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What are your thoughts on the OST?

It's pretty lackluster compared to Awakening. The only tracks I liked were probably the two songs that were used in the April direct (The Hoshido Boss theme on the Nohr path and Chapter 3's Map theme)

The Final Boss Theme is Eh

It's no Id~ Purpose

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What are your thoughts on the OST?

It's pretty lackluster compared to Awakening. The only tracks I liked were probably the two songs that were used in the April direct (The Hoshido Boss theme on the Nohr path and Chapter 3's Map theme)

The Final Boss Theme is Eh

It's no Id~ Purpose

Coming from someone who hasn't actually played the game, is the final boss theme Aqua's song with the strings, piano, and scattered vocals, or the one with piano, choir, and other stuff all jumbled together in a crazy mix?

Also, could you please explain it in a non-spoilery way? XD

Edited by Blaze The Great
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This one probably has my favorite OST yet. I was actually a little disappointed in Awakening's soundtrack so I was really happy when watching the streams, I found that I liked all of If's music so far.

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I gotta disagree, I'm listening to extended tracks from the OST and I'm loving pretty much everything that I'm hearing. I definitely prefer this soundtrack over Awakening's.

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Coming from someone who hasn't actually played the game, is the final boss theme Aqua's song with the strings, piano, and scattered vocals, or the one with piano, choir, and other stuff all jumbled together in a crazy mix?

Also, could you please explain it in a non-spoilery way? XD

I think it is. From what you're talking about. It's actually not that bad.

It's probably one of the better tracks.

The OST is a bit weaker imo

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I gotta disagree, I'm listening to extended tracks from the OST and I'm loving pretty much everything that I'm hearing. I definitely prefer this soundtrack over Awakening's.

Hmm. Maybe it'll grow on me as time goes on.

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Love, love these songs: In general, I liked the Japanese sound to Hoshido and Gaelic folk music sort of sound to Nohr:

I think context is very important to them though. Just the songs themselves may not be as powerful, so I put them in spoilers and for which path below:

Hoshido Route scene, but plays in both as general Game Over:

Elise's death in Hoshido Route


Base B - Nohr Battle Prep song.

Archives (the song it played on the main website, too!)


Map E3 - Plays during the major decision in Chapter 6, but also...

(Hoshidian Route Spoilers):

Battle with Marx following Elise's Death


Map B4 - Plays during Nohr Campaign

(Nohr Route Spoilers)

Fight against Takumi

Those are just a few samples, but I really liked the OST, especially when the story context was included. : ) Overall I liked the OST better than Awakening, too.

Edited by Kirokan
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Strongly disagree. I actually enjoy this way more then Awakening's OST. Awakening OST all I care about was is the ID themes, the rearrangement of the opening theme and Don't say her name!.

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Really? I think Fates did surpassed Awakening in OST (a consensus among the playerbase), while I do like I'd Purpose better as final boss theme Azura's final boss remix isn't too shabby either. I really really like Azura's if's Hitori Omou, best Fire Emblem's theme song. The skirmish (calm) version is also one of my top favorite. Also a lot of Hoshido's Asian style soundtracks also is right up on my valley. Azura's second theme track also is one my favorite, you can feel the sadness in there and the feeling of tragic.

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Coming from someone who hasn't actually played the game, is the final boss theme Aqua's song with the strings, piano, and scattered vocals, or the one with piano, choir, and other stuff all jumbled together in a crazy mix?

It's this one:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Q9ihUxlHjc. That's the final boss music for both Hoshido and Nohr. No idea if the Third Route will have the same.

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My favorites (by their names on Ichorous Earth's channel, the first place I found them):

Aqua's Song, Title Theme Version

Aqua's Song, Brave Version

Aqua's Song, Dramatic Battle Version


Aqua's Song, Character Creation Version

Aqua's Song, Another Version

.......Yeah, I might like Aqua's song a little much.

