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Awakening children returning?


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What happened to "this game is not related to any of the other Fire Emblem games?" Outrealm antics automatically connect it to Awakening.

I think we had taken this far too literally, given recent info. And Outrealms aren't the most likely explanation for these characters (if they bother to offer an explanation), it's just travel within the same world.

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I hate it. I was really hoping that this game and Awakening would be completely separate games. I just hope they don't add any more than these three. It doesn't help that I really didn't like Severa and Inigo and found Owain irritating. I'm killing them off the first chance I get so I won't have to see them on the character select screen.

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If they are making Awakening children expys why not Yarne? He is so adorable!

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I really loved Awakening and was excited to see similarities of characters at first, but, this is really not the way I wanted it. Look at that inigo and Severa lookalike, for example, seriously.

Also, I've always wanted a character named Luna as it's my real name, but I really never wanted it to be anything related to Severa. ;-;

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As much as I like Inigo and Severa (especially Inigo, I love him. I'm neutral to Owain though), I don't like these references/whatever they are. It's going over the line. Priam was a good way to reference a character, they should've taken that route (though the characters don't necessarily have to be descendants of Awakening characters). A character that looks a bit similar and has some of the same mannerisms, but not an outright clone like these three are.

I'm not going to play Nohr anyway though, so I'm glad they won't be showing up in my Hoshido game.

I really dig that blue pigtail girl though, she is CUTE! :D

Edited by Anacybele
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What I fear the most is that their support conversations would somewhat be a copy-paste from their Awakening counterparts (not literally, but the gimmicks will still be played to their extremes), seeing that their personalities are almost the same.

Ideally, they should never have existed in the first place. But at this rate, I'm not sure if I even care anymore. I've pretty much lost all hopes for this game's story and characterization following the recent revelations. All I care about now is the gameplay aspect, something IS at least seems to be putting their efforts in.

These are my thoughts exactly. Excellent post man. I couldn't have said it better.

Still probably gonna play the game and see the end result.

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I'm not sold on the idea that they're expys, Luna makes a reference to the Awakening Avatar in her dialogue.

Granted, it isn't an explicit reference.

She might just have been referencing that it was another Kamui visiting. Still, IS basically revealed her existence with that quote, and none of the other characters in the video say something similar. So, yeah, I think it could be a direct reference to Robin.

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She might just have been referencing that it was another Kamui visiting. Still, IS basically revealed her existence with that quote, and none of the other characters in the video say something similar. So, yeah, I think it could be a direct reference to Robin.

The others are giving ressources to you, so logically, they're talking about that. But you can bet that the smarties at IS did that on purpose.

Edited by Cysx
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I'm pretty sure it's just the most popular characters returning in spirit. It's very unlikely that IS would reincarnate any other child from awakening.

-stares at Pieri's character bio- ahah I see no familiarity whatsoever with a char from awakening hahaha nope.

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Maybe they're just lookalikes, I don't see why characters of different games of the same series can't look alike (I'm looking at you Flynn and Guy).

I'm just glad that children system probably won't come back.

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Personality I like this fanservice that they're adding to if. It's not like all of their personalities are completely original to Severa, Owain, and Inigo and a homage does no damage to my view of the game. IF they are those three, then I hope there's some connectivity to Awakening because it would be cool if they could adopt the in-game hair of them. I could have teal hair Luna/Severa. At the same time though, they're only on the Nohr route which could be an added incentive to actually play the Nohr route.

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I hope they're neither outrealm nor copies, but rather just travelled long-distance boat trips.

Essentially I want Ylisse to be on the same planet, but far away enough and have no real relations and limited contact. Europe and pre-colonial America, if you will.

Outrealm feels incredibly cheap as a plot device, and I don't like such large-scale callbacks without being the same character. I feel like if a character is simply a reference and not the character themselves the similarities should be more subtle, not down to using the exact same voice actor.

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Inigo clone should be called Sol like how Severa is Luna, they compliment. But I like Inigo so its all good, but I miss the blue hair :(. Mercenaries are a really cool class and I don't mind having more characters.

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Mercenaries are a really cool class and I don't mind having more characters.

For reals. I mean, this is A LOT of characters, but I like mercenaries a lot :D Gerik had me sold on them ever since Sacred Stones. They have yet to disappoint me <3

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I'm fine with it, as long as they are not carbon copies of Severa/Inigo/Owain, they get developed non-gimmicky personalities and they get good supports.

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I'm guessing this is the devs' idea of what happened to children after the dark future is prevented or this is simply another way of recycling characters.

At least I hope they don't use Lucina. For a key character of a story to be recycled seems somewhat disrespectful to the creation of the character and myself (the fan).

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I'm still annoyed that they promised us a whole new world and then threw what are essentially characters from another world at us.

I would have been fine with the design copying, although it seems a bit lazy, but copying their personalities almost exactly is just pathetic.

Especially since I personally didn't like any of their personalities (except Inigo I guess, who's like Sain but not as awesome).

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The important part is that Odin has a passive that makes him stronger the more ridiculous his weapon's name is.

Beyond this all is inconsequential.

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At least I hope they don't use Lucina. For a key character of a story to be recycled seems somewhat disrespectful to the creation of the character and myself (the fan).

Aren't you able to actually get Lucina via amiibo?

If thats the case then I really doubt that she'll be in the game like that

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The important part is that Odin has a passive that makes him stronger the more ridiculous his weapon's name is.

Beyond this all is inconsequential.

Because infinite use forged weapons weren't going to be OP enough.

Although I do agree that's a pretty fitting skill.

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I'm still annoyed that they promised us a whole new world and then threw what are essentially characters from another world at us.

I would have been fine with the design copying, although it seems a bit lazy, but copying their personalities almost exactly is just pathetic.

Especially since I personally didn't like any of their personalities (except Inigo I guess, who's like Sain but not as awesome).

What if by "a new world" they meant a new continent, with new areas, a new story, and (save for 3) completely new characters? Is that really that disappointing?

The difference between that and a literal new planet/universe seems so inconsequential to me. I thought it would be cool to have an unrelated game, and now I think it would be cool to have a 98% unrelated game in the same world. They're both cool!

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