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About the Avatar's Second Class


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I didn't see this when looking around on the class info sticky, but I really wanna know:

Are you allowed to pick a class for the avatar that is normally hoshido only even when they side with Nohr? and vice versa?

For example, choosing spellcaster or ninja as the secondary class at the start but siding with Nohr? Or am i stuck with route specific classes at the beginning?

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That's might be the superior option, as it allows you to make your kids/spouse into classes nobody else can access and get unique class skills. In Hoshido, for example, the only Nohr class trees you can get IIRC are

Rod Knight, Cavalier, Wyvern Knight, Armour Knight and Mercenary; so you miss out on the Outlaw, Fighter, Dark Mage and Garu lines.

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That list is mostly wrong, the garou line is a bit too exclusive and special to count for statistics.

Also you can get outlaws and fighters, as Crimson and Asyura have access to outlaw (and Anna?) amd Asyura to fighter, however wyvern riders, knights, fighters, and outlaws are exclusive to avatarsexuals, and fighter and knight is reclass, so buddy and marriage seals as well as children are (mostly?)out of the picture.

You are right on the darkmages though. So to sum up by my understanding choosing dark mage for the avatar on hoshido gets you access to every class but garous (and dark blood) but not all at the same time.

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How do the seals work exactly? Like say I buddy seal Kamui into a wyvern rider. If someone buddy seals Kamui after this, can they be a wyvern rider too or would they only get access to Kamui's default classes?

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From my understanding of it, they would get access to the class you chose at the beginning but not dark prince/ss. And if they went the way you mentioned any unit who went A+ with avatar would basically have access to almost every-class, as i believe the avatar can buddy seal with near everyone.

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From my understanding of it, they would get access to the class you chose at the beginning but not dark prince/ss. And if they went the way you mentioned any unit who went A+ with avatar would basically have access to almost every-class, as i believe the avatar can buddy seal with near everyone.

What about marriage seals? Are those only for the main class? Or can you take your wife/husbands secondary or third class? And does a kid inherit all 3 classes? Or just one?

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What about marriage seals? Are those only for the main class? Or can you take your wife/husbands secondary or third class? And does a kid inherit all 3 classes? Or just one?

I believe you only get their base class. I think the children get the dark prince/ss class from the avatar, but I'm not sure if they inherit the other classes.

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From my understanding of it, they would get access to the class you chose at the beginning but not dark prince/ss. And if they went the way you mentioned any unit who went A+ with avatar would basically have access to almost every-class, as i believe the avatar can buddy seal with near everyone.

From what I understand, no unit can A+ with the avatar though. Kamui can use Buddy Seals with units he/she has an A support with, but I don't think it works the other way around? It seems like Kamui's spouse is the only one to have the privilege of accessing Kamui's secondary class, via a Marriage Seal.

Kanna inherits Kamui's secondary class because Kanna already has access to Dark Prince(ss), but any of Kamui's other possible children will inherit only Dark Prince(ss). To partially make up for the children not having access to certain classes, you can still have the parents pass down skills from classes the children can't obtain themselves. Kamui can reclass into basically anything, and the other parent can reclass into Kamui's secondary option (which the non-Kanna child won't get).

Edited by Bovinian
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Have we confirmed that buddy seals only change to the base class? I had figured they changed you to whatever class your buddy was at the moment you use them. Or...can you use them even after your buddy is dead? Lots of things to test if they haven't been tested already.

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Buddy seals only change to base class, but buddy sealing Kamui or Akua will get their secondary class. Also, nobody can buddy seal to get the Avatar's class because the Avatar cannot get A+ Supports. The Avatar can buddy into any same-sex friend they have an A Support with, but their friend cannot.

Edited by gayserbeam
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just to make this thread interesting, what's the second class you choose for Hoshido, Nohr respectively; i for one will choose wyvern rider class for Hoshido route to get that deadly breath skill from Reverent Knight class, while i choose Pegasus warrior class for Nohr Route to get that Sun God skill from Golden-kite Warrior class

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Could you not get herb merchant on Nohr and wyvern rider on Hoshido by buddy sealing with kaze's kid and with crimson respectivly or am i forgetting how buddy seals work?

