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I don't even play FF, but I don't have access to the newer ones? Should I play the older games from before their betrayal of Nintendo?  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is better?

  2. 2. Which is better?

    • FF10
    • FE10
  3. 3. Which is better?

  4. 4. Which one is better?

  5. 5. Which one is better?

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Despite my love for Ike, he should have never been in FE10 or SSBB/SSB4

I actually enjoyed TP and SS's story, but I can hardly stand the gameplay of either

At this point, I don't even care if it's good, I just want some closure for Golden Sun. Just put out the last fucking game already Camelot, JUST DO IT

Gen 3 of Pokémon was best in terms of sheer improvements and game collections, and though Gen 4 had some of the best improvements (namely the Physical/Special split), it has the worst region and Pokémon designs. The only good games to come out of Gen 4 were HeartGold and SoulSilver.

Majora's Mask is the best 3D Zelda game

A Link Between Worlds is the best 2D Zelda, though it's one of the easiest Zedas

Ocarina of Time is bland as hell, though I won't deny the effects it had on the gaming industry at large

I adore all of the cases in Ace Attorney: Justice for All, even Turnabout Big Top

Though Roy used to be my least favorite lord along with Marth, I've grown very fond of him lately

I'm okay with most fanservice as long as it's equal-opportunity. Though literally shoving tits in my face is still something I'm not okay with

People find some of the most ridiculous reasons to hate on a game sometimes, and I can never decide whether to laugh or shake my head. Sometimes I do both.

And Ana, for someone who says they can't hate a game they haven't played you sure seem to be hating on the game, and for some really silly reasons to boot. Either admit that you're hating on the game or just quit whining about it

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And you know what I mean. I get almost no hints on what to do or where to go.

What are you taling about? The opening for Delfino Plaza outright tells you were to go for all areas save for Pianta Village. It also shows you where the Shine Sprites are supposed to be at.

I didn't like this about a few Zelda games either, I would've been completely lost if I didn't have guides for Link's Awakening or the oracle games.

I'll grant you that the entirety of the game's map wasn't exactly revelaed to you on a fresh file. But frankly, that didn't mean that it never told you where to go. Especially since you got The Owl and The Maku Trees doing exactly that. Besides, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword did the whole "the map wasn't immediately revealed to you" thing too.
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That's an unpopular opinion?

Yeah considering Midna exists in the franchise. No one really talks about Hilda. She even doesnt have that much fanart. There was a huge amount when the game came out but now its kinda rare to see a nice Hilda art.

FLUDD is indeed sentient. Anyway, i think Super Mario Sunshine has good level design but something felt terribly off about it. I dunno...I actually found that game really challenging. It has my favorite aesthetic for a Mario game. My other unpopular opinion is Super Mario Galaxy 2 is unnecessary and kinda rubbish.

I prefer horror games with no combat.

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So am I. But that didn't stop me from loving gen 4. And I hate almost all of gen 5's Fire types. They're just ugly as hell for the most part. The only one I did really like that wasn't a legendary (because I liked both) is Chandelure.

This is where we agree to disagree. I love Darmanitan and Volcarona. It was the Fire-types in gen 4 and 3 (excluding the Torchic line) that were all butt-ugly.

I've not grabbed a gen 6 game yet but all the Fire-types in there do look pretty cool, I'll agree with you there. If only they weren't associated with the garbage villain team.

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Uh, duh, I KNOW there's more than one area. I just can't figure out where a lot of the other areas are.

...Then use a guide? Or just look better. That's kind of what you're supposed to do. None of them are particularly hard to find.

And the game is designed for six year olds to play? lol yeah right. I'm not an idiot.

I think you must have me mixed up with someone else here, because I never said that.

FE has a lot of great stories, wtf are you talking about? The only ones I find bad so far are FE7's and Awakening's. Also, I never said I hated FE6. I can't hate it when I've never even played it. I just think it looks uninteresting. Nothing I've seen about it so far makes me want to try it.

