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Is it just me?


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So I've been at work all day and Serenes Forest on the internet traffic would pull up some questions about proper usage of time. However, Reddit is considered acceptable (don't ask, it just is and I gave up trying to figure out why). So as a result I have had the Fire Emblem Subreddit up all day at work and read it every so often during a quiet period during the day. Now I am well up for the newest game, I genuinely enjoy playing many of the previous games and love that a new one is on the horizon but after a day or reading the Fire Emblem subreddits reaction to early reports of the I feel like I'm the only person on earth who still wants to play the game?

Is it just me? I mean am i allowed to still like the game?

I saw one guy complaining that a desert map looked vapid. Isn't vapid sort of a desert's thing? Someone else was bemoaning how the story looked dull - fully admitted they didn't understand a word of written or spoken Japanese. I swear to you I saw one person complain about the artwork being worse than Awakening, and that they should get the old artist back. Someone else said the battle gameplay didn't look like "a proper Fire Emblem".

After a day of this, I'm starting to wonder if I'm properly missing something? Am i being Bamby-esq in my naivety when I looked at some of the Fates stuff out today and thought "looks ok" and not got the urge to burn the internet down? Seriously am I utterly missing something?

Edited by Merric
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You've pretty much summed up my opinion on the matter. I'd ignore the bemoaning fan base and just like what you like. It looks like a decent game, so enjoy it if you want. Video games aren't perfect, but if you can while away a few hours having fun, the game is a success. Don't be held back by angry Internet nerd ragers.

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Fire Emblem has more problems with its fans than most fanbases; I've never seen so many people complain so loudly about newcomers to a series - I've seen more than a few people apologize for the fact that they have only played Awakening.

I don't know if its a sense of elitism that comes from liking a difficult strategy game that's opening up more or what, but it's not a very pleasant fandom in general. I know it's not easy to see a series change to what you believe is worse, a lot of people have had to go through that with other series as well, but some people seem to have some ludicrous standards for how the game should be played and what exact aspects of the game one should enjoy.

Edited by Thane
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It looks pretty hype honestly, some people are just bemoaning it.

Make your own opinions! :D, as a long time member of the Sonic fanbase I can tell you i've dealt with far worse with how inconsistent the series is these days (like the grand last few years we had then lolboom)

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It looks pretty hype honestly, some people are just bemoaning it.

Make your own opinions! :D, as a long time member of the Sonic fanbase I can tell you i've dealt with far worse with how inconsistent the series is these days (like the grand last few years we had then lolboom)

There has been a good Sonic game?

fite me

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There has been a good Sonic game?

fite me

I'd rather not start this debate lol.

But i'm of the opinion that the only truly bad ones were 06, Boom, Free Riders and Secret Rings. The rest have been Mediocre to good.

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I think a lot of the meltdowns on the subreddit are related to the skinshipping naughty bits reveal, as well as:

Incest on the Hoshido side

Some people don't like the direction Fire Emblem is heading in with these two revelations, combined with a lot of the returning Awakening features.

That's fine, but I'm still excited for the game and I can overlook most of these...interesting developments.

If you don't like the negativity just find a more positive place to be, like the Hype thread on here.

Edited by Weebos
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I hear all of you. All of these complaints are starting to diminish my hype for the game. There are some valid ones, about too much fanservice and etc., but "the story's horrible" when you can't even read Japanese and haven't seen all of it? Come on people, let's stay hyped!

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I'm really excited for the game.

It seems fun to play, I'm excited to meet a few characters that appeal to me (Leon, Camilla and Kazehana), some of the classes look neat, I'm happy that marriage is back (it's fun to play cupid while destroying enemies) and I expect the story from Nohr's side to be interesting.

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Keep in mind that this is not because someone is complaining too much about something, that they already hate the game from the get go.

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I would be lying if I said my hype was still strong for this game. On the one hand, almost all of the story gameplay and trailers I've seen look really really good. On the other, there is an overwhelming amount of otaku and Awakening fanservice that it puts a huge blemish on the game for me. Not only because I dislike waifus but also because it makes me feel like the game won't stand on its own and will depend too much on said fanservice. Personally, I'm still looking forward to the game, but it's definitely not the same feeling I had with the first two trailers-- I actually thought it had the potential to compete with Tellius which for me personally are my favourite games. Now I don't think so because even if the story and gameplay are perfect, I won't be able to get over the fanservice even if it's "optional content". Like I said I'm still going to play it and maybe I'll be wrong, but for now that's the impression I've been given by what I've seen.

Bottom line make your own decision about the game but don't act like all negative opinions are just salty trolls.

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So I've been at work all day and Serenes Forest on the internet traffic would pull up some questions about proper usage of time. However, Reddit is considered acceptable (don't ask, it just is and I gave up trying to figure out why). So as a result I have had the Fire Emblem Subreddit up all day at work and read it every so often during a quiet period during the day. Now I am well up for the newest game, I genuinely enjoy playing many of the previous games and love that a new one is on the horizon but after a day or reading the Fire Emblem subreddits reaction to early reports of the I feel like I'm the only person on earth who still wants to play the game?

