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Is it just me?


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I don't care either way. I'm just here for the salt.

Matador is pleased with the salt.

But for me? I'm eager to play the game. And no, I don't give two shits about the supports or any of that. I care about an overall fun to play game.

Is there a formula you can teach other peoples to stop producing NaCl? Cuz my popcorn is seriously getting too salty...

In all seriousness why there can't be more people like you? People that like just play the game for fun.

Edited by Awakener_
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MageKnight404 re-posted this on his tumblr.

The Fire Emblem fandom is much like any other fandom; of course there's a few vocal complainers, but most of the veterans are calm and polite to newcomers.

We don't hate newcomers; notice how our complaints are focused on the games, and the average, civil fan hasn't breathed a negative word about newcomers.

From mine (and others') personal experience, there are people out there who seem to take personal offense at criticism of Awakening, and immediately act mean-spirited back towards us. They seem to not realize that we have legit criticisms of Awakening. The fanservice, the removal and dumbing down of multiple mechanics, the cliche story, the generally imbalance, and the elephant in the room now, the 2nd generation.

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Actually you see more extreme reactions with some newcommers, (on those forums at least), than with some of the older players.

(But seriously what is a veteran ? A miserable pile of elitism. Now have at you !)

Personnally, lots of the choices have made me kinda worried for a short time, or at least surprised me, but I have warmed out about them mostly. And I can avoid the ones that annoys me the most (dating and Skinship with Sakura/Elise mainly).

The marriage is making the completionist in me excited (and a little stressed, because obtaining all the children in Nohr seems like a dauting task...)

My hype isn't really lower, but... differently placed

I never expected the story to surpass LUCT (but I don't expevct lots of game , but I hope for a fun and interresting story at least.

And honnestly, every pics and gameplay demonstration have made me highly pumped about this game.
This game looks really fun to play, and is really pretty, both graphically and music-wise.

I really want to play it.

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The Fire Emblem subreddit is just horrible. I've seen discussions about this game in multiple gaming forums and they were all pretty level-headed. The subreddit, however, just flat-out hates this game (and Awakening too, mostly).

I mean, hell, I've seen people there post stuff like "I'd rather have no more FE games at all than Fates".

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Is it just me? I mean am i allowed to still like the game?

No, it's not just you. Yes, you are allowed to still like the game, just as I am allowed to be a bit pessimistic about it.

But if you want to stay away from the criticism/negativity surrounding the game you're going to have a hard time as this is the internet and it's pretty much everywhere, I think. All I can say is try to stick to the places where you can discuss the game with other eager fans? The FE fanbase will calm down eventually over the new game(s).

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Can't say I really care about fanservice one way or another but when I look at the amount of it I sometimes wonder if it could have been better spent elsewhere... then I remember how massively ambitious the game seems to be with the new features and stuff and so i just shrug and go "eh."

What I can say is that I am INCREDIBLY hyped for the bloodiest waifu wars of the century!

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What I can say is that I am INCREDIBLY hyped for the bloodiest waifu wars of the century!

Azura having the heroine card give us Azura x Kamui shipper the strongest cannon ever, we won by default!

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MageKnight404 re-posted this on his tumblr.

The Fire Emblem fandom is much like any other fandom; of course there's a few vocal complainers, but most of the veterans are calm and polite to newcomers.

We don't hate newcomers; notice how our complaints are focused on the games, and the average, civil fan hasn't breathed a negative word about newcomers.

From mine (and others') personal experience, there are people out there who seem to take personal offense at criticism of Awakening, and immediately act mean-spirited back towards us. They seem to not realize that we have legit criticisms of Awakening. The fanservice, the removal and dumbing down of multiple mechanics, the cliche story, the generally imbalance, and the elephant in the room now, the 2nd generation.

I don't think a little overreacting is wrong honnestly (for both sides) comming from fanatics (people tends to forgets what fans means).

A lot of person are overreacting because they deeply care about the seres (in this forum at least, don't know the reddit crowd) and what will happens with it.

Myself, I am still deeply worried about what the serie will become, because the ones doing it seems to have no idea what they want to do (trying to makes a niche series mainstream, while still appealing to its original fans. This can't stay long, and I fear the time when they will have to make the decisive choice between Ancients and Moderns.)

Still, even if their ambition may be misplaced, Fates is still a highly ambitious game, one of the most ambitious games for a while.

Awakening was a blessing and a curse after all. So their confusion is OK, and not knowing what to do is plenty understandable.

(I mean they didn't knew what to do after their first game, so it's normal to be confuse after Awakening's serie rebirth.)