>a lot

Not really? FE7's is fine, FE8's is good, FE9 is alright, I heard FE4 is good... not a whole lot when there's 14 in the stories. A lot of them have poor stories. And that's my point,

Uh, I meant the PLAYABLE cast. There's an absurd number of children in it. Roy, Wolt, Lugh, Ray, Shanna, Lilina, Tate, Lalum, Cath, Chad, and the list could go on.

underlined: no, not really? Pretty sure you listed all of them. This game has an overall bigger cast, so there's not as many children in proportion to others as you think. And Tate isn't really a kid.

And once again, nothing in the game makes me want to play it. People need to fucking stop trying to force the game on me. It's only going to make me want to play it less and less.

And that's fine. But if you're not gonna play it, then don't gripe about it.

I didn't like this about a few Zelda games either, I would've been completely lost if I didn't have guides for Link's Awakening or the oracle games. They're good games, but only if you have a guide, honestly. I would've probably liked Super Mario Sunshine more if I had a guide, but I don't want to HAVE to use a guide for practically the whole game. So Sunshine, Link's Awakening, and the Oracle games lost points for me there.

Zelda games are about solving puzzles with logic, using your head and stuff. If you can't do that, then just use a guide, or decide that the games just aren't for you.

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I shouldn't have to use a guide for the whole game though. Maybe once in awhile, but I'd like to be able to figure out at least SOME things on my own. In Sunshine, I couldn't do that. I wandered around for ours.

This thread is about unpopular opinions. I said "I don't think FE6 needs to be localized" as a possibly unpopular opinion. I don't see where I was griping about it.

There are still more children I didn't mention. Sue, Fir, Noah, Alan, Lance, Saul, they all look 15 or younger to me. And whatever, I still think the game has too many playable units that are young teens/children.

And it's my opinion that FE has more good stories than bad, deal with it.

Edited by Anacybele
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Uh, FLUDD is a machine, how can it die? And you know what I mean. I get almost no hints on what to do or where to go.

I very much recommend you give Sunshine one more shot. If you pay attention to the episode title and where the camera pans before it begins, and talk to any NPCs you cross, you shouldn't have any trouble knowing your objective. If you can do that, I think you will find that the controls and gameplay of Sunshine are sublime (except the river of death and that darn pachinko level).

My turn:

1. Link Between Worlds is overrated (Not bad, just overrated).

2. Metroid: Other M is actually kinda good (I can't resist the Morph Ball).

3. No one plays enough Treasure games (Except me, of course).

4. Spirit Tracks would be my favorite handheld Zelda (If the train were four times as fast).

5. Metroid Prime 2: Echoes is my favorite Prime game (I like purple).

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I very much recommend you give Sunshine one more shot. If you pay attention to the episode title and where the camera pans before it begins, and talk to any NPCs you cross, you shouldn't have any trouble knowing your objective. If you can do that, I think you will find that the controls and gameplay of Sunshine are sublime (except the river of death and that darn pachinko level).

No. I've chosen not to touch it again. I wasted my money on it, sadly.

Edited by Anacybele
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I shouldn't have to use a guide for the whole game though. Maybe once in awhile, but I'd like to be able to figure out at least SOME things on my own.

Which, again, isn't exactly hard to do if you're just looking to beat the game. Literally the only things in Super Mario Sunshine that required guides in the game for 100% completion are the Blue Coins if you happen to be stuck on any of them. Edited by Just call me AL
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3. No one plays enough Treasure games (Except me, of course).

well i guess this is my first one XD

ikaruga is not a good game

i don't like horizontal shoot em ups

Zelda is a boring series

FE 4 is terrible

FE 11 is a very good game

i'm interested in POR but not interested in RD at all for some reason (i don't even this either, how do i not get my own opinions)

That is all i have for now

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There are still more children I didn't mention. Sue, Fir, Noah, Alan, Lance, Saul, they all look 15 or younger to me. And whatever, I still think the game has too many playable units that are young teens/children.

