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I don't even play FF, but I don't have access to the newer ones? Should I play the older games from before their betrayal of Nintendo?  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is better?

  2. 2. Which is better?

    • FF10
    • FE10
  3. 3. Which is better?

  4. 4. Which one is better?

  5. 5. Which one is better?

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-I think major publishers should fear indie games. And in that respect, the major publishers should have respect for their devs and their ips if they do not want them to go on to syphon money away from them later as an indie.

-Sonic's 2D platformers are better than Mario's.

-And on that thought, so are Megaman and Castlevania.

-Megaman 3 is better than 2.

-The Xbox One is almost just as much worth getting as a PS4.

-The Final Fantasy series is in huge need of reform.

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I really like this thread. Thanks Rabbattackbama.

-The New Super Mario series gets more flak than it deserves.

-I really don't like Super Mario 3D World/Land much.

-All romantic/paired lord endings in FE7 are terrible.

-Pent is boring and one of my least favorite characters in FE7.

-Robin is an alright character, Kris is the terrible one.

-I don't like Animal Crossing, sorry.

-I don't like Star Fox.

-The current set up for Mario Party could be decent if they make enough adjustments to it, but as it stands now I have absolutely no want for any new or future Mario Parties.

-The Tellius games has the best cast of characters overall, period.

-FE7's cast is some of the worst in the series, with FE8 following behind.

-Ike is a terrible character now, with FE10 and smash they made him into something he's not, and I don't like him as a character in any game but FE9. He is heavily misrepresented in personality and stats in smash.

-Ike and Elincia is a terrible pairing, and is not romantic in the slightest.

-Idoun is a terrible villain, and doesn't have enough screentime to help her "sad backstory".

-Twilight Princess is under-appreciated.

-The Water Temple is the best designed temple in OoT.

-FF8's plot is all over the place and makes no sense, at least from what I've seen.

-Cloud is not emo, at least in the original FF7.

-FF7 is a fun game that I enjoy, but all the spinoffs that came from it I absolutely hate.

-Ninian is the worst implemented character story wise in any FE game.

Edited by Sophie
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- I love all of FF7's spinoffs and the game itself,

- and I think the FF franchise is still going strong and people get too much on a high horse about what "standards" the series should follow when every game has been different.

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- I love all of FF7's spinoffs and the game itself,

- and I think the FF franchise is still going strong and people get too much on a high horse about what "standards" the series should follow when every game has been different.

FF14 is great by every metric. Solid MMO with lots of content and phenomenal writing to pull together its story. I just thought I'd throw that out there. People will dismiss it because it's an MMO and has a sub fee but the team did not hold back after saving the game from the brink of death when 1.0 was awful. Edited by Samias
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Now for some Elder Scrolls.

1) Oblivion AND Morrowind's exp system is so dated I had to mod Oblivion's.

2) Morrowind is dated as hell in the gameplay department.

3) Removing spell making is the worst thing about Skyrim.

4) You should be able to kill children without mods if you make them such huge assholes to you.


1) Fallout 3 is the worst of the fallout series

2) Fallout New Vegas was pretty decent and has some of the best DLC I've ever played.

3) I hate Mr. House and kill him pretty much every playthrough.


1) The first two game are amazing, but only if you have a guide ready if you get stuck wandering for hours.

2) Link's Awakening is trash.

3) The Shadow Temple is way too violent and creepy for an E rated game.

4) OoT and Majora's Mask are amazing games, but will disappoint a lot of people because of WAY too much hype.

