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I've written down the script from the Treehouse live.


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To save you all the effort from clicking, I've written down the script. I hope I didn't miss any lines, but here is everything.


I see you made it here safely, Corrin.
Yes, Father. Long have I wished to see you and visit Castle Krakenburg again. I feel like I’m dreaming…
It is only thanks to your diligence that you are here. I am told you are now a warrior almost on par with Xander. You finally possess the strength to be an instrument of Nohr’s power in the world.
But, Father, will he be all right outside of the fortress?
I worry about that as well. Isn’t it dangerous for Corrin to live outside the fortress’s magical barrier?
I appreciate your concern, but I earned my way here and I’m ready to fight.
Corrin, as you know, Nohr is at war with the eastern Kingdom of Hoshido.
Yes, Father, I have heard as much.
We of the royal family are descendants of the ancient gods, the First Dragons. As inheritors of that divine strength, we conquer those who oppose us with ease. One who knows to wield that power can destroy an entire army of common troops. Xander, Camilla, and Leo have already shown that they possess this power. I expect no less from you.
I am aware of your expectations, Father. And I have trained every day to become more like my siblings.
Hmmm… You show promise. But you will need a suitable weapon in order to serve Nohr.
[Garon magically summons a black sword before Corrin.]
This is Ganglari, a sword infused with magic from another world. With this sword at your side, you will crush the Hoshidan army with ease.
Thank you for this generous gift, Father.
Hmm… Generous indeed.
Now, let us see you put that sword to its proper use. Release the prisoners!
Nohrian soldier [cavalier or soldier class?]:
Yes, sire!
[Two enemies, Rinkah and Kaze, appear.]
These are prisoners from our most recent skirmish with Hoshido. I want to see your power with my own eyes. Use that sword to strike them down.
Battle with the Prisoners
I shall join you, milord. My lance arm is perhaps rusty but still serviceable. Felicia, will you join as well?
Of course! I’m as much a bodyguard as a domestic, after all. To be honest, I was never that great at the domestic stuff anyway.
Rinkah [from the opposite side of the map]:
I am Rinkah! Daughter of the Flame Tribe’s honorable chieftain. What is your name, Nohrian prince?
I’m Corrin.
Corrin… Can it be?
Huh? Have you heard of me?
Kaze [silent at first]:
I am Kaze, a ninja of Hoshido. Show me what you can do.
Kill them all.
[battle starts. Victory condition: Rout the enemy!]
[Target focuses on a bright green light.]
Is that…
Is something wrong, milord?
I feel… something emanating from the ground. Could it be…
[Corrin steps on the tile with the green light, revealing the Dragon’s Vein ability as a selectable choice. Using the Dragon’s Vein magic, he clears debris on the field,
Oh! That’s amazing! You cleared away all the debris!
Heh… Well done.
Excellent plan, milord—now we can hide in their and ambush our foes.
Gunter [when selected as a unit to move]:
Be careful, milord. This is no mock battle—a mistake here could cost you your life.
Felicia [when selected as a unit to move]:
You should know I’m trained to use kunai—up close or thrown from afar. I can even hit enemies hiding behind walls, which might come in handy!
[Enemy phase: Rinkah, Kaze, and four other enemies approach.]
[Player phase]
Remember your training. Each weapon has strengths and weaknesses. You would do well to consider them before you attack.
I’m sure you know this, milord, but it’s useful to stay close to your allies. If you fight side by side, you can help each other in battle.
Indeed. Supporting each other will likely be the key to victory.
Felicia [when selected as a unit]:
Maids can also use staves to heal wounds. If you get hurt, let me know right away!
[Gunter defeats two enemy units.]
[Corrin engages Rinkah in battle.]
Behold the might of the Flame Tribe!
Kaze [engaging Gunter]:
A ninja’s shrunken may not cut deep, but it can sap you of your strength. Your death need not come all at once.
[Rinkah engages Felicia in combat; Felicia and Corrin take down Rinkah together.]
Rinkah [defeated]:
Nohian scum…
[Gunter and Corrin fight Kaze together.]
