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Camilla x Zero. I don't even (spoiler)


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I'm mixed.

In one way this is actually a good support, even though it would be better without the shitton innuendo, but then again, those are funny, but sometime it's too much and I have a hard time taking it seriously, but we learn a lot of things from both characters, like I said, I'm mixed.
In another, I can't help being annoyed as crap because this support basically show once again that the so called bond that Kamui have with his familly/famillies really are nothing but BS.

Seriously, the more I look in to it, the more it's like that.

Plus it is better than the Kamui/Camilla support, I'm petty just like that but eh.

Edited by B.Leu
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I have developed some negative feelings towards Fire Emblem ever since I played Awakening as it was my first game. I greatly dislike the fact that characters, and especially the Avatar, can S-Support with every single character or a great number of characters.

I feel like a story needs to put some canon shyt down for the player's decisions and choices to have impact in the world. Limiting the supports for Avatar for example, would be great, or limiting the amount of characters the Avatar can marry may do wonders for better and more impactful story telling. I also feel like the great many of supports, basically A-S isn't really enough to give a character good development.

Maybe this game isn't for me and the more I look at what's been revealed, the more I think this game contains a lot of stuff but nothing is explored in depth. Romance is great. Romance in JRPGs are awesome but the romance system here is just. so. awkward. and poorly written.

I'm not sure if any of you have this feeling that I had, that once I finished Awakening, I felt like I made no difference to the story, that the characters are still pretty much one dimensional, and the so called "marriage" S-Rank left no lasting impact at all.

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Or, y'know, they could actually simply put some work in it. :p

Because seriously, for everything that come from MU's support or MU's personaitiy, it's crap.

I think you're right though, well, I really like having the MU being able to support everyone, but seriously, they could just write better.

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I'm cackling at the part in A support where Zero wants to strip down to his bare booty to apologise while Camilla drags him around naked. And she's just like "wtf no... do it on your own you weirdo".

Are all Zero's supports like this?

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This is almost like all the romantic supports with Joker, which pretty much consists of him being an unbearable asshole in every way imaginable until he wants to bang - and whoever he has talked to agrees for...some reason.

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I have developed some negative feelings towards Fire Emblem ever since I played Awakening as it was my first game. I greatly dislike the fact that characters, and especially the Avatar, can S-Support with every single character or a great number of characters.

I feel like a story needs to put some canon shyt down for the player's decisions and choices to have impact in the world. Limiting the supports for Avatar for example, would be great, or limiting the amount of characters the Avatar can marry may do wonders for better and more impactful story telling. I also feel like the great many of supports, basically A-S isn't really enough to give a character good development.

Maybe this game isn't for me and the more I look at what's been revealed, the more I think this game contains a lot of stuff but nothing is explored in depth. Romance is great. Romance in JRPGs are awesome but the romance system here is just. so. awkward. and poorly written.

I'm not sure if any of you have this feeling that I had, that once I finished Awakening, I felt like I made no difference to the story, that the characters are still pretty much one dimensional, and the so called "marriage" S-Rank left no lasting impact at all.

Have you tried to track down other games? It's as hard to find emulators and roms as it is to find sunshine in California. Basically, don't judge the whole series because you started on one of the worst entries. (Though I do concede that a single support line isn't usually enough to develop a character; you'd have to get supports with multiple characters to learn much about them.)

Also, the support. One word summary of my thoughts: nope.

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Dear Leon you told me to perfect my aim and I did let me tell you your older sis was the perfect target. - Love Zero

Oh dear god, I think I just died. Bravo, bravo!

On another note Zero is THE man. Already one of my favorite characters by far. Hope the localization team does his character justice.

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Have you tried to track down other games? It's as hard to find emulators and roms as it is to find sunshine in California. Basically, don't judge the whole series because you started on one of the worst entries. (Though I do concede that a single support line isn't usually enough to develop a character; you'd have to get supports with multiple characters to learn much about them.)

Also, the support. One word summary of my thoughts: nope.

This. Yeah, you can support more characters in Awakening and Fates, but I found the quality of the support convos better in older games. The characters were less one-dimensional and conversations weren't so... generic.

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Zero seems to use some pretty heavy innuendo with everyone. In his supports with Oboro, it pisses her off that he acts so familiar and shameless toward her. He's honestly the type of person I would probably get along with in real life, since I use terrible, inappropriate innuendo once I get comfortable with someone, so I love it.

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Zero: Sorry for all the sexual harassment, shit talking you and mocking your love for Kamui. Marry me?

Camilla: Oh my god, that makes me so hot. YES!

Well done IS, another ball knocked out of the park.

But more seriously though, I think there was some promise in the supports but it was marred by 1)The bizarre and inappropriate transition into romance and 2) Zero being so goddamn creepy. I really don't need to hear in so much detail that he jerks it to the suffering of others.

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Support of the year. Zero the best character confirmed.

Dear Leon you told me to perfect my aim and I did let me tell you your older sis was the perfect target. - Love Zero

And also that this is amazing.

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Ommmg. No words. XD It's....well....I don't even know how to describe it. Zero is just such a weird character--but he wass being suggestive from the beginning so I guess...it's....semi-okay?

I don't really have a problem with it, but it's just strange. But then again, a lot of supports have weird jumps from talking to romance that make no sense. Still, I like the little background into Camilla they gave. Small parts like that are what make supports good, imo. A little more characterization surrounding all the...innuendos. Haha.

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This is almost like all the romantic supports with Joker, which pretty much consists of him being an unbearable asshole in every way imaginable until he wants to bang - and whoever he has talked to agrees for...some reason.

His voice.

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