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Kamui and Aqua's Fighting Style


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So we know that Aqua and Kamui don't have a clue how to fight in a way that is sensical. With Kamui obviously being a chrom fan and Aqua exemplifying exactly why she is a support unit.

But have we seen any critical or skill hits by these guys, So the critical hits and Skill activations will obviously be even more showy but anyone got any theories on how its even possible to be any more nonsensical.

Also Have we seen Kamui attack as dragon yet, Does he breath fire like manatakes or does he just hit them and what does everyone think his dragon crits will be.

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So we know that Aqua and Kamui don't have a clue how to fight in a way that is sensical. With Kamui obviously being a chrom fan and Aqua exemplifying exactly why she is a support unit.

But have we seen any critical or skill hits by these guys, So the critical hits and Skill activations will obviously be even more showy but anyone got any theories on how its even possible to be any more nonsensical.

Also Have we seen Kamui attack as dragon yet, Does he breath fire like manatakes or does he just hit them and what does everyone think his dragon crits will be.

We've seen Kamui attacking someone in his human form but with a morphed arm which might be his critical attack. Makes me wonder why he needs a special golden sword if that were the case, but I'm just speculating here.

We have seen Kamui attack someone in his dragon form somewhere. If memory serves, he charged the opponent with his head and horns.

Edited by Thane
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We have seen Kamui attack someone in his dragon form somewhere. If memory serves, he charged the opponent with his head and horns.

He actually just straight-up shoryuken's the opponent with his head.

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I think battlefield isn't a place for acrobatics, though i'm already used to see them, but something does feels odd about their animations and i'm unable to point it out.

Edited by Lawful Angry
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Me too. I don't get why people keep complaining.

Well, you said earlier that you "mostly agreed" with me when we were discussing this earlier, when I explained at length why both Kamui and Aqua's fighting animations make no sense other than to look visually appealing to some people.

People are always entitled to their own opinions, and I don't mind flashy moves every once in a while, but I can't think of any word other than "stupid" for their fighting styles, Aqua being the worst offender. However, if you had bothered to remember the arguments you had responded to earlier today, you'd understand why some of us are complaining, so don't give me that nonsense.

Edited by Thane
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FE is riddled with nonsensical and flashy fighting though, I mean just look at any of the old GBA games or PoR/Radiant Dawn (especially Radiant Dawn). Honestly I don't mind it too much, I do think it's weird how Kamui holds their sword considering the length of it but if I liked PoR despite the fact that Mia could wield a blade in one hand that was larger than her well, then I have no room to judge.

Edited by Kyza
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Aqua's case isn't that nonsensical, when you consider that her fighting style looks like a dance. Kamui though, yeah I got nothing. And yes Dramui is seen attacking with his horns. Nintendo Direct, May 31st, 8:13.

He still adds in that extra twirl.

Eh, I can deal with it. I don't think it's too bad and ^ yeah, look at the GBA games especially. Flashy as hell.

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I don't dislike their attack animations for being "unrealistic," I dislike them for not communicating force at all. For all the goofiness of previous titles, they tended to at least depict straight, powerful-looking motions. All the twirling around and side-to-side movement of Kamui and Aqua's attacks does the opposite.

Flourishes should come before a good, directional strike, not while you're bringing the blade down. Even if you had no experience with animation, if someone asked you to draw the keypoints of a strong-looking attack, you wouldn't draw their sword pointing in five different directions.

The only Kamui animation I like so far is this one at 1:23, because the sword is kept on the same axis, and the flip serves to exaggerate the downward force. The twirly motions we've seen more recently don't accomplish that at all.

Edited by Lynsanity
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I don't dislike their attack animations for being "unrealistic," I dislike them for not communicating force at all. For all the goofiness of previous titles, they tended to at least depict straight, powerful-looking motions. All the twirling around and side-to-side movement of Kamui and Aqua's attacks does the opposite.

Flourishes should come before a good, directional strike, not while you're bringing the blade down. Even if you had no experience with animation, if someone asked you to draw the keypoints of a strong-looking attack, you wouldn't draw their sword pointing in five different directions.

The only Kamui animation I like so far is this one at 1:23, because the sword is kept on the same axis, and the flip serves to exaggerate the downward force. The twirly motions we've seen more recently don't accomplish that at all.

I understand the complain about Kamui's weird twirly attack (looks like he's drunk. If he wants to spin and slice, he can just copy Kazahana's critical animation.)

But I don't understand the Aqua criticism, is it because of how she's swinging her spear like it's an axe or sword? That's the only weird thing I can spot.

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There's always been "nonsensical" fighting in FE. This thread is the epitome of nitpicking something that doesn't matter in the slightest, as far as "reality/making sense". You know this is a fantasy video game with monsters and magic right?

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^ but it is nonsensical fighting that I don't like, that makes it completely different.

Sorry for the straw-man there but that is what it kinda seems to me, if you don't personally like it fine but bringing real world fighting movements or physics into it doesn't make any sense to me.

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There's always been "nonsensical" fighting in FE. This thread is the epitome of nitpicking something that doesn't matter in the slightest, as far as "reality/making sense". You know this is a fantasy video game with monsters and magic right?

^ but it is nonsensical fighting that I don't like, that makes it completely different.

Sorry for the straw-man there but that is what it kinda seems to me, if you don't personally like it fine but bringing real world fighting movements or physics into it doesn't make any sense to me.

Art, especially animation, is informed by how real things move. It's "nonsensical" from a design perspective. I don't think people are complaining because it's not good renaissance fair combat recreation or whatever, but because it doesn't look good. Previous animations in the series often looked good (I'm partial to the ones from FE6-8, less so 9-12)

It may seem like nitpicking but unless you turn animations off, you'll be watching these the whole game. They belong to the main characters!

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... I didn't see anything wrong with it. Kamui flipping all over the place is hilarious and Aqua's flashier moves are natural since she seems to have some dancing experience.

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... I didn't see anything wrong with it. Kamui flipping all over the place is hilarious and Aqua's flashier moves are natural since she seems to have some dancing experience.

I will admit it is hilarious to watch but I did start this thread to get opinions on what his critical might be which I really like the half transformation idea Thane suggested

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I can imagine Aqua will incorporate some kind of dance into her crit as well, and yea Kamui's arm shape-shifting for their crit animation sounds neat as hell.

Edited by Kyza
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I can imagine Aqua will incorporate some kind of dance into her crit as well, and yea Kamui's arm shape-shifting for their crit animation sounds neat as hell.

So were going to have an one shot pair up like how Chrom and Robin could destroy a whole army while in pair up.

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... I didn't see anything wrong with it. Kamui flipping all over the place is hilarious and Aqua's flashier moves are natural since she seems to have some dancing experience.

Oh I will certainly agree that Kamui jumping around like a kid on a sugar rush is hilarious, at the very least.

The problem I have with Aqua isn't just that she's spinning, but how she actually hits her opponents; she uses her lance - with one arm - to SLICE, not thrust, the enemy. She also has her right elbow fairly close to her hips when she does it, and if you try to hit someone like that you won't gain any momentum and you'll quickly injure your arm, all for the sake of visual appeal.

Some people like it and that's great, but I'll probably roll my eyes every single time I see it.

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