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I've played the old fire emblem games before, and have always been a fan of the franchise;

I'm probably one of the few people (judging by all the surprised reactions I get when I discussed FE in the past) who liked Awakening a lot more,

I'm extremely excited for If as well, even if I don't care for all the new mechanisms, I'm not going to complain -

they're not forcing you to use all of them, it's just an extra perk.

I love the franchise so much that at this point, I don't even care what the devs throw in our way, I will accept it all * U *

In my personal opinion, if the newer games really bother peope that much, they should stop playing // following the news ~

again, no one's forcing them to LOOK AT ALL THIS and if it really upsets them that much, they should do themselves that favor !

aaah my brain's not working I didn't sleep at all so I could watch all the people streaming the game sobs

aand of course, everyone's entitled to their own opinion, some people are just more vocal than others.

I'm just slightly irritated b/c of all the rude comments I had read while watching the streams, it's disheartening

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I wish they would just make a new dating sim series separate from FE, and let FE go back to being a medieval fantasy JRPG instead of a "self-insert anime". They can keep making money off fanservice without selling out the series. Won't happen though.

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Really, there's a lot of people who are saying that if this stuff keeps up, they might stop playing they game as though that's a threat. I'm not sure how many people are angry at this, but there probably are enough people pulled in by awakening to make up for it.

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I'm so damn hyped I'm paranoid that it won't work tomorrow.even though I've pre-downloaded it. I would write it in the hype thread but I'm fairly sure it's filled to the brim with spoilers.

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I really appreciate all the replies.

Just to clarify, I have no issue with someone having concerns or criticism and then expressing them - I have just been surprised today by the sheer persistence and scale of the negative reaction i exposed myself to on the subreddit earlier. I haven't been following the pre-release information closely due to work commitments, so to go from a position of relative ignorance to today's subreddit was eye opening.

I really really genuinely was starting to think that everyone following the game was fully and completely up in arms about .... well... everything.

Edited by Merric
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I really appreciate all the replies.

Just to clarify, I have no issue with someone having concerns or criticism and then expressing them - I have just been surprised today by the sheer persistence and scale of the negative reaction i exposed myself to on the subreddit earlier. I haven't been following the pre-release information closely due to work commitments, so to go from a position of relative ignorance to today's subreddit was eye opening.

I really really genuinely was starting to think that everyone following the game was fully and completely up in arms about .... well... everything.

No worries. I think the biggest issue is all most of us can rely on for another half a year is the news we get out of Japan about the game. People see the my castle stuff and the quotes like 'trying to create a living anime' and freak out because they jump to the worst conclusion about it.

To be honest, that quote is nothing new. We've heard constantly that games are trying to be 'interactive movies' from developers for years. Is it a mistaken approach? A great deal of the community feels so and we're slowly seeing the genres open up a bit more and be their own things. However, there will always be games trying to be interactive movies. In that sense, it's no surprise that a Japanese game is trying to be an interactive anime. Anime is big business in Japan. Not necessarily all the otaku merchandising that comes with it, but anime production itself and the art form is hugely important. In that sense, it's not surprising that japanese game companies emulate animes when making their games.

Even with all of that said, I'm not a hater of anime or movies or games that try to emulate them. When it's done right, those games are by far some of my favorites. Xenoblade Chronicles ring any bells? Highly acclaimed cult JRPG now that was on the Wii? Yeah, they were emulating anime with that one. Done right it can be a very good thing. Done wrong it can be horrible, but most rational people just have to wait and see before making their judgment. What you're likely seeing is kneejerk reactions and people who automatically associate anime with crap whine about things they don't know whether they'll like or not yet.

So don't let the haters get to you. let's wait it out and enjoy the news when it comes. hopefully, it'll be good news. :P

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I tried expressing my opinion about the game on the fire emblem subreddit and people tore me apart (and downvoted, lol reddit), a vocal majority of the people there seem to be the tryhard veterans that don't like anything that differentiate from the original core gameplay.

Some people can't wrap their heads around that the game has changed over the years and doesn't seem to be going back to it's extremely hard non-newcomer friendly gameplay, but instead going toward newcomer friendly, and a variety of other things to draw in people to play.

Plus all the my castle things, face rubbing and all other stuff, I don't mind it, but a lot of people on reddit want it all to be burned and are hating the game because of an optional feature that, even though is optional, makes the game "bad" to them.

Edit: if the Amie thing/character customization gets censored/removed in it's American release then i'll be upset, the suggested incest i'll expect to be altered since they changed it in FE:A.

America already censors enough stupid crap in the world, but gore, violence, anything of the sort, it's all allowed, but sexual themes and nudity? God forbid we allow our minds to experience things that we will experience one way or another through life.