Noah, Alan, Lance, and Saul are all in their twenties, and Sue and Fir are most likely around 16/17. There's only two characters that are younger than 15, being Nino's twin sons Hugh and Ray at 13. Wow, so many babies running around.

The only reason they look young in the first place is because FE6 had a more anime look compared to the other FE games. If you're gonna keep complaining then at least come up with some legitimate reasons or even just look this shit up first instead of parroting yourself. We are on the biggest website for Fire Emblem info for God's sake.

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-Fate/Night series is overrated and uninteresting.

-Archers are a good class.

-I don't find Super Metroid to be as exciting as people make it out to be.

-Hector is a terrible lord and unit.

-Eliwood is the best lord (gameplay wise) in FE7

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You guys do realize that these are being stated as opinions and not facts right? If someone says a game is bad, it means they didn't enjoy it personally. With that said, continue on. I don't mind all this arguing though, so continue pointing out silly reasonings if you feel like it.

Edited by Rabbattack
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I'll give a couple:

1) Final Fantasy IV is the best Final Fantasy: I love having characters that do their own thing and are not customizable or interchangeable. The story is good, and not "out there" like many other FF games.

2) Skyward Sword is the best Zelda game: The controls are fantastic, and it has the best dungeon in the series.

3) X/Y are the best Pokemon games: You can get nearly 450 pokemon before the elite four. Enough said.

4) The Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games are good and fun: The moves and type matchups makes them still feel like pokemon games, which is good because main pokemon games have gotten very stale. These are a nice change of pace.

5) Mario Kart 8 is the best Mario Kart game (not sure how unpopular that is): The tracks are fantastic, 200cc is amazing, and the item balance issues are exaggerated.

6) Final Fantasy VI is overrated: I dislike the magicite system, and midway through the game everything stops and becomes sidequests.

7) Nothing is better than the Ace Attorney series: Does this really warrant an explanation?

8) Majora's Mask isn't fun to play: Dungeons are boring, and the three day cycle is annoying.

Edited by Zvarri!
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Final Fantasy VII is overrated, and possibly the worst 3D Final Fantasy

Ocarina of Time is overrated, and possibly the worst 3D Zelda

In fact, 90% of the games in the N64/PSOne era are quite overrated and don't hold up (Notable exceptions include the Banjo games, OgreBattle 64, and Final Fantasy IX). 3D gaming wasn't really perfected until the following generation.

I want Snake to return to Smash Bros. I don't care how little he fits in with the rest of the cast. Yes, I know it's not going to happen.

PC gaming isn't worth it. I'd rather spend $300-$400 once every five years or so for a console than $1000+ every year for a computer that can run the latest games at a speed faster than molasses.

Shigeru Miyamoto is getting washed up and should retire. Between rebooting the Star Fox series yet again rather than doing something new with the story and pretty much single-handedly ruining Sticker Star, it's pretty clear that he's just weighing Nintendo down at this point.

There is no secret cabal of "SJWs" trying to invade and destroy gaming. "SJWs" are barely even a thing and the term has been abused so much it's basically meaningless (same thing with the word "censorship"), and most of the people who don't like gamer culture (myself included) have been playing video games for decades.

Change.org petitions are pointless and laughable. This isn't entirely a gaming-related thing, but with all the gaming-related petitions being made recently (cancel Metroid Prime: Federation Force, change this about Fates, change that about Fates, don't change anything about Fates), I think it fits in.

Melee is highly overrated, and all the elitists who call it the only Smash game worth playing are annoying as fuck, but all the people who call it a bad game are still wrong.

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1. FE7 is the worst FE game.

2. Navi isn't that bad.

3. Project M is kinda lame.

4. Pokemon has steadily been declining in quality since Gen 3.

5. Miyamoto is an awful game designer.

6. Super Mario Bros. 3 is bad.

7. Metroid is overrated.

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PC gaming isn't worth it. I'd rather spend $300-$400 once every five years or so for a console than $1000+ every year for a computer that can run the latest games at a speed faster than molasses.