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Personally I like the OST here 10000000X better than Awakening's. Why? Simply because this OST has much more culture put into it compared to Awakening. There's celtic tunes for Nohr, Asian tunes for Hoshido, and even some semi-arabic like the one 3:33 into this video

And when it comes to OSTs, though I may like a ton, there's very few for games that I've heard yet that make me think of it as legendary, with that only really belonging to games like Ar Tonelico that are very niche and, specifically to that franchise, has an emphasis on music. And imo this game's OST is practically on par with every bit of Hymmnos I've heard. And if you've never heard Hymmnos, then I'm sure you'd have at least heard the Drakengard 3 OST and the NieR OST which are also imo legendary in it of themselves.

Here, I'll put in some references for you to compare

I may be a bit biased to good vocals :/

Edited by Kanethedragon
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The Fates OST sounds amazing from the one gamerip I managed to obtain. However, I saw no real successor to Divine Decree or Chaos from Awakening, which were two of my favorite tracks from that game. Even then though, I find more music in Fates to be better compared to a few favorites I had in Awakening.

Back to the Fates OST, here be some of my favorites, without any context on knowing how they fit within the actual game.

Map B1 - I think this was used for Nohr's class roll, and I think this song suits Nohr well.

Map B4 - I have no context for this, but it sounds AMAZING.

Map C1 - Presumably making an appearance on the 3rd route, it sounds somewhat otherworldly.

Map E1 - No idea where this comes from, but I'm getting an Ogre Battle vibe off of this for some reason...

Boss A2 - Basically Hoshido Trailer music, it's also a good one!

Boss B2 - For me, basically the theme of Nohr.

Boss B3 - An active track of sorts, perhaps even optimistic?

Main Theme - Who could forget the incredible main theme for Fates?

Main Menu - A piano variant of the Main Theme.

Final Map - I'm not sure which specific route this one is for (all three seem to be pretty similar) It is still excellent music for a finale, but a part of me still likes Awakenings. That Fire Emblem Theme with the choir man, can't go wrong with that!

Edit: Forgot to add "Dance II". This is a cutscene and may contain spoilers, but I hope to hear a full version without the background noise!

Edited by Sire
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Fates falls into the same pitfalls and advantages that Awakening's soundtrack does, though I have to admit that the quality of instrument samples between tracks is surprising in how it varies. Some tracks sound the best the series ever has, and others have clarinet samples that are about as convincing as the MIDI in Path of Radiance. This is a step down from Awakening, which was mostly consistent in its samples and scoring.

One of Kondoh and Morishita's quirks involves theme and variation on a primary identity. Awakening gave three primary Ylissean identities and then drowned the rest of the game's motifs beneath these identities. Aqua's theme is, unfortunately, taken a step further and does the same job with only one motif instead of three. It doesn't help that her theme is rarely given retrogrades or inversions, making it a conspicuous and distracting feature to tracks it shouldn't necessarily appear in.

As for the final map theme...

There's a particular moment in it a little over a minute in where the strings enter with particularly aggressive rhythmic articulation. It's easily the most intense 20 seconds of the song, and the fact that it appears so early and leaves so quickly leaves me disappointed similarly to the volume issues in Id (Purpose).

All in all, the cultural difference between Nohr and Hoshido is appreciated, but unlike Awakening I feel that this soundtrack does not suit the Fire Emblem series. When the Fire Emblem theme enters near the end of the game, it carries with it a style and character long forgotten by this game, and it clashes with the compositional character of the new composers. Tsujiyoko's removal from the compositional process to sound supervisor is felt here more strongly than it is in Awakening, and ultimately not even Aqua's theme taking inspiration from Gaiden can bridge the gap.

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Renka's CD's tracklist mentions a "Blue Forest Version" of the main theme, it may be the song Aqua sings in Nohr. That or there isn't a full version, but I doubt it.

It's not the Nohr version. I opened up one of my copies to find out. It's a different remix of it, seems to be the same vocal recording but different orchestration and arrangement.

I'm sure when a full OST is released commercially, we'll get the Nohr version.

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