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Romance! Intrigue! Honor! And WAR!! Let's Max Rank Fire Emblem 4!!

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Chapter 2 (Part 4-2)

Not that much else to do now, so Sigurd's now gonna start the fight with Zyne.
Now, back to the home castle, I make a fairly significant mistake. Deirdre uses the Warp Staff one last time before selling it, but I really should have just gotten her to 30 right here. I thought she'd get to it easily enough from the Chapter 3 arena, but she ended up having to fight more opponents than I thought she was going to. As a result, I ended up wasting several minutes trying to get her past some tough fights.
So take note future runners. Just get her to Level 30 here, don't try and get her last level from the next Chapter's arena. You'll be more efficient that way. Also, here's what Deirdre got in this chapter...
Deirdre.PNG+20 Levels, +12 HP, +2 Str, +5 Mag, +1 Skl, +2 Spd, +1 Lck, +3 Res!
Yikes, and you thought Lilina was overspecialized. Her caps aren't even that high either, so for all intents and purposes, her growth stops at Level 14, regardless of how many levels you get after that.
Anyway, now it's Aideen's turn for the Warp Staff. Hopefully she'll have better luck with her stat gains than Deirdre did :ohdear:..
Now, back to the plot. Fury is here, and we can recruit her by having Levin talk to her. But, someone's in the way, so,
Azel takes them out real quickly...
And then Levin does his part!
Levin.pngLevin: Ah, this getup? I’m doing the wandering bard thing. Whaddya think?
Fury.pngFury: Well, it’s fine. But why? I heard Your Highness was being held prisoner in Evans, so I came as fast as I could.
Levin.pngLevin: Me? A prisoner of Evans? Ha! Who would’ve told you that?
Fury.pngFury: King Shagaal of Agusty.
Levin.pngLevin: Ha! Fury, m’girl… you’ve been had! It’s nice of you to be so trustin’, but you wouldn’t last a day in the city! You’d get caught up with the wrong people… end up like Sylvia.
Huh. Well, Kaga's acknowledging that the Sylvia thing is creepy. I dunno if that makes it better or worse.
Fury.pngFury: Levin, who’s Sylvia?
Levin.pngLevin: She’s… ah… Nevermind. Anyway, what are you doin’ here again?
Fury.pngFury: Obviously I’m here to take you back to Silesia! It’s been nearly 2 years since you just up and left. Queen Rahna is a complete wreck. Please come back with me.
Levin.pngLevin: If I go back, I have to succumb to the will of my late father and succeed the throne. But my uncles would never have it. One slip up and there’d be mutiny, like there is here. You know who suffers then? The people. Give the throne to somebody who can handle that. I like the freedom I have now. I’ve no use for the crown. Give it to one of my uncles.
Wow, that's...actually pretty heavy. And it says a lot about Levin that he was willing to sacrifice his comfy life in Silesia for everyone else's sake. Now, lets see what Fury thinks of that...
Fury.pngFury: You know that Silesian royalty claims direct lineage with the Wind God Holsety. That means you are the only one capable of succession. Only you can preserve the Silesian lineage. And the people wish it of you as well. Levin, the queen was in tears when I left. Please… Sniff… just come back with me.
Levin.pngLevin: Fury, you’re not gonna start cryin’ on me too, are ya? Aghh! Give me a break. I’ve got a soft spot for cryin’ chicks, ya know. Okay. I’ll return once I’ve sorted some stuff out. Just let me rack my brain a bit, okay?
Fury.pngFury: Okay. Then please let me stay with you until you do return. I’ll send word back to that you’re unharmed.
Levin.pngLevin: You just don’t take no for an answer, do ya? Well, I’m gonna hang a bit with Sir Sigurd. We hit it off. And his army’s full of babes! You should get to know the girls… polish up your style a bit.
Fury.pngFury: Er… okay.
Levin.pngLevin: Fury! I’m jokin’! Don’t be so damn gullible. You really are a sweet girl. You put all the other girls to shame. Don’t you change a thing, okay?
Fury.pngFury: Er.. okay. Ah, no I…
And that's the end of that. Just for fun, here's her dialogue if you decide to have Levin kill her.
So let's go over how Fury stacks up, shall we?
Level 6 Pegasus Knight
HP: 32 (50%) Spd: 18 (30%)
Str: 11 (20%) Lck: 7 (20%)
Mag: 1 (10%) Def: 9 (30%)
Skl: 12 (20%) Res: 9 (10%)
Move (before Promotion): 8
Move (after Promotion): 8
Weapon Ranks (before Promotion): Swords (B), Lances (B)
Weapon Ranks (after Promotion): Swords (A), Lances (A), Staves ©
Promotion Bonuses: +7 Mag, +3 Skl, +3 Spd, +1 Def, +5 Res
Items: Slim Lance
Skill: Pursuit
Holy Blood: None
So Fury is, er...different. Not in a bad way mind you, quite the opposite in fact. Her growths and promotion bonuses stink, but she's got so much else going for her, that she's STILL quite handy in-spite of that. First and foremost, she can fly over all types terrain, even oceans. So she can maneuver around this game's maps in a way that most units can only dream of. For example, you remember how much of a mad dash it was trying to save all those villages in this chapter? Well just imagine how much EASIER that whole thing would have been if we had had Fury from the get-go! And now we ARE going to have her for when something like that happens again!
But in addition to that, she also just starts off really good. 18 Speed is a ridiculous amount to start with, she's got a B rank in both swords AND lances, she gets staves upon promotion, and even her Strength and Defense stats are pretty decent for her level. Yeah, eventually those are going to sag, but that won't be for a while, and she's still got the Uber Slim Sword to cover for that. Plus, with C staves + the Return Staff + the Elite Ring + Sylvia, she's not going to have any problems getting to Level 30.
Now, that being said, she's not a heavy duty fighter. Unlike some of our other units, You can't just throw her into an enemy army and expect her to survive, at least not if it has anything other than axe users. Plus, all bows in the game score automatic critical hits on her, so that's something you have to watch out for too. So if she does do any fighting, it's usually only for the sake of clearing out MBandits that no one else can reach, or for picking some stragglers off. But frankly, that's all you really need her for anyway. Because the she does with that flying horse is stuff that NO ONE else in the army can do.
In this way, I suppose I should liken Fury to Videl. She's not the strongest fighter ever, but she's still more than capable of holding her own, and she's still very resourceful. And, she's one of the only female characters who can fly!

And to top it all off, Fury's canon pairing is with Levin, the guy who I already compared to Ultimate Gohan. So like with him and Videl, Fury with Levin is a story about a regular human being being married to one of the world's strongest superheroes.

