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Amiibo Class Speculation

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It's true that Aether seems a little out of place compared to the other personal skills so far, but it is definitely Ike's signature skill and he has to have it somehow. If for some reason Aether absolutely needs to be in the main game, I guess they could make it a class skill for Brave Hero.

In that case, Ike's new personal skill can be:

No Sympathy - if Ike attacks an enemy on player phase and the enemy stays alive with 5 or less HP at the end of the battle, the enemy's HP is reduced to 0 gg no re

Why could Ike not have it in place of one of his class skills like in awakening no need to make it a brave hero skill.

And the personal skill means it is personal and i think aether will be in the game somehow.

Saying Aether should be his personal skill (and unique to him) cause it is his signature skill and while that is kinda true (to an extent as it seems to be related to his father techniques and i think hacking lets Greil use it not even getting into priam) that is kinda like saying Astra should be a hypothetical Amiibo Arya's personal skill as in her game the skill seems to be locked to the Isaac royal family (well and rivough's but they are related to Isaac's) and she was the first one to use it. I still think he should have it however but not as a personal skill.

And no fighting for his friends skill? Shameful. :)

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I wanna see Ike v. Celice and Master class Leaf to determine who's the ultimate battle Lord. Go Ike! And for someone to acknowledge Celica did swords and magic before Robin like Alm did swords and bows before Lyn.

Edited by Only MU V2
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^ from the personal skills we have so far i doubt they would use a strong proc skill such as Aether as a personal skill and if they did, i don't think anyone who can't get the amiibos would be happy about that at all, especially since Aether seems to be a staple skill now. so locking it to an amiibo Ike doesn't seem like the best idea.

Yeah, the personal skills seem to be mostly stat buffs so a proc skill is probably too much. We don't know if Kamui will get Aether, however.

I suppose they could just give Ike the "Radiant Hero" and make it the same as Hero but Aether instead of Sol.

Personal Skill

I fight for my friends: Doubles pair up bonuses.

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I suppose they could just give Ike the "Radiant Hero" and make it the same as Hero but Aether instead of Sol.

Ooh, this would be awesome! I always did love Ike's title of Radiant Hero. ^^

Personal Skill

I fight for my friends: Doubles pair up bonuses.

And this would be hilarious. lol

Edited by Anacybele
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Why could Ike not have it in place of one of his class skills like in awakening no need to make it a brave hero skill.

And the personal skill means it is personal and i think aether will be in the game somehow.

Saying Aether should be his personal skill (and unique to him) cause it is his signature skill and while that is kinda true (to an extent as it seems to be related to his father techniques and i think hacking lets Greil use it not even getting into priam) that is kinda like saying Astra should be a hypothetical Amiibo Arya's personal skill as in her game the skill seems to be locked to the Isaac royal family (well and rivough's but they are related to Isaac's) and she was the first one to use it. I still think he should have it however but not as a personal skill.

And no fighting for his friends skill? Shameful. :)

True, I didn't consider the possibility that downloadable units could just arbitrarily come with skills that have nothing to do with their class. I'd like to point out that this doesn't solve the issue of the Aether skill being unobtainable to someone without an Ike amiibo though, which is why I brought up the brave hero class skill possibility. Unless you are suggesting that Aether will be tied to a different class altogether, like Kamui's or something. Never mind yeah this was how they did it with Spotpass Ike in Awakening.

These are some ideas I came up with in the past while thinking of a Smash-themed Awakening streetpass team and thought it would be relevant for Amiibo character skills. Marth should come with Luna and Astra because they represent Shield Breaker and Dancing Blade respectively. Smash Counter is weird because it acts more like Vantage than FE Counter, so I'd go with Vantage for this one. All of these also apply to Lucina.

Does Robin still need to carry his Levin Sword if only being able to use his tomes so many times is no longer an issue?

Edited by Bovinian
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Either Priam or an Ike wannabe. lol

or an ike from a path of radiance playtrough which decided to give him wrath/resolve instead. I don't really get why it is considered Ike's definite skill, sure he got a unique mastery skill, but it just combined two previous ones, to me it seems They just wanted to give the main Character a powerful mastery skill, without needing to think of a unique skill. It still is a cool and useful skill however. I just think it seems a bit overblown sometimes of how it is Ike's skill. Edited by goodperson707
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Does Robin still need to carry his Levin Sword if only being able to use his tomes so many times is no longer an issue?

Eh, it's iconic. I'm gonna miss the rest of the Lord based Awakening weapons though.

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Eh, it's iconic. I'm gonna miss the rest of the Lord based Awakening weapons though.

Thoron is more iconic and makes the Levin Sword redundant.

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Thoron is more iconic and makes the Levin Sword redundant.

Maybe he'll fight with both like in Smash? I dunno. What I do know is I'm super hype for the Amiibo units. I have a little mental skit in my head for it (wishful thinking for Kamui getting Aether).

Robin, why can't you transform? I guess this makes me the better one!

