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Why is there a fish?


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Oh, Sharky? Well every Mystery Gang needs its Scooby!

I'd like to know more about him as well. It could be that Kamui is bestowed a protector for their castle, and it ends up being something that only affects online.

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I was actually joking there but I barely consider Anna a mascot.

She's the closest thing to it imo, also yeah I figured you were haha.

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Personally, I find Anna to be a poor mascot, a mascot should be a character that is recognizable to even only an onlooker to a franchise. I didn't even start recognizing Anna's recurring appearances until I played Shadow Dragon. Marth is more of a mascot. I think Anna is more of just an in-joke for fans of the series.

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She's been in every game. That pretty much qualifies her. Any details on the fish guy?

Agreed, marth is a bit more of a mascot.

I'd say Marth is more the posterboy, Anna the mascot.

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Joker says that it's a blue dragon named Lilith. You can feed it food to level it up. So far, the only use we've seen is that it will fight with you during spotpass battles. Other than that, who knows.

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It kinda reminds me of a Djinn.

EDIT: From Golden Sun, not the Arabian folklore devil creature

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Lilith is an azure dragon whom you can feed meals to in order to level up. Lilith serves as an ally during My Castle battles and will heal your comrades.

The question is: Will Nohr have a completely different creature? It seems unlikely for a Western kingdom to revere something clearly derived from Asia, but they hadn't shown an alternative during the trailer.

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She's been in every game. That pretty much qualifies her. Any details on the fish guy?

Agreed, marth is a bit more of a mascot.

Anna wasn't in FE2 tho

I like Lilith fisheh, I wonder where he comes from, what is she? Is she a babby dragon? (EDIT: I need to refresh more often)

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Lilith is an azure dragon whom you can feed meals to in order to level up. Lilith serves as an ally during My Castle battles and will heal your comrades.

The question is: Will Nohr have a completely different creature? It seems unlikely for a Western kingdom to revere something clearly derived from Asia, but they hadn't shown an alternative during the trailer.

I could easily see Nohr getting a hydra based creature seeing as how they're based on Rome. It'd also be interesting to see what hydra translates to if Sharky translates from azure dragon.

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"If it's nautical nonsense that's something you wish...!"


In all seriousness, I think it's adorable! It kinda sucks if it won't have any relevance in the main story but you can't win them all. Does anyone know the name of that orb thingy it's holding?

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^ yeah just as pointless as having map objectives or lava tiles, or thieves getting to chests or npc allies ect. Its a map feature that happens to be a character that can level. how is that pointless?

Well not really, there's a reason behind all those things... I know we know literally nothing about Lilith right now but my first impression is that it just exists as another mini-game type thing. Can you battle your Lilith against other players to win something? Does it give Kamui stat boosts as it levels up? These are things that would make it not pointless so I hope there's more info soon.

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