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We have the answer to "is marriage in this game?"


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Pretty sure Nintendo Dream is already out in hard copy. I was skeptical about all of this and still kind of am about the actual leaked scans, but their official website says they revealed info about marriage and children in today's release.

Thanks, I guess we're probably not getting scans of Nintendo Dream then, not that I was expecting that.

I'm hoping that Dengeki does have an online issue and that somebody cares enough to share any more information in it though.

That one scan could be the only page in it though, I would at least like a better look at the new characters.

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Thanks, I guess we're probably not getting scans of Nintendo Dream then, not that I was expecting that.

I'm hoping that Dengeki does have an online issue and that somebody cares enough to share any more information in it though.

That one scan could be the only page in it though, I would at least like a better look at the new characters.

I'm reading the digital issue of Dengeki right now, and it's dedicating a full 40 pages to FE14, but the only new information of any real importance seems to be the part that already leaked yesterday. The rest is basically just an overview of everything we already knew about the game, with some additional comments here and there.

As far as the new characters are concerned, it does mention that Asama's skill will also activate when he's only carrying staves (i.e. a staff is not considered a weapon for the purposes of his skill), which makes it a pretty decent skill.

I'm arrogant, I know. And this argument is completely redundant, but when you play Casual mode or Classic. What's the difference? What's your reward? Well apart from resetting all the time when a unit dies making the characters feel more important which casual players keep saying why they 'don't play classic' about, no one gains anything! Classic players don't accept defeat of a lost comrade and reset the map, losing precious time. It's no different.

I'm not sure where you're even going with this argument, but I just want to point out that some classic players actually enjoy playing without resets. [/off-topic]

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Please excuse the long post I'm about to make. Warning: Spoilers about Awakening will be a big part.

For myself, I was a big fan of marriage in awakening. I didn't mind how it affected the children, and thought it was an interesting and fun change from the Fire Emblems I had played before. Saying that, I did expect marriage to return in this game for the bonuses to the attack/guard stance system. However, I did not expect children to return. Do I hate it? To be honest, I'm not entirely pleased, but I'm reserving judgment since all I know is they exist.

I am a... well I suppose I should call it 'second generation' Fire Emblem fan. I only played the games that were brought over to the US. I never played Geneology, I never played Binding Blade, and in spite of my love for the series, I never played the tellius games. Fire emblem always felt best on handheld to me, and I could never get into it on consoles.

My first game was Blazing Sword, followed by Sacred Stones. what drew me in for these was really the supports. While I did love the stories, the supports really sold it, making an army of people i cared about and wanted to survive. The paired endings were also a treat, though I often wished there were more pairings to choose from. I also had issues resetting every time a character in my army died, because I couldn't stand continuing even if I wasn't planning to use them again after that chapter.

So along comes Awakening. It added mechanics I loved. Casual mode, for me who didn't have the time to restart everytime I messed up or got someone killed while training them (Looking at you, Donnel and Olivia). The Avatar system, which to me was the tactician from FE7 fully realized (One of the things I hated most was that the tactician (You) couldn't support support with any of the characters you were supposedly so close to. I've even ended up novelizing the game in a fanfiction to try and make the tactician more interesting.) Skills, though a bit OP, were a great addition to make the classes more unique. I finally had a reason to use axe users outside of support grinding when in previous installments I always dropped them. The plot, though perhaps standard and a bit repetitive, was fun to play through and experience. The children characters and all of the side content on top of the main story was downright godly. You could pair almost anyone up as you pleased and recruit their offspring.

However, despite Awakening probably being my most played game, with over 500 hours logged on multiple playthroughs, I'm not blind to its shortcomings. While the Children character can be ignored if you so choose, that's not entirely the case on Lunatic and Lunatic plus. While these modes are a challenge, it's not because of the AI's tactics, its because of numbers, artificially boosted stats, and BS skills that are annoying to deal with. It's almost impossible to do these modes without insane grinding on DLC maps and the obtaining of the limit breaker skill for your entire team (generally the second gen, Chrom, his wife, Avatar and his wife (Who may be second gen if you chose that). The Children Characters apart from Lucina play no part in the overall story, which is a shortcoming, The fact that several character's supports are similar if not identical is also, although not entirely understandable, a shortcoming. For example, Olivia's supports are almost always about how shy she is as a person and nothing else. The two exceptions are Lon'qu and Robin, to my knowledge. This is not necessarily a shortcoming, but with unlimited supports it can become a case where people feel the characters are one-two note characters that don't change. This includes cases like Cordelia, who even after faaling in love/marrying another person her meeting with Severa and golden sparkly conversations (Along with a couple things in DLC) suggest Cordelia never does get over her love for Chrom, which begins to feel unfair to the character that married her.

