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I don't even play FF, but I don't have access to the newer ones? Should I play the older games from before their betrayal of Nintendo?  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is better?

  2. 2. Which is better?

    • FF10
    • FE10
  3. 3. Which is better?

  4. 4. Which one is better?

  5. 5. Which one is better?

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7. I love fairy type. It is super cool, and has to be my favorite type. Not to mention that the actual fairy type gym leader was wonderfully creepy. That was quite the pleasant surprise because I figured that they were just going to make fairy type as cutesy as possible.

8. The pokemon rumored to be added in X and Y were way more creative, and interesting than the actual pokemon added in X and Y.

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Here's another one can be applied to anything entertainment wise but since I don't watch anime aside from DBZ on occassion I'll refer to games.

I dislike Japanese dubs and prefer English dubs most if not all the time. To me they just seem overly exaggerated and the female voices either all sound the same or are way too high pitched to the point that it physically hurts my ears to listen to.

Edited by LordTaco42
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I've got even more! (spoilered for length)

(17) Count me in on the Owain hate train

(18) The casual fans/non-fans that buy into the demonization of the pre-awakening fanbase piss me off just as much as our genwunner elitist types on reddit and 4chan that lend an inkling of truth to that

(19) From my brief experience with it, I very much enjoy Project M as a casually-played Smash Bros. game; it's the most balanced game in the series and has some fun new ideas (All-Star VS, for example)

(20) I feel like all the Tetsuya Nomura hate is mostly blind and uneducated; take a step back and look at things. For the past several years, he's had to juggle side projects along with multiple main projects (in an interview not too long ago he said he's backed up to 2018). Yes, he's overutilized, but he also strikes me as a workaholic type, that guy who just can't say no to an offering; a guy who I sympathetically want to be utilized less by Square. (And yeah, he doesn't plan out things start-to-finish when he writes resulting in convolution, but would prefer that or the even more confusing trollish flustercuck that is Toriyama's writing?)

(21) I was more hyped for (and have gotten a lot of enjoyment) out of Azure Striker Gunvolt than Mighty No 9. I'm sick of hearing about MN9; the amount of licensing for an unreleased game is ridiculous. Plus, it looks too similiar to Mega Man for my likes. That's one of the things I love about Gunvolt; it was made with the intent of being different. Yeah, the localization is crap; yeah, it has its' rough edges; but if Inti streamlines and improves upon it, I get the feeling history will look back upon it more favorably than MN9 and Inafune's attempts to rip off a brand he was involved in

(22) I do not like Ryu in SSB4; he feels like a blatant "FU" to the competitive community signed by Sakurai. I'll just change my mind and bring a fighting game character in! And not only that, I'll make him based around combos, which is something that I designed Smash Bros. to not focus on!

Xenoblade related, with mild spoilers

(23) Xenoblade is a bit overrated nowadays. Yeah, the characters are entertaining, but there's nothing really new or different about them: for example Shulk is the young hero from a humble upbringing, Dunban is the retired hero/mentor type, and so on. Also the story isn't that great. It's all right, but it peaks halfway through (which is something people who love the game also commonly say). Before the episode at Sword Island, it was largely just your standard revenge plot with some JRPG mythology sprinkled in. After those events, it tries too hard to be sci-fi, with most of the twists being presented in a couple of glorified info dumps (also, one twist at the very end feels so tacked-on and last-mintue, as well as not making much sense). It also becomes a *yawn* "Screw destiny!" plot that has already been done to death with varying results.

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That's the second generation though, which I can deal with. And I actually don't think they look quite as young as many of the characters in FE6. Seliph looks older than Roy to me, for instance. Nanna looks older than Lilina, etc.

FE6 is the next generation to FE7, so the children in FE6 are justified just like FE4 and FE13.

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I will never be able to take anyone who uses "casual" in a derogatory manner and without a lick of irony seriously ever again