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Well, here we go...


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...again, that is. Marriage and Child mechanics are back. To be honest, I'm kinda annoyed that these were brought back. Marrying in the middle of a war sounds rather bizarre IMO, and the fact that I've heard there was confirmation on no same sex marriage in it is also rather devastating (but if it's still there, then I'd hope Nintendo of America is wise and realizes that the majority of the American public is practically cool with that by now). If it were just relationships that could be platonic and romantic based on which characters could S support and such (as another member mentioned in an earlier thread of which the name escapes me), then I'd so much prefer that. I was hoping the child mechanic would be behind us at this point, especially since that isn't what Fire Emblem is about anyway. I was hoping it would be something they keep in Awakening for a while till they decided to bring it back much better than before in FE18 (implying the series even makes it to that point, which it likely will). Child units make the units I originally use feel obsolete and less useful in comparison, which ruins much of the gameplay for me personally. Now that it's back, I'm hoping that it is in no way integral to the plot and that it's exclusive to the Hoshido route so I may gladly ignore it, essentially like Awakening's DLC (of course, if FEF has DLC that adds to the game and benefits my experience, I'll likely purchase it if I can). As you may have already gathered from my rant, I was hoping for Hoshido to be more of a game that would be closer to FE8 2.0 than FE4 2.0, but of course, even with that, it still isn't Awakening 2.0 if we can't reset levels and such.

Anyhow, tl;dr I'm disappointed in the fact that these mechanics are reappearing. Now what I'm hoping for is the ability to ignore these for my first few playthroughs and try them out when I feel like it to fully experience the game. How does everyone else feel about these mechanics? Would you have preferred they take them away completely, or expand on them? Do you hope they are plot relevant, or are completely optional? Are there any specific pairings you're looking forward to putting together and producing kids from? Also, how do you think inherited skills will be transferred from parent to child? Any opinion on these returning mechanics and any comment regarding them is acceptable.

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I would've liked them to either take it away completely and replace it with old-style platonic/romantic paired endings or improve it vastly so that it works with the overall theme/storyline of the game like FE4. So far it seems like an optional afterthought tacked on because it was popular, with no bearing on the story simply because it's optional.


I'll probably end up enjoying it anyway like in Awakening, but I'll get back to you on that in 6 days.

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I've always thought of the marriage system as an extension to the preexisting support system. C, B. and A supports focus around friendly antics between new units, while S rank deals the deal when it comes to their bond. Past games have had S ranked companions get married (post war, admittedly), so really all that Awakening and Fates did was make S rank exclusive to the opposite sex and give the lovers official recognition. Sadly there are no same-sex marriages (at least not yet), but all-in-all I don't feel that we're really missing out on much when comparing the old and new support systems.

Child units, however, are a whole different story. They're really awesome to have and give a new purpose to playing matchmaker, but I do agree that they make the first-gen characters kind of obsolete, due to the inheritance mechanic. Hopefully something is done in Fates to maintain the balance, but...i'm not getting my hopes up.

Edited by Jrzfine
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I say it's too early to really say anything definitively. The way that children have been described so far, and the children we've seen so far, make it seem as though this may be something exclusive to the Hoshido route (unless in Nohr the children must be recruited in a certain order and are missable if their attached parent is not yet married by the time their recruitment comes around)

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I like the support in the older FE's too. There's all the time in the world to fall in love... BUT NOT DURING A FIGHT!
Imagine, Kamui, proposes to Felicia, in the middle of the final boss fight. Funny as this sounds, it's just ridiculous and just a no no.

Passing on skills now is more overpowered cause you look at classes limitations now and they can only be Myrmidon classes or Mercenary Classes then the other spouse passes skills down that the child's original class could never get. As this does mean you can get creative, it well get just as broken again, fast.
"But, Gateway! This is optional." Well that doesn't help me beat my friends over powered children now in a Street Pass now does it.

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It's a little too soon to assume that these child units could be as OP as Awakening's Gen 2 child units but we can't rule it out...yet. I hope IS "nerfed" the child system a little. We also don't know if all males can have children.

@ Gateway: Well, you can't really control how your friends will play. This will probably be even more evident if the Hoshido users grind their units like crazy and you're just barely clearing chapters in the Nohr campaign leading to a one-way ticket to Rekt City in Street Pass battles.

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They did make it sound like only certain pairings can have children, which would be a step in the right direction.

I actually really like S-supports and hoped they would return, but like many others, I'm a bit iffy on the children. With any luck, it's a Hoshido exclusive thing, since it's shaping up to be Awakening 2.0.

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I was hoping the child mechanic would be behind us at this point, especially since that isn't what Fire Emblem is about anyway.

I feel like this is a dangerous thing to say. One of the things that some people like about the FE series is that they're not afraid to change things round. At the same time, they might to start some new traditions as well. Like Jrzfine has mentioned, marriage is like an extension to the support system. Sure, FE's story is mainly about war but that doesn't mean it can't be extended to include something else.

I like the support in the older FE's too.

Please tell me by this you mean characters getting married after the story when they're mentioned in the epilogue.

Passing on skills now is more overpowered cause you look at classes limitations now and they can only be Myrmidon classes or Mercenary Classes then the other spouse passes skills down that the child's original class could never get. As this does mean you can get creative, it well get just as broken again, fast.

