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Mitama would actually be better as a physical beater. Her base strength growth is higher than her magic growth, and her father's base strength mod(2) is 5 points higher than his base magic.(-3. Yes, the healer has a -3 magic mod. No, I don't know why, either.) Orochi!Mitama will only have a magic mod of 1, so you might want to emphasize the stats that she is good at. Fortunately, giving her good stats is not a problem. The hard part is to give her a good class to take advantage of them.

Effie is actually a really good mom for Mitama. Effie!Mitama gets 6 strength, 3 speed, alright defenses (1 def, 0 res) and -2 magic. Asama can A+ with Arthur and pick up Axefaire as a possible inheritance, turning Mitama into a very solid General or Great Knight.

Hinoka is not a bad option either. She has 4 strength, 3 speed, and better defenses (1 defense and 3 res) so while she's not quite as strong as Effie!Mitama, she is still very respectable. She can pick up Swallow Strike on her own, allowing for Hinoka and Asama to pass down some really good skills. (Asama can pass Breaking Sky from Tsukuyomi/Nishiki, freeing Hinoka to pass Lancefaire or something else)

Failing that, Mitama has a bunch of really good marriage candidates. Shinonome and Hisame give her some good options like Basara and Trueblade. It may be worth having her A+ with Kanna so that she can get access to something like Berserker though, should you opt to use that class as your secondary.

Thanks for this I had no idea str was much better to get for her than mag. I'm gonna work on her today with all this in mind.

Also does anyone know how to make the best Flora? i just got her and i'm trying to make her a staple on my team for online play.

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I don't have the game, so I don't really have a good sense of necessary survivability thresholds, damage thresholds, etc…. perhaps you guys could analyze this for me…

As those following the thread probably know already, I have a predilection for using magic, even though I know that Kamui/Corrin is more of a physical type, and I also fit the adjectival descriptor for +MAG (intelligent) is the most true to myself. Likewise, I feel that the -STR or -DEF descriptors (lacks power or can't take a beating) are also the truest descriptor of what I'm actually like, and thus it feels good to have my Avatar reflect me in that sense…. I was thinking of -DEF, despite how dangerous it could be, such that at least the Yato wouldn't be further weakened than it already is by focusing on MAG over STR…..

I did a calculator of predicted average 20/20 stats following from the following:

19 gained levels of Nohr Prince

1 gained level of Pegasus Warrior (for Swallow Strike, from wife)

18 gained levels of Dark Knight (for tome access while still being able to use Yato)

[i don't necessarily need to exactly follow this pattern; a level or two of difference here and there wouldn't make a huge change to the overall picture}

20/20 Dark Knight stats, average, predicted, before any stat boosters:

43.65 HP, 31.65 Str, 32.8 Mag, 27.1 Skl, 27.95 Spd, 24.2 Lck, 22.1 Def, 17.55 Res

+Mag/-Def Dark Knight Max Stats:

55 Hp, 32 Str, 35 Mag, 28 Skl, 29 Spd, 30 Lck, 31 Def, 31 Res

But of course, we'd want to factor in Yato:

20/20 Dark Knight stats, average, predicted, before any stat booster consumables, but augmented by Yato - Sky, unequipped:

43.65 HP, 31.65+2=33.65 Str, 32.8 Mag, 27.1 Skl, 27.95+2 = 29.95 Spd, 24.2 Lck, 22.1 Def, 17.55 Res

20/20 Dark Knight stats, average, predicted, before any stat booster consumables, but augmented by Yato - Sky,equipped:

43.65 HP, 31.65+2=33.65 Str, 32.8 Mag, 27.1 Skl, 27.95+3 = 30.95 Spd, 24.2 Lck, 22.1-1=21.1 Def, 17.55-1=16.55 Res

20/20 Dark Knight stats, average, predicted, before any stat booster consumables, but augmented by Yato - Hoshido, unequipped:

43.65 HP, 31.65+4=35.65 Str, 32.8 Mag, 27.1 Skl, 27.95+4 = 31.95 Spd, 24.2 Lck, 22.1 Def, 17.55 Res

20/20 Dark Knight stats, average, predicted, before any stat booster consumables, but augmented by Yato - Hoshido,equipped:

43.65 HP, 31.65+4=35.65 Str, 32.8 Mag, 27.1 Skl, 27.95+5 = 32.95 Spd, 24.2 Lck, 22.1-1=21.1 Def, 17.55-1=16.55 Res

Skills known: Noble Lineage, Dragon Fang, Swallow Strike, Bind, Devilish Wind, Magic Seal, Lifetaker

How well or poorly would a set of stats like this turn out in the Hoshido route?