Edited by Xanek
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Edit: if the Amie thing/character customization gets censored/removed in it's American release then i'll be upset, the suggested incest i'll expect to be altered since they changed it in FE:A.

America already censors enough stupid crap in the world, but gore, violence, anything of the sort, it's all allowed, but sexual themes and nudity? God forbid we allow our minds to experience things that we will experience one way or another through life.

Yeah it's mostly wondering what/how much will be censored in the american release. I'm kinda beginning to wonder if they shouldn't just keep it as is and let it fend for itself. Free speech and all that, but also sometimes when things are changed or removed its really easy to tell and just hurts the game more >_<

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Why is this a bad thing? Seems like a noble, selfless attitude.

You are the reason we cannot have nice things. The fact you mean this without the hint of irony is quite frankly, asinine.

Is it just me? I mean am i allowed to still like the game?

Yes you are still allowed to like the game. I still like the game. Im going to play the game and enjoy it. If i dont want to marry Hoshidan siblings, i wont marry them. If i dont want to have my army procreate, i wont do it. (ill likely do it because have you seen some of these babies? They are so cute im dying)

Im also really unhappy with this huge call for censorship. Prudish much? Its up to you if you dont want to have fun with this game, or you will have fun with this game. It is not up to anyone else in the fanbase to dictate whether or not someone will or will not have fun with this game. If someone doesnt like it, so what. But they shouldnt tell other people they shouldnt like this game.

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Yeah it's mostly wondering what/how much will be censored in the american release. I'm kinda beginning to wonder if they shouldn't just keep it as is and let it fend for itself. Free speech and all that, but also sometimes when things are changed or removed its really easy to tell and just hurts the game more >_<

Exactly, like, (for a fun example), tharja's cg being edited slightly in the summer scramble. Minor change, people wondered why the hell it was edited when Cordelia :|

The whole free speech thing is kind of becoming a moot point, all the censorship and things that are being hidden from us kind of makes all of the freedom stuff all pointless...

But like you said, I would rather them to keep it as is and for the game to fend for itself.

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Why is this a bad thing? Seems like a noble, selfless attitude.

Why is this a good thing? Seems like a rotten, selfish attitude.


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Fire Emblem has more problems with its fans than most fanbases; I've never seen so many people complain so loudly about newcomers to a series - I've seen more than a few people apologize for the fact that they have only played Awakening.

I don't know if its a sense of elitism that comes from liking a difficult strategy game that's opening up more or what, but it's not a very pleasant fandom in general. I know it's not easy to see a series change to what you believe is worse, a lot of people have had to go through that with other series as well, but some people seem to have some ludicrous standards for how the game should be played and what exact aspects of the game one should enjoy.

Where's a like button when you need one....

It looks pretty hype honestly, some people are just bemoaning it.

Make your own opinions! :D, as a long time member of the Sonic fanbase I can tell you i've dealt with far worse with how inconsistent the series is these days (like the grand last few years we had then lolboom)


I'd rather not start this debate lol.

But i'm of the opinion that the only truly bad ones were 06, Boom, Free Riders and Secret Rings. The rest have been Mediocre to good.

...how did you NOT include Sonic and the Black Knight in your list of bad Sonic games!?

Even with all of that said, I'm not a hater of anime or movies or games that try to emulate them. When it's done right, those games are by far some of my favorites. Xenoblade Chronicles ring any bells? Highly acclaimed cult JRPG now that was on the Wii? Yeah, they were emulating anime with that one. Done right it can be a very good thing. Done wrong it can be horrible, but most rational people just have to wait and see before making their judgment. What you're likely seeing is kneejerk reactions and people who automatically associate anime with crap whine about things they don't know whether they'll like or not yet.

So don't let the haters get to you. let's wait it out and enjoy the news when it comes. hopefully, it'll be good news. :P

This was something I wish a lot of people, especially on the subreddit, understood. I'm annoyed by the number of people who act like anime is something to be disliked. It's fine if you don't like it but don't act as if it's an inherently bad medium.

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...how did you NOT include Sonic and the Black Knight in your list of bad Sonic games!?

Because its an average game that people complained about only because of the Arthurian theme.

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Because its an average game that people complained about only because of the Arthurian theme.

Guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. I didn't mind the Arthurian themes, I just thought the game as a whole was below mediocre. But I respect your difference in opinion...

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Guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. I didn't mind the Arthurian themes, I just thought the game as a whole was below mediocre. But I respect your difference in opinion...

At least you are reasonable about it. I disagreed with someone over Sonic Heroes once and they flamed me to hell.

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