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-The Original Legend of Zelda is an awful game

-A Link to the Past isn't as great as most people say it is

-Twilight Princess is not a good game and an overall blemish on the series

-Link's Awakening is the best 2D Zelda game

-Midna is the worst guide in the series

-Fans will ruin the Zelda franchise by demanding and open world game even though Eiji Aonuma has repeated it isn't

-Link should NEVER be a girl or customizable

-WRPGs suck

-Dragon Quest and Suikoden are both very underrated game series

-Skyrim is a very boring glitchy and unfun game

-Final Fantsasy is way to inconsistent with its games

-Earthbound isn't all that great (Mother 3 is spectacular though)

-Mario Kart Double Dash is the best Mario Kart Game

-Despite Super Mario Galaxy being my favorite Mario game and top 5 games ever I don't really like Galaxy 2

-Super Mario RPG is not that good

-Kirby's Epic Yarn is one of the best platformers ever made

-Warlords of Draenor is the dumbest idea/expansion ever

Just to name a few of mine.

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1. The newer kirby games have been pretty mediocre. Dedede's drum dash EX is the best since Return to Dreamland.

2. Owain and Severa are some of the worst written characters in FE history, and are a big reason why Awakening is my least favorite FE.

3. New Super Mario Bros Wii is the best 2d mario game.

4. Earthbound is a boring game

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I'd personally say 0 Exp runs are the most interesting to play, though nuzlockes do have the benefit of no required cheat codes or hacking to be implemented.

Those seem like they'd be really fun, but they're really inconvenient to play for some of the games.

EDIT By inconvenient, I mean implementing the hack itself, not the actual process of playing the game.

Edited by Refa
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FE6 is by no means a bad game, Ana, it's actually pretty fun, I think. You can just skip the cutscenes and then you won't have to deal with Roy. Just like the rest of the FEs.

I always want to view cutscenes for the story though. And Roy isn't the only thing about the game that I find to look uninteresting, you know. I don't like how just about all of the cast is made up of children. Armies aren't made up of majorly children, that's just silly. FE7, FE8. and Tellius only had a couple or a few kids which makes more sense. The story doesn't seem very good either and story is one of the biggest reasons I play FE. I started looking at a let's play of FE6 and I got bored fast.

Oh, here's another opinion that now appears to be unpopular: Super Mario Sunshine is terrible. What the fuck am I supposed to do in it? It just throws you into an overworld and says "have at it." I got confused and bored after getting only a few Shine Sprites. Why do people love this game so much?

Edited by Anacybele
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1. I've heard of the opinions in the thread before, making them less unique!

2. DDR is a way of life.

3. I like mainstream games, they're mainstream because they're good!

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...You play FE for the story? And you hate FE6, because of that?

You can't be serious. You know FE isn't exactly renowned for good storylines, right?

And if you're watching an LP of a FE game, you're probably going to get bored. Why? Because it's more fun when it's in you hands, and you're the one commanding the army.

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I don't like how just about all of the cast is made up of children. Armies aren't made up of majorly children, that's just silly.

Wat. Have you not seen the cast of FE6 before? The game does feature more younger soldiers than other titles, but the cast being "mostly children" is a gross overstatement. Check out the characters yourself if you don't believe me

I started looking at a let's play of FE6 and I got bored fast.

Do you know what would be a better way to know if you like the game or not? By playing it yourself

Oh, here's another opinion that now appears to be unpopular: Super Mario Sunshine is terrible. What the fuck am I supposed to do in it? It just throws you into an overworld and says "have at it." I got confused and bored after getting only a few Shine Sprites. Why do people love this game so much?

The game's designed so that little kids can play it. I beat the game when I was 6 years old. I seriously don't understand how you don't know what to do.

The only thing that I can imagine somebody getting stuck on is accessing Noki Bay, but it doesn't sound like you got far enough to see that part.

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3. I like mainstream games, they're mainstream because they're good!

Truer words have never been said, bro. Truth to be told, a lot of my favorite games are the most praised games in their respective series.

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I think Super Mario Sunshine is my favorite Mario game I've played, except maybe the RPGs.

It's not terribly hard to figure out what to do there. There's more than 1 area and it's your job as a player to figure out where they are.

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Let's see who agrees with this:

- I think Nintendo branching to mobile games is a good idea. I wouldn't even be against Fire Emblem Mobile.