Naturally, I could shore up weak points by using stat booster items with favoritism if necessary on Kamui/Corrin, which might not be a bad idea, as its often good to show a bit of favoritism to your lord like that.

But how is it without that… are my defense too weak because of my DEF flaw? Or does the fact that I've done most of my growth in +10% and +15% Def classes and my choice of class give me enough durability?

Dark Knight is naturally slow and would have trouble doubling, but I'm feeling that access to Yato's stat boosts, as well as Horse God if necessary, plus Swallow Strike from my character's wife, could help ease that issue…. is my conclusion correct, or will I still have trouble?

EDIT: Horse God stat mods:

20/20 Dark Knight stats, average, predicted, before any stat booster consumables, but augmented by Yato - Sky, unequipped: + Horse God, equipped

43.65 HP, 31.65+2=33.65 Str, 32.8 Mag, 27.1+3 = 30.1 Skl, 27.95+5 = 32.95 Spd, 24.2 Lck, 22.1+3 = 25.1 Def, 17.55+3 = 20.55 Res

20/20 Dark Knight stats, average, predicted, before any stat booster consumables, but augmented by Yato - Hoshido, unequipped: + Horse God, equipped

43.65 HP, 31.65+4=35.65 Str, 32.8 Mag, 27.1+3 = 30.1 Skl, 27.95+7 = 34.95 Spd, 24.2 Lck, 22.1+3 = 25.1 Def, 17.55+3 = 20.55 Res

The problem is your Kamui's poor defences and Speed, right? You should consider that the majority of enemies on Hoshido are quite slow but have a ton of power, so Speed shouldn't be a big problem. And if it becomes a problem, Guard Stance with Matoi paired with Swallow Strike should fix it.

About your defences, as long as you don't overuse weapons like Silvers, you shouldn't be in danger.. Lifetaker is a really good skill for you to have, and Hoshido is full of healers you'll rarely be with low HP.

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Speaking of Guard Stance pair-up bonuses, are they somewhat similar to what we had in Awakening? I mean, I've heard that the +1 to stats for each 10 you have up to 30 no long applies, which makes sense as they're nerfing pair-up, but does Falcon Warrior still give +4 Spd & + 4Res, becoming +6 Spd & +6 Res in Guard Stance?

On that note, do Dark Knights still give +2 Mag, +3 Def, +1 Res, and +1 Move as their basic bonuses [like they did in Awakening before support rank bonuses and the +1 per 10 up to 30 bonuses], which I'm guessing would become +4 Mag, +5 Def, +3 Res, and +1 Move at A rank?

EDIT: Oh, on another thread, I noted that I had looked up Dracoshield and Angelic/Seraph Robe locations and found that there were at least two of each as items found/dropped on the Hoshido path, without having to buy them. So, if I gave these to Kamui/Corrin, showning a degree of favoritism as the lord unit, that could boost his survivability…. of course, the same applies to other characters as well.


Changing the topic, what sort of secondary do you think I should bring in for Nohr when the NA version comes out in 2016?

I haven't actually decided whom I want to marry on Nohr either…

I'd imagine that it would be beneficial to give a Hoshidan-associated class in the Nohr file to bring in a greater diversity of abilities…. that and because the upgrade to Dark Blood means I get the tomes for the magic using builds I'm fond of in a class that retains use of its sword… that and Dark Knight can be attained by A+ buddying (Leon or Odin) or by marriage (Nyx, Ophelia) for a male Avatar on Nohr, or by reversing the A+/S rank options listed before in the case of a female Avatar.

Perhaps Oni Savage would be a good idea? It has Shura, which gets tome access (although it doesn't' have sword use, the Avatar doesn't have to use it that class) and Ogre Strike….. this could be very good when passed to a wife like Ophelia (crit stacking, as she already gets +10 crit from her personal with three tomes and more + crit as a Sorc)… or taking brief detour to Shura to use its tomes could let the Avatar himself get Ogre Strike for say letting Luna get a bunch of crits if he was marrying her instead….