Umm what? If you spend 1000 dollars on a computer chances are it will last you a lot longer than a console.

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3. No one plays enough Treasure games (Except me, of course).

well i guess this is my first one XD

ikaruga is not a good game

i don't like horizontal shoot em ups

Are you one of those people that only associate Treasure with Ikaruga and Radiant Silvergun? Those are both great games, but they're traditional shmups and they're not Treasure's best. Treasure's best, in my opinion, are the Bangai-O series and Sin & Punishment series, both of which defy genre conventions to provide something truly unique.

Edited by Zera
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bangai o looked interesting although i admit i haven't played it and i've never played any rail shooters before so i have not played sin and punishment either.

and uh for the topic another one is that i do not like pokemon red/blue

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Noah, Alan, Lance, and Saul are all in their twenties, and Sue and Fir are most likely around 16/17. There's only two characters that are younger than 15, being Nino's twin sons Hugh and Ray at 13. Wow, so many babies running around.

The only reason they look young in the first place is because FE6 had a more anime look compared to the other FE games. If you're gonna keep complaining then at least come up with some legitimate reasons or even just look this shit up first instead of parroting yourself. We are on the biggest website for Fire Emblem info for God's sake.

Those guys are in their twenties? They hardly look like it. And excuse me for generally not being much of a fan of younger characters (or rather, younger-looking in this case). There's no need to be rude.

2) Skyward Sword is the best Zelda game: The controls are fantastic, and it has the best dungeon in the series.

8) Majora's Mask isn't fun to play: Dungeons are boring, and the three day cycle is annoying.

Man, I agree with these so hard.

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Shadow Dragon was actually good in my opinion.

I hate Chrom. He's just so generic. I like Owain, though he is kind of a generic anime protagonist, that's played for comedic effect, which works. Chrom is just generic to be the generic FE lord.

Emmeryn turning out to be alive ruined what could have been a good moment in Awakenng's story.

I think Awakening's story is bad and that some of the characters are just plain uninteresting(Looking at you Chrom.)

Morgan being from a supposed third timeline is just stupid and it's never even expanded upon(Probably why I think it's stupid.)

I think Archers are a good class.

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A little more.

45) Legend of Legaia and Legend of Dragoon should get a remaster or remake as they're classics.

46) I like the Bouncer...and feel like it should get some sort of sequel or remake. xP

47) Yukari from Persona 3 is not a bad character.

48) Radiata Stories is an overlooked game.

49) Tenchu should make a come back.

50) Dynasty Warriors isn't that repetitive..

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lots of people think this. i'm playing OoT for the first time and i'm loving it but i still think it's overrated.

I don't know, in all the communities I've been into, if you didn't love OoT and preferred games like TP instead, you were pretty much shunned... guess I was just looking in the wrong places? Those places are also probably why I hate the Zelda community now...


-Link should NEVER be a girl or customizable


-Kirby's Epic Yarn is one of the best platformers ever made



And to add more opinions to the mix here:

- I hate Mario and most platformers in general. Kirby is the obvious exception

- People's reaction to the fanservice in FE, while I don't agree with all of them, is completely understandable and their fear is well placed

- Apotheosis, especially the secret route, is fun

- I find the older Kirby games hard

- I liked the really old Kirby cartoon, and Meta Knight's voice is a guilty pleasure of mine

- The 5 Nights At Freddies series doesn't seem to be that bad, it's the fanbase that makes it look bad

- Starfox: Zero looks fine

- Reimu Hakurei is one of the most loved Touhou characters... and I hate her guts

- Many Touhou fandom jokes like CHEEEEEEEEEN and pads aren't funny at all

- Necrofantasia is overrated, A Maiden's Illusionary Funeral ~ Necro-Fantasy is the better song

- I don't understand why everyone wants Mima back

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- I hate Mario and most platformers in general. Kirby is the obvious exception

Uh.....git gud? If you like Kirby, you might also like Klonoa and The Legendary Starfy.

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