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Post-release Planning Thread


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So I count less than 2 weeks until Fire Emblem if releases in Japan.

Now, I've witnessed a total of 6 Fire Emblem releases during my time (starting with The Sacred Stones) and I know things can get a bit hectic around the time of a game's release.

As such, I wanted to create this thread to discuss how everyone wants the upcoming post-release information to be organised.

In the past, we usually had one absolutely mammoth thread containing all the new findings. But in hindsight, although those threads were exciting, they were a pain to follow and an even bigger pain to find specific information.

This time around, I was hoping to have not one "mega" thread, but several smaller mega threads for specific information. Eg. characters, classes, items, chapters(?), storyline(?). (Feel free to suggest more.)

In addition, are there any volunteers who would like to manage said threads?

I will consider anyone for the task, but I would ideally want members who are fairly (or very) active and well-organised. These members would create the thread and routinely* update the first post with any major findings (such as by linking to specific posts within the thread).

EDIT: To clarify, you don't need to have imported the game(s). I won't have the game, but I'll be managing a thread.

(If you are getting the game, that would be a bonus, if you can tear yourself away from the game for a few moments that is : P)

* Like at least once a day during the first few weeks.

Note that these threads will be solely for the convenience of forums users. For example, you don't need to specifically format the information or forward it to me so I can add it to the main site. (I have my own sources, although I may visit the information threads if I need extra information.)

As a final note, for those who are actively avoiding Fire Emblem if spoilers, there will be something for you next week, most likely.

Edited by VincentASM
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I like the idea of creating smaller threads for specific information, it would help people find what they want immediately and such. If you're willing to have any member organize information threads, I'll volunteer for something since I am almost always online anyway and will actually be importing a copy of this game.

Edited by Sunwoo
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By the time the game comes out I'll have finished my exams, so I'll have a lot of free time to spare. I'm not exactly going to nolife the game immediately though, so by the time I find something it'll probably already be leaked all over the place. I guess I could help out with verifying information?

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I like the idea of creating smaller threads for specific information, it would help people find what they want immediately and such. If you're willing to have any member organize information threads, I'll volunteer for something since I am almost always online anyway and will actually be importing a copy of this game.


Actually, if you're importing, I worry organising the thread and playing the game at the same time will be too stressful for you XD

Unless it takes a week for the game to arrive or something.

Edited by VincentASM
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Actually, if you're importing, I worry organising the thread and playing the game at the same time will be too stressful for you XD

Unless it takes a week for the game to arrive or something.

I actually love organizing random things, I find it relaxing for some reason! Also, it's entirely possible that my copy won't arrive for at least a week after the initial release, so I most likely won't be playing it immediately after it comes out.

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By the time the game comes out I'll have finished my exams, so I'll have a lot of free time to spare. I'm not exactly going to nolife the game immediately though, so by the time I find something it'll probably already be leaked all over the place. I guess I could help out with verifying information?

That could work too.

Just to clarify, the task mainly involves organising the front page with important information users have found, although if you find anything yourself, you're welcome to add that too.

I actually love organizing random things, I find it relaxing for some reason! Also, it's entirely possible that my copy won't arrive for at least a week after the initial release, so I most likely won't be playing it immediately after it comes out.

Haha, I see.

Hmm, I think I can understand that sentiment somewhat.

Just be mindful that there may be times when a lot of information comes rushing in at once. But just take your time and relax. People can always search the threads themselves if the information isn't on the front page yet.

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Truth be told, I haven't been following if a great deal, but I'd be happy to lend a hand with the madness. I'm not fussed with being spoiled, and it can't be that much nuttier than mafia!

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Just be mindful that there may be times when a lot of information comes rushing in at once. But just take your time and relax. People can always search the threads themselves if the information isn't on the front page yet.

Understood, boss! I'll do my best to keep up-to-date with the information as it comes in, but not so much that I'm stressing myself out over it either.

Also Shin nothing is nuttier than mafia. Keeping up with OPs and role PMs and votals, oh my.

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That could work too.

Just to clarify, the task mainly involves organising the front page with important information users have found, although if you find anything yourself, you're welcome to add that too.

Okay, that shouldn't be too hard.