I believe it would, but I also think I heard from someone that Kamui can only buddy seal with units of the same gender, so only female Kamui would be able to do this? (I have no idea if this is true, somebody confirm pls)

Edited by Bovinian
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I believe it would, but I also think I heard from someone that Kamui can only buddy seal with units of the same gender, so only female Kamui would be able to do this? (I have no idea if this is true, somebody confirm pls)

Just tried: contrary to my expectations it looks like you are correct on that one. On my newest file, my Kamui is married to Silas, has an A rank with Kaze and an A rank with Azure. The only option available when using an A+ seal is Pegasus Warrior. Just to make sure, I also checked with the S seal and as expected, only Cavalier was available.

On my first file I used Knight (for General) for my Kamui on Hoshido. On this file, I used Dark Mage (for Dark Knight) for Hoshido. On Nohr, I'm probably going to go Oni: Rinkah is the only source of Oni in the game, which class changes to two unique classes on top of that. With that "You cannot use A+ seal on different gender", it might actually make a lot of sense to pick Oni on the third route for a male Kamui.

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I believe it would, but I also think I heard from someone that Kamui can only buddy seal with units of the same gender, so only female Kamui would be able to do this? (I have no idea if this is true, somebody confirm pls)

I actually suspected that it might be only for female kaimui, but i wasn't sure so i asked how the seals work, still you can get the class as a female. Plus i think that mainly affects cross over path classes most classes seem to have one of each gender as long as child characters count for buddy seals, as Ayra said Oni seems to be the only class that is single gender for base classes, for Nohr classes i think you can get all of them for each gender on Nohr, and i think it is all but Oni on Hoshido for Hoshido classes as Yukimura has herb-merchant and not ninja. I could be wrong though.

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Herb Merchant and Ninja can both promote to Puppeteer, which yields the seemingly incredibly powerful Copycat Puppet skill at level 15. Herb Merchant's own skills just seem slightly more valuable than Ninja's.

This all being said I can very much see the argument for Oni Kamui. Smithy Skill seems like a must for high-level forges, and Counter is already a proven powerful skill.

Edited by Tamarsamar
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Buddy seal is only same-sex, even for Kamui.

I chose Wyvern Rider my first playthrough and it was kind of disappointing. Herb Merchant all the way, not only do you get Puppeteer but you get Herb Merchant's Household Cure, which lets you attack after eating a healing item or stat boost tonic. And since you are the Avatar, you can open the Convoy, use a vulnerary or Strength Tonic (which will be stronger because of the Merchant's Strong Medicine ability) and then attack in one turn.

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Hmm sounds interesting. Looks like we got a lot to look forward to in the class system. As for skills, I need to do my research before I decide on my MaMUi's sceond skill trees I'll go through. Of what I know I do love me some Aggressor from Dread Fighter mixed with either Luna or Ignis, though the setup I have in mind follows the Nohr route as I really like the MU main class promote on that route as it's essentially what I would have wanted on Dread Fighter instead of getting axes. On another note the stuff from Herb Merchant also sounds tempting as well. It'll probably take a lot of research on my part til I figure out what I wanna run to maximize my MaMUi's skillset. Especially since my MaMU Robin's Dread Fighter set likely isn't applicable to the skill meta in Fates.

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Don't agonize too much over the choice, really. Noble Lineage and Dragon Fang are hands-down the best unpremoted class skills and by the time you are premoted you can get important skills through Buddy and Marriage Seals. Especially in the Nohr Route, where four of your five skill choices will probably be the ones from Dark Prince(ss)/Blood, which are all amazing.

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Don't agonize too much over the choice, really. Noble Lineage and Dragon Fang are hands-down the best unpremoted class skills and by the time you are premoted you can get important skills through Buddy and Marriage Seals. Especially in the Nohr Route, where four of your five skill choices will probably be the ones from Dark Prince(ss)/Blood, which are all amazing.

Ah, sounds great then. I literally spent a ton of time in Awakening agonizing over which skills I could give my Dread Fighter Robin to best complement his stats, especially considering that I wouldn't budge on having two slots always dedicated to Limit Breaker and Armsthrift (with the latter now being moot due to infinite dura, though I'm sure something decent if not nice took it's place or it's still there for stuff like Staves.)

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Which are the exclusive class selections?What I mean is which classes you can't get by using A support and have to get them by the class selection at the avatar creation.I would like someone to tell me that info for both genders

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