Guess we'll call that a turn then!
Aaand I guess Zyne's calling that a turn too. So, let's see what we're gonna do.
See the space right above Sigurd? The one that's NOT in this guy's range?
Well, that's the best place to put Sigurd. First of all, Shagaal's men get their turn before Zyne's men do, and Sigurd can't ORKO them the way he can with Zyne's. So if he goes up any further, the armours are going to prevent Zyne's men from being able to attack Sigurd.
But we WANT Zyne's men to attack because we want more kills on his Light Sword. Plus, Zyne's got this...
Remember the Iron Cutter? Well, this “Slayer Lance” (the Horseslayer actually), is another such weapon, and this one's super effective against all cavalry units...which includes Sigurd. So for now, we need to keep away from Zyne, take out his bodyguards, and lure him into a position where we can K.O. him before he gets a chance to use it.
Of course, that's going to have to be a team effort between Cuan and Sigurd, because Zyne actually is fairly durable. Not to worry though, I have a plan.
Now, here's the final village!
Uh, think you're a bit late to the party on this one.
Old%20Man%20(small).pngHe’s got a magical staff called th’ Sleep Staff. Get too close an’ he’ll put yer lights out an’ freeze every muscle in yer body!
What's really weird about hint is that it's placed all the way in the northeast corner of the villages, RIGHT INSIDE Clement's Sleep Staff range. So by the time you actually make it here, you'll have already found out about Clement's ability, rendering this advice completely useless. The map design really is weird sometimes emot-shrug.001.gif.
So now, after a long, hard, and tiring ride in Chapter 2, everyone's accounted for. Alec and Beowulf are now back at Evans, raring to go, Noish and Lex are going to be joining them very shortly, Ardan's done everything he needed to do, and now Fury's been recruited. At this point, the only thing left to do is defeat Zyne and his men. After that, we've got all the time in the world to focus on Arena shenanigans. Speaking of which...
Lachesis splits off from the Jealousy formation real quickly to help Fin out.
Yeah, Fin gets stonewalled very briefly by Chekov. But with a little help from Sylvia and Lachesis...
Fin is now exactly where he needs to be in order to activate...
To activate the strongest Prayer! For those who've forgotten, Prayer is a personal skill that increases your Evasion by 10% for every point of HP below 11. So if you have 10 HP, you get a 10% Evasion boost for the duration of the fight. But if you have only 1 HP, like Fin has here, you get a 100% Evasion boost for the fight, which means...
That Chekov had no chance against him!
Course, now we're going to have to do the same thing with Keimos, but oh well. Journey of a thousand steps n' all that.
Actually, we'll be taking Keimos out next turn. But, we'll need Fin to go outside the castle for now.
To review, units will gain 1/5th of their HP back for every turn that they are inside the home castle. So, Fin will gain back 7 HP per turn if he's inside Evans, allowing him to get 14 HP by the time two turns pass.
However, that will only get him to exactly 26 HP, just enough for Keimos to OHKO him. And even if I wait a turn after that, Fin is going to get 33 HP, meaning that he's only going to get a 40% evasion boost against him. With Lachesis, on the other hand, I can heal him for 18 HP, putting him up to 30 HP instead. With THAT amount, Fin's going to get a 70% boost from Prayer instead, rendering him invulnerable to anything Keimos could possibly do.
Also, Deirdre's replacing Lachesis as a Jealousy bot now that Lachesis is inside. Aideen and Jamka have almost become lovers, but we haven't QUITE gotten there yet.
Alright, Zyne's men are attacking now, so let's see how they...
Well, not good. An Arch Knight and three Lance Knights tried to attack Sigurd, but none of them survived.
Now, how are Aideen and Jamka doing I wonder?
Ah, cool! They're lovers now! Now they can freely share their Gold with each other, allowing them to purchase the Elite Ring much more easily!
So now that I've finally got that done, I'm going to return both of them to the castle and-
And...and...the heck emot-stare.gif? The heck is THIS? Well, technically, it's a lover's conversation that activates between two people once you put em both back inside the castle, but I don't know what the deal is with all the garbage text. Seems it's just one of those things that neither Jay, Boo, nor Twilkitri ever got around to fixing. So I guess it's BookofHolsety to the rescue!
Jamka.PNGJamka: [jamka_wife]... You waited for me?
Aideen.PNGAideen: Indeed. I prayed for your safety in battle, and it seems the gods granted it!
Yeaaaah, turns out we weren't really missing much. Aside from fixed pairings like Sigurd X Deirdre and Cuan X Ethlin, everyone just has canned responses, much like FE10's Support conversations. The only mildly interesting thing is that these conversations very slightly depending on who returned to the home castle first. The above conversation is what happens if Jamka returned first, but if Aideen returns first...
Aideen.PNGAideen: ...[aideen_husband]? You awaited my return home, did you?
Jamka.PNGJamka: Yeah... Got a bit worried for your sake...
Yeah, you get that instead. Actually, now that I think of it, I think I'd best show Sigurd and Deirdre's conversations as well...
Sigurd Returns to Deirdre:
Sigurd%20(small).PNGSigurd: I’m back, Deirdre!
Deirdre%20(small).PNGDeirdre: Welcome home, milord.
Deirdre Returns to Sigurd:
Deirdre%20(small).PNGDeirdre: I'm home, milord.
Sigurd%20(small).PNGSigurd: Welcome back, Deirdre. I'm relieved to see you're okay.
Ah, the romance. You can just feel the passion emot-rolleyes.gif. Now back to the Arena...
It's now Fury's turn to fly through it!
And fly through it she does, mainly on account of both her absurd AS and the Uber Slim Sword. Keimos and Chekov never had a chance.
Fury.png+3 Levels, +1 HP, +1 Str, +1 Skl, +3 Spd, +2 Def, +1 Res!
Well, we got our Ardan levels and we got our Deirdre levels, and now? We're getting our Fury levels too.
Alright Fin, let's see if you have better luck!
Fin.PNG+4 Levels, +4 HP, +2 Str, +2 Skl, +3 Lck!
Nnnnope, guess not. Defense and Speed are terrible stats to get screwed on, though thankfully, Prayer's there to carry him through no matter what.
Anyways, Noish and Lex finally return to the castle...
And Sigurd takes yet another strategic maneuver.
Wearing em down more and more...as you can see, Zyne's forces are a far cry from what they were in the beginning. Eventually, Zyne's going to have no choice but to expose himself to a full frontal assault.

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Chapter 2 (Part 4-3)



Back at home base, I don't need Lachesis for anything right now, so I take the time to set up a Jealousy formation for her and Beo.


And then I make a bold move by selling Jamka's Killer Bow.


Yes, with all those Warp Staff shenanigans, Aideen and Jamka are strapped for cash. Even with their lover status, they're going to be cutting it close on funds for the Elite Ring. But again, we'll manage.


