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Can we start a list of which characters survive and which (if any) characters die? (SPOILERS)


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No one knows yet. I've heard conflicting opinions on it.

The deaths of the third route have been revealed though.

Crimson, Gunter, Aqua's Mom, Crimson again, Mikoto again, Sumeragi, Garon, and Hydra.

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Crimson, Gunter, Aqua's Mom, Crimson again, Mikoto again, Sumeragi, Garon, and Hydra.

I've heard some of these are avoidable? At the very least, Gunter?

What's the deal with Crimson, anyway? Is she playable on the other two routes?

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Crimson is a Nohr unit if I recall right.

Gunter has to get possessed at least in the third path. That much I know of and I can't say for the other routes. Then Aqua brings him back to his senses and he offs himself. Sumeragi is apparently the hooded man who killed Mikoto earlier in the story while aiming for Kamui.

It'd be a lot clearer if the guy who leaked all this posted more pics, but we get what we can take.

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And I've also heard someone say they got Gunther back in the third route who's been providing some pretty reliable information... so who knows.

Still, it is a little strange that they would be the unavoidable deaths considering everyone else gets off seemingly scot-free.

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And what of the Hoshido chapter vs.

Marx/Xander, Pieri, & Lazward/Ingio. I wouldn't be surprised if Xander and Elise's deaths were fixed, but has it been confirmed or not whether its possible to avoid killing Inigo? I suppose I should ask about Pieri as well.

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And what of the Hoshido chapter vs.

Marx/Xander, Pieri, & Lazward/Ingio. I wouldn't be surprised if Xander and Elise's deaths were fixed, but has it been confirmed or not whether its possible to avoid killing Inigo? I suppose I should ask about Pieri as well.

I just checked the victory condition of that map: Defeat commander. So it's possible that they can be spared.

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Then the key thing would be

there not being any sort of clause in the game code/storyline that says something to the effect of "these guys die as part of the storyline after the commander dies [such as suicide, death in cutscene, etc.]"

. If that doesn't occur, we should be fine.

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It's a Japanese imageboard so I can't really read anything, and I don't have a link to the thread either. Hopefully we can find out what exactly that person did.

(Also, on an unrelated note, owners of Fates found a little DLC exploit and have already gotten access to (and heave beaten!) the neutral route. Crazy stuff.)

May I have a source for that so I may have fun looking up spoilers?

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I don't know about Nohr but so far in Hoshido, the only known avoidable death is:

Kaze, but only if Maui A supports with him before chapter 15(I think it is Chapter 15, it is the one with Flora)

I don't know about Elise and Xander but I think they might be scripted.I also think that Ryoma and Sakura will die in Nohr if this is the case in Hoshido.Luckily in 3rd path no siblings die and in actuality get married and have kids.

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Yes, I'm guessing that you're right with

Elise and Marx being scripted


I'm wondering about the subordinates as well, of course.

Based on some info on the web, all the siblings can potentially die one way or another in their boss chapters.People have said that if the sibling dies, the subs also die since if I am correct Elfie and Arthur died on the same chapter as Elise.Same with Lazwald and Pieri, they also died when Xander did, regardless of weather you kill Xander first or not.

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So Lazwald/Inigo's death is immutable on Birthright, seeing that you have to kill Xander, assuming the information you have found is correct? That kind of stinks, although I suppose I can rationalize it away as "thanks to the alternate universes/many world stuff introduced as Awakening, as well has him having a different hair color than he had in my files, Inigo may very well die in Birthright, but it isn't the same Inigo as the Awakening playable Inigo that I had. He's still an Awakening Inigo, but not OUR Awakening Ingio."

Well anyways, we'll have to see if that information turns out accurate or if there is some form of exception here

Or, about the person before me:

What I'm now hearing is that the rumors of being able to save Aqua with that turn limit or false/incorrect. Can someone confirm this?

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[spoiler=I'm shocked]...Scripted deaths are preventable?

As if I didn't feel bad already to see[spoiler=oh my oh my oh my, why]Gunter killed

in my blind run....

For once, I'm glad to have given in to my curiousity and peeked into a spoiler thread.

I'll continue to play it blind. I've never let anyone die in all of my previous runs (except the unpreventable ones, like FE10's first run and FE4's axe brothers) by looking at game guides before.

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Is there a way to save Luna/Severa in Birthright? I really don't have any desire to kill her, since she was one of my best units in Awakening.

I'm pretty sure if you can have Camilla survives (like in Hamayama's stream), she'll also survive. But it's unsure if Camilla being alive is scripted or you have to fulfill certain criteria.

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Is there a way to save Luna/Severa in Birthright? I really don't have any desire to kill her, since she was one of my best units in Awakening.

I believe in the chapter in which you fight Camilla you either have to visit all houses to not kill Camilla, therefore not killing Luna or Belka.Or it is that you can't visit all the houses.Or I could be completly wrong and saving Camilla and Luna requires you to do something way back at the beginning.

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Is there any way to avoid killing Lazward/Inigo ?

Ooooh...there BETTER be a way to save my dear doppelgänger, as I plan to marry him in my female run of Nohr.

EDIT: Oh, there is a way. Yay! Also, is there a confirmed way to save Sakura and/or Elise? Cause I mean, I really like Takumi, Elise, and Sakura. And if I understand correctly,

If Sakura is killed, the other Hoshidans (excluding Aqua) go down with her?

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