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What is head canon

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Uh, that's not really something you should be asking. But the guys from 1984 would love you.

Headcanon is something you should get yourself.

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Unless it's explicitly stated who ends up being married, your head canon can be whatever you want it to be. Until a sequel comes featuring Xander's and Charlotte's babies, you're free to think whatever you please.

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Unless it's explicitly stated who ends up being married, your head canon can be whatever you want it to be. Until a sequel comes featuring Xander's and Charlotte's

babies, you're free to think whatever you please.

If I srank avatar and joker in my game, is joker canonically married to avatar?

If joker says avatar is his first love, is this canon in my playthrough regardless?

I just want to know what is the right way to think about headcanon as that thread rattled my thoughts.

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If I srank avatar and joker in my game, is joker canonically married to avatar?

If joker says avatar is his first love, is this canon in my playthrough regardless?

I just want to know what is the right way to think about headcanon as that thread rattled my thoughts.

In it's simplest terms, it is canon to YOU, but not canon for everyone. If you want your avatar to marry Jakob that's cool, but for someone else they could view Arthur as being the avatars soul mate, which is also cool.

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Regarding support options, there is no headcanon and it's intentional. You are free to pursue whatever character relationship you want within the game and nobody can say that you are wrong (some will anyway but they tend to be the sort you wouldn't want to associate with anyway).

Especially in this game, which is the main theme. What was really Kamui's choice? Did s/he return to Nohr or did he stay in Hoshido? So there is no canon until IS makes a sequel or an official statement, which in all likelihood, they won't.

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Uh, that's not really something you should be asking. But the guys from 1984 would love you.

As if the situation is any different now. There are plenty of people in modern times that try to force everyone to think a certain way under the guise of morality and plenty of impressionable people to believe them. The only thing that's different is the "issue" everyone is attacking each other over.

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As if the situation is any different now. There are plenty of people in modern times that try to force everyone to think a certain way under the guise of morality and plenty of impressionable people to believe them. The only thing that's different is the "issue" everyone is attacking each other over.

It's been true for all of humanity, and I don't think it'll change in the future, either.


Headcanon is what YOU think should've happened. Do you ship Sakura and Tsukuyomi? Great, but don't expect everyone else to follow you!

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Thank you for the replies.

I have one last question:

As many characters have multiple S-support options, what is the canon-status of the other S-supports that I do not view? Will I lose out on anything if I choose to only view the S-support pairings I want in a playthrough?

Or must I view every single S-support pairing so I can best decide which pairing is most "canon".

If someone can show me the light on this last question, I will be forever in your gratitude and will be a happy girl gamer :D

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Since headcanon basically amounts to "your opinion of what should've happened", it's up to you as to how much you want to read. I don't feel like I missed anything from not viewing Henry x Maribelle, for example.

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