Hopefully, this game improves a couple of things with supports. One: It's okay to have less S options. For example, character you get late in the game I don't necessarily mind them not having an S option. You aren't very likely to use them with the limited grinding Nohr's campaign will have, and hoshido should reflect that. Second: Marrying a character should give them a small bit more importance. I know this is extremely difficult, but even if it's just a scene with your wife/husband before the final chapter I think people would really like it much better. Thirdly, change up the dialogue a bit in golden sparkles or in chapters if the character is married. This is a little easier, and we only have one character with a plainly stated crush right now. Even if it's just a line or two, those small changes can make a difference. For example, isn't it a shame that your SPOUSE AND CHILDREN have nothing unique to say about their HUSBAND/PARENT Robin when they sacrifice themselves to destroy grima?

Finally, make this time a case where the children are fun extra units you get from marrying, but not essential to the game or plot. The Outrealms idea seems to indicate this, but This game just wasn't set up with a generation or time travel plot as a major focus. It'd be a shame to see one of those two elements overshadow this big theme about blood (Hoshido your birth family) vs. ties (The Nohr siblings who cared for you). Let's not forget the third DLC coming which is likely the fight everyone option.

In conclusion or a quick summary for those not interested in my rambling: I'm not sad to see marriage return because I love pairings and shipping. It's one of the main reasons I choose Fire emblem over other strategy games because of the deep characters and supports that can be offered. I am aphrehensive about the children returning, but I hope they will have no impact on the story as a hole, and will function more as an extra unit you get out of the marriage for those people who play on classic and do not reset when losing units. Heck, maybe the outrealm children (Or whatever they are) don't even need supports? If they are downplayed I think they won't be hated or called a repeat of awakening. Also hopefully they nerfed the insane power/stat bonuses/Skill inheritance the kids get.

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^ I agree with all the points you made about the children regarding support quality, their insane power in Awakening, and that they should not play an important part in Fates' plot. But please refrain from making completely false statements such as:

While the Children character can be ignored if you so choose, that's not entirely the case on Lunatic and Lunatic plus.

It's almost impossible to do these modes without insane grinding on DLC maps and the obtaining of the limit breaker skill for your entire team

because it will almost always cause the thread to be derailed by people telling you this isn't true by any means.

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^ I agree with all the points you made about the children regarding support quality, their insane power in Awakening, and that they should not play an important part in Fates' plot. But please refrain from making completely false statements such as:

because it will almost always cause the thread to be derailed by people telling you this isn't true by any means.

Well Lucina does indeed join you in the main plot. I meant to imply that you could skip the other children if you wanted since they are side chapter content. I understand most people won't nor do they feel they can, however. I often felt the same myself. I never skip them because I can't bring myself to.

I don't feel what I said was completely false, but I understand your concern. I'll try to word myself better. Thanks.

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I'm reading the digital issue of Dengeki right now, and it's dedicating a full 40 pages to FE14, but the only new information of any real importance seems to be the part that already leaked yesterday. The rest is basically just an overview of everything we already knew about the game, with some additional comments here and there.

As far as the new characters are concerned, it does mention that Asama's skill will also activate when he's only carrying staves (i.e. a staff is not considered a weapon for the purposes of his skill), which makes it a pretty decent skill.

Awesome, thanks for sharing.

No more information on the children that were shown then?

Could you get a clear shot of Shara if possible? No worries if you can't/don't want to, I just haven't seen a good shot of her.

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Uhg. So much text (I was warned...) and almost did a 'too long, didn't read' but I kinda skimmed, stopped to read and then skimmed again. Good speech.

So along comes Awakening. It added mechanics I loved. Casual mode, for me who didn't have the time to restart everytime I messed up or got someone killed while training them (Looking at you, Donnel and Olivia).

This I don't get. With anyone for that matter. Why Casual mode? I get it cause you said it in the quote above, but many older FE players just play and when a unit gets dropped, they restart the mission thus learning a mistake because it had more meaning. It's no different from casual mode, but apart from Classic making you just resetting the map, rather it makes you want to keep your units more as it feels like they're more important and valuable (Hell, it probably makes the children a tad less redundant in a way). So that's why I don't understand this at all. An older Fire Emblem player prefers Casual but even though the modes are the same? Unless you never thought of Classic used this way.

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Uhg. So much text (I was warned...) and almost did a 'too long, didn't read' but I kinda skimmed, stopped to read and then skimmed again. Good speech.

This I don't get. With anyone for that matter. Why Casual mode? I get it cause you said it in the quote above, but many older FE players just play and when a unit gets dropped, they restart the mission thus learning a mistake because it had more meaning. It's no different from casual mode, but apart from Classic making you just resetting the map, rather it makes you want to keep your units more as it feels like they're more important and valuable (Hell, it probably makes the children a tad less redundant in a way). So that's why I don't understand this at all. An older Fire Emblem player prefers Casual but even though the modes are the same? Unless you never thought of Classic used this way.

Better question: Why do you care how other people play their games? I see nothing wrong with Casual. New Mystery had it. Awakening had it. It's sticking around. Hell, in some ways, retreating to fight again another day is smarter than fighting until dying because of HONOR!

And yes, I played through Thracia. I beat Thracia. Don't give me sass, bruh.

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Better question: Why do you care how other people play their games?


