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How are you handling FE14 spoilers?


Handling FE14 spoilers?  

53 members have voted

  1. 1. How are you handling them?

    • Careful avoidance of FE14 topics and whatnot
    • Staying away from FE sites in general (great job btw, if you're here answering this question)
    • Not even trying to avoid spoilers
    • Already seen too many spoilers; it's too late for me, save yourself!

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(inb4 "with plenty of alcohol")

Just curious how people are handling the year-long wait between the Japanese release of Fire Emblem if/Fates and the western release. I, personally, am just trying to avoid another Awakening, where I sadly knew the best spoilers beforehand.

Edited by Quan of Leonster
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I don't care about spoilers but I don't try to go searching for major plot relevant concepts....

(But if I end up seeing some, I don't really mind.... I kinda like to know what'll happen so I know what to do before hand.. With certain situations that is.)

Edited by Kurou616
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i've looked at things like character bases and growths and stuff but nothing story related. I don't really know how to handle it because when awakening was coming out I initially hated most of the concepts and just wrote it off until I had the opportunity to get the game early when they broke the street dates, I just impulse bought it and liked it. I don't think i'll enjoy this game as much if I know everything that happens and all the maps and the like ahead of time.

Edited by General Horace
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I'm so hyped I can't avoid them. I'm trying to avoid seeing the maps design, though. Like, I chose some to spoil so I won't see them all. By the time the game releases in the west I'll probably know everything about it, though.

Oh, I tried avoiding story details, but I already know who the final boss is anyway

Edited by Nobody
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I'm trying to avoid spoilers as much as possible, but dang is that a challenge. I've seen a few things here and there, and I really don't want to ruin my experience with the game, I want to experience like I did with awakening; completely fresh.

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Send a PM to Vincent and asked to be placed in the "Spoiler-Free" group. You won't have access to the if boards, which should help.

That being said. . .was forced to spoil certain things. Has only made the wait that much longer, because I'm even MORE hyped!!

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I avoided any and all spoilers in the pre-Awakening days, so I figured this time around would be fine.

I was very, very wrong. I didn't realize how different the context is. Sure, Awakening made the series popular, but it needed to come out worldwide for that to happen. For Fates, that fanbase is already here.

I'm avoiding as much as I can while sticking around the forums (being a mod and all). Some people aren't making it easy. Many users aren't very considerate as to what others might consider spoilers (don't use an avatar of an unrevealed character, damn it!).

In a way, it makes the long wait a good thing. Hopefully anything that gets accidentally spoiled in the initial release hype I'll forget by the time I get the game.

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I've only had two minor spoilers.

I've banned them from my tumblr and youtube channel.

But also, people here on Serenes need to be a little bit more considerate and THINK about their topic titles.

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I just look at general things about the game and nothing past chapter 5 to hold me over. I gotta be careful with fan art though that shits sneaky.

And I just don't hand around the Fates board for more than like 5 to 10 minutes at a time. Otherwise it does get tempting.

Edited by LordTaco42
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Considering I likely will not be able to purchase and play the game for some time I am contenting myself with random spoilers, knowledge and hype... :)

Though admittedly certain things I have been spoiled on do de-hype me a bit. But curiosity is hard to fight, and admittedly when it comes to video games I tend to not care as much about story apoilers as much as with other forms of media, as the story and its twists are just part of the overall package compared to say... A mystery novel, or a Shymalan movie(which feel like they're all about the twist more than anything else in the story)

Besides, its interesting talking and theorizing about various plot or gameplay aspects. Sure as hell beats certain conversations that seem inordinately popular... Like how many times do we have to have a thread discussing "x" characters chest? Some peeps are a lil obsessed... On both sides I guess. :\

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But also, people here on Serenes need to be a little bit more considerate and THINK about their topic titles.


I've heard a lot of people are temporarily unsubscribing to your channel to avoid the temptation of spoilers. I'm not among them, since I think/hope I can resist the temptation and I would probably totally forget to resubscribe once I owned the game which would suck and I know you wouldn't be an ass about spoiler titles, but I just think it's interesting what people will do to avoid spoilers.

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I don't even try to avoid spoilers. I honestly don't care about spoilers, it doesn't affect my enjoyment of the game whether I know everything about it or not beforehand.

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I've tried so hard (and still trying) to avoid spoilers, but I sometimes just stumble upon one because of either 1) me being dumb and clicking the video / link or 2) topic titles that are clearly spoilers.

Of course, I could try to NOT click on a thread that says "spoilers" in the title, and warn myself, but I know not EVERYTHING is a spoiler in there, so I get conflicted. Still, I've learned to steer clear of the Release Hype thread, so I'm still currently trying to avoid as many spoilers that are still left unspoiled to me.

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I've heard a lot of people are temporarily unsubscribing to your channel to avoid the temptation of spoilers. I'm not among them, since I think/hope I can resist the temptation and I would probably totally forget to resubscribe once I owned the game which would suck and I know you wouldn't be an ass about spoiler titles, but I just think it's interesting what people will do to avoid spoilers.

I am not offended by those decisions. I welcome it. I respect it.

Hell, I'd do it if I had to wait 6 months for the localization.

I've talked to omegaevolution through PM about spoilers as well.

I feel bad for the guy.

Since he has such a huge following, when people are on his twitch streams...

There are actual trolls that try to spoil things for everyone.

Including the comments sections.

At least there's a word filter, I think. Or at least he mentioned it to use for people saying "SPOILER ALERT".

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Another tip from my experience of seeing a minor spoiler is that even if someone puts it in spoiler tags if you quote the spoiler it will reveal whats in the spoiler tags while you're typing in your post at the bottom.

I know alot of people on here are great with computers and such but I just figured I'd let people know.

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Proud to say I've managed to avoid all story spoilers minus one minor surprise that is something I probably could have guessed if I really thought about it ahead of time. It's only been 8 days but compared to what other people who still come to FE sites a lot have said, I feel like I'm doing prettttttty well.

I've also managed to avoid character spoilers (extra info on pre-release ones and about new ones) for the most part, minus the female child involved in a recent controversy I'm sick of hearing about it and a certain trap character child who also got his own debate thread.

I avoided any and all spoilers in the pre-Awakening days, so I figured this time around would be fine.

I was very, very wrong. I didn't realize how different the context is. Sure, Awakening made the series popular, but it needed to come out worldwide for that to happen. For Fates, that fanbase is already here.

I'm avoiding as much as I can while sticking around the forums (being a mod and all). Some people aren't making it easy. Many users aren't very considerate as to what others might consider spoilers (don't use an avatar of an unrevealed character, damn it!).

In a way, it makes the long wait a good thing. Hopefully anything that gets accidentally spoiled in the initial release hype I'll forget by the time I get the game.

Can y'all not just make it a rule not to have unrevealed characters as an avatar? Doesn't seem like that's too much to ask of people because it bothers me too.

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It is a rule. Such avatars are removed when spotted.

Oh ok. I guess I've just had bad luck spotting people with profile pictures of unrevealed characters then. Although sometimes I can't tell if a pictures character not shown pre-release or just a creative avatar (since you the avatars or so much more customizable this time they're harder to recognize, especially since I haven't looked at customization options.)

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