And then Blacksmith would work with Yato (and although it would temporarily deny tomes, Levin Swords and Bolt Axes both exist on the Nohr route, though they have cannot crit and cannot activate skill drawbacks)… that could allow a detour to pick up Smithy skill or Lancebreaker…

Oh, and Oni Savage also has Resistance Seal…

Does anyone have any opinions of whom I should marry on the Nohr route if I'm going +MAG there too?

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I think that if you marry Ophelia than Oni Savage is perfect. If you make her mother Nyx, she can get Roundhouse via A+ with Charlotte and then pass it to Ophelia. Roundhouse, Ogre Strike and her personal skill grant Ophelia a 40 Crit rate without considering Skill. If you give her Excalibur, that's 25 more Crit rate, reaching 65.

A possible skillset would be:


-Ogre Strike



-Movement +1(Not too sure on this, but it would help her to keep up with you if you decide to stay as a Dark Knight)

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Even if they don't, its a convenient way to hit all of them at once while only eating up one skill and letting you use any weapon type.

Can it affect skill and luck as well? The seals don't hit those…..

Well, Draconic Curse's effect according to the website is:

"After battle, enemy’s stats -4 until the next Turn"

I'm guessing that would include skill and luck as well.

Its effect is only two stat points less than that of a 'Seal' skill, and it presumably hits all of the enemy's stats.

Stacking Draconic Curse and the debuffs from Hidden weapons would be a decent way to deal with an otherwise bothersome enemy.

Could have additional value against Copycat users as according to the skill, I think both the main unit and their puppet would suffer the debuffs.

I suppose the fastest way to find out would be to have a Nohr or 3rd route MU pick a secondary class that grants hidden weapon access and A/S-rank someone who has access to a 'Seal' skill.

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You know, there's a thread dedicated to determining Azura's best class. It's more or less dead right now, but the OP put up all the information regarding Azura, and some people suggested builds as well.

For support Azura, you could grab Ninja or Herb Merchant as Kamui's class, giving her copycat puppet. So then you have two support Azuras running around doing support things.

Thinking about it, you'd build her something like this: Battle Command, Sun God, Voice of Peace, Demoiselle, and Copycat Puppet.

That could be really dangerous though, given Azura's incredibly low defense. You're essentially exposing her to twice as much risk. At first I thought that this was still a viable strategy nonetheless, since Azura can stay in the back...

But the Treehouse clip shows us that Nohr splits up units into various groups, and forces them to deal with their respective enemies. I haven't played Nohr yet, so I could admittedly be barking up the wrong tree, but it seems like Nohr is aiming to attack from all sides. So having two vulnerable Azura's feels like a very risky move.

I was unaware the puppet dying also kills the main unit

Hmm... A class with a puppeteer promotion does sound a bit risky, but if it's Herb Merchant, then Aqua can nab Household Cure, allowing her to heal herself and then dance or attack or something. Additionally, both Aqua and Kamui could get Puppet Break, dealing more damage against the almost inevitably popular Copycat Puppet.

And what of Shigure? Should he be attack, or support? With access to classes like Rod Knight and Nohr Prince, as well as a +MAG father, he could be viable for either (especially with his personal skill). Might be Kamui be able to pass down Copycat Puppet for "two-healers-for-the-price-of-one" shenanigans?

Thanks for the help, and apologies for all of the questions.

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I think that if you marry Ophelia than Oni Savage is perfect. If you make her mother Nyx, she can get Roundhouse via A+ with Charlotte and then pass it to Ophelia. Roundhouse, Ogre Strike and her personal skill grant Ophelia a 40 Crit rate without considering Skill. If you give her Excalibur, that's 25 more Crit rate, reaching 65.

A possible skillset would be:


-Ogre Strike



-Movement +1(Not too sure on this, but it would help her to keep up with you if you decide to stay as a Dark Knight)

iirc he planned on marrying Matoi

Also I'm thinking on my Kamui. Still gonna marry Takumi, but for second class, I'm still thinking Mercenary... or Wyvern Rider.