Yo Ike, you know that move your sis learned? Miracle? Totally got that in me! You know how you got that Aether? I got it too! So does Lucina. You'll meet her later. I'm dedicating my survival to you!

Yo Lucina, you know that Rightful skill you have? Totally have it with Aether procs! Whoo!

The original Marth meets his imitator... can you get stronger than her? You won't be stronger than me. I may be partially Nohrian, but I'm not your era's Hero of Shadow!

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I think they could make Aether Ike's personal skill, while also making it obtainable in some other way. Sure, for the main cast, the personal skills seem unique, but I doubt every DLC character is going to have an unique skill. We're possibly getting a masked Lucina in addition to Amiibo Lucina, I doubt they'd create a new skill for each one.

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I think they could make Aether Ike's personal skill, while also making it obtainable in some other way. Sure, for the main cast, the personal skills seem unique, but I doubt every DLC character is going to have an unique skill. We're possibly getting a masked Lucina in addition to Amiibo Lucina, I doubt they'd create a new skill for each one.

Maybe not but you'd think Amiibos would be getting the best DLC related to their character. I'd be pissed if they half-assed one of the few uses for Fire Emblem Amiibos.

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Maybe not but you'd think Amiibos would be getting the best DLC related to their character. I'd be pissed if they half-assed one of the few uses for Fire Emblem Amiibos.

Would making Aether Ike's personal skill really be half assing it? It's a really useful skill and Ike having it equipped by default, leaving 5 slots open would be a rather significant advantage, even if Kamui (or someone else with an unique class - there's no way it's going to be a standard class skill) could equip it in one of their skill slots.

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Would making Aether Ike's personal skill really be half assing it? It's a really useful skill and Ike having it equipped by default, leaving 5 slots open would be a rather significant advantage, even if Kamui (or someone else with an unique class - there's no way it's going to be a standard class skill) could equip it in one of their skill slots.

It would be good but better if it were unique. If Ike is going to be a super limited edition DLC item (Amiibo shortage), I would hope he could do something Kamui cannot. I'm hoping Kamui's exotic heritage will mean he has a new super skill, different from Aether.

Edited by NekoKnight
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Ike will probably be able to weild Urvan, judging by Codename Steam

You can check out everyones Codename Steam abilities and weapons for a pretty good Idea of how they will play.

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Here's my speculation

Ike (Brave) Hero -> Vanguard

Weapon: Ragnell

Ability: Aether

Marth Lodestar-> Hero King

Weapon: Falchion

Ability: Rightful King

Lucina Lord->Great Lord

Weapon: Parallel Falchion

Ability: Dual Guard???

Robin Tactician->Grandmaster

Weapon: Thoron (but can use swords as well)

Ability: Ignis

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Looks good to me, Taco! Though I think it'd make more sense for Lucina to have Dual Support+, since isn't that a Lord/Great Lord only skill that isn't Rightful King or Aether?

Oh, but Ike being able to promote to Vanguard AND use both Ragnell and Urvan would just be the awesomest thing IS could do with his Amiibo! x3

Edited by Anacybele
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Looks good to me, Taco! Though I think it'd make more sense for Lucina to have Dual Support+, since isn't that a Lord/Great Lord only skill that isn't Rightful King or Aether?

You're probably thinking of Dual Strike+.

Anyways regarding these guys' personal skills, I think I'd rather have them get completely new skills that reflect on some part of their character/personality, instead of recycling skills from Awakening. I did suggest Aether for Ike because well, Aether, but having a different personal skill while having Aether on the side would be an acceptable alternative.

How can you make "I fight for my friends" fit into the name of a skill?

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Here's my speculation

Ike (Brave) Hero -> Vanguard

Weapon: Ragnell

Ability: Aether

Marth Lodestar-> Hero King

Weapon: Falchion

Ability: Rightful King

Lucina Lord->Great Lord

Weapon: Parallel Falchion

Ability: Dual Guard???

Robin Tactician->Grandmaster

Weapon: Thoron (but can use swords as well)

Ability: Ignis

Ike promoting from Hero would make him a tier 3 character. Both Aether and Rightful King are class skills for Great Lord (Lucina) and Ignis is a class skill for Grandmaster.

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I really don't think the Amiibo characters will get promotions from their (likely custom) base classes, but "Hero" isn't a class in IF in the first place, so it could be included as a 1st tier class for Ike while Vanguard is moved to 2nd tier. We already have Trueblade moved to 2nd tier, after all. Still, I don't think any of them will have promotions.

Edited by NeonZ
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Ike promoting from Hero would make him a tier 3 character. Both Aether and Rightful King are class skills for Great Lord (Lucina) and Ignis is a class skill for Grandmaster.

I figure just let them be unique skills for those guys so they can have something to differentiate them.

I really don't think the Amiibo characters will get promotions, but "Hero" isn't a class in IF in the first place, so it could be included as a 1st tier class here while Vanguard is moved to 2nd tier. We already have Trueblade moved to 2nd tier, after all.

That's kinda what I was thinking just make Hero a unique class to Ike.

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