Come at me bros.

I agree with it. I also am not arsed one way or the other if Nintendo tries a business move. They are a business bent on profit after all.

I think its kinda rubbish that most of the mainstream Let's Play guys are all...guys. Let's see some vag in that fun stuff, come on!

Goat Simulator is probably the best game of 2014, get at me.

Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines is better than anything Bioshock put out. Theres a reason people keep modding and playing that game after 12 years.

I abhor Aeris and i refuse to call her Aerith. I cheered when Sephiroth did the thing.

Legend of Dragoon was one of the best RPGs on the PSX and deserves a proper remake.

Valkyrie Profile 2 is a big disappointing pile of hot garbage.

I never played a Persona game and dont plan on it.

Navi doesnt bother me that much.

A Link Between Worlds had within its narrative, one of the best female characters Zelda has ever seen.

Minish Cap is top tier and Kinstone fusing must return.

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Let's see some vag in that fun stuff, come on!

I dunno how to feel about this choice of words.

I don't like Sephiroth much, but holy hell do I love the 2 last final boss songs in FF7!

I don't like FF9's final boss much, as a character and stuff. It just comes out of nowhere. The true final boss is the one before it!

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It's not terribly hard to figure out what to do there. There's more than 1 area and it's your job as a player to figure out where they are.

Uh, duh, I KNOW there's more than one area. I just can't figure out where a lot of the other areas are. And the game is designed for six year olds to play? lol yeah right. I'm not an idiot.

...You play FE for the story? And you hate FE6, because of that?

You can't be serious. You know FE isn't exactly renowned for good storylines, right?

FE has a lot of great stories, wtf are you talking about? The only ones I find bad so far are FE7's and Awakening's. Also, I never said I hated FE6. I can't hate it when I've never even played it. I just think it looks uninteresting. Nothing I've seen about it so far makes me want to try it.

Wat. Have you not seen the cast of FE6 before? The game does feature more younger soldiers than other titles, but the cast being "mostly children" is a gross overstatement. Check out the characters yourself if you don't believe me

Do you know what would be a better way to know if you like the game or not? By playing it yourself

Uh, I meant the PLAYABLE cast. There's an absurd number of children in it. Roy, Wolt, Lugh, Ray, Shanna, Lilina, Tate, Lalum, Cath, Chad, and the list could go on.

And once again, nothing in the game makes me want to play it. People need to fucking stop trying to force the game on me. It's only going to make me want to play it less and less.

Edited by Anacybele
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Uh, I meant the PLAYABLE cast. There's an absurd number of children in it. Roy, Wolt, Lugh, Ray, Shanna, Lilina, Tate, Lalum, Cath, Chad, and the list could go on.

You do realize that all of those are more teenagers than actual kids. Right?

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1)Fludd had the saddest death in video game history.

Sunshine is terrible. What the fuck am I supposed to do in it? It just throws you into an overworld and says "have at it." I got confused and bored after getting only a few Shine Sprites. Why do people love this game so much?

You can dislike it, but doesn't every game throw you into an overworld and tell you "have at it?" Edited by Rabbattack
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1)Fludd had the saddest death in video game history.You can dislike it, but doesn't every game throw you into an overworld and tell you "have at it?"

Uh, FLUDD is a machine, how can it die? And you know what I mean. I get almost no hints on what to do or where to go. I didn't like this about a few Zelda games either, I would've been completely lost if I didn't have guides for Link's Awakening or the oracle games. They're good games, but only if you have a guide, honestly. I would've probably liked Super Mario Sunshine more if I had a guide, but I don't want to HAVE to use a guide for practically the whole game. So Sunshine, Link's Awakening, and the Oracle games lost points for me there.

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Uh, FLUDD is a machine, how can it die? And you know what I mean.

He is broken after the fight with Bowser and the Toads repair him. He's not just a machine though, it can think and feel to an extent. Edited by Rabbattack
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