The most important thing is that now Aideen's getting in on that Warp Staffing action as well.


Now, Aideen's promoting soon, which will mean that she'll soon be capable of slinging spells too! So Azel's going to be going through the Arena now, that way we can turn this New copy of the Thunder Tome into a Used copy. Helps drive down the price that way.


Course, Azel's too weak to do anything to Bachnin, so he only manages to burn through 9 uses of the Tome.

Azel.PNG+1 Level, +1 HP, +1 Mag!

Oh well. At least he got a decent level out of it.


Anyways, that's the end of our player phase...



And that's the start of our NEXT player phase!


Yeah, nothing much happened there, but now we're going to get somewhere.


First of all, we're gonna want the Defense Ring back, now that Sigurd's taken care of most of the low Attack Power enemies.


Then we want Cuan in this exact spot, JUST close enough that Zyne can throw a Javelin at him, but far enough that he can't use the Horseslayer. This way we can start softening him up without any risk.


Like so!



Zyne.pngZyne: I'll finish this and wipe you all out!


Yeah good luck with that, buddy. Also, Cuan got a level up.

Cuan.PNG+1 HP, +1 Str, +1 Spd, +1 Def

It really says something about FE4 that it's pre-promotes actually have BETTER growth rates than the supposed “growth units”.



And hoo boy, both of ours are now in prime position to eat Zyne alive.


And down goes yet another honorable warrior emot-sigh.gif.



Yeah, we may have gotten lucky with the war against Verdane, but most wars are not going to be so cheery in regards to who lives and who dies. Even in Nazi Germany, you have your Erwin Rommels in addition to your Adolf Hitlers, and it seems that such is the case with Agustria. Here's to hoping Eltshan isn't the next one to go...


Actually, where IS Eltshan anyway? Weren't Shagaal and Manfloy talking about using him as a hostage? Seems odd that they haven't done anything with him yet.


Oh well, we've got more guys to take care of, so I'm having Cuan kill Keimos real quickly for an HP refill, 4000G, and another level.

Cuan.PNG+1 HP, +1 Skl, +1 Def!

Well, now Cuan's got a Defense blessing of +3. So now he's got 22 Defense. To put that into perspective, even Sigurd, with the Defense Ring, doesn't have that much right now. Cuan really is a tank on a horse right now emot-wth.gif.


Alas, now he must part with the Elite Ring, that some of our other poor scrubs might become more like him.


In any case, Cuan's part is now done, so,



Now you see them...


Now you don't.



Well, guess that's that then. Other than some random weaklings here and there, all that's left is Shagaal himself, and he's...


...kind of a joke. I mean yeesh, just compare his stats to some of the other guys we fought.





Yes, Shagaal is actually less threatening than every other boss in this chapter so far!! Elliot, Philip, Voltz, and Zyne were all capable of moving, Macbeth had absurdly high defense and a Javelin, Clement had the Sleep Staff, and Boldo...

...Well, he was pretty pathetic too, but HE at least had 2 Range capabilities. Shagaal on the other hand?


Well, Shagaal doesn't even have that! The guy is, quite literally, a walking, talking punching bag. He is a joke boss, whose combat stats exist only to remind us of how pathetic he is. The only thing really notable about him...


Is that he happens to belong to the Baron class, an enemy-only class that can be best described as one of the "SNK Bosses" of FE4. They have Big Guard as a class skill and are proficient in absolutely everything except Light and Dark magic. In addition, their offensive and defensive stat caps are insane, with them capping out at 27 Strength, 30 Magic, and 28 Defense. As a result, their only “weaknesses” are that they only have caps of 22 in all other non-Luck areas, and they don't have innate Pursuit.

And the best part? This isn't even the game's strongest class! No, there's also another enemy-only class that's even MORE absurd than this one, and we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.


For now though, we're still in Chapter 2, so Shagaal's not doing much to actually take advantage of any of the things I mentioned. The only interesting thing he's got is this staff, which is basically the Live Staff, but with 1-10 Range. So if a guy is close enough to him, Shagaal can heal him for 18 HP...whooo...

Anyways, in terms of gameplay stuff, this Chapter is basically over. The last third of this update is just going to cover Arena Shenanigans and a few miscellaneous conversations (including a conversation between Lachesis and Beo, who I'm pairing). So if just want to move on to the end of this Chapter, and are not interested in either the AAAA Ranked stuff, or in the extra Talk conversations, you can just skip to Chapter 4 (Part 4-5). Just letting you all know!

Edited by FionordeQuester
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Chapter 2 (Part 4-4)

