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[Battle: FE13] Espinosa vs Elieson

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two LA vets try a new meta! It's been forever since i've done this so bear with me. FE13 Max stats.

Espinosa's team


Unit              HP   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def   Res  acc  avo  crt

Assassin!Sayri    80   41    29   49   47   44   31    31   95   92   24
Sorcerer!Henry    80   31    45   40   40   43   42    43   79   82   20
Assassin!Gaius    80   41    29   50   48   43   30    30   96   93   25
Assassin!Espinosa 80   39    29   50   50   44   31    30   97   97   25
Manakete!Tiki     80   40+11 34+6 35+5 36+4 47   41+13 42+9 83   83   20


Elieson's Team!


Unit              HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res   acc  avo  crit
Sorceror!Libra    80     30     45     39     40     44     41     45    80   82   19
Assassin!Lon'qu   80     40     30     51     49     45     29     28    99   96   25
General!Kellam    80     51     30     42     33     43     53     35    84   71   21
Berserker!Vaike   80     53     28     36     45     44     34     28    76   89   18
Sorceror!Robin    80     29     44     37     44     47     40     44    79   89   18

Note that i'm not including skills that augment stats like Lancefaire or Def+2 in character stats. Skills have been hidden in all the other metas, i'll keep them hidden here unless you guys think otherwise. I also think you guys overlooked something hilariously broken but i'll keep quiet until the end of the match.


Elieson is first to act!

Edited by General Horace
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Vaike, do us all a favor and teach Espinosa's Tiki what a Brave Axe looks like!

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Before I calc this, how do we treat aura abilities (anathema, demoiselle, bond, focus, etc)? If Elie's Vaike somehow had Anathema, would it affect Espinosa's entire team (since if he's technically standing across from the middle unit so they're all three tiles away) or does Anathema only work if said unit is in battle. I'll let you guys reorder your units if you want if we decide on something that makes this matter.

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Well, back when we played Path of Radiance LA and the GBA metas, supports were always active regardless of positioning and supports were always 3-tile range. iirc even the brother bonds were active regardless of where the brothers stood.

So wrt the dubious skills:

- Hex: affects all enemies presently engaging the user in combat but bow users

- Anathema: affects anyone the user fights (and never the units other allies are facing)

- Demoiselle: affects all allied males

- Bond: +10 HP to all but themselves on user's turn (we'll talk about this being potentially broken in 5-female teams later but it won't be a problem in this battle)

- Tantivy, Focus & Relief: active when all allies are KO'd

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Elieson's Vaike@ Brave Axe attacks Espinosa's Tiki @Dragonstone+

vaike_zpsdrwkonzw.jpg VS tiki_zpsgtkzdemr.png

17x2 damage, 68% hit, 0% crit



Vaike activates Sol!

(89, 64)

Vaike misses!




Tiki takes 17 damage! (63/80)

Tiki counters!

29 damage, 59% hit, 0% crit

(99, 78)

Tiki Misses!

Vaike attacks again!

17x2 damage, 68% hit, 0% crit



(56, 9)

Tiki takes 17 damage! (46/80)



(74, 54)

Tiki takes 17 damage! (29/80)

Espinosa's turn to act.

I think I did everything right.

      Espinosa                     Elieson
Say'ri     80/80            Libra        80/80
Henry      80/80            Lon'qu       80/80
Gaius      80/80            Kellam       80/80
Espinosa   80/80            Vaike        80/80
Tiki       29/80            Robin        80/80
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Also @Horace there is one thing I'm considering and I think I'll IM you later about it to confirm but we'll powwow afterwards

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Tiki @Dragonstone+ attacks Kellam @Titania's Axe+!

tiki_zpsgtkzdemr.png VS 271104_kellam_zpskdynvdhy.jpg

10 damage, 66% hit, 0% crit

(93, 42)

Tiki misses!

Kellam counters!

14 damage, 97 hit, 0% crit


Kellam's LUNA activates!

(99, 26)

Tiki falls!

    Espinosa                     Elieson
Say'ri     80/80            Libra        80/80
Henry      80/80            Lon'qu       80/80
Gaius      80/80            Kellam       80/80
Espinosa   80/80            Vaike        80/80
Tiki       00/80            Robin        80/80

Elieson's turn.

Edited by General Horace
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Kellam: I'm truly sorry for what I had to do...

Vaike: Who said that? Aww, who cares! Espinosa! Taste my Titania's Axe+!

Edited by Elieson
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had to work 14+ hours today, sorry couldn't update faster


Vaike @Titania's Axe+ attacks Espinosa directly @Ragnell!

vaike_zpsdrwkonzw.jpg VS photo-3585.jpg?_r=1427722464

37 damage, 81% hit, 0% crit



Vaike activates SOL!

(65, 52)

Espinosa takes 37 damage! (43/80)

Espinosa counters!

24 damage, 86% hit, 0% crit


(26, 96)

Vaike takes 24 damage! (56/80)

Vaike's COUNTER activates!

Espinosa takes 24 damage! (19/80)

Espinosa attacks again!

24 damage, 86% hit, 0% crit


Espinosa's LETHALITY activates!

(76, 32)

Vaike is one hit KO'ed!

    Espinosa                     Elieson
Say'ri     80/80            Libra        80/80
Henry      80/80            Lon'qu       80/80
Gaius      80/80            Kellam       80/80
Espinosa   19/80            Vaike        00/80
Tiki       00/80            Robin        80/80
Edited by General Horace
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