Kaze [defeated]:
I regret… Nothing…
[All enemies are defeated.]
After the Battle
Phew! They’re really tough, aren’t they? I hope all Hoshidans aren’t this strong.
Don’t just stand there, idiot boy. Finish them!
But, Father… they’re beaten. You want me to execute helpless prisoners?
You dare question me?! I order you to kill them!
No! It’s wrong!
I won’t argue the point any further.
[Garon begins casting a spell. He casts a fire spell towards Rinkah and Kaze. He misses and being casting again.]
[Garon casts the fire spell again, aiming for a direct hit, but Corrin jumps in the way, blocking the spell with his sword, Gunglari.]
Kaze [surprised]:
Corrin! What are you—
You would defy me directly, Corrin?!
Father, please forgive him! He doesn’t yet understand our situation…
Fine. Xander, you kill them. And if anyone gets in your way, kill them too.
Garon [angry face D=( ]:
Xander [hesitating at first]:
Stand down, Corrin. If you don’t, I’ll be forced to—
No, Xander. I won’t let you do this!
[Corrin and Xander swing their blades at each other and block one another’s blades.]
Why do you refuse, Corrin? You know the Hoshidans are our sworn enemies.
I know, but… this is different. These people can’t fight anymore. Why not show mercy?
Please, Corrin, don’t fight him [Xander]… My dear, sweet Corrin...
No no no! Leo, what should we do?
*sigh* Why does this fall to me?
[Leo casts an earth spell, attacking the two Hoshidans.]
Father, I have dispatched our enemies on behalf of my softhearted brother.
I only ask that you would be merciful in your punishment of him…
Enough! I will consider the matter later.
[Garon leaves.]
Leo! How could you?! They were beaten! There was no reason to execute them!
Agreed. Now hush.
Leo, did you—
Enough, both of you. The battle is over.
Mark my words, Corrin… One day an act of kindness may be the death of you.
Perhaps, but if I’m kind, I’ll die without regrets.
… Well said. I would examine the prisoners’ belongings. Bring their remains to my quarters.
Yes, Your Highness!
Leo, your spell…
Was only enough to weaken them, yes. I should have followed Father’s orders. But Camilla and Elise always make such a fuss when I do anything to upset you.
Thank you, Leo. I’m sorry for teasing you about your collar.
*sigh* You can repay me by not mentioning it again.
That was great, Brother!
It was, but I doubt this will be the last we hear of this. Father never forgets a slight.
-following scene-
Xander [to Rinkah and Kaze[:
Listen well. It is only my brother’s kind heart that has bought your freedom. Disappear now, lest you be spotted by our King.
[Kaze takes the opportunity to leave quickly.]
Tch. I am a hostage to be freed. You said your name is Corrin? When next we meet, I will make you pay for this humiliation!
I was hoping the next time we met, it could be as friends.
Softhearted fool! I am a Hoshidan warrior. You do not understand what you suggest.
I understand that right now Hoshido and Nohr are at war. But I’m trying to plan for the day the war is over and we can live in peace.
I’ve heard rumors of a sheltered Nohrian prince who knows nothing about the world. I see those rumors are true. If we do meet again, the world will have no doubt taught you the error of your ways.
Chapter 6 Scene
Xander. Withdraw your troops.
Corrin… Don’t tell me you’re siding with Hoshido.
I’m afraid so. I’ve made up my mind. I stand with Hoshido.
I feared this may come to pass.
— annoying closed 3DS screen shuts off information and visuals —
Be careful, Corrin. That man is not your brother, he’s a heartless Nohrian!
[Camilla, Elise, and Leo come rushing into the scene, on the left side of the river.]
Oh, my darling Corrin! It is wonderful to see you again.
You’ve got the devil’s luck, haven’t you, Corrin?
Yay! I’m so glad we found you in time, Brother!
[From the other side of the river]
What are you talking about, Nohrian scum? Corrin is my brother—not yours!
On the contrary. Corrin belongs to ME. You may not have him!
Don’t be fooled by their words. You belong with your true family in Hoshido!
We have loved you and raised you since you were a child. Come home, little prince. We can live as a family once more!
[Famous choose-the-family-that-you-want-to-live-with-for-the-rest-of-your-life scene.]
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Thank you very much, this is quite handy!