Alright Dew, your turn!
Dew.PNGArena Cleared, +5 Levels, +3 HP, +1 Str, +3 Spd, +4 Lck, +2 Def, +1 Res!
Yeah, that's about average for Dew.
Alright now here's a problem. Noish is going to want Dew's Speed Ring, but...the gold cap is only 50,000G. So if I have Dew sell it now, he's going to lose 6600G in the process. 6600G that could have easily been given to anyone struggling to buy the Elite Ring on their own.
For now, I can deal with this by having Dew buy the Return and Skill Rings, but eventually, Noish is going to be running into that same issue, since he has the Bargain Ring. In this way, characters with Bargain are a little like ATM Dispensors, in that you don't have total control over just HOW much you withdraw from their accounts. You can only withdraw in certain amounts, and that can get tricky at times.
But for now, let's see how Noish does with the Pursuit Ring + Elite Ring + Uber Slim Sword!
Oh cool, Noish got 9 base Speed against Lovin! That means he can actually defeat Keimos now! Especially with...
The Speed Ring, which puts him at 14 Speed instead! Count in the Slim Sword's 1 Wgt, Noish has got 13 AS. And that is JUST enough to outspeed Keimos, who has 12.
And, with Chekov defeated, Noish has now got +10,000G again, which means...
We get the Skill Ring too! So now we've also got 10% more accuracy and 65% crit chances against Keimos, in addition to our Speed advantage. So needless to say...
Keimos is doomed.
Noish.PNGArena Cleared, +6 Levels, +3 HP, +4 Str, +2 Skl, +1 Spd, +2 Lck, +1 Def
Well, his Spd and Skl growths aren't that great anyhow, and nobody but the Holy Paladin Trio (Lex, Sigurd, Cuan) really have good Def growth. But that Str is amazing!
Now, here's something interesting here. See how that Uber Slim Sword only has 5 Uses on it? Well, your first instinct might be to have Noish repair it, since he has the Bargain Ring, right? But, let me ask you, which is more expensive to purchase? A Slim Sword with 50 uses, or a Slim Sword with only 5? Obviously it's the one with only 5, which costs only 300G as opposed to the full 3000G of the other one.
I had Aira buy it instead. Unfortunately, I couldn't take proper advantage of this at the time (due to the aforementioned "ATM Problems" I had with Dew), but if I had, I could've had Dew give her 18,000G instead of the 22,740G he ended up giving her. That way, she would have had only just enough money to buy the Elite Ring, leaving her at 0G with 5 uses on the Slim Sword.
She then would have solved that problem by fighting just one match against Jirow (the 1st guy). She'd get the 1000G, use it on the Slime Sword, get about 16-18 uses that way, and beat the rest of the Arena that way. That way, she will have only spent 41,300G getting through the Arena w/the Elite Ring rather than 43,000G. But alas...
This was about as low as I could go with Dew's money, even after I had Sylvia, Alec, Lachesis, and everyone else sell their C Rank swords...or so I thought.
Looking back on it, I should have just had Dew buy the Elite Ring, and then sell one of the Slim Swords and the Thief Sword/1x Iron Sword. That'd get him to 4740G. Then I could've lended that to someone else before selling the Elite Ring. That would put Dew at 20,000G. After that, I could have re-purchased those same swords, dropping Dew's Gold back down to 18,000G. Had I done that, THEN I could have given Aira a simple 18,000G, rather than giving her an extra 4740G that she didn't need.
So, there you go. Extreme math strats with Fionordequester. But oh well.
Aira.PNGArena Cleared, +6 Levels, +2 Str, +4 Skl, +2 Spd, +1 Res!
At least Aira seems to have appreciated the gesture. Those actually ARE decent, considering how low her non-Skl growths actually are. Not great, but decent.
Anyways, Sylvia helps Lachesis get out there into Jealousy Formation again. And 4 turns later...
Behold. What you see here is one of the very few instances where a fan translation actually takes swearing OUT of the game emot-aaaaa.gif.
Shagaal.pngShagaal: Do you really think you can defeat me!?
Well, when you put it that way...
Now, we FINALLY get to see our very first promotion in the game! Let's see what happens!
And there we go! One of my favorite promotion animations in the series, though I sadly couldn't get it any higher than 15 frames per second. But there's always Youtube.
Alright Aideen, do your thing!
Looking back on it, I should've just called it quits here, and had Jamka fight a match or two without the Elite Ring. But instead, I wasted about 12 minutes rigging Aideen a victory. But crunching the numbers now, skipping Keimos would not have made a darn bit of difference in terms of what Jamka's final level would have been in Chapter 5. Sigh...
Aideen.PNGPromotion, Arena Cleared, +10 Levels, +5 HP, +8 Mag, +4 Spd, +4 Skl, +4 Lck, +3 Def, +1 Res!
Eh, that sounds about right. This was back in the days where even the magicians had trouble growing Res, so that Res growth is about average for her.
Anyways, Jamka gets money from Aideen and buys the Iron Bow as a temporary replacement. Then once he gets to Hertzog, he's able to buy back the Killer Bow again. After that, well, he stomps just as much as you'd expect.
Jamka.PNG+6 Levels, +5 HP, +4 Str, +1 Spd, +2 Lck, +2 Def!
Actually that's pretty good for his growths. Good Str and Def growths at any rate! Also, Lex gets his promotion as well!
Now, let's see what everyone ELSE got this chapter!
Sigurd.PNGArena Cleared, +6 Levels, +6 HP, +3 Str (capped), +2 Mag, +3 Skl, +3 Spd, +1 Lck, +3 Def!
Azel.PNGArena Rank 4, +1 Level, +1 HP, +1 Mag!
Lex.PNGPromotion, Arena Rank 7, +9 Levels, +9 HP, +7 Str, +1 Skl, +4 Spd, +10 Def, +4 Res!
Cuan.PNGArena Cleared, +13 Levels, +6 Str, +6 Skl, +3 Spd, +1 Lck, +10 Def!
Ethlin.PNGArena Rank 1, +3 Levels, +3 HP, +1 Skl, +1 Spd, +1 Def, +1 Res!
Midir.PNGArena Rank 4, +1 Level, +1 HP!
Levin.pngArena Cleared, +3 Levels, +3 HP, +1 Mag, +2 Skl, +2 Spd, +1 Lck, +1 Def!
Sylvia.pngArena Rank 1, +1 Level, +1 HP!
Holyn.pngArena Cleared, +2 Levels, +2 HP, +1 Str, +2 Skl, +1 Spd, +2 Lck, +2 Def!
Alec(Final).pngArena Rank 7, +2 Levels, +1 HP, +1 Skl, +1 Lck, +1 Def!
Beowulf.pngArena Rank 7, +4 Levels, +3 HP, +2 Skl, +1 Spd, +2 Def!
Yeah, unfortunately, neither Beo nor Alec could get past Keimos, and that's because...
Well it's no wonder Alec didn't get the Speed gains he needed for Keimos! Him and Beo needed at least 14 Speed to double him, but between Clement putting him to sleep and Sylvia slapping the crud outta him, the guy was doomed from the start! Dunno what Beo's excuse is though emot-colbert.gif.
Speaking of Beo, he can actually talk to Lachesis, so here's that conversation (and yes, it uses Aideen's theme).
Beowulf.pngBeowulf: Er… sorry. Beowulf’s the name. I’m just a mercenary, ma’am.
Lachesis%20(small).PNGLachesis: So what do you want?
Beowulf.pngBeowulf: Uh… I just came to tell you this is for real out here. This ain’t no fun’n games. And you inexperienced types ain’t makin’ things easy for the rest of us. Besides, this ain’t no place for a princess. Why don’t you get on back to your castle?
Lachesis%20(small).PNGLachesis: Where do you get off speaking to me like that!? What I do out here is no business of yours!
Beowulf.pngBeowulf: Heh heh… tough little cookie, ain’t ya. Remind me a bit of Eltshan.