Now I say Wyvern Rider simply because it's still one of my favorite classes, plus Revenant Knight looks awesome. I think Mercenary still has the edge, but what do you guys recommend?

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Yes, I was planning on marrying Matoi, on the Hoshido and Invisible Routes, that is… but she's not on the NOHR route at all, and while I was planning to start with Hoshido, I'm planning to do all of the routes eventually. So while I can marry her in 2/3 routes, I need an alternate for the Nohr route.

Most of my theory crafting has been built around marriage with Matoi in Hoshido/Invisible, but it occurred me I hadn't given thought to whom to marry on Nohr.

So I posed the question of what would be the best spouse/secondary class for my desired +MAG asset on the Nohr route…. so they were giving a valid answer to that question.

EDIT: For your question… well, let's see… I'd actually say to go Wyvern if you're planning to marry Takumi… That gives you Nohr Prince, Bowman, and Wyvern, and Takumi gets Holy Bowman, Lancer, and Wyvern.

Wyvern carries Strength+2, swordbreaker, deadly breadth, and Overbearing, in addition to cut through and rally defense.

Takumi is naturally suited to going Holy Bowman, and his Lancer class line lets him mix in Strength and defense seal if he wants to. You can then drop in Deadly Breath if you want to in order to make Takumi even more dangerous by causing further chip damage to an area even if he doesn't get a kill. Or alternately, against single targets, Overbearing for a boost equivalent to Bowfaire's damage boost for anything that isn't mounted.

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Yes, I was planning on marrying Matoi, on the Hoshido and Invisible Routes, that is… but she's not on the NOHR route at all, and while I was planning to start with Hoshido, I'm planning to do all of the routes eventually. So while I can marry her in 2/3 routes, I need an alternate for the Nohr route.

Most of my theory crafting has been built around marriage with Matoi in Hoshido/Invisible, but it occurred me I hadn't given thought to whom to marry on Nohr.

So I posed the question of what would be the best spouse/secondary class for my desired +MAG asset on the Nohr route…. so they were giving a valid answer to that question.

EDIT: For your question… well, let's see… I'd actually say to go Wyvern if you're planning to marry Takumi… That gives you Nohr Prince, Bowman, and Wyvern, and Takumi gets Holy Bowman, Lancer, and Wyvern.

Wyvern carries Strength+2, swordbreaker, deadly breadth, and Overbearing, in addition to cut through and rally defense.

Takumi is naturally suited to going Holy Bowman, and his Lancer class line lets him mix in Strength and defense seal if he wants to. You can then drop in Deadly Breath if you want to in order to make Takumi even more dangerous by causing further chip damage to an area even if he doesn't get a kill. Or alternately, against single targets, Overbearing for a boost equivalent to Bowfaire's damage boost for anything that isn't mounted.

Oh, oops. Eheh... though I do suggest Ophelia. It's not like she's my favorite child character or anything. (She is, plus she has a naturally high skill, relatively good stats depending on who is her mommy... awesome character all around really.)

Ohh, those are some nice options. Thank you a lot.

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Okay so I just did this for both but... depending on what I could choose, Takumi would probably go with:

Takumi (w/ skills from Wyvern Rider Kamui)

Breaking Sky



Deadly Breath/Defense&Strength Seal

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I really like defensive builds so I've been working on a defensive trio focused around Siegbert, Eponine, and Ignis in Invisble Kingdom route.

Pieri!Siegbert @ Revenant Knight

> [Ladies First]

> Copy Cat (Marx/Suzukaze)

> Demoiselle (Pieri/Felicia)

> Distinguished Son (Siegbert/Foleo)

> Battle Command (Siegbert/Foleo)

> Guard Stance +

Mods: +4/0/-1/+1/+3/0/+1

Nyx!Eponine @ Sorcerer

> [Wicked Fantasy]

> Tomefaire

> Flamboyant

> Luna

> Swallow Strike (Eponine/Matoi)

> Defender (Eponine/Siegbert)

Mods: -1 /+4/-2/+6/0/-1/+3

Hits 35 speed as a Sorc. +10 on Double Attacks on your turn when equipped with Excalibur. Alt spell could he Horse God for additional +3 Skl/Spd/Def/Res if you need to tank a hit or pray for a better proc rate on Luna.