Could you get a clear shot of Shara if possible? No worries if you can't/don't want to, I just haven't seen a good shot of her.

I'd also like to get clearer images. Can barely see Shara at all, and even Kanna is pretty hard to see properly in the leaked images. I know they claim Shara is supposed to look like Tharja but honestly from what I saw she looks more like Sakura.

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I'd also like to get clearer images. Can barely see Shara at all, and even Kanna is pretty hard to see properly in the leaked images. I know they claim Shara is supposed to look like Tharja but honestly from what I saw she looks more like Sakura.

This, I'm not convinced she is a Tharja expy, but we won't know definitively until we get a clear look.

Confirming either way would be great.

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Better question: Why do you care how other people play their games? I see nothing wrong with Casual. New Mystery had it. Awakening had it. It's sticking around.

And yes, I played through Thracia. I beat Thracia. Don't give me sass, bruh.

I'm aloud to ask, something I've never asked before. I mean, if IS made a new mode that's basically the same thing, then why was Casual even invented? Or why was Classic even re-added? You guys don't even know how to mind you're own. And New Mystery was like a beta test for the new MU and Casual mode, and it was rather successful in Japan, so they made Awakening.

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I'm aloud to ask, something I've never asked before. I mean, if IS made a new mode that's basically the same thing, then why was Casual even invented? Or why was Classic even re-added? You guys don't even know how to mind you're own. And New Mystery was like a beta test for the new MU and Casual mode, and it was rather successful in Japan, so they made Awakening.

You told people to "STOP BEIN PUSSES", not sure why you're the one getting defensive about this.

Who cares what modes people play?

Edited by Weebos
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I'm aloud to ask, something I've never asked before. I mean, if IS made a new mode that's basically the same thing, then why was Casual even invented? Or why was Classic even re-added? You guys don't even know how to mind you're own. And New Mystery was like a beta test for the new MU and Casual mode, and it was rather successful in Japan, so they made Awakening.

I know you're allowed to ask. As am I: Why do you care if people play casual or classic? If you're saying " I want a more of a reason for Awakening fans to touch that Classic mode and realize how good Fire Emblem as a whole really is. STOP BEIN PUSSES!," I have every right to ask.

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Those were to people who never played another Fe game.

Telling folks "not to be pussies" isn't really going to endear them toward trying the older games. If anything, it'll just make them avoid 'em.

I swear, I feel like I'm in a microcosm of the Sonic fanbase now. I'm outta here. *Drops mic*

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Please don't let this thread evolve into a casual-mode debate...

I don't paticulary care that marriage is back, but I like the ambiguity of some of the older supports more (for example Franz and Natasha, I think they could be interpreted romantically or not).

The children are another topic. On the one hand, they give Awakening an insane replay value (I've played thorugh it 6 times and I still want to do other combinations) and I enjoy most of the childrens' personalities. But on the other hand they hurt the flow of the story greatly, and it can be very tediouss to train their parents for the right skills. But I do not think they fit into this game, at least not if they are tied to the plot, unless it's written well, which can always be the case. Maybe they are like the Spotpass-characters, fun additions to play with but you can ignore them if you want to.

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Those were to people who never played another Fe game.

Except those are the kind of people who need Casual mode the most, it eases them into the game. For those who want a harder challenge it's there. There are options for both kinds of players, it's a good thing and you questioning others about their choice/playstyle in a thread not even regarding such a mechanic is just further derailing it. Please stop this nonsense.

As for the Dengeki issue, I too hope we get some decent scans to look at. While I could make out Kanna fairly well Orochi and Tsukuyomi's child was definitely pretty blurred, the main resemblance I saw to Tharja was her bangs and the shading around her eyes.

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^Ah, that wasn't aimed at you at all, you actually posted while I was typing. I quite agree with you that the whole thing is silly though. I'll continue to play the game as I want, using casual for when I want to play casually, and classic for when I want more of a challenge since I don't reset, a loss is a loss for me.

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Those were to people who never played another Fe game. They say, "I can't play FE cause I keep losing my units." and don't touch classic ever. Though it's the same.

A lot of people want to keep their units throughout the game without having to start a chapter from scratch. For players who don't want to commit a large amount of investment of time to the game classic with resetting is simply not the same as casual mode and is much less inviting and more frustrating, especially considering the less experienced you are the more you're going to be losing units the more you'll reset the longer you have to put into beating each chapter.

I've played all of the games. But the inclusion of casual mode lifts a big barrier(permadeath) that scared players off from even trying the series even though they'd enjoy most if not everything else in the game.

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Awesome, thanks for sharing.

No more information on the children that were shown then?

Could you get a clear shot of Shara if possible? No worries if you can't/don't want to, I just haven't seen a good shot of her.

The screenshot with Shara is awfully small, so the quality is only marginally better than what we saw in yesterday's leaks, but here you go:


There was no further information on either of the children. There was a pretty extensive overview of all of the units that have been revealed so far, but Shara and Kanna weren't even listed. Dengeki's editors have apparently already played the full game, so I assume IS told them to keep all details on the second generation under wraps until the game's release.


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