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Does Mighty Kunai really lack the PP-only requirement other Braves have?

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Slightly off topic, it actually seems to not be very designed to do damage, it's weird. Then again all the weapons are fairly nicely balanced in this game.

To be honest though, there might be some undetected mechanics behind the half strength thing

Edited by CocoaGalaxy
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I wouldn't be surprised... I'm not sure if it means for the duration of the next battle or just the first hit of the next battle. It's really hard to tell from an one-line description.

Also, the Lightning tome has worse Might than the Mighty Kunai or Bow, but I guess it's good since most enemies have lower Resistance?

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Well the er, lightning tome is a C Rank, the "actual" "brave" tome is ....er, Snake God, with 5 might

More off topicness is that the Hoshido Spells seem to correspond with the Eto/Zodiac.

Much. I do find it interesting how the Ram God (the sheep, guhehe) is basically an infinite use vulnerary

Edited by CocoaGalaxy
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I wouldn't be surprised... I'm not sure if it means for the duration of the next battle or just the first hit of the next battle. It's really hard to tell from an one-line description.

Also, the Lightning tome has worse Might than the Mighty Kunai or Bow, but I guess it's good since most enemies have lower Resistance?

Surprisingly enough, I noticed from the class caps that this isn't even really true in this game. Taking all of the regular in-game classes into account (though obviously some might appear less often than others), Res caps are actually higher on average than Def caps. The growths aren't really skewed towards Def either.

Maybe the enemies in-game tend to have lower Res anyway, I wouldn't know. But I just found this really interesting, I can see they made a conscious effort to nerf magic from its absolute dominance in Awakening.

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I seem to recall enemies having lower resistance as expected in like all the games maybe? The cap thing is interesting though, never noticed it.

Some characters have decent res, but res usually isn't the first thing you look at I guess, defense is too important to think about res.

Mostly because from my vague recolletions, magic still hits like a truck, which would roughly say enemies have lowish res.

Edited by CocoaGalaxy
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What does "PP-only" mean here? Prepromote-only by means of being A-ranked?

I find the enemies' def/res to be a mix. As expected, axe fighters don't react well to magic, but they also don't do anything against pegasus units.

The best tome has a might of 15, versus the best axe with a might of 22. Radiant Dawn says hi.

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What does "PP-only" mean here? Prepromote-only by means of being A-ranked?

I find the enemies' def/res to be a mix. As expected, axe fighters don't react well to magic, but they also don't do anything against pegasus units.

The best tome has a might of 15, versus the best axe with a might of 22. Radiant Dawn says hi.

I'd assume "Player Phase only".

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I'd assume "Player Phase only".

If this is what he meant, then the kunais still have that line. The noticeable difference though is that it nerfs your next attack instead of your def/res at the end. needs more info on the nerf part.

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Well the er, lightning tome is a C Rank, the "actual" "brave" tome is ....er, Snake God, with 5 might

More off topicness is that the Hoshido Spells seem to correspond with the Eto/Zodiac.

Much. I do find it interesting how the Ram God (the sheep, guhehe) is basically an infinite use vulnerary

Interrestingly, Snake God has the same stats as all the other brave weapons : Same power as "Iron" weapons (basic Rank D), and 15 less hit.

All Brave (melee) weapons' reduce both defences by 4, while Mighty (ranged) halves strength Snake God fits the Mighty weapons description perfectly, except for the small bonus.)

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I wouldn't be surprised... I'm not sure if it means for the duration of the next battle or just the first hit of the next battle. It's really hard to tell from an one-line description.

Also, the Lightning tome has worse Might than the Mighty Kunai or Bow, but I guess it's good since most enemies have lower Resistance?

Lightning is also C-rank, so...

Lightning is gonna be good in PVP since it gives Revenants a different Brave option than Axes.

28 Base +10 Maximum Kanna Skill mod = 38 (+4 Rally) = 42/4~= 10 +25 = 35% Lethality with the PvP kit ...57.75% of seeing a 1 damage tome just kill you..


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