Belka!Ignis @ General

> [Timid]

> Defensive Formation

> Flamboyant

> Sol

> Aegis (Ignis/Siegbert)

> Defensive Seal/Lancefaire (Belka/Oboro)

Mods: 0 /+1/+3/-4/+1/+6/+1

Additional +6 Def/Res from equipping a Guard Naginata, Alt weapon could be Effie's Big Lance for that 16 Mt or Pieri's Little Lance in case you also want to proc Sol when enemy archers, ninjas, and mages attack at range with no drawbacks because of Defensive Formation.

Since Eponine and Ignis's personal skills need someone in either guard stance or attack stance near them to work, Siegbert will use Copycat to fulfill both of their requirements. Hes rolling with Revenant Knight since it gives +2 Mag/Def/Res and +1 Mov which I think will help mitigate the debuff of Excalibur for Eponine while increasing her damage and increase Ignis's tankiness while also letting him have 6 Mov. Plus Siegbert would make an excellent ferry for both of them.

This is banking on the idea that aura skills work in guard stance. Wicked Fantasy and Ladies First work really well together giving Eponine +4 Damage and -2 Received and Ignis -2 Received from Timid. If Distinguished Son, Demoiselle, and Battle Command work in Guard Stance, then both Eponine and Ignis get an additional +4 Damage and -4 Received which comes out to +8 Damage -6 Received for Eponine and +4 Damage -6 Received for Ignis.

I know Awakening was a game where speed is king and defense was a dump stat, so I'd really like some input if this is a feasible playstyle in fates. Also, would this be decent for PvP? Any suggestions for skillsets would be appreciated, but I don't want to use logbook or bought skills.

Edit: Ah apparently they don't work on the back. Going to scrap this idea.

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Another thing that I thought of that counts as a strike against the 3rd route pairing of Luna x Tsubaki:

While Tsubaki is able to get Luna's Mercenary from a Marriage Seal, Luna will try to take Tsubaki's Pegasus Warrior class when she already has that as a secondary. As such, Luna wastes her opportunity to expand her skillset. Of course, to be fair, skillset size only matters if its used, and it doesn't strike against Matoi herself…. just against a side-effect of the pairing used to produce her.

But Luna does at least have availability in the 3rd route over Hinoka (Ch. 12 vs. Ch. 16).

Speaking of Hinoka!Matoi, can anyone think of better Matoi's that this combination?

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Another thing that I thought of that counts as a strike against the 3rd route pairing of Luna x Tsubaki:

While Tsubaki is able to get Luna's Mercenary from a Marriage Seal, Luna will try to take Tsubaki's Pegasus Warrior class when she already has that as a secondary. As such, Luna wastes her opportunity to expand her skillset. Of course, to be fair, skillset size only matters if its used, and it doesn't strike against Matoi herself…. just against a side-effect of the pairing used to produce her.

But Luna does at least have availability in the 3rd route over Hinoka (Ch. 12 vs. Ch. 16).

Speaking of Hinoka!Matoi, can anyone think of better Matoi's that this combination?

In that case, doesn't Luna get access to Samurai?

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What are people's opinions on a magic Kanna? The last time I used Kanna Aqua was her mother and I went for a physical Kanna but felt super weak. In this run I'm doing a mag asset kamui and planning on marrying Sakura since she gives both mag and speed without a massive negative modifier like Nyx does.

Magic Kanna sounds good because you hit harder with the dragonstone and it uses her personal ability more. Not only that she has tome and Levin sword access for ranged options.I have no idea what to get for skills though.

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In that case, doesn't Luna get access to Samurai?

Nope, Luna won't get any new classes. The only way this rule applies is if BOTH share the same primary class.

EDIT: Just saw that you amended you post, but I'll just leave this here for clarification on other stuff. Credits to Azz01, of course.

