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Kamui's Cipher Card Artwork (Promoted version) and other siblings.


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Female Kamui is sooo pretty, why can't she be a separate character!!! I wanna S-rank her so bad.

She really is super pretty! I also want to S-rank M!Kamui though, why can't it be allowed? :(

I wonder how Leon and Takumi's cards are. Joker's looking fine as hell though.

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September 17th release date, that's actually farther than I thought. I wonder if third path will come out around then?

Here's hoping we see other regions' characters too eventually after these ones : )

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...Wtf is female Corrin wearing, a one-piece swimsuit? I'm starting to reconsider playing as her... I wouldn't ever make my character wear that.

Edited by Anacybele
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Yeah, I'm not sure what female Corrin is wearing but it looks awful. I'm not happy with how most of the Cipher artwork for the female characters looks "moe" and fanservicey compared to the male characters :/

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Yeah, I'm not sure what female Corrin is wearing but it looks awful. I'm not happy with how most of the Cipher artwork for the female characters looks "moe" and fanservicey compared to the male characters :/

Agreed. Though it was pretty damn hard for me to find out that Paladin Abel was Abel and not class-swapped Palla.

Interesting that they seem to be bent on promoting M!Kamui as Hoshido and F!Kamui as Nohr. Hope we get alternates.

WHAT??!!! SEPTEMBER 17TH??!!!! THAT'S RUBBISH!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! *sigh* well, what can we do.

Actually, it's less than 3 months after the first wave's launch. So, it's about what I expected.

Edited by The DanMan
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I'm not sure how you guys can even see what female Kamui/Corrin is wearing. I zoomed in as much as it would allow me but it just looks like black attire to me. Camilla aside, though, all of the designs look really good.

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I'm not sure how you guys can even see what female Kamui/Corrin is wearing. I zoomed in as much as it would allow me but it just looks like black attire to me. Camilla aside, though, all of the designs look really good.

Anyway, I doubt that's exactly what she wears in-game. I'm sure it was stylized for the sake of the card game visual. Regardless, I think it looks fine.

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Femooi is wearing like, a leotard and then some crotch cutouts

looks pretty ridiculous to me tbh I hope her Hoshido outfit looks better

Ryouma and Jakob looks fly as hell though

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I also think what Femui is wearing is strange, but I've seen so many more stranger things I don't feel too bad about it other than it being a serious descrepancy between how much Kamui is covered. It's like the thigh holes spread through the rest of the outfit. I still like Nohr Femui better than Nohr Kamui, though. His promotion just doesn't look as nice and seems lazier. I'd almost rather that they both went the Sothe route for clothes since they're both barefoot already and might as well reveal everything else as a unique lord. The promotions would look a lot more equal like Awakening's did.

Edited by Only MU V2
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I don't think that's suppose to be Female Kamui's Dark Blood promotion. Unless, Female Kamui decided to stop wearing armor when Male Kamui still does. I thought it was just Female Kamui reclassed to Camilla's class until I looked at the cape.

FEmui is using the sword the Nohr promotion was using in the class roll, speaking of swords, revenant knight cannot use swords

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FEmui is using the sword the Nohr promotion was using in the class roll, speaking of swords, revenant knight cannot use swords

Yeah, that's what I figured. Oddly enough, I only needed to look at Kamui's cape to realize she wasn't a revenant knight. I still find it extremely odd that Female Kamui apparently ditched armor that covered most of her body except for her thighs for a leotard.

Edited by IceBuster573
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i honestly can't tell what f!kamui is wearing, nevermind what her legs are doing. or why she's using a staff, nohr promo gets tomes. too small, a bit of glare and all that.

i don't think it's the last time i'm seeing that card, though, so whatever.

but yeah, it's likely been stylized to the max, like some of the tharja cards (which.. i do prefer one of them to the actual design, tbh).

Edited by falcoknights
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Ryouma and Jakob looks fly as hell though

Oh, Ryoma looks AMAZING as always. <3 I like Jakob's card too! He reminds me of Virion with the tea thing and those white sleeves. lol

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Yeah, that's what I figured. Oddly enough, I only needed to look at Kamui's cape to realize she wasn't a revenant knight. I still find it extremely odd that Female Kamui apparently ditched armor that covered most of her body except for her thighs for a leotard.

She's still wearing armor that covers a similar area to before, what she seems to have ditched for the leotard is her outfit under it. Note that for example her shoulders were never armored before, they were just clothing. She also had a piece of white clothing covering her crotch that's missing there.

...Wtf is female Corrin wearing, a one-piece swimsuit? I'm starting to reconsider playing as her... I wouldn't ever make my character wear that.

Well, in-game, you'll likely only see that as her battle model, and that's if you choose to keep her in her main class (of course, that's assuming that Kamui can be reclassed, but it'd be really stupid if they can't). Remember, Grand Master female Robin dumped the pants for a miniskirt with tighhigh socks, but most people don't remember that since it's only shown in the battle model,rather than artwork.

In addition to that, due to the battle model being kind of SD-like, differently from that card's artwork, it's necessary to tweak some proportions to make the design work. She has a small pointy armor plate in front of her crotch/leotard there, it's possible that in-game that armor actually covers her leotard, unlike in that artwork (which is shown from a downwards point of view too, which would highlight that even more).

Edited by NeonZ
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Oh, I noticed the skirt and all on female Robin. I didn't mind it, though I would've preferred that the skirt be a little longer. But it was better than what looks like a freaking swimsuit.

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Everyone here is just freaking out about Fe!Kamui's card outfit....

Yeah, I don't think it's that great but to think that outfit is going to be her outfit in game? Sure, it's a possibility that the in-game outfit will be a carbon-copy of the card art, but you've also got to remember the cards are highly stylized to be more eye-appealing. Her outfit in game might be completely different in some regards than the one in cipher one.

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