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Any Japanese translators who can identify what Hinoka is saying here?


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Specifically this link:


Trying to figure out if the spell caster and the thief are the only ones who can capture enemy units. It seems pointless to limit such an important mechanic to two random units of one's army.

Here, it seems like Hinoka is going to persuade the enemy unit to join. What is she saying?

(It might not indicate anything about capturing, but one can only hope.)

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Zero and Orochi are the only ones who can capture units, but it looks like you can use anyone to persuade them.

I don't know the exact words, but others have said that Hinoka is talking about showing them that their side is just.

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It seems pointless to limit such an important mechanic to two random units of one's army.

I'd imagine it won't be as important as it (apparently) was in FE5, considering that you don't seem to be severely lacking resources here.

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I'm just in a hissy-fit about it. Capturing really shouldn't be a command unique to just two units, especially considering that those units might have weak growths. In the off-chance that one of them dies (you'd probably start over anyway, but let's just assume the player decides to keep going), you wouldn't have any other unit in the army who would be able to capture other units.

It seems like a pretty critical flaw in terms of game design. You could limit the number of units you could throw into your prison just fine, but limiting the capture command seems like a really bad idea.

Maybe there will be some other way to recruit generic units from Hoshido or Nohr, aside from the Capture command, but the unknowns make the game scary sometimes. We don't even know if Kamui can reclass to all other classes yet, which is kind of an important feature, if you ask me...

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Maybe there will be some other way to recruit generic units from Hoshido or Nohr, aside from the Capture command, but the unknowns make the game scary sometimes. We don't even know if Kamui can reclass to all other classes yet, which is kind of an important feature, if you ask me...

I believe I saw something about another way to recruit units somewhere, I think it was in a Famiitsu article. It said something about a tavern, I think although I can't really remember it that well.

To be honest though, it doesn't really seem that important of a feature. I mean sure it's cool in the beginning but, speaking as a veteran, unless it's like Spotpass or the DLC characters in Awakening where they could be overpowered as fuck, I don't see too many people using it.

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It appears to just be a non gold way of recruiting generics, hardly a important mechanic not worth worrying about losing it, but i do kinda like the idea, it just seems a less... cheap way (but funnily enough it is also less expensive) i guess then using spot-pass units, plus it is easier to get a unit who matches the enemy units power. Though i kinda chuckle that if my understanding of how alot of players think is true players are probably going to try to abduct the staff wielders the most, and since we saw a enemy maid...lol. But we also saw in the boat scene a probable priestess, so i probably will capture her instead of killing her, killing defenceless units just seems cruel and dishonourable to me tbh. So any enemy healers i will probably try to make a expendable staff bot for me instead. aren't i a nice merciful player not killing staff units :)

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Well, seeing as there will be a class lock between the two factions, I can understand why it might cone in handy. The generics might even vary and could have really awesome potential. Maybe some will even have a really awesome skill that no other characters can get.

Personally, I feel like I'm only going to be using this if I find my army to be lacking in some way, but I doubt it's going to be something I use all the time, especially since one would have to set up the castle first, which will likely not happen till after chapter 5/6.

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