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A lurker rises from the... lurkings.


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I have been lurking on Serenes Forest for a while now, mostly on the IF, Sacred Stones, and Radiant Dawn threads. I have never really felt I had anything to add to the conversations being had, so I never really posted anything because of that. Lately, the IF hype has been getting to me though and I finally feel like I have stuff to say in the conversations. So hello!

I feel like my entrance into the Fire Emblem games is a bit abnormal so I guess this is as good a place as any to share that.

Like many (most?) here my first exposure to Fire Emblem was through Smash Brothers. I really enjoyed playing both Marth and Roy, and who can hate "Together We Ride." Eventually after playing enough Melee I decided I wanted to try a fire emblem game for myself. I didn't know anything about fire emblem at the time, except that the series had been around for quite some time, so I decided to emulate the first fire emblem game and play that. Funnily enough I didn't even manage to do that. I didn't know it at the time, but I actually ended up playing Gaiden. I really enjoyed what I played of it, I had played Advance Wars 1 & 2 before Gaiden, so I wasn't unfamiliar with how to play the game. About 6 or 7 chapters in to Gaiden however I had lost a few units, and I ultimately got too intimidated with the game and quit playing.

Cut to... later. All of this happened some time ago so I have difficulty remembering when stuff happened. I eventually decided to get into Fire Emblem again and this time I found FE7 (still not sure how I didn't find this before Gaiden). Like Gaiden, I also really enjoyed this game. I finished Lyn mode, but after starting Eliwood mode I lost interest in the story and stopped playing. I guess the transition between the two modes had something to do with it, I got about 4 chapters into Eliwood mode before I stopped playing FE7.

Now go to 2012, I had a 3ds but nothing to play on it. I hear a new Fire Emblem game is coming out on the 3ds and it has good reviews, so I buy it (shortages didn't prevent me from doing so luckily) and love it. Awakening was a really easy game to get into and it really got me back into the series. After I finished Awakening I went back and finished FE7. Then I started both Sacred Stones and FE6, but stopped playing both opting instead to play Path of Radiance. I am now about half way through Radiant Dawn, and I started playing Sacred Stones on my phone on the side and I am loving me some Fire Emblem. I criticize Awakening a lot for it's large empty maps, "artificial" difficulty etc, but hell, I can't fault it for really getting me into the series; but yeah, that's my unconventional (I guess with the exception of playing Gaiden it isn't THAT strange) entrance into Fire Emblem.

A lurker rises from the lurkings and says... hi.

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. . .you actually got Gaiden. I'm impressed!

Anyway, welcome~! Don't forget to read the rules and all~!

(end generic greeting)

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