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I can't honestly tell if IS forgot about telling us about the Blue-Haired Maid...


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Or it's intentional of why why haven't heard anything about her yet. I just find it so weird.

Anybody else wonders this too?

This means two things: She's so important that they don't want to reveal anything about her (Mysterious Waif) or she's so unimportant that IS and Famitsu skipped over her.

We have 1 (2?) weeks left of Famitsu... Will she finally be revealed?

Edited by Kamui-of-Nohr
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Maybe they just think "well they already know about the other maid character and class lets show them other characters that are newer/more unique at the moment"

I doubt that. They already revealed to us two mercenaries, a paladin, and etc...

It's just so weird. Why wasn't she introduced alongside Felicia,Gunter and Joker? Why is it taking so long to introduce her to us?

Clearly the Famitsu scans are meant to show us what characters each side has while showing us characters that will side with us no matter what.

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I find it pretty weird too. Most characters that we manage to catch a glimpse of at least have their names revealed not too long after, but this maid of mystery has remained nameless for approximately forever. People are speculating that Setsuna (blue-haired archer) is a reclassed version of her, but for her to consistently appear as an archer in-game while clearly being a maid...

On top of which, she is featured on the boxart of all things. I do feel like it is intentional ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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I find it pretty weird too. Most characters that we manage to catch a glimpse of at least have their names revealed not too long after, but this maid of mystery has remained nameless for approximately forever. People are speculating that Setsuna (blue-haired archer) is a reclassed version of her, but for her to consistently appear as an archer in-game while clearly being a maid...

On top of which, she is featured on the boxart of all things. I do feel like it is intentional ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Good point! All of the boxart characters have been revealed so far. Just not her... I say if the Famitsu next week doesn't show her then we could definitely say that something is going on. And I doubt the Archer is her. Why would she happen to be reclassified while everyone is still in their original class?

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Because no matter what she'll defect from your party at some point no matter the route you take

It is odd that we know nothing about her, especially given that she's on the boxart. Even her face was blocked off in the scene with her and Felicia from the first trailer. My guess is that she is probably just another generic unit, perhaps a Felicia that is actually a competent maid, but there are still 2 weeks of Famitsu left like you said.

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Yeah i feel like either she is a spy for someone, maybe Garon. Or that she dies somehow, maybe by saizou.

Or both. :)

Then again there is the option of they just decided not go show her for some arbitrary reason... But what fun is that?

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My personal theory, and probably incredibly incorrect, is that she's either Aqua's mother, or half-sister. I lean more towards half-sister, but it's not impossible for her to be Aqua's mother either, though one would expect a mistress like that to be elevated to a higher status then maid. Or at least serving Garon, rather then Kamui.

Her being Aqua's half-sister though would explain why most of the Nohr siblings have blond hair, and only Camilla and Aqua have different hair colours. If she is Aqua's half-sister, then I also believe that Aqua and Camilla are full siblings, and that they're only half-siblings to Marx, Leon, and Elise. And of course their mother is dead, and blue haired maids relation to royalty, even though she's got no royal blood herself, is why they gave her a position as a maid in the castle.

But, like I said, this is just a theory.

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I think they're keeping it secret to keep a semblance of mystery, y'know? Granted, I'm probably going to spoil myself on all of the characters before playing the game... but IS doesn't want to give out all of its cards yet.

That said, I think the blue maid might be a character that joins in the later segment of the game. Most of the characters we've seen so far seem to be characters that join early on, as they're either part of the royal family or subordinates of the royal family. That guarantees that we'll be getting them pretty quickly. That's only natural, since IS would be more willing to reveal early characters, while they would be more reluctant to reveal later characters.

So maybe the blue maid will join in the middle of the game and serve an important function in the story, like Lucina. As in, Lucina shows up earlier on (similar to how we see the blue maid and Felicia wake up the Avatar) in the story, but her existence is left as a mystery until she truly joins your team later on.

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SPECULATION TIME!: She might be a generic, someone who sacrifices herself to help you escape when you learn from Suzukaze, who infiltrated your castle with the help of Rinka, that you're really a Hoshidan royal by blood. After learning this your siblings rush in and try to harm them, Leon blasts them away with his tree spell and then casts his fireball at Suzukaze but you defend him with your blade. When they question you and things become heated shit hits the fan and in the end you find yourself, Rinka and Suzukaze locked up as ordered by Garon (Kamui could either be locked up in his room or in the prison) and then this is where your maids and butler come to the rescue! They break you all out of your cells, and you are all in a rush to escape, you can hear the soldiers chasing you, Blue Hair maid realizes you won't be able to outrun them and stays behind to help hold them back, Suzukaze and Rinka urge you forward. Felicia and Joker agree, In the end she nobley sacrifices herself for you. Or it could be a case of the Jargen, as you're escaping Gunter joins you and you're faced with a choice of leaving someone behind in order to hold them off. This could also be when Cyrus joins you as well but I feel like that's a bit later.

In any case this is just some major speculation for the sake of it, who knows what role she'll play if any. She might be a Callum kind of character for all we know, one who doesn't get noticed by anyone or doesn't call for attention. This might also be why they're leaving her veiled in mystery as she's meant to be mysterious and forgettable, like the ghost of the game so-to-speak.

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I hope she's secretly a spy or something. For an added bonus, have that attitude that generally creeps people out.

Either that or she just joins pretty late-game, like a Gotoh. I hope there's more to her than one would think though, because it's kind of suspicious that IS wouldn't reveal anything about her yet.

What's if its all an illusion? Maybe she never existed at all...

Ooh, spooky.

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Maybe she is Setsuna in disguise as a maid: she is a spy from Hoshido in Nohr territory and then she joins your Hoshidan team as the archer she really is (?)

That would be cool, because if not we would have 3 maids/butlers from the beginning and I don't really like this idea. I think she must be playable, how would a generic unit be in the box art?

Edited by Kyan Surr
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In any case, Felicia captured much of the attention of the Japanese public.

And seeing people saying she's a spy... The truth wouldn't be surprised.

Come on IS you're leaving this issue for too long in the shadows, no wonder when people are saying as she's a spy.

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The clear concept behind the box arts is for each to be a reflection of the other one, so she could just be there because of Felicia. Gunther himself is hardly featured anywhere from what we've seen. In any case, plot aside, my bet is on her being a mid-game recruitment, as an actually competent maid.

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My guess would be is she's not recruitable, but is still important enough to warrant her appearance on the cover.

This way they don't have to reveal what side she is on -- cause saying she's on this side/that side/both would imply she is a playable character.

Edited by squkyshoes
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My guess would be is she's not recruitable, but is still important enough to warrant her appearance on the cover.

This way they don't have to reveal what side she is on -- cause saying she's on this side/that side/both would imply she is a playable character.

I really doubt she is unplayable.

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