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Why does Aqua side with Kamui anyway?


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I hope its something other than " love at first sight" or some other garbage like that. It's cliché and lazy writing.

I'm really betting on she wants to stop the war and sees that Kamui has pull on both sides so for better or worse she helps Kamui.

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If Kamui doesn't join hoshido they probably don't consider her a missing family member anymore...and therefor have no reason to hold a counter-hostage. Without the threat of Kamui being hurt if she's hurt Aqua loses a lot of safety in Hoshido. I can see why she'd escape to Nohr.

Dunno why she'd stay in Hoshido with Kamui tho...

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I wasn't around back then, so I wouldn't know. Still, it just suddenly hit me that we know very little. For instance, we know nothing about the Nosferatu and the things I mentioned earlier.

We at least know they exist and seem to be more of a Nohr problem so that's ... Something

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It very likely has something to do with Kamui's dragon transformation. Aqua seems to know a lot more about it than Kamui does. She's either helping Kamui 'because destiny said so' or is perhaps using Kamui as a part of her own plans.

Something I'd really like to see is how the Nohrs react to Aqua suddenly showing up again in the Nohr route. "Hey, I'm the long lost princess! Long time no see!"

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It very likely has something to do with Kamui's dragon transformation. Aqua seems to know a lot more about it than Kamui does. She's either helping Kamui 'because destiny said so' or is perhaps using Kamui as a part of her own plans.

Something I'd really like to see is how the Nohrs react to Aqua suddenly showing up again in the Nohr route. "Hey, I'm the long lost princess! Long time no see!"

I'm looking forward to that too, actually. We haven't seen the Nohr siblings or Garon say anything whatsoever about Aqua, but if she's in the same position as Kamui, then they should want her to return, right?

I wonder how she's treated in Hoshido. Even if I doubt Kamui's life was all sunshine and kittens, he's still loved by his adoptive siblings, and somehow I doubt Aqua can say the same since we have hardly seen her interact with anyone.

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That would still fall under, "Destiny told me to." though.

"We're destined to save the world so let's do so." kind of thing.

Please No dont be that

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whats to say aqua wasn't taken recently by hoshido and actually grew up with kamui for a while

Simple: their introduction. Kamui explains that he was born in Hoshido and raised in Nohr, while Aqua explains that the opposite happened to her. If they knew each other beforehand, they'd hardly need to explain something like that.

Also, I believe they'll push Aqua and Kamui a bit as a pairing, which is easier if she's neither blood related nor grew up with Kamui.

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I think they'll go with the "for peace and harmony" reasoning of working together.

But there's no doubt they'll be trying to push (Male)Kamui x Aqua as the main pairing, just like they did with Chrom x Sumia/Fem!Avatar over the other choices.

Personally, I'd prefer there wouldn't be an 'obvious' pairing from the beginning but eh..I'll live.

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Don't really care if they have some "premier" pair like Chrom & Sumia or something like that planned ahead as long as they don't force it down my throat.

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Well, Kamui's goal in both routes is apparently to overthrow Garon to stop the war. Aqua is Nohr's "former" princess, meaning she may become Nohr's rightful leader without Garon around. So if you put two and two together...

I'm not convinced that's right myself, though. In a lot of ways, Aqua really doesn't seem to care much about anything.

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Who remembers shadowofchaos's second song translation video?


If you look at the lyrics it seems like this was indeed destiny, and that's why she follows him. He's the flowing water, being the main character. Awakening the dreams of both sides followed by a "song of peace" she needs to go with him, destiny calls!

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Who remembers shadowofchaos's second song translation video?

If you look at the lyrics it seems like this was indeed destiny, and that's why she follows him. He's the flowing water, being the main character. Awakening the dreams of both sides followed by a "song of peace" she needs to go with him, destiny calls!

And Dragon dong!

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