Azz01, on 30 Jun 2015 - 5:56 PM, said:

I will try to explain as best I can:

Kids inheritance:

Kids naturally have the classes from their set parent and inherit the classes of their other parent.(The exception is Aqua who dose not pass down Songstress.Kamui dose pass down Dark Prince(ss))

Kids who start out as a different class(E.g Midoriko who starts out as a Merchant rather then Ninja)inherit both their set parents classes.So those children naturally have three class sets rather then two.(Then exception is Foleo who starts out as a Rod Knight but Leon also has the option of being a Rod Knight so he naturally has Rod Knight and Dark Mage)

As I already said, children inhert the base and secondary classes of their mothers.(Again the exception is Aqua who only passes down here secondary class, Peg Warrior)

As for spouse seals and buddy seals.It is base class only.The exceptions being Kamui(I think, I have yet to hear otherwise)and Aqua, who's spouse or buddy can instead reclass into their secondary class.

Using your example of Tsubaki x Luna

Spouse Seal-Tsubaki can reclass into Merc and Luna cannot reclass into Samurai.(Luna already has Peg Warrior)

Matoi inherits Peg Warrior, Samurai and Merc.

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Speaking of Hinoka!Matoi, can anyone think of better Matoi's that this combination?

Have you considered Aqua!Matoi? She'd be avaiable from the start so you could recruit Matoi much earlier than Hinoka or Luna. Her mods are 0/+1/+4/+2/0/+1/0

She'd almost have a guaranteed +4 Damage when fighting any strength oriented enemies because of [Prodigy] and be able to deal with mages pretty well just by virtue of being a Falcon Knight. This is a possible skillset with the Avatar marrying Matoi with Lancer as a secondary:

[ Voice of Peace | Swallow Strike | Lancefaire | Breaking Sky | Servant's Joy ]

Voice of Peace since its essentially +2 Def/Res for her and everyone around, could be replaced but its fun to have a unique skill. Servant's Joy just to take advantage of her staff use and allow her to heal, could be replaced with anything else. She could also A+ with Sophie for Cavalier skills.

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Can Voice of Peace be inherited?

But yes, that's a good point… Aqua also has pretty high growths, even higher than Hinoka's, although distributed differently than hers.

Assuming growths inherit like in Awakening, Aqua/Azura!Matoi would get these growths:

45% HP (lower), 38.3% Str (higher), 20% Mag (higher), 50% Skl (higher), 40% Spd (higher), 36.6% Lck (tied), 31.6% Def (lower), 20% Res (higher)

EDIT/ADDENDUM: As a Falcon Warrior:

45% HP, 48.3% Str, 30% Mag, 60% Skl, 55% Spd, 56.6% Lck, 31.6% Def, 40% Res

So this produces a bit more of a glass canon Matoi; better at both offenses, more skillful, and faster, but with lower HP & DEF growth and lower defensive modifiers.

+4 SKL would be really nice, that said. That elevates the rate of Breaking Sky to 51% before any other boosters… not overwhelmingly impressive, but its now marginally more likely to activate than it is to not activate.

You do raise a good point in that I could take up Lancer/Holy Lancer/Basara…. of course, the Avatar wants to use a sword, but then again, there's nothing that says that I have to actually USE my secondary class… I could, after all, just use it as a vehicle for delivering skills to his wife…

Let's see… considering third route, an in-class build would grant Noble Lineage (good until capped), Dragon Fang, Draconic Shield, Hoshido, Draconic Curse, and Nohr…. and of course, there's Swallow Strike that he could pick up from Matoi….

Dragon Fang, Hoshido, Nohr, and Draconic Curse on their own could make a pretty solid core for a skillset… particularly considering that Aqua!Matoi x Male Avatar (Lancer) could alternately run a build with Astra + Breaking Sky and then let her husband use Nohr in the endgame to borrow her skills to proc-stack too.

Servant's Joy would also make sense….

Aqua Matoi, if for some reason playing more of a support role, also gets Battle Command and Demoiselle access, although she's probably better suited as an attacker.

Oh, and she gets Tomebreaker from the Maid class…

Although there is one issue with marrying Aqua!Matoi…

INCEST EMBLEM! Somewhat…. Thanks to Aqua being the Avatar's first cousin, this makes Aqua!Matoi his second cousin. Although it would put two people with a reasonable bloodline tie to the throne of the Invisible Kingdom become king and queen…. Matoi, as granddaughter of the king before Anankos (whom Anankos usurped), and Kamui, the son of Anankos. Aqua achieves that effect more directly, but prevents you from recruiting one of the kids.

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