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Best Fire Emblem Game



94 members have voted

  1. 1. Best Fire Emblem characters

    • FE 1
    • FE 2
    • FE 3
    • FE 4
    • FE 5
    • FE 6
    • FE 7
    • FE 8
    • FE 9
    • FE 10
    • FE 11
    • FE 12
    • FE 13
  2. 2. Best Fire Emblem story

    • FE 1
    • FE 2
    • FE 3
    • FE 4
    • FE 5
    • FE 6
    • FE 7
    • FE 8
    • FE 9
    • FE 10
    • FE 11
    • FE 12
    • FE 13
  3. 3. Best Fire Emblem game play

    • FE 1
    • FE 2
    • FE 3
    • FE 4
    • FE 5
    • FE 6
    • FE 7
    • FE 8
    • FE 9
    • FE 10
    • FE 11
    • FE 12
    • FE 13
  4. 4. Best Fire Emblem game overall

    • FE 1
    • FE 2
    • FE 3
    • FE 4
    • FE 5
    • FE 6
    • FE 7
    • FE 8
    • FE 9
    • FE 10
    • FE 11
    • FE 12
    • FE 13

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I've played all of them. It's not a particularly extraordinary feat, all things considered.

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4, 4, 4, 4.

I'm at a loss for words upon seeing all of these votes for lesser games. No, no wait...I liked most of those games. Uh, carry on then.

I know bro, how dare all these games in a series I like be only likeable!

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Interesting to note, this question is asked pretty regularly on this forum, last time it was PoR that won several months back, now it's Radiant Dawn that seems to be winning. I think FE4 won the time the question was asked before then. IIRC of course.

Huh, every time I've seen a favorite/best FE game poll, RD was winning. So I'm not surprised in this case. :P

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RD wins gameplay, so it wins overall as well. IMO, none of the FE games are very good when it comes to characters and story.

Have you played FE4? IMO(and a lot of others' O too) IS pulled off the story and characters better off in that game than any other. All characters have development, and the story is intriguing. Gameplay goes to T776. Except permanent status staves.
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You want me to kill myself with a knife 1000 times for doing such a HARD CHOICE ? T_T

also well done, that thread will surely be the calmest ever

[Choice intensifies]

Also U should have added :

"Best Fire Emblem OST ?"

things will never be so complicated after this

Edited by Seo
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Have you played FE4? IMO(and a lot of others' O too) IS pulled off the story and characters better off in that game than any other. All characters have development, and the story is intriguing.

I agree with this, not even a case of nostalgia, considering FE4 is the latest game I have finished in the series as well. The first time in the series (aside from FE7) that I bonded with the characters.

Edited by DragonLord
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Best Fire Emblem characters : FE7.

Though FE4 got very good ones, FE7 has very good supports.

Best Fire Emblem story : FE4.

IT WAS A HARD BATTLE. My heart was between FE10 and FE4 but FE4 won the epic battle, though, FE10 is just behind FE4 in my kokoro. T^T

Best Fire Emblem gamplay : FE5.

Of course, I assume that there is not many people that played FE5 because of it difficulty, but really it has a excellent gameplay and brought many features.

Best Fire Emblem overall : FE4.




In. y_y




I made my ideas face each other for a very long time but... the OSTs of FE4... the characters of FE4... the story of FE4... I mean... if you must take the period of when FE4 was released, and then FE10... FE4 would surely win, considering how deep it was, and now, with FE10, it's like we must consider the fact that video-games progress have been made so...

It's like when I made FE4 face FE10 in my mind, I quickly thought myself that considering the two periods, I would've been a bit right to wait more from FE10.

Still, FE10 is a GREAT game and is my 2nd one for this poll.

But damn, it hurts. T_T

I hate you Shadow why did you broke my heart like that that's not fair I never been so sad and in a complicated situation like this before I'm going to kill you urgh

Edited by Seo
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My vote for best story and characters both go to FE9. I just felt like the characters were well developed and likable with real character growth and and most of them weren't one-dimensional. The story to me is just a classic coming of age story done perfectly and memorably with several fun side plots.

My favorite one gameplay wise is FE10. I love the 3 tiers and multiple armies and all of its oh-so broken glory of mastery skills, bonus EXP, and invincible characters.

Overall my favorite is FE9. FE7 used to be my favorite but when I finally played 9 I feel like it has raw FE-greatness of it but with an amazing story and cast of characters.

Even though it isn't a category my favorite soundtrack is FE13, even though the rest of the game isn't that good.