What got me yesterday when I watched it a second time was "the fortress' magical barrier" and "energy from another word"...I wonder if that'll be important later on in the game.

I'm also glad Kamui thinks he's a blood relative of Nohr, it makes a lot more sense and it feels so satisfying to at least get one guess right!

But damn, it's heartbreaking in chapter six when you choose Hoshido, the Nohrian siblings join the fray and are all "yay we found you!". Damn, I never expected to actually feel bad about my choice.

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First thing first, thank you very much. You must have worked really hard.

Kamui is not only naive, he is also stupid. How could he think it was a good idea to go against his father, the king ? 'So he can die at peace ?' Bouh.

Oh my, Camilla is so possessive. Kinky !

Still as egotistical as ever, those two side. :p

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Wow, this is awesome! Thank you so much for doing this. :)

I was very surprised with Leo/Leon's dialogue. He doesn't seem as cocky and arrogant as I thought he would be. And I almost teared up when they showed us Chapter 6 because I wasn't expecting it to be so sad. It seems that they've done well with the story so far, which I'm pretty pleased about.

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So Kamui is our standard all-loving hero, huh? The big question is will it bite him in the butt on the Eirika level (pretty bad but not devastating) or the Sigurd level (dead)?

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So Kamui is our standard all-loving hero, huh? The big question is will it bite him in the butt on the Eirika level (pretty bad but not devastating) or the Sigurd level (dead)?

Yeah, that was probably the only thing I reacted to negatively yesterday. I'm more hyped than ever now, especially since the story seems to be pretty damn solid from what little we've seen so far, but Kamui will probably be a very cliché snoozefest.

Maybe that changes later or depending on the path you choose, but yeah, I think he'll be very boring.

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I honestly like all-loving heroes. Give me your Jonathan Joestars and your Shirou Emiyas. I shall love them when nobody else will.

You do? I don't mind naïve good guys occasionally, but Kamui felt needlessly perfect and simultaneously stupid. Phoenix Wright at least portrays a healthy amount of skepticism, deadpan snark and gets taken advantage of several times because of his kind personality. That makes him a lot more believable.

Also, Shirou Emiya? Really? Goodness, I can't stand Fate/Stay Night.

Edited by Thane
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Yeah, but I mean I think Rinka(h) raises a good point about Kamui's character. They'll probably be super naive and unaccustomed to the actual workings of the world. Sure, they're gonna be a good-goody no matter what, but most FE protagonists are.

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Yeah, but I mean I think Rinka(h) raises a good point about Kamui's character. They'll probably be super naive and unaccustomed to the actual workings of the world. Sure, they're gonna be a good-goody no matter what, but most FE protagonists are.

That hardly makes it better; some long-running traditions aren't good simply because they're old. I literally facepalmed when Ephraim said they couldn't go to a nearby village to restock on bare necessities because they "might get involved" or something along those lines, and his men were like "yeah totes bro, good thinking".


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We must remember that kindness is before anything else, a character trait, it's not something as incredible or unique as every crappy manga wants to make you believe. Characters are not limited to only one trait, Sigurd and Ike are both hot-blooded, and nice. Plus a trait doesn't have to be used the same way for every characters or every fictions. Plus being kind doesn't mean being stupid, naive or being screwed over all the time, just like being hot-blooded doesn't mean rushing into a fight screaming. :p

I like Ephraim, but I have to admit, he puzzles me a lot.

Kamui have a good excuse: he is sheltered. Still doesn't excuse his violation of common sense though, he remind me more of your usual shota shonen hero than Sigurd or Ike.

Edited by B.Leu
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Though it should probably be noted that there may still be changes made as the game goes through final checks and edits. We're still a long way from a final product, after all.

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That hardly makes it better; some long-running traditions aren't good simply because they're old. I literally facepalmed when Ephraim said they couldn't go to a nearby village to restock on bare necessities because they "might get involved" or something along those lines, and his men were like "yeah totes bro, good thinking".

Now let's not forget that Ephraim was immediately willing to kill Lyon once L'Arachel told him that there was no hope of saving him, a strong contrast to Eirika who refused to accept this. An often overlooked accomplishment of Ephraim is that he was able to easily overcome the very same dilemma that brought Eirika down to her knees. It needed the additional layer of cruelty that Lyon was not actually possessed that did the trick.

Ephraim is definitely a decisive person, willing to do what has to be done. Remember, he also personally did the dirty work of disposing of Orson's waifu. But that decisiveness has the disadvantage to make him seem uncaring, just like L'Arachel thought the reason he seemed to be unfaced by what she said about Lyon's situation being hopeless was because he didn't actually listen to her.

Which is why it's important to give him the opportunity to show him that he is not without empathy, that he won't jump at the first opportunity to perform cruelties just because it was the most convenient way to handle things at the time. It's similar to a later scene were he tells Seth to give word to the army that those who violate the laws of the town that they were occupying will be punished: It has no purpose but to show that just because it is war, he is not completely indifferent towards the people on the other side of the border.


Kamui have a good excuse: he is sheltered. Still doesn't excuse his violation of common sense though, he remind me more of your usual shota shonen hero than Sigurd or Ike.

I'm fine with Kamui defying his father to do the right thing. I expect nothing less from a hero and I like heroes. Who wants to read a story about an asshole being an asshole and getting away with it? I sure don't.