Lachesis%20(small).PNGLachesis: Wait! You know my brother?
Beowulf.pngBeowulf: Sure do. We go way back. Don’t mean t’be so nosy, but he asked me t’check up on ya.
Lachesis%20(small).PNGLachesis: Oh, I didn’t realise. I’m sorry.
Beowulf.pngBeowulf: S’alright. Eltshan also asked me t’teach you a bit about warfare. How ’bout it?
Lachesis%20(small).PNGLachesis: That’d be great!
Awesome! And we even got 100 Love Points out of that deal too! Evidently, "Friends w/Eltshan + Blonde Hair + Horse + Sword User = Perfect Eltshan Clone". Though if he's friends with Eltshan...then just where the heck was he when Elty was getting kidnapped? Heck, where was he when Eltshan was looking for people to guard Lachesis? Guess Holyn's not the only one with motivation issues emot-cripes.001.gif ...
Anyways, now Fury has a conversation with Sigurd.
Fury with Sigurd:
Fury.pngFury: I’m Fury, a Silesian knight. I’m responsible for Prince Levin’s welfare, so I’ll be joining you.
Sigurd%20(small).PNGSigurd: …Prince Levin? What are you talking about?
Fury.pngFury: Prince Levin is the successor to the throne of Silesia. He has inherited special powers as he is a descendant of Sety, the Wind Crusader.
Sigurd%20(small).PNGSigurd: Levin’s the prince of Silesia? Heh… I thought there was something different about him. So why is he parading around as a bard?
Fury.pngFury: Well, that’s a bit of a story, and I’m not the one to tell it. Can we let that rest for now?
Sigurd%20(small).PNGSigurd: Sure. I’ve got plenty of other things to worry about anyway. Fury, having a Pegasus Knight on our side would sure help out. You care to do a little fighting?
Fury.pngFury: No problem!
Speaking of Fury and Lachesis, here's some boss convos with Shagaal...
Shagaal vs. Fury
Shagaal.pngShagaal: Mwahaha, it's you...finally realised the truth, did you? You stupid woman.
Fury.pngFury: Shagaal! You lied to me...I cannot forgive you! Prepare yourself!
Shagaal vs. Lachesis
Shagaal.pngShagaal: Hey, aren't you Eltshan's sister? How dare you rise up against me!
Lachesis%20(small).PNGLachesis: You're not MY king! Return my brother to me this instant!
Alright Shagaal, let's put you to bed.

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Chapter 2 (Part 4-5)



So here's something funny. Sigurd can attack from close AND long range with the Light Sword. So if you use the Charge option...


You'll attack him from close range, meaning that the Light Sword will count as a physical attack, and target Shagaal's Defense, with it's default stats (12 Might, 70 Hit, and 5 Wt if you've forgotten). But if you use the Attack option...



You'll attack from 2 spaces away, and the Lightning Sword will instead act as a Lightning Tome, and will count as a magic attack instead. Because of that, it will target Shagaal's Resistance with 14 Might, 90 Hit, and 5 Wt.



I dunno man, you're not looking too good. All the color's already gone out of your face.


I'll take your Libro Staff though.



There we go, at long last. I have to say, when I said that this Chapter was long, I didn't expect it to take several MONTHS to complete :sweatdrop:! Oh, and of course, the following happens if Deirdre died at any point...



And that's the scene. No really, that's all they say. For star-crossed lovers, these two really don't have a lot to say to each other. Moving swiftly on...


Eve(bluish-green).pngEve: It’s a magical bracelet called the Knight Ring. It bestows repeated movement on the wearer. I’m sure it’ll come in handy. Take care of yourself!


If anyone has completed Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword, you'll recall that one of the chapters required you to keep three green NPC's alive in order to get an optional bonus chapter, as well as a cool monetary reward. Well, this is exactly like that. If you kept Eve, Eva, and Alva alive for all this time (and yes, that includes not letting Nodion get conquered, I tried), you get the Knight Ring, which allows foot units to remove, just like horsemen.

Personally, I never found it that helpful as an item, but it IS really important for one reason. You can sell this thing for 20,000G, which is more than enough to solve all of Beo and Lachesis's monetary troubles! Besides, it gives us another item to help Dew horde more gold!


Oifaye%20(small).PNGOifaye: Sir, word is that King Shagaal was badly wounded, and he’s receiving medical attention by a priest of his royal staff.

Sigurd%20(small).PNGSigurd: I heard someone pulled him from the battlefield, but who was it?


Eltshan.pngEltshan: I don’t care what he’s done. He’s still my master, and I can’t sit back and let him die.


Sigurd%20(small).PNGSigurd: Eltshan!? You’re not hurt! What a relief! I heard you’d been captured. We’ve been looking for you.

Eltshan.pngEltshan: Yeah, I managed somehow. Sigurd, what’s going on here? Your army has gained control of the capital city, and I hear that Grandbell has dispatched officials to each of our castles. You’re treating us just like we were a tributary state. Did Grandbell take occupation of Agustria while I was away!? Your answer better be good, Sigurd!

Sigurd%20(small).PNGSigurd: I know, Eltshan. It doesn’t make any sense to me either. But, you aside, all of the lords of Agustria suddenly became hostile towards Grandbell. For the time being, I’ve been ordered to stay put so as to maintain public order. Eltshan, please… Just give me one year. By then the peace should be restored as well as Grandbell’s and Agustria’s relationship. And then we’ll leave Agustria. Our king has given me his word on this.

...I...think it's a little late for that. Agustria was the nation that STARTED this thing in the first place, and Shagaal even violated the Anti-War Pact in order to make it happen. So now that WE'RE the ones who came out on top...I can't see Grandbell being content to just leave it at that. And that's not even getting into the fact that Shagaal's still in charge emot-sigh.gif.

Eltshan.pngEltshan: Hmm… Really? Well, I’ll take your word for it. Okay. You’ve got one year. Until then, I’ll be up north at Madino Castle protecting my lord. I’ve also got the Cross Knights stationed up at Fort Silvail. If it came to it, I could take you out in a moment’s notice… Sigurd, you break your promise and you can count on that! You got me!?

Sigurd%20(small).PNGSigurd: Of course! I give you my word. Eltshan, trust me!

So here's something to think about. Sigurd keeps saying “King Azmur said this” and “King Azmur promised that”...but, what does that mean exactly? The game explicitly said, in it's very first narration section, that Azmur had left most of the governing to other people. The game said that he had grown too old to really keep up with everything, so he left the actual ruling up to Prince Kurth...

...Who is now dead, according to Manfloy and Co. He was assassinated on the way home from the war with Isaach, which we apparently won. So hopefully, that would mean that Lord Ring, Lord Bryon, and Lord Claude are also coming back, and not just Lord Reptor and Lord Langbart...

So who exactly IS holding the reigns now? Lord Alvis maybe? The guy IS commanding the Royal Guard at Barhara after all...but, Manfloy just said that Alvis has “consented to his proposal”, so...so what's going to happen there? If Prince Kurth really HAS been killed by the Dark Sect, nobody at Grandbell seems to know it yet, so how's that all going to pan out? Because if the reigns of power end up going to Alvis, Reptor, or Langbart, then...what would that mean in terms of carrying out King Azmur's promises to Agustria?




WANNA SEE HOW MANY KILLS THE LIGHT SWORD HAS?! Cuz yeah, that's a lot! Sigurd got this near the start of Chapter 2, and he's already killed 38 guys with it! This is Fionordequester, signing out! Have a nice day, and God bless you all!


Time Taken This Update: ~1 hour, 33 minutes, and 48 seconds.

