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Anyone here from EU?

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I hope there's no gap between... ;-; I couldn't resist everybody in the world having the game but us... and having to wait more D:

Was there a gap with Awakening? How long was it?

There was a two and a half month gap between EU and American releases,so yes,there most likely will be a gap. Hopefully it's just a month this time... >_>

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I really really hope the gap will be as short as possible. Saying that NoE takes more time to translate since there are 5 languages is such a lame excuse. NoA has to translate from Japanese and do voice acting, so they have their amount of things to do too. And besides, NoE should have the people to translate in all 4 languages(since English should remain the same as the American version). Smash and Pokemon came out worldwide in 1-2 weeks and they still had lots of text to translate, but since FE doesn't sell as well, there will be a gap.

Sorry for the rant, but I really hate that to avoid spoilers I must isolate myself from anything about the game for who knows how much time.

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I'm all for a simultaneous release (so long as it isn't the result of a delayed NA release), but...

I really really hope the gap will be as short as possible. Saying that NoE takes more time to translate since there are 5 languages is such a lame excuse. NoA has to translate from Japanese and do voice acting, so they have their amount of things to do too. And besides, NoE should have the people to translate in all 4 languages(since English should remain the same as the American version). Smash and Pokemon came out worldwide in 1-2 weeks and they still had lots of text to translate, but since FE doesn't sell as well, there will be a gap.

Sorry for the rant, but I really hate that to avoid spoilers I must isolate myself from anything about the game for who knows how much time.

this is, well, life. 5 times the work is a "lame excuse?" The idea that Smash and Pokemon have a similar amount of text to a typical FE, especially this one (given it is basically two games instead of one)? Smash? That doesn't even have text aside from menus and a few other things. Pokemon has plenty more than Smash, but still a lot less than FE, and is also, well, Pokemon (aka a marketing mega giant).

I understand being frustrated that Europe typically gets their games after everyone else, but these complaints are illogical.

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I really really hope the gap will be as short as possible. Saying that NoE takes more time to translate since there are 5 languages is such a lame excuse. NoA has to translate from Japanese and do voice acting, so they have their amount of things to do too. And besides, NoE should have the people to translate in all 4 languages(since English should remain the same as the American version). Smash and Pokemon came out worldwide in 1-2 weeks and they still had lots of text to translate, but since FE doesn't sell as well, there will be a gap.

Sorry for the rant, but I really hate that to avoid spoilers I must isolate myself from anything about the game for who knows how much time.

There's a slight issue with that... And that issue is that there are variations between British and American English. If the English version remained the same as the American version, then there would be sentences (and spellings) that would not make sense.

Two examples of this:

1) British English uses Humour. For Americans it's Humor.

2) British English says Ground Floor. For Americans its First floor.

There are loads more examples that I could have chosen, but for the sake of having a short message, I'm not going to put them all down.

So, in a nutshell- there are still some translations that need to be made. This is why the English version wouldn't and shouldn't be the same as the American version.

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I really wish I knew more about these sort of things; it's always been strange for me, coming from a small country where we never translate games or dub movies to our own language, that we just can't import the American version.

Oh well, I've got the game pre-downloaded on my Japanese 3DS, so I dodged a bullet this time.

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Well, I have an American 3ds, but the issue for me is that it's a complete bitch to get a game imported from America to Europe.

I really wish I knew more about these sort of things; it's always been strange for me, coming from a small country where we never translate games or dub movies to our own language, that we just can't import the American version.

Oh well, I've got the game pre-downloaded on my Japanese 3DS, so I dodged a bullet this time.

What country is that?

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I'm from Belgium :) And no, no imported 3DS, but I saw the "regionfour" with Cubic Ninja, so I was planning to order a japanese copy but..Sold out, sadly.

And I hope so, but I think it would be the same as Awakening.

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Can't be worse than Devil Soul Overclocked (18 months for a bugridden translation) #neverforget

Yeah, I hope our fellow American fans will avoid spoiling too much between the gap (though the fact there's two games should help here.)

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Yeah, I hope our fellow American fans will avoid spoiling too much between the gap (though the fact there's two games should help here.)

Whelp! I kinda forgot about that.

There being two quite seperate storylines probably means, that there will be a lot more text than for example Awakening had, so translating could take even longer!

On the other hand the series is more popular now than it was before Awakening, so they might put more manpower into it.

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I'm from Britain, and I would be a little annoyed if they didn't change the spellings and localise it further to accommodate differences between British English and American English.

Well, I don't have a JP 3DS, so I'll just wait out my time until the EU release :D

I do find it ANNOYING that we get it after both America and Japan...

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I still don't understand how a later release date for Europe seems to be purely due to the more translation when they can release a re-make in Europe before it get's to NA. They suddenly don't have to translate anymore? And they could just have NA and EU people start working on the translations as soon as Japan has it's scripts done (and just inform EU/NA of changes) so that we don't have to wait until japan has finished the game before we're able to get it (and for people in Europe, Americans will also have finished the game before I can even play it). that makes it really hard to stay spoiler free.

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From the EU. I'll just have to wait, got a PAL 3DS. Fortunately I have a buying backlog to catch up on and Record Breaker coming in Autumn, and EOU 2 in early 2016 and maybe Bravely Second coming first, all to distract me from spoiling myself. >_< And I'll need the distraction.

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It annoys me that the whole world always get games before Europe (or maybe more of the fact that Australia shares Europe release dates or gets it even later) If Nintendo is going to make Europe wait an extra month then America should suffer the same fate because there are still people on america who don't speak English

Rant over

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I feel that even a gap of one week would be too long.

Edited by Yari
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I still don't understand how a later release date for Europe seems to be purely due to the more translation when they can release a re-make in Europe before it get's to NA. They suddenly don't have to translate anymore? And they could just have NA and EU people start working on the translations as soon as Japan has it's scripts done (and just inform EU/NA of changes) so that we don't have to wait until japan has finished the game before we're able to get it (and for people in Europe, Americans will also have finished the game before I can even play it). that makes it really hard to stay spoiler free.

Yeah, especially when the Layton Games somehow managed to comes in EU sooner (with full VAs in each of the main country languages, including specific British VAs).

Same things with Fantasy Life (Bravely Default too, but it's a somewhat special case).

Though in those case, why US didn't had it at the same case is what's strange...

So it's clearly not the only issue here.

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There's a slight issue with that... And that issue is that there are variations between British and American English. If the English version remained the same as the American version, then there would be sentences (and spellings) that would not make sense.

Two examples of this:

1) British English uses Humour. For Americans it's Humor.

2) British English says Ground Floor. For Americans its First floor.

There are loads more examples that I could have chosen, but for the sake of having a short message, I'm not going to put them all down.

So, in a nutshell- there are still some translations that need to be made. This is why the English version wouldn't and shouldn't be the same as the American version.

Games are never "translated" into British English though, they just import the English translation used in America.

Edited by EJ107
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