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Treehouse Day 2: FE Fates (Big early-game spoiler!)


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Is it just me or were the enemies severely underpowered even for normal mode standards?

They just confirmed both routes are 28 chapters long.

28 chapters for each route makes 50 in total, but they said each route would have as much content as Awakening. Awakening had 28 compulsory chapters + 23 paralogues = 51 non-DLC chapters in a single game, so I really wonder how many gaiden chapters Fates has. It's going to have to have a lot if they want to deliver on their promise about the amount of content...

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For me it peaked early when they changed Joker to Jacob.

No but seriously, did they mention that? I must've missed it completely.

They said something about S-Ranks. They were talking about Pair-Up and then S-Ranks and I exploded.

They were talking about Awakening though, right?

I just saw it as random chatter or, worse, a tease.

I did hear them talk about Awakening, but I swear I heard them say S-rank but... it was.. like, they referred to it. Like.. the way it was said and how they were talking about supports, it just... it sounded like they were talking about Awakening, yeah, but also referring to something in-game with the Support System. I can't really explain it right now, let me go over it carefully.

Edited by DualMix
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Is it just me or were the enemies severely underpowered even for normal mode standards?

Well, they got two kills in one chapter!

I do believe they had a debug Kamui with buffed stats.

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Awakening: 27 Main story chapters, 23 optional chapters

Hoshido/Nohr: 28 Main story chapters (6 shared)

>>Same amount of content as Awakening

I hope there is a shit-ton of paralogues.

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Awakening: 27 Main story chapters, 23 optional chapters

Hoshido/Nohr: 28 Main story chapters (6 shared)

>>Same amount of content as Awakening

I hope there is a shit-ton of paralogues.

I doubt it. The lady also said that either version of Fates is longer than any other FE game that came before it, which isn't true, because the Tellius games exist. PoR has 30 chapters and RD has like 45. xP

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The only mention I heard of S-Rank was specifically referring to Awakening. One of the women was mentioning how in Awakening, she wanted everyone to be friends with everyone, so she got all their supports up to A with everyone, before worrying about how to deal with S-rank.

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Alright, so one of them said "Or if you're like me and you wanna build a relationship between characters and you end up building one that has no place in this game." which led into the S-Rank which I do think was an Awakening reference but like I said, it felt like they referred to an in-game system.

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So the Treehouse just dropped a significant spoiler. They tried to hide it though...

Yeah, I just saw it when rewatching the video.

I won't overreact until I know the details though.

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jesus christ she lost two units due to leeroying them into a boss and a minion, this is so awful its hilarious.

Hey, she WAS talking and playing at the same time. :P It's hard for some people to talk and do something else at the same time (like me...).

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Kamui can solo that map alone with his stats, just pair up him with Felicia to get some extra stats boost and drop him where the faceless are to make them go bye bye.

Effie's stats are pretty high for a non-promoted unit.

Also the cause of that explosion in the Hoshido's capital from the E3 trailer was caused by the Kamui's sword that was given by Garon.

Garon is a major dick confirmed.

Kamui can transform into dragon by chapter 7, so must of the cutscenes in the E3 trailer is from the prologue chapter 1 - 6 including Kamui going berserk. Aqua must be love at first sight if she willing to sacrifice her life for you that early.

Speaking of which, no Aqua shown. T_T

Marx and Elise are good bro and sis.

Edited by Awakener_
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Yeah, that spoiler was super bad, wow.

I'm a little mad that I ended up being spoiled by an official source of all things.

EDIT: ^ I think some people would appreciate spoiler tags, dude.

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Aqua can't be dead that early in the game. She joins your team later. She would have to be revived. And that's kinda cheesy and hard to do right.

EDIT: What?! God damn it, big spoilers even before the Japanese release? Seriously, Treehouse...

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