But what bothers me is that so far, there is no lack of a visible motive for doing so. You don't get such ideas like "killing helpless enemies is wrong" on your own, not to such a degree that you would turn on those closest to you. Heck, even in a society like ours, there is no shortage of people who are happy to scoff at the rules that are in place to prevent war prisoners from being exploited. They are the enemy so they are deserving of anything that happens to them. ...quite frankly, this is the attitude that we have towards any prisoners, war or not. Not everyone outright thinks that but it's still difficult to get them to actually care about such scum at all, let alone to such a degree that they would actually do something about it.

As an alternate example, take Jill. She was perfectly happy to murder Laguz because she was taught that those monsters deserved death. In fact she is implied to have actually killed helpless Laguz herself (participation in "Laguz hunts"). This only changed after witnessing events that were at odds with what she believed to know: She saw Laguz who were helping out Beorc who were in trouble, which showed that the Laguz were not the absolute enemy of humanity like she was taught. This observation was what put her on the path that would eventually lead her to take up arms against her own country. So there is a natural change in her outlook there.

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That hardly makes it better; some long-running traditions aren't good simply because they're old. I literally facepalmed when Ephraim said they couldn't go to a nearby village to restock on bare necessities because they "might get involved" or something along those lines, and his men were like "yeah totes bro, good thinking".


Wasn't he saying that if he went to the nearby village to resupply, then it wouldn't just endanger the village but it would also alert Valter to their positions and likely get them killed?

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Wasn't he saying that if he went to the nearby village to resupply, then it wouldn't just endanger the village but it would also alert Valter to their positions and likely get them killed?

To be fair, I don't remember, I just remember thinking it was incredibly stupid. However, I think Valter knew where they were already, and that Ephraim knew trouble was coming,

When you're running low on pretty much everything, including weapons, it's pretty hard to keep fighting, especially within enemy borders. I realize it's to show he's very sympathetic and sort of idealistic, but there is such a thing as going too far.

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Wasn't he saying that if he went to the nearby village to resupply, then it wouldn't just endanger the village but it would also alert Valter to their positions and likely get them killed?

There you go:

Ephraim: “Forde, how are we on supplies and equipment?”

Forde: “It’s not looking good. Our weapons are in bad shape, and we’re running low on food. We can probably restock at a nearby village, but–“

Ephraim: “No, that’s not an option. We’re in enemy territory. I will not involve innocents if I can avoid it.”

No word from Valter. Also, getting Grado's attention was basically the entire point of their operations anyway.

I would also like to highlight that in this context "restock at a nearby village" while in enemy territory is an euphemism for plundering. Call it naive but at least call a duck a duck.

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There you go:

Ephraim: “Forde, how are we on supplies and equipment?”

Forde: “It’s not looking good. Our weapons are in bad shape, and we’re running low on food. We can probably restock at a nearby village, but–“

Ephraim: “No, that’s not an option. We’re in enemy territory. I will not involve innocents if I can avoid it.”

No word from Valter. Also, getting Grado's attention was basically the entire point of their operations anyway.

I would also like to highlight that in this context "restock at a nearby village" while in enemy territory is an euphemism for plundering. Call it naive but at least call a duck a duck.

Alright, I still think this sounds odd though, but maybe I'm just not remembering the details and if so, I apologize for starting a needless debate. However, I still think a problem in the series is that so many protagonists feel samey, and by the looks of it, Kamui won't change that pattern.

Here's to hoping I'm wrong again though.

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Alright, I still think this sounds odd though, but maybe I'm just not remembering the details and if so, I apologize for starting a needless debate. However, I still think a problem in the series is that so many protagonists feel samey, and by the looks of it, Kamui won't change that pattern.

Here's to hoping I'm wrong again though.

Oh, Kamui is nothing like the old Fire Emblem protagonists. The old Fire Emblem lords would never abuse their power and status to exploit their subordinates like Kamui does. Ike in particular was utterly outraged about Sanaki using Elincia for her personal amusement and the general behavior of the Begnion aristocracy to do whatever they pleased with those they deemed beneath them. The closest they ever came was Ephraim touching Eirika's face, but he was merely trying to comfort her at the time and not to please himself.


Of course, if Kamui was actually intended to be the kind of person he is, he might be an interesting character with the potential for an engaging story arc.

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Wait...sheltered prince who knows little of the nature of the outside world...where have I heard this before...

Kamui is probably intended to be a naive fool probably his development unfolds with the death of the opposing siblings. Ah cruel political fate.

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