjoy If for the creepy face-rubbing. Fine to play those games for the gameplay.

You either flat-out lie or changed your stance.

Exhibit A: "Someone could tell me they're a big fan of Hyperdimension Neptunia and just want to play a game about sexualized, questionably-aged anime chicks without being judged as a creep. But...that sort of thing is creepy, and liking creepy things implies you might, well, be a creep."

The above outright states that liking it in the first place is creepy period, nothing to do with why they like it in the first place.

Exhibit B: "I can see no un-creepy reason for enjoying the face-rubbing mechanic (beyond ironic enjoyment), so judging those who're looking forward to the inclusion as creeps seems perfectly justified."

That is why I said you can't seem to understand why anyone would actually like it if they weren't creeps.

None of those statements stated anything about "people planning to enjoy if for the face rubbing" as if that's the reason they'll enjoy the game. You've already said that anyone who likes those features are perfectly fine to be judged as creeps by others and until now did not mention that you're okay with if they like the game for the overall gameplay.

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So they were going to buy the game anyway? Then I wonder were this statement came from:

Yeah, I am not seeing it.

Yeah I kind of walked into that one.

Basically the point Im trying to make is that from IS' point of view this isnt such a big risk YET.

They can net sales from the real creeps who only want to poke chicks in the face and know that thier casual audiance wont mind or care about this addition. The sales they stand to lose are from the hardcore crowd like us, but even then most(and just not to say all) those interested in this forum are still gonna get the game. But this is just my opinion on things.

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It's not necessarily the case that people think this feature is going too far in and of itself. It does, however, speak of a worrying direction to be taken with the series. And perhaps of a somewhat questionable shift in their target audience.

I get that, but I think that the audience being targeted by this feature, and a lot of the other features present in "My Castle" is the more casual and, dare I say, largely female crowd. Not "creeper H-game enthusiasts".

Please note that I'm not saying women don't enjoy strategy or other elements of the game, just that features like raising cute pets, dressing-up characters and amie seem to be designed to appeal to that demographic.

I can understand why people would be concerned about that, but the potential issue I see is the game becomming more social/ casual focused, not becomming more dating sim/ eroge.

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There will inevitably be another interview in which the developers will be questioned about the inclusion of the face rubbing. We'll see what they have to say about it then.

If it is supposed to just be a treat for the existing fanbase, then whatever, the Japanese are more receptive to this kind of thing than Westerners are. But if it is a direct attempt to bring in a new demographic that would not otherwise have been interested in the game (god I hope not).........yeah that is a really worrisome prospect for the direction this series is taking.

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Yeah I kind of walked into that one.

Basically the point Im trying to make is that from IS' point of view this isnt such a big risk YET.

They can net sales from the real creeps who only want to poke chicks in the face and know that thier casual audiance wont mind or care about this addition. The sales they stand to lose are from the hardcore crowd like us, but even then most(and just not to say all) those interested in this forum are still gonna get the game. But this is just my opinion on things.

I wouldn't count on the casual audience not caring about this. Tons of people are extremely sensitive towards issues vaguely relating to sexuality for various reasons. Being more in-your-face (no pun intended) with creepy stuff like this will eventually cross the line for many, so this is quite a gamble on IS part. And a new audience does not have such a tight bound that the old fans have. They can leave easily if they feel that they are no longer welcome.

A lot of things can happen here. Maybe thinks will work out in IS favor. But this also has the potential to backfire rather badly.

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Exhibit B: "I can see no un-creepy reason for enjoying the face-rubbing mechanic (beyond ironic enjoyment), so judging those who're looking forward to the inclusion as creeps seems perfectly justified."

There is no contradiction. This is precisely what I said later in the thread.

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My biggest problem is this

Honestly, stuff like this also makes it hard for me to take the narrative and various characters seriously as a result of it's existence. It's as "optional" as the hero worshipping supports that degrade the cast of FE12 by reducing their agency.

It's funny that people make the otaku point though since honestly, FE was already otaku, it just wasn't niwaka esque yet. It's certainly fast moving to that now though.

It's something that definitely shows the direction the series is taking. With the up close, blushing faces and nervous, fidgety movements, it's pretty obvious who this was aimed at.

It will also make it hard to take these characters seriously.

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