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About Kamui and Aqua's bloodlines. (Theory)


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Not sure if this counts as a spoiler cause it's not confirmed, it's just a theory I have.

I've speculated about this before in the hype thread, but I recently realized something extra from one of the pictures I posted.

Leon's Supports

You can see that Leon can marry Aqua, but cannot marry Elise.

People were grossed out since Aqua was "supposed" to be related to Nohr, and Kamui apparently can S support the Hoshido siblings too.

So, is this hinting that Kamui and Aqua are truly not related to either Kingdom?

After all, Kamui is a dragon, while their siblings are not.

It's also weird that if "incest" were allowed, that Leon can marry Aqua but not his other siblings.

It just further makes me suspect that Perhaps Kamui isn't related to his siblings on either side, and same for Aqua.


Ah, a translation for the dialogue between Sakura and Kamui appears!

Kamui Sakura convo.

Edited by Somnium
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I always suposed that at the end of the game or so you would discover that you are not even truly Hoshidan and you were adopted because of that pointi ears (c'mon!). But the other siblings having access to dragon vein made me think this was just a theory of mine. Seeing that I think I was correct, at the end you'll find out that nobody is your real family and they'll let you S-rank everybody!

With Aqua I supose it happens the same.

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I always suposed that at the end of the game or so you would discover that you are not even truly Hoshidan and you were adopted because of that pointi ears (c'mon!). But the other siblings having access to dragon vein made me think this was just a theory of mine. Seeing that I think I was correct, at the end you'll find out that nobody is your real family and they'll let you S-rank everybody!

With Aqua I supose it happens the same.

It's confirmed that you can S-rank your Nohr siblings (and even ones on Hoshido) so I can't see them really excusing it in another way.

People are somewhat outraged but I feel like they'll probably do something to explain it, otherwise I don't see why they would make Aqua and Kamui the only ones capable of "incest".

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Cool, now all we need is confirmation that kamui and Aqua are actually two halves a whole given to each kingdom, in order to make that whole you need both, which is why one kingdom tried to kidnap the other kingdoms child, in order to make them whole. Then, we need to be able to S-support Aqua which will give us both the wincest and the selfcest the fans have been craving. Yessssss, everything is going according to keikaku.

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So.... what grounds does Corrin have to do the Birthright Path?

- Hoshido isn't lead by Garon

- They are peaceful people defending themselves from ruthless conquerors.

- Hoshido isn't lead by Garon

- They are your real family that desperately wanted you back

- Hoshido isn't lead by Garon

- Superior katanas folded over a thousand times

And if those reasons weren't enough, Hoshido isn't lead by the guy who killed your father and makes several attempts to kill you.

Edited by NekoKnight
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- Hoshido isn't lead by Garon

- They are peaceful people defending themselves from ruthless conquerors.

- Hoshido isn't lead by Garon

- They are your real family that desperately wanted you back

- Hoshido isn't lead by Garon

- Superior katanas folded over a thousand times

And if those reasons weren't enough, Hoshido isn't lead by the guy who killed your father and makes several attempts to kill you.

^Cant get more clear than that.

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Garon. *squawk* Garon, Garon, Garon. Everyone keeps parroting this one thing. The entire point of the Nohr campaign is adressing the problems that he causes. The only ones who pick Nohr for Garon are the ones who want to play as a conqueror anyway. Everyone else who picks Nohr for plot reasons does so for the sake of the Nohrian siblings and making it a better kingdom. Which side you join when it comes to plot reasons really does boil down to whether bonds of blood are more important to you then bonds of "sweat" and if one values the latter more there is nothing wrong with sticking by the Nohr sibs, whom you were raised with. So the "ruthless conquerors" point is moot and so is the "real family" point.

Also, "superior katanas"? The katana were "folded over a thousand times" so that they would be usable at all. They were made from horrible steel and a masterfully crafted katana is, at best, equal to an average european sword.

Edited by RedEyedDrake
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You know, recently I had a theory like what Kamui was in truth Lobster Dad, but that he ressurected/reincarnated as a baby/young Kamui and lost all of his memories, all of that thanks to somekind of dragon macguffin, and Ganon took him, because why the fuck not ?

I thought it was possible, because the cutscenes doesn't really know when to be from Kamui's POV or not, LD's face wasn't shown at all (like Kamui), and when he died, he was on the ground, And Kamui was on the gound too, as shown when Garon grab his head, and you DON'T let a kid on the ground of a town, even a very clean one, just like that.

Alas, it is impossible, since at one moment during the full cutscene, at one moment the POV is from Kamui looking at Lobster dad's body, then at Garon walking toward you, so...

But I liked my theory. :(

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- They are your real family that desperately wanted you back

That's the point though. Those S supports suggest that Kamui isn't really related to them either. And, he also didn't grow up with them. So, basically there'd be very little connection.

Edited by NeonZ
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Also, "superior katanas"? The katana were "folded over a thousand times" so that they would be usable at all. They were made from horrible steel and a masterfully crafted katana is, at best, equal to an average european sword.

Oh jeez... You must be fun at parties.

That's the point though. Those S supports suggest that Kamui isn't really related to them either. And, he also didn't grow up with them. So, basically there'd be very little connection.

Or incest. Them not being related would undermine half of your motivations for siding with Hoshido.

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@Weebos: That doesn't make a lot of sense, though. That would make the avatar older then any of the four Hoshido siblings when he/she is supposed to be the middle child of both sibling groups.

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