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[Battle FE13] Espinosa vs Carmine Sword

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UNIT               HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS acc avo crt
Assassin!Espinosa  80 44 30 50 46 44 30 29  97  91  24
General!Walhart    80 54 28 41 34 44 54 33  83  73  20
Sorcerer!Miriel    80 28 47 39 41 45 39 44  79  84  19
Berserker!Gangrel  80 48 30 38 47 44 33 30  79  92  19
Assassin!Yen'Fay   80 41 28 50 50 45 30 28  97  97  25
Hero!Carmine     80 42 27 48 45 47 40 35  95  91  24
BowKnight!Chrom  80 41 30 44 42 46 34 29  89  86  22
Sage!Emmeryn     80 28 50 43 43 44 29 41  86  86  21
Assassin!Gaius   80 41 29 50 48 43 30 30  96  93  25
Paladin!Stahl    80 44 29 41 40 43 44 41  83  81  20


Carmine Sword Goes first!

Edited by General Horace
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Hopefully I won't make a complete fool of myself during my first match.

Have Gaius show Gangrel the pointy end of the Balmung.

Also, that Yen'fay looks terrifying.

Edited by Carmine Sword
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Ooooo, all the dead people, reborn to battle!

Yen'fay's speed is ferocious, I've wanted to try it myself but just haven't had the opportunity

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It's cool to comment on this, right?

Looks like fun. Go Carminebro.

Yeah, go for it!


271029_gaius_zps0pqixye4.jpg VS UVr0jc.jpg

god I can't get over Gangrel's portrait.

Gaius @Balmung attacks Gangrel @Titanita's Axe!


30 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit

Gaius's SOL activates!

Gangrel takes 30 damage! (50/80)

Gangrel retaliates!


40 damage, 13% hit, 0% crit

Gangrel's VENGEANCE activates!

(99, 31)

He hilriously misses.

Gaius attacks again!


30 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit

Gangrel takes 30 damage! (20/80)

Espinosa's turn to act.

   ESPINOSA                   CARMINE 

ESPINOSA    80/80       CARMINE       80/80
WALHART     80/80       CHROM         80/80
MIRIEL      80/80       EMMERYN       80/80
GANGREL     20/80       GAIUS         80/80
YEN'FAY     80/80       STAHL         80/80
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My goddddddd 13%

You have like -3% before skills and Weapon accuracy

Edited by Elieson
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I'm pretty sure I accounted for everything, a lot of skills were involved!


UVr0jc.jpg VS zcRPI0.jpg

Miriel's BOND activates!

Gangrel heals 10HP (30/80)

Gagrel @Brave Axe attacks Emmeryn @Book of Naga!

32x2 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit


Gangrel's VENGEANCE activates!

Emmeryn takes 57 damage! (23/80)

Gangrel attacks again!


Gangrel's VENGEANCE activates!

Emmeryn takes 23 damage and falls. See what I did there?

Gangrel's LIFETAKER activates! He heals 40HP. (70/80)

Carmine Sword's turn.

   ESPINOSA                   CARMINE 

ESPINOSA    80/80       CARMINE       80/80
WALHART     80/80       CHROM         80/80
MIRIEL      80/80       EMMERYN       00/80
GANGREL     70/80       GAIUS         80/80
YEN'FAY     80/80       STAHL         80/80
Edited by General Horace
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man last match, if i had packed a brave weapon at all, I might've been able to do a that. Poor planning, I kept thinking BRAVE BAN, not BRAVE forge BAN.


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271457_stahl_zpssru3r7b6.jpg VS miriel1_zpsphhdq9sf.jpg

Stahl @Seliph's Blade attacks Miriel @Aversa's Night!


30 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit

Miriel takes 30 damage! (50/80)

Miriel retaliates!


16 damage, 71 hit, 0% crit

(6, 45)

Stahl takes 16 damage! (64/80)

Miriel heals 8HP (58/80)

Espinosa's turn to act.

 ESPINOSA                   CARMINE 

ESPINOSA    80/80       CARMINE       80/80
WALHART     80/80       CHROM         80/80
MIRIEL      58/80       EMMERYN       00/80
GANGREL     70/80       GAIUS         80/80
YEN'FAY     80/80       STAHL         64/80
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It seems my decision to make Stahl a Paladin instead of a Swordmaster or Assassin was a mistake. That extra bulk doesn't help nearly as much when you're getting doubled (or quaded, as it were).

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Access to multiple weapon types is kind of a big deal still. That's why classes like Dread Fighter might be more valuable than we've thought.

But yeah, Stahl's actually a surprisingly good Assassin now that you mention it. The only one (besides Robin) with access to Luna in the 1st Gen meta actually.

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Ah, you're right. Stahl has +3 str/def on her though, which can't be underestimated on an Assassin, but +2 spd could prove to be more important. Sully's Sword/Lancebreaker seems like an option that could really make a difference too.

And I just realised I didn't list Bowbreaker in Stahl's skill list in the RT. He should have it because of the Archer class set. I'll go ahead and look through every other skill list just to be sure I haven't missed anything.

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Miriels' BOND activates! Gangrel heals 10 HP (80/80)

Miriel's RENEWAL activates! She heals 24 HP (80/80)

1pa9Ne.jpg VS 271457_stahl_zpssru3r7b6.jpg

Yen'fay @Brave Bow attacks Stahl@Seliph's Blade!

9x2 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit


Yen'fay's ASTRA activates!

Stahl takes 4 damage! (60/80)

Stahl takes 4 damage! (56/80)

Stahl takes 4 damage! (52/80)
Stahl takes 4 damage! (48/80)
Stahl takes 4 damage! (44/80)


Stahl takes 9 damage! (35/80)

Yen'fay doubles!


Stahl takes 9 damage! (26/80)


Yen'fay's ASTRA activates!

Stahl takes 4 damage! (22/80)

Stahl takes 4 damage! (18/80)

Stahl takes 4 damage! (14/80)

Stahl takes 4 damage! (10/80)

Stahl takes 4 damage! (06/80)

It's Carmine Sword's turn to act.

 ESPINOSA                   CARMINE 

ESPINOSA    80/80       CARMINE       80/80
WALHART     80/80       CHROM         80/80
MIRIEL      80/80       EMMERYN       00/80
GANGREL     80/80       GAIUS         80/80
YEN'FAY     80/80       STAHL         06/80
Edited by General Horace
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mum_zpswsut8ady.png VS 1pa9Ne.jpg

Carmine @Brave Axe attacks Yen'Fay @Brave Bow!

30x2 damage, 97% hit, 0% crit


Carmine activates LUNA

(46, 89)

Yen'fay takes 45 damage! (35/80)


(67, 63)

Yen'fay takes 30 damage! (05/80)

Espinosa's turn to act.

 ESPINOSA                   CARMINE 

ESPINOSA    80/80       CARMINE       80/80
WALHART     80/80       CHROM         80/80
MIRIEL      80/80       EMMERYN       00/80
GANGREL     80/80       GAIUS         80/80
YEN'FAY     05/80       STAHL         06/80
Edited by General Horace
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Well, that's one way of almost losing your 50 speed Assassin.

I can't figure out why the hit/avo advantage seems to be in Carmine's hands as much as it is.

Yen'fay, let's give RobinM the same treatment as Stahl! Brave Bow!

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