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Individual threads for topics sounds like the best idea imo. That way people who want to only see specific parts (characters/classes/etc) won't have to risk reading tons of story spoilers (or whatever else they want to avoid) by it all being in the same thread. It's also much easier to have discussions about the topics without a million other discussions going on in the same thread at the same time.

This will be the first time I've followed a FE release, so I'm looking forward to it. That being said, I've been around for a lot of Pokemon releases/leaks so I know just how crazy things can become...

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I think having smaller threads for specific information is definity the best way for this.

And while I'm not great with organization (meaning I wouldn't be able to man a thread very well), I will be importing the game, so I'll at least be able to help give any tidbits of information I find. I am importing the physical copy, though, so I may not have any "new" info until the first week of July, which may be too late haha

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Unfortunately, I won't be active in that period of time, so I can't do the management. That said, I'll definitely help out with finding random information/news in case other people haven't posted them yet.

And yes, I also support the idea of multiple smaller threads.

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I won't be importing the game, but I've made a couple posts/threads in this manner for pre-release info so I'd be glad to help out with the management! As long as people don't go crazy with story-related spoilers that is;;

Edited by Bovinian
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I think it's a good idea, yeah.

Are we doing support translations again? I can't really transcribe them or translate them, but I can take pictures of the dialogue lmao.

I won't be managing a thread, but I'm willing to help with screenshots(using miiverse, so it's really tedious to do a lot, though) and small information requests.

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Heh, does my little kanji thread count as my contribution?

Regardless, I agree that smaller threads for certain elements of the game would benefit everyone. Sadly, I don't think I'm up for the task of organizing a thread like that since I wouldn't want anyone to actually count on me for something. I'll gladly help out in any way I can besides that, however; I've got the game pre-downloaded already, so I'll hopefully be able to contribute something.

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I think this could definetaly help, especially for thise who want to avoid spoilers. I would love to contribute with an idea I have. It`s basically a thread for major spoilers (plot, character deaths, characters we don`t know about,ect).

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I'm mainly a lurker, but I'm willing to manage a thread if needed. I won't be importing, but since I come here several times a day to scrounge for information anyway, it only makes sense to help keep it organized.

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I definitely feel like smaller threads are the way to go. That way people who only want specific spoilers are able to get the information they need without having to dodge landmines as much.

I could definitely help out if needed for any of the threads. I have my copy already downloaded and ready to go, and I certainly don't mind spoilers of any type.

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Yeah, I think it's a good idea to have pinned threads that are only updated with specific information, such as:

Character Recruitment Thread

Support Thread

Class Thread


It may also help to create a different board for guides or other technical information. But idk, I haven't set up a forum before.

I think the biggest problem right now is we don't yet know enough to know what we need. For example, are there going to be special rules about supports that would justify giving them their own thread (eg, Chrom marrying Olivia requiring a certain series of conditions, or Pent and Louise) or are they all going to be straightforward?

Similarly, are there going to be specific conditions to recruit characters (Douglas, Raven, etc.) or is it going to be ridiculously straightforward (Awakening).

I mean, do we even know if there are going to be side missions yet?

Edit: I'm also willing to manage a (hopefully) minor thread if needed, but I'm not importing and I can't speak (or read) a word of Japanese.

Edited by dragonlordsd
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I support the idea of there being multiple mini-threads. I'm afraid I don't think I could manage one, but I think the idea is a great one and it seems like it would indeed improve the situation you speak of.

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I do think multiple, focused threads is a sound approach. 2 questions come to mind:

1) Are we looking for only the most massive topics, or moderate ones? For instance, considering there are 60+ classes and a cast larger than Awakening there could easily be over 200 skills in the game. Would that warrant a Skills Mega-Thread, or would the Character and Class Threads mentioning the Personal and Class Skills make it redundant?

2) Is this just regarding information-gathering threads, or general Mega-Thread planning? For instance I recall the Support Conversations Thread was a big part of Awakening's release, but that was a group translation project that went well beyond mere information accumulation.

At any rate I'm up for helping out where I can.

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Multiple threads does seem to be the way to go, seeing that it'll make it easier to locate the information you actually want. Plus with the added bonus of being less likely to plunder into spoilers.

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Multiple threads will most definitely be easier, especially for those (like me) who are only looking to get a few choice pieces of information before they vanish into the ether to avoid spoilers till localization. The organization would be extremely helpful.

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