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Awakening children returning?


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I hope they're neither outrealm nor copies, but rather just travelled long-distance boat trips.

Essentially I want Ylisse to be on the same planet, but far away enough and have no real relations and limited contact. Europe and pre-colonial America, if you will.

Outrealm feels incredibly cheap as a plot device, and I don't like such large-scale callbacks without being the same character. I feel like if a character is simply a reference and not the character themselves the similarities should be more subtle, not down to using the exact same voice actor.

This is pretty much how I feel about it.

Also, I am super excited! Hopefully they will be the same characters. :)

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I'm just glad that the Inigo lookalike can dance in-chapter. I was upset that Inigo couldn't; although I also understand that they didn't want to have two dancers, for the same reason that the herons were never playable in the same chapter.

The dance here works more like a rally.

As for Awakening elements returning, I don't mind that much. Time travel is just plain silly (and would destroy any seriousness, since nothing feels final anymore), but having Awakening expies alone doesn't really say anything.

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Soon after Luna appeared, people quickly noticed that there was a mercenary map sprite in an old trailer that seemed to be Inigo's. I think if there were 1st gen characters in Hoshido we'd have noticed someone's sprite by now.

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Soon after Luna appeared, people quickly noticed that there was a mercenary map sprite in an old trailer that seemed to be Inigo's. I think if there were 1st gen characters in Hoshido we'd have noticed someone's sprite by now.

they don't really show all characters before release This could just be a treat until the main course where well see all characters in the game.
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I don't honestly mind if these are the same exact people, all I want is more depth to them. Inigo's support with Severa seemed to show that he did actually have some depth of character and could see past the shallow barrier that she put up, but apart from that, every single other one I've done so far seemed to be solely focused around his philandering.

Also, I'd prefer it if these were the only ones taken from awakening. Too many others would just unneccesarily bloat the game.

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I don't honestly mind if these are the same exact people, all I want is more depth to them. Inigo's support with Severa seemed to show that he did actually have some depth of character and could see past the shallow barrier that she put up, but apart from that, every single other one I've done so far seemed to be solely focused around his philandering.

Also, I'd prefer it if these were the only ones taken from awakening. Too many others would just unneccesarily bloat the game.

I completely agree, I've seen it said before in other places, but I REALLY hope that there support convo's aren't just going to be copy and paste supports straight from awakening.

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I completely agree, I've seen it said before in other places, but I REALLY hope that there support convo's aren't just going to be copy and paste supports straight from awakening.

I don't see how they could be..unless these kids are also from a post apocalyptic future.

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I don't honestly mind if these are the same exact people, all I want is more depth to them. Inigo's support with Severa seemed to show that he did actually have some depth of character and could see past the shallow barrier that she put up, but apart from that, every single other one I've done so far seemed to be solely focused around his philandering.

Also, I'd prefer it if these were the only ones taken from awakening. Too many others would just unneccesarily bloat the game.

Well Owain's one of my favorite fire emblem characters ever, but otherwise I agree. Except I look at more like "too many others would make Awakening's cast feel less unique" than that it would bloat this game's cast. I wouldn't mind if they tone down Severa's Luna tsundere moments and let Inigo Lazward be more fleshed out and be a little luckier with women. It could be me but I don't remember Sain being so whiny, but I think that was also because he chased after his peers instead of random village girls...

I hope they're neither outrealm nor copies, but rather just travelled long-distance boat trips.

Essentially I want Ylisse to be on the same planet, but far away enough and have no real relations and limited contact. Europe and pre-colonial America, if you will.

Outrealm feels incredibly cheap as a plot device, and I don't like such large-scale callbacks without being the same character. I feel like if a character is simply a reference and not the character themselves the similarities should be more subtle, not down to using the exact same voice actor.

The only reason I disagree with the first 2 sentences is I'm worried that they're supports will be too similar to their Awakening look-a-likes if the theory that they're the present timeline kids all grown up is true. But if they can make their supports original, than I'd agree. They could do that by focusing more on their motivations, backstories and showing other aspects of their character. I also wouldn't mind getting some small tidbits about how Ylisse and their cast is doing if they are in fact the present children of First generation units.

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The only reason I disagree with the first 2 sentences is I'm worried that they're supports will be too similar to their Awakening look-a-likes if the theory that they're the present timeline kids all grown up is true. But if they can make their supports original, than I'd agree. They could do that by focusing more on their motivations, backstories and showing other aspects of their character. I also wouldn't mind getting some small tidbits about how Ylisse and their cast is doing if they are in fact the present children of First generation units.

I mean, it is a different writer, so hopefully he'll have a new approach if this was the case.

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The inclusion of luna, Odin and whatever inigo is called really bothers me not only because they are returning children, But because (I know I have an unpopular opinion) but Severa, Owain where two characters I could not stand in awakening and I couldn't really care less about Inigo

I'm also pretty sure that we are getting a Noire clone as well (yay a child character I actually like) because There was a dark mage that looked similar to her in the introduction trailer and she was the third most popular female second gen character after lucina and Severa(how did severa even get popular?) so they will probably add her as the last one so that there is two guys and two girls returning

Edited by Mackc2
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I just hope Luna and Lazward are more mature, especially the latter. I liked Inigo on paper, but they seemed quite obsessed with portraying him as a loser for some reason, and as a result his character felt like a complete missed opportunity.

Owain on the other hand had a very strong personality and was extremely popular, so there's probably not much of a need to change anything there.

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I mean, it is a different writer, so hopefully he'll have a new approach if this was the case.

They had multiple writers (likely for the supports) in Awakening, I think it'll be the same case here. We'll get some extra writers just for the supports if they aren't heavily cut down.

I don't really see how they could be related to the Ylisse cast....Unless Nohr and Hoshido are one of the many countries of valm?

Nah, that wouldn't work. It could be another continent in the same world though.

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They had multiple writers (likely for the supports) in Awakening, I think it'll be the same case here. We'll get some extra writers just for the supports if they aren't heavily cut down.

Nah, that wouldn't work. It could be another continent in the same world though.

I thought it was just the two but I guess we never did see a full globe

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Awakening's world map itself showed that there were lands beyond those continents. FE4/5 also is supposed to take place in another continent in the same world too (the Deadlords wield weapons from there in Awakening's main story).

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They had multiple writers (likely for the supports) in Awakening, I think it'll be the same case here. We'll get some extra writers just for the supports if they aren't heavily cut down.

I'd imagine even with multiple writers they'd likely check across for consistency of character voice and stuff, and the writing team should be communicating with each other. They gave the name of a relatively big-name writer for If this time and anything that gets written will likely end up going under his name whether he wrote it or not, so likely he'll at least approve the content before it goes in.

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Awakening's world map itself showed that there were lands beyond those continents. FE4/5 also is supposed to take place in another continent in the same world too (the Deadlords wield weapons from there in Awakening's main story)

Huh..guess I must have overlooked that.

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Awakening's world map itself showed that there were lands beyond those continents. FE4/5 also is supposed to take place in another continent in the same world too (the Deadlords wield weapons from there in Awakening's main story).

I thought I read somewhere that those Continents where all just Ylisse used as a filler

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I thought I read somewhere that those Continents where all just Ylisse used as a filler

That's true, they're weren't actually uniquely designed landmasses, but they were seemingly thrown there to give the impression of more lands beyond the sea, rather than just endless sea surrounding the two continents.

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