Total Time Elapsed Over the Run: ~5 hours, 58 minutes and 6 seconds.

Turns Taken This Update: 12 Turns

Total Turns Elapsed Over The Run: 106 Turns

Levels Gained This Update: 65 Levels (Now you see the power of the Elite Ring)

Total Levels Gained: 194 Levels

Things I Regret on This Section: I regret wasting something like 12 minutes rigging Aideen a win against Keimos, when it ultimately didn't end up doing much for Jamka anyway. And I could have manipulated Dew's Gold a bit better so that Aira got just 18,000G instead of 22,470G.

Total Things I Regret: In the Prologue, I regret the fact that Noish had to hang back as I rigged levels for Sigurd in the Prologue.

In Chapter 1, I should've brought Midir to guarantee that Kinbois's men would be taken down without issue.

On Chapter 2, I regret the fact that Ardan built up so many love points with Aira even though that pairing's been written out of the route, I regret making that positioning mistake with Fin, and I wish I hadn't made that careless mistake with Sigurd attacking that guard near Boldo (even if it did end up working out). I regret deciding to not just get Deirdre to Level 30 by the end of Chapter 2. I regret wasting something like 12 minutes rigging Aideen a win against Keimos, when it ultimately didn't end up doing much for Jamka anyway. I regret wasting something like 12 minutes rigging Aideen a win against Keimos, when it ultimately didn't end up doing much for Jamka anyway. And I could have manipulated Dew's Gold a bit better so that Aira got just 18,000G instead of 22,470G.

Translation Tidbits (including a few I missed last update):

Creative Liberty #10 (C2): Sylvia's flirtatious dialogue was toned down slightly in her conversations with both Sigurd and Alec. Not by much, because she still promises to show Alec a dance that is "ah, V-E-R-Y special!", but a little bit.

Essentially, she keeps saying that the army's full of "borin' old stiffs", which to me implies that she's not just a promiscuously dressed 14 year old, but a promiscuously dressed 14 year old who keeps hitting on older men. Fortunately, Jay & Boo drop that line, with Sylvia just calling Sigurd a "moron" instead. And then with her talk with Alec, she doesn't even say that much. She just essentially says "Man, finally SOMEONE notices me! I tell ya!"

So, I appreciate that.

Creative Liberty #11 (C2): Speaking of Alec and Sylvia, that whole conversation in general is translated pretty liberally. The overall meaning of it is still the same (Alec's hitting on Sylvia, and Sylvia still says that he'll show him a "special" dance), but the wording differs much more than usual from the original script. For reference, the original script goes something like this...

Alec: Hey, you're Sylvia right? Excuse me for saying so, but DAAANG, you're SMOKIN'!

Sylvia: Really?! Ha! And here I was thinkin' this army was just full of nothin' but stiff n' borin' ol' military types! About time someone noticed me!

Alec: Oh really now? Guess that'd make me the only decent guy here eh? Glad I found ya!

Sylvia: Thanks! Me too!

Alec: Yeah. So uh, I'm thinking we're gonna be here a while, so you wanna grab something to eat sometime, maybe hang out?

Sylvia: Absolutely! Maybe I'll even dance for ya! I got somethin' special that ain't NO ONE'S ever seen! It's kinda embarrasing though, cuz it's VERY special. But maybe I can show you!

Alec: A-Alright! Now that I GOTTA see!

Creative Liberty #12 (C2): When Fury agress to "polish up her style a bit" by watching the other babes, Levin doesn't tell her to "stop being so damn guillable". Instead, he just tells her to "loosen up a bit", though he still tells her that she doesn't have to change anything about herself. I was originally going to chalk this up to another mistranslation...

But thinking about it further, Jay & Boo's interpretation actually makes more sense, especially since Levin JUST got done chiding her for being so easily duped by Shagaal [we're using old patch names in my LP]. It makes sense then, that he'd harp on that point even further after she took him so literally.

Creative Liberty #13 (C2): Remember how Shagaal's opening statement is "Grrr"? Turns out, that was a bowlderization of the original script, where he literally says, "S***!". No, seriously, he uses the actual, literal word for "poop". So this here is probably one of the few instances where the fan translation actually takes swearing OUT of the game, rather than cramming in as much as they can...

Which is awesome...though also kind of odd, since they were ok with Sigurd saying that he was going to go "hunting those b******s down" in the Prologue. And also Gerrard calling DiMaggio a "worthless piece of cr**" in the Prologue. Not sure then how THOSE got through, but not Shagaal saying "POO!"...

Creative Liberty #14 (C2): Sigurd's line when talking to Sylvia. Here, he says "Now what's she...Geez...I'm never going to get rid of her!" In the original script, he just says something like "Uggh, this is just great". Just a small line change that I rather liked.

Mistranslation #15 (C2): Shagaal order for Zyne to "Stop his nitpicking and go!" is obviously not correct. The word Shagaal used CAN actually mean "nitpicking", but it can also mean "whining", which is most likely what was intended...

Still, I actually do kind of find the mistranslation charming in it's own way. Like, Shagaal is basically on the edge of a nervous breakdown before Manfloy shows up again, right? Considering his personality, it makes sense then that he'd be saying something like "SHUT UP! St-stop your, your....NITPICKING, and GO ALREADY!!!"

Of course, I'm guessing that wasn't intentional so much as it was Jay & Boo being tone-deaf again, but...still, happy accidents and all that :P.

Mistranslation #16 (C2): Well, ok, not TECHNICALLY a mistranslation really, more like poor wording. I'm talking about the way Shagaal reacts to Manfloy's plan to use Eltshan to save his own skin. Basically, looking at the Japanese script, you get the impression that Shagaal's not going along with it just because he HAS to. No, he actually thinks that their plan is like, the most brilliant plan in the world. Yet, in the patch, the lack of exclamation marks gives the impression that he's just kind of going like "Wha-, Eltshan? Ok sure, whatever, let's go use him."

Kind of too bad really. To paraphrase Amielleon (one of BookofHolsety's greatest proofreaders), it really says something about Shagaal that he'll through Eldie in the dungeon and laugh in his face one moment, and then so shortly after be like, "You're right!! He can save me!! Yaay!!!! Brilliant plan. I'm brilliant."

Which is why Manfloy's immediate reaction is "emot-stare.gif...Wow. You're an idiot."

Mistranslation #17 (C2): Manfloy seems awfully unsure about whether or not Alvis will keep silent about his Loptian blood, doesn't he? But, actually he's not. It's another one of those sentences that's somewhat hard to translate, but most likely what he's actually saying is something like...

"Could a man as proud as Alvis bear to meet such an end?"

