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Magic tower speculations


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(I also talked a bit about this in the Prison thread but I don't want to derail that one.)

So in both Hoshido's and Nohr's version of MC, we can see multiple tall towers with a purple orb at the top, which are called 魔道砲台 (translated as "Magic Tower" by SoC and "Magic Turret" by Vincent).



We don't know exactly what their function is at this point, but judging from the literal meaning:

魔道 = magic, sorcery

砲台 = artillery battery

Which would seem that these towers act like a ballista or cannon, except they're magic-based. Their purpose is to defend against enemies in MC battles by shooting long-ranged magics, and you can strategically build them where you see fit. Whether they require a unit to activate is unknown at this point (though the left one in the first image seems to be out of reach for a foot unit, but the obscured terrains make it hard to tell).

Of course, all of those are just my speculation... again. Feel free to add some thoughts if you have one.

Edited by Ryo
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I'm going with "unmanned defenses" on this one. Kind of reminds me of Clash of Clans.

same theory but can you upgrade them? What kind of magic do they use? Are there non-magic defensive towers?

Edited by LoboKD001
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I imagine they'll act like an unmanned ballista of sorts. It would be interesting if they became more powerful if manned by a magic unit, but it doesn't look like such a unit could enter the tower during battle, but you never know.

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same theory but can you upgrade them? What kind of magic do they use? Are there non-magic defensive towers?

-the other buildings can be leveled up so I don't see why the magic towers wouldn't be

-Magic magic... the purple kind.

-Non-magic towers would probably be redundant, and harder to explain how they fire unless you had generic archers manning them

^ and nearly every tower defence game (or a good amount of real time strategy games, ect) in history.

RTSs are about resource collection/troop production and battle control all being balanced, so it's a different sort of experience. Tower defense is a bit closer but those are usually build defenses in a single line and adapt to new waves of enemies. This is similar to Clash in that the goal is to destroy other people's village/place your buildings and defenses strategically so they are harder to destroy. Anyway, I'm not trying to place My Castle battles into a genre, just saying what they remind me of.

Edited by NekoKnight
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If any of you have played Pokemon Conquest, some stages had a hazard that like every 2 turns either rocks landed in random areas and hit Pokemon located there, or damaged a random Pokemon somehow, so I guess it could be like that? Just choosing a random enemy unit to attack every couple turns.

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I wonder if we'll see this thing in the main campaign? It'll be a waste if it's just something for MC only. The concept sounds pretty cool regardless of how it would function. Someone has also found a building that looks like a ballista, though I'm on my phone so I can't inspect it closely yet: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=54364

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I think its interesting that the magic towers seem to be the same design in both my castles, assuming those are the different country versions... As otherwise the building seem to be very country specific in their designs.

Mean anything or just overlap?

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I think there are many buildings/objects that share the same design in both versions like the cafeteria, My Room, the blue crystal balls, whatever that round yellow building is... etc.

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