Is it just me? I mean am i allowed to still like the game?

I saw one guy complaining that a desert map looked vapid. Isn't vapid sort of a desert's thing? Someone else was bemoaning how the story looked dull - fully admitted they didn't understand a word of written or spoken Japanese. I swear to you I saw one person complain about the artwork being worse than Awakening, and that they should get the old artist back. Someone else said the battle gameplay didn't look like "a proper Fire Emblem".

After a day of this, I'm starting to wonder if I'm properly missing something? Am i being Bamby-esq in my naivety when I looked at some of the Fates stuff out today and thought "looks ok" and not got the urge to burn the internet down? Seriously am I utterly missing something?

i've been on the subreddit today as well. And i've been there many times before. Its not just you. The majority of posters there are EXTREMELY negative towards this game. And this is even before we knew anything about it. I honestly wouldn't take much of the criticism there seriously. Theres also about 5 or so posters on there right now going out of there way to bash on the game and upvote each others posts so it reaches the front. Try to focus on gameplay discussions and objective threads for now,

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i've been on the subreddit today as well. And i've been there many times before. Its not just you. The majority of posters there are EXTREMELY negative towards this game. And this is even before we knew anything about it. I honestly wouldn't take much of the criticism there seriously. Theres also about 5 or so posters on there right now going out of there way to bash on the game and upvote each others posts so it reaches the front. Try to focus on gameplay discussions and objective threads for now,

Yeah, I've been on the subreddit for awhile and there are a number of users who have definitely been against the game from the beginning.

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You can enjoy whatever you want.

There are a ton of revelations many people find massively disappointing, even disturbing. Please don't treat those people as "entitled whiners."

And desert maps are not "supposed" to be barren. Most desert maps are interesting. Even the desert maps in Awakening have a lot going on compared to Fates' iteration.

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I think a lot of the negativity is a result of the 'new' vs 'old' fans. Specifically those that came in at Awakening. I also think Nintendo realized that the newer gimmicks (for lack of a better word) generated a larger overall interest in this game. Then they just decided to run with it. But I also think that was the whole point of two versions.

Nintendo has taken it's franchise and has decided to evolve with the times. Whether a fan thinks that's a good thing or not is a matter of opinion.

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The Fire Emblem fanbase just loves to bitch about every little thing here and there.

Fire Emblem Fates will be a fun game, just don't let a vocal community get in your way.

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The Fire Emblem fanbase just loves to bitch about every little thing here and there.

Fire Emblem Fates will be a fun game, just don't let a vocal community get in your way.

I wouldn't have put it so bluntly and I don't think this is limited to the Fire Emblem fanbase per day... But I agree. Whether you enjoy something or not should be because you decided it. Not because a percentage of people you probably don't know bashed the game whether their grievances were legit or not. Edited by Judithbee
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I would be lying if I said my hype was still strong for this game. On the one hand, almost all of the story gameplay and trailers I've seen look really really good. On the other, there is an overwhelming amount of otaku and Awakening fanservice that it puts a huge blemish on the game for me. Not only because I dislike waifus but also because it makes me feel like the game won't stand on its own and will depend too much on said fanservice. Personally, I'm still looking forward to the game, but it's definitely not the same feeling I had with the first two trailers-- I actually thought it had the potential to compete with Tellius which for me personally are my favourite games. Now I don't think so because even if the story and gameplay are perfect, I won't be able to get over the fanservice even if it's "optional content". Like I said I'm still going to play it and maybe I'll be wrong, but for now that's the impression I've been given by what I've seen.

Bottom line make your own decision about the game but don't act like all negative opinions are just salty trolls.

Just like you i hate fanservice, hate waifus and everything that comes from awakening, but i'll double dig anyway the game!

I hope the story will be interesting even if their focus is on "other" things.

But i honestly don't like what is happening to this saga...

Edited by Jenoss
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Fire Emblem just has a typical fanbase. Oldschool vs. Newschool for the most part but don't forget there are veterans and newcomers who also fall in between. As per usual make your own opinion on the game based on what you see, not what some random person on reddit tells you. Personally I'm glad to see the series grow and evolve while still hanging on to the core aspects of the original games. Assemble an army, take on the enemy through strategic maneuvers, enjoy the story and characters as they grow and find out their epilogues as you see them off at the end.

Though like any fanbase some people complain for valid reasons more than others

Edited by Shadow Knight
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Honestly, I'm still really looking forward to this. Mostly because legitimately, everything that I've seen in the game that people are complaing about, in my opinion, are:
A. Trivial (In the case of the skinshipping, for example)
B. Something I don't care about (I don't have anything against homosexuality, ((Bar religion, but we are so not going into that)) but it's really not going to have an effect on how I play it)
or C. Something I can just avoid. (The whole incest deal)

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I don't care either way. I'm just here for the salt.

Matador is pleased with the salt.

But for me? I'm eager to play the game. And no, I don't give two shits about the supports or any of that. I care about an overall fun to play game.

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