So the actual statement is more like "Alvis has Loptian blood. And if that ever got out, he would be burned at the stake, and go down in history as the 'spawn' of the Dark Lord himself. Now, I ask you, could someone as proud as him ever bear to meet such a miserable end? I think not."

Mistranslation #18 (C2): Sigurd wonders who saved Shagaal's life here, but there's a bit more bite to it in the original script. Basically, there's an adverb at the beginning of one of those sentences, "いったい", that translates to something like "What the heck?", or "What in the world", or "Who in the world"...things like that. So Sigurd's line is more like "I heard someone rescue him, but who in the world would do THAT?"

Which is actually really funny, considering that Eltshan picks that EXACT moment to walk in and say "Uh, excuse me? That was me, thank you."

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Why thank you Ruadath! The next update is coming soon, but before it does, a funny pic that Vilkacis made on Something Awful!


I didn't think it possible but Manfloy looks so much creepier in that pose.

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I didn't think it possible but Manfloy looks so much creepier in that pose.

Isn't it though? The scary thing is, that sprite doesn't even look THAT out of place on that womanly body, even with facial features and everything o.0...

Also, one good post from SA that I feel like addressing...

I wonder if the official ages references to when the characters join you or when the prologue starts. It doesn't matter that much though, at least not in this generation, since the very youngest characters join too early for it to make a significant difference.

Anyway, I love how Sigurd is all "I didn't intend to conquer Augustria, it just happened".

Actually, I think about 4 years passes between the start of the game and the end. I would know because, um...well...that whole thing about who I'd pair Sylvia and Dew with >_> ...

I didn't think it possible but Manfloy looks so much creepier in that pose.

Isn't it though? The scary thing is, that sprite doesn't even look THAT out of place on that womanly body, even with facial features and everything o.0...

Also, one good post from SA that I feel like addressing...

I wonder if the official ages references to when the characters join you or when the prologue starts. It doesn't matter that much though, at least not in this generation, since the very youngest characters join too early for it to make a significant difference.

Anyway, I love how Sigurd is all "I didn't intend to conquer Augustria, it just happened".

Actually, I think about 4 years passes between the start of the game and the end. I would know because, um...well...that whole thing about who I'd pair Sylvia and Dew with >_> ...

Anyways though, since that's the end of Chapter 2, it's time for the annual check-up. How is my LP now? Anything you'd change, like maybe how I'm organizing all the flavor text, or writing style, or how I use screenshots or GIFs or...anything like that? So far, I've been mainly using GIFs for the boss fights or for new animations, and as for the flavor text, I've been bringing them up as it seemed convenient to me rather than laying them out in any organized fashion. Is that working for you all, or are there other approaches you would prefer to that, or anything else?

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Out of curiosity, what RPG's have you all played? The next War Room update is going to be on why it's sometimes better to skip enemies than to fight them, in-spite of the fact that there's an EXP Rank to fulfill, and I'm thinking of using something like FFVI, FFVII, or Dragon Quest IV to demonstrate a point that I want to make this update. Or perhaps I'll use an anecdote from Melth's FE6 LP, I haven't decided. Either way though, I also want to make sure it's something you all can relate to.

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Lots of questions here. But before I get to those: I've been lurking this thread since its creation and I have to say that this LP is super informative. I'm looking forward to more.

To be honest, this is the first time I have seen a screenshot LP with this much effort put into it. You provide Gifs, music, translation tidbits and strategies that I'll probably also use in my FE4 Max Rank run. Sorry, no criticism from my side for now. If I can think of something later, I'll make sure to edit my post.

FE, all sorts of Pokemon, Mother 3 and some more. I don't know about the rest of the viewers but I can relate to that. There might not be an XP rank in that game but a substantial amount of my strategy in my PMD Sky challenge run consists out of running away.

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Out of curiosity, what RPG's have you all played? The next War Room update is going to be on why it's sometimes better to skip enemies than to fight them, in-spite of the fact that there's an EXP Rank to fulfill, and I'm thinking of using something like FFVI, FFVII, or Dragon Quest IV to demonstrate a point that I want to make this update. Or perhaps I'll use an anecdote from Melth's FE6 LP, I haven't decided. Either way though, I also want to make sure it's something you all can relate to.

I have played the first seven final fantasies, and dragon quests 1-6 plus 9. (also a wide variety of lesser known rpgs like mother 3, golden sun 1-3, radient historia, fallout, ect.) WHat about using pokemon as your example? (things like confuse ray zubat, selfdestruct graveler, or the 6 magikarp trainer who shows up in pretty much every game might be good examples, depending on the precice point that you are trying to make.) Pretty much everyone in the target audience has played pokemon at some point.

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  • 1 month later...

Alright guys, the next update has FINALLY arrived! But before that, a foreword.

I'm gonna level with you here. I love doing this LP, but the workload between the way I've done this LP up to now, and school and taking care of my animals and everything else...has been a little too much for my motivation. That doesn't mean I'm quitting though, heck no. I'm just going to be looking at ways I can cut down on how long it takes to make an update that's all. For example...

Chapter 3-1: http://lpix.org/sslptest/index.php?id=144931

That there is the update. Having to reformat literally EVERY update into something that would display well on Serenes Forest was one of the greatest hassles thus far, so from here on, I'm going to post my updates on SSLP Testposter. That way, all I have to do is copy and paste what I posted on Something Awful into that. Hope you don't mind :) ! I may've gotten a bit burnt out, but we're nowhere NEAR done boys!

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In defense of Sigurd not following up his accidental take over of Agustria, I would like to refer to the case of Napoleon where they let him keep his title and threw him into the far corner of his empire...Yeah it did end up with Napoleon declaring war on basically everyone again a few months down the road much like Agustria but at least there's historical precedence for such a decision.

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I know this was a while back, but I saw your complaint about King Batou being super gullible about the dark sect. Wasn't he literally lying on the floor in the same room while Manfloy was doing a huge expodump with Sandima? Surely that's where he got the information, right? He didn't have to know it all along, he could've learned it there.

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I know this was a while back, but I saw your complaint about King Batou being super gullible about the dark sect. Wasn't he literally lying on the floor in the same room while Manfloy was doing a huge expodump with Sandima? Surely that's where he got the information, right? He didn't have to know it all along, he could've learned it there.

Yeah, Jegan pointed that out on Something Awful actually. Turns out, that's one of the downsides of riffing on the game's story as much as I do. It's only a matter of time before someone points out that I missed something :P:

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Also, I love this LP, you've been doing a great job. Sorry to hear it's been stressful, I had a similar problem with the ten or so chapters of Dakota's War Journal because the process needed to put in screenshots just became soul-draining when I was doing it too step-by-step, so I eventually cut down massively on the number of screenshots to just focus on the interesting stuff or significant progress in the flow of battle.