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Best story goes to FE4. With the big maps and the generation split it just feels like a very grand story. For me best characters narrowly went to FE7, though thinking back on it I probably only voted that way because I immediately thought of Sain. FE4 also has amazing characters. For gameplay I went with FE10. Though there are some things I really don't like (such as wyverns not being vulnerable to bows) I really like its mechanics. Overall FE4, just because the epic mood makes up for the many poor design choices.

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"Best Fire Emblem OST ?"

Seconding this choice along with best FE art style to be added to poll at the OPs discretion.

Edited by Knight
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Characters: FE7. Those guys are hilarious. I remember them better than any other game's characters. And not because they're notably bad, but because they're quite memorable and great at the same time.

Story: FE4. It takes the "large kingdom invades small kingdom" formula and makes it fantastic. It shows the conflict between nations better than any other game in the series.

Gameplay: FE4. I love the gigantic maps, and the 'many objectives' of the giant maps. Unlike a lot of the other games, the maps work perfectly with the story and flow really well. They actually add to the depth of the story, and that's something I can't say about any other game in the series. It also introduces the marriage system, which changes the experience in the second generation depending on what pairings are used. It's also the most in-depth Fire Emblem game, and really requires a lot of strategy.

Overall: FE4. The soundtrack, the characters, the story, and the gameplay all work perfectly with each other to better the experience and deepen the game itself.

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Have you played FE4? IMO(and a lot of others' O too) IS pulled off the story and characters better off in that game than any other. All characters have development, and the story is intriguing. Gameplay goes to T776. Except permanent status staves.

Haven't played the Thracia games. I tried following the FE4 story in a Let's Play, but to be fair that wasn't really enough to judge versus playing the game myself.

What kind of annoys me now about the other FE games, not counting that one, is that they introduce tons of characters who have absolutely no relevance to the plot, and their story basically comes to a halt once they join the team. The characters who are actually present throughout the game's story are usually the bland as hell Lords. People gush about the supports, but I feel like most the support convos are basically just playing off one or two character quirks instead of actually fleshing them out. That's why I have no problem with Radiant Dawn ditching support convos. I've never been impressed with them.

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Seriously, Radiant Head? There's not been a single support in all of FE that you've been impressed with? What about gems like Jill/Lethe in PoR which gives beautiful character development to both of them? Or Tauroneo/Rolf which gives a lot of depth to Tauroneo? And then there are ones like Kieran/Marcia which are more entertainment than anything, and it shows some smarter sides of Kieran (like how he says some knights only think of their steeds as tools, but he thinks of his horse as his friend and "brother in arms"). And Kieran/Rhys is pure comedy lol. I'm surprised you didn't like even these!

Edited by Anacybele
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It's more than just that though. Lethe and Jill start off as hating one another's races, but end up becoming friends in the end as well as realizing that it's fully possible for beorc and laguz to get along! Jill realizes that what she was taught in Daein was rubbish and Lethe learns that some beorc were simply misinformed/misguided and all and just want to get a better understanding of the laguz.

But I'm not going to try changing your opinion or anything, just explaining why I like this support so much. If you don't like it, well, that's how it is. :P

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I dunno, "Oh hey laguz/beorc aren't so bad after all" isn't what I think of as beautiful character development.

Well if you simplify it like that, it doesn't sound interesting.

"By the end of the Citizen Kane, Charles Foster Kane becomes kind of a dick." Doesn't really sound interesting either.

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I haven't seen Citizen Kane, but the thing is, my simplified statement is hardly leaving out any nuances that were in the actual support. Like I said, the game just takes the most obvious and surface level character traits and have them bounce off each other. And then things resolve in a way that feels predictable and oversimplified.

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Lots of people enjoy things that are predictable and simple, if it's done right. Personally, I think that FE does a decent job with what they got. I don't really need each support conversation to be an epic character study to enjoy a character who has some good or funny lines that I like.

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My favourite game is Radiant Dawn, though there are some things I don't like about it, like the complete absence of the Berserker class, no playable Druids, and that Warriors get only crossbows and not bows.

I think there is no best fire emblem game and that it's purely opinion though.

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I went FE7 for characters, FE4 for story, FE13 for gameplay (I struggled a lot with this one... in the end I went with FE13 due to the variety of difficulty options for every type of player, the generally good level of map/objective variety, and the huge amount of bonus content like paralogues, extra characters, DLC, etc.), and FE7 for best overall. I picked FE7 not really because it's my favorite (though that probably had some unintended influence), but because I think it's the most "total package" all around for new players and seasoned players in terms of gameplay, and to me it had a more memorable cast and a more restrained, interesting story than many other games in the series at the same time. But of course, I can only speak so objectively, since it's all just my opinion.

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