I think passing on skills have always been like that. Parents giving their children what they can't get was a major part of recruiting their child. It's just easier now since gender locked classes don't seem to be a thing in this game, which is awesome.

Edited by Magician Lugh
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I have many, many issues with children returning, but I'll just say, I disagree with the idea that them making this feature completely optional would really change anything. Missing out on completely new characters with their own supports, personal skills and likely more potential than the parents is not an option in my eyes. Not to mention, this means that we're probably not getting many more characters in... the first gen.

There's not much of a chance that it won't be a big part of this game.

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I wonder how they handle the class change options this time around.

What really annoyed me was that in Awakening the children had all their parents classes,meaning that while the parents were(mostly)limited to 3 classes,children could have twice as many choices(in Kjelles case even 7).

This time around it looks like every character has 2 base classes to choose from,so that could mean that children are now getting one class from each of their parents(the default class being related to the father and the optional one to the mother)

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I didn't like them at first, but now I'm willing to give the mechanic a chance. It may be Hoshido exclusive due to the limited time to build supports. I think most of us have our expectations low, so there's more of a chance to be surprised.

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That raises an interesting point especially if the 3rd route involves a large mixed army and being able to pair up people like...for example: Arthur and Oboro. Giving possible children some really unique class choices and skill setups.

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They did make it sound like only certain pairings can have children, which would be a step in the right direction.

I actually really like S-supports and hoped they would return, but like many others, I'm a bit iffy on the children. With any luck, it's a Hoshido exclusive thing, since it's shaping up to be Awakening 2.0.

cuz' that makes perfect sense story wise. 'oh shit we're fighting an enemy who has obviously devoted more time and resources to this war than we have, let's have kids' and then 'oh the war is going pretty well, kids? why would we do that?'

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cuz' that makes perfect sense story wise. 'oh shit we're fighting an enemy who has obviously devoted more time and resources to this war than we have, let's have kids' and then 'oh the war is going pretty well, kids? why would we do that?'

Cuz Eastern and Western.

To be frank... Which side does the most pandering. West or East?

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I like the support in the older FE's too. There's all the time in the world to fall in love... BUT NOT DURING A FIGHT!

This is the one anti-marriage argument I never understood. As far as I know, people during WWII wanted to get married in a hurry because they didn't know if they or their spouse would survive the next battlefield. It seems they weren't too picky about choosing their partner either if they didn't have one in mind already.

My grandparents certainly made this sound like the common thing back then.

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cuz' that makes perfect sense story wise. 'oh shit we're fighting an enemy who has obviously devoted more time and resources to this war than we have, let's have kids' and then 'oh the war is going pretty well, kids? why would we do that?'

"You guys couldn't stop the Nohr invasion, so we came back to help!!!"

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I really don't like it. S supports are a good idea but not when they only result in marriage. It forces all the conversations to go a certain way or to force a proposal in at the last minute. It also took away from the story in FE13 to me because characters were going on cutesy dates and walking in on each other naked in the middle of a supposedly apocalyptic war. Maybe their new writer will make them better, but I doubt it.

Awakening-style children force you to grind if you want to access a huge chunk of recruitable characters, and more if you want them to be useful. But if you do that means the parents will quickly become outclassed. In FE13 their recruitment wasn't thought out very well IMO so hopefully the pacing is better this time. I also hope their parent/child supports are less filled with teenage angst.

I don't know how these things will work with the story but to me it seems like they're only included as more unnecessary pandering to Awakening. If they wanted Awakening 2.0 they should've just made a direct sequel.

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I was suspecting that they would add marriage again, since that was one of the reasons that made Awakening so popular/replayable. But I'm shocked that they added the children again, they better find a way that doesn't feel forced, instead of 'time travel magicks'

Also a lot of people brought up the topic with same-sex marriage in Tomodachi Life, and I agree that it would make sense for NOA to be more inclusive this time.

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I didn't think they would add children again, so I'm curious on how they arrived. I personally don't mind marriage (I hope the marriages are a bit more realistic, like the younger characters, (Ricken, Lissa, etc.) shouldn't be able to marry people like Gregor.

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I don't know how these things will work with the story but to me it seems like they're only included as more unnecessary pandering to Awakening. If they wanted Awakening 2.0 they should've just made a direct sequel.

A direct sequel wouldn't be able to carry those features though. You can't have the gen 1 characters getting S supports in an Awakening sequel, since you'd already have their past children around, and so they needed to be paired up already.

Even making a sequel starring the children would run into the problem of needing to canonize their parents (even if they attempted to keep things extremely vague, something like Lucina and Morgan's possible sisters and brothers would need to be addressed in one way or another), and you'd need a pretty good excuse to explain why the entire 1st gen cast suddenly dropped off earth.

Edited by NeonZ
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Cuz Eastern and Western.

To be frank... Which side does the most pandering. West or East?

I meant how are they going to implement/justify that story wise, they would need some excuse to put children in one version and not in the other. So I think it will be in both

"You guys couldn't stop the Nohr invasion, so we came back to help!!!"

Sounds like a great time to have kids XD while losing a war

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