Hope you continue to enjoy doing this and that it doesn't become a total pain, because it's really fun to read!

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Also, I love this LP, you've been doing a great job. Sorry to hear it's been stressful, I had a similar problem with the ten or so chapters of Dakota's War Journal because the process needed to put in screenshots just became soul-draining when I was doing it too step-by-step, so I eventually cut down massively on the number of screenshots to just focus on the interesting stuff or significant progress in the flow of battle.

Hope you continue to enjoy doing this and that it doesn't become a total pain, because it's really fun to read!

Oh dontchya worry none. I think I've finally worked out a system that'll keep things fun to do. Because I DO have fun writing out the strategies and reading how much you all enjoy it, it's just some of the stuff I was doing before was getting tiring. But I think I came up with a good working plan....

1) First of all, no more converting the updates to Serenes Forest. I never let on about this before, but you will not BELIEVE how much of a pain it was doing that for every update! I had to deal with a 100 screenshot limit per post, I had to reformat most of the screenshots in a way that I would not get the "That kind of link is not allowed" error message, I had to redo all of the emoticons (and eventually, save the Something Awful emoticons in LPix, that way I could just post those here instead. Yes, that was LESS tedious than having to sift through the Serenes emoticons)...and that's not even counting the way that Serenes Forest would sometimes try and "correct" a lot of what I posted...oy..

2) I'm making the updates shorter, that way I can just spend about 30 minutes to an hour on it per day without feeling like I'm not working fast enough.

So I've made those changes. And lo and behold, the next update is almost done! Look forward to seeing it either tomorrow or the next day!

In defense of Sigurd not following up his accidental take over of Agustria, I would like to refer to the case of Napoleon where they let him keep his title and threw him into the far corner of his empire...Yeah it did end up with Napoleon declaring war on basically everyone again a few months down the road much like Agustria but at least there's historical precedence for such a decision.

And there you go. Hence, the reason WHY most warring nations would remove the leader of the country they just conquered :P .

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1) First of all, no more converting the updates to Serenes Forest. I never let on about this before, but you will not BELIEVE how much of a pain it was doing that for every update! I had to deal with a 100 screenshot limit per post, I had to reformat most of the screenshots in a way that I would not get the "That kind of link is not allowed" error message, I had to redo all of the emoticons (and eventually, save the Something Awful emoticons in LPix, that way I could just post those here instead. Yes, that was LESS tedious than having to sift through the Serenes emoticons)...and that's not even counting the way that Serenes Forest would sometimes try and "correct" a lot of what I posted...oy..

I would never have guessed this was a problem. I make my Dakota's War Journal posts in my "open office" word clone and host the images on imgur (while that itself is a slightly annoying process, once they're on there it's simple) and I just cut and paste the provided bbcode links into open office and then paste it into serenes forest, preview and proofread.

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I would never have guessed this was a problem. I make my Dakota's War Journal posts in my "open office" word clone and host the images on imgur (while that itself is a slightly annoying process, once they're on there it's simple) and I just cut and paste the provided bbcode links into open office and then paste it into serenes forest, preview and proofread.

Well, whatever the case...here's the next update!

Chapter 3 Part 2: http://lpix.org/sslptest/index.php?id=144932

And if I can figure out something more convenient, maybe I'll go back to converting stuff to Serenes Forest. Would at least make it a little easier for you all to quote stuff from it, huh?

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And if I can figure out something more convenient, maybe I'll go back to converting stuff to Serenes Forest. Would at least make it a little easier for you all to quote stuff from it, huh?

Oh it's not really that much of an inconvenience for us, really all we'd have to do is quote you, copy-paste from the text at the link, and then paste that into the quote, right?

Anyway now I realize why it's so much harder with this. For one I have no idea how SA formatting works, and for another, you do waaaaaaay more screenshots. That's gotta be a pain. Thanks so much for doing this anyway!

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Oh it's not really that much of an inconvenience for us, really all we'd have to do is quote you, copy-paste from the text at the link, and then paste that into the quote, right?

Oh sure! If you don't mind, you can do precisely that!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Awesome LP. mustache Alec is best Alec. Slim sword 100 kill strat in chapter 1 was pretty cool too.

Also Claud is like Kaioshin, he's the supreme leader of Edda ( one of the only actual leader of another country that joins Sigurd, both Levin and Cuan aren't kings yet, Jamuka kinda is.) he has all kind of cool powers and he's come to tell Sigurd that shit is going down just like Kaioshin did with the team.

Tiltyu is like Lunch, she's overprotective of her "boyfriend" and when she has low HP she turns blonde(activate wrath) and destroys everything.

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Is this going to use the new translation patch? (note that the new patch actualy fixes some glitches that are in the original and effect gameplay, like the one that causes levin!ced's speed to be lower than it should.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Awesome LP. mustache Alec is best Alec. Slim sword 100 kill strat in chapter 1 was pretty cool too.

Also Claud is like Kaioshin, he's the supreme leader of Edda ( one of the only actual leader of another country that joins Sigurd, both Levin and Cuan aren't kings yet, Jamuka kinda is.) he has all kind of cool powers and he's come to tell Sigurd that shit is going down just like Kaioshin did with the team.

Tiltyu is like Lunch, she's overprotective of her "boyfriend" and when she has low HP she turns blonde(activate wrath) and destroys everything.

Thanks dude! I'll remember those comparisons for when we get around to that point; they're pretty apt!

Is this going to use the new translation patch? (note that the new patch actualy fixes some glitches that are in the original and effect gameplay, like the one that causes levin!ced's speed to be lower than it should.)

Nah. For one thing, I don't wish to change horses when we're already so far into it. And secondly, I just KNOW someone's going to do a new LP of the new translation soon, so this'll be good for comparison purposes.

Thank you so much for your interest everyone!

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  • 1 month later...

So for reference, I've been thinking about what's been holding me back from doing another update, despite all the free time I've been having. Part of it is that, for all the satisfaction I get from the end product, the in-between work involves a lot of hours of working in relative solitude, coming up with commentary, jokes, screenshot editing, strategies, and all that. Which is fine; I'm still going to finish this LP one day, and I'm going to do it because I know you all enjoy it.

But in the meantime, I just want you to know; I am perfectly ok with you guys talking about whatever Fire Emblem related things you want, even if it's not in regards to this specific game. Watching people enjoy themself in my threads (whether it's Dragon Quest, 7th Saga, or this one) is the primary reason for why I keep on making updates; otherwise, I'd content myself with just playing them rather than doing any kind of project on them.

So thank you for your support, and feel free to have fun guys; hard work is pointless unless you or someone else takes pleasure in the fruits of it, and I always love reading reading the comments :) . And, if anyone wishes to join as a co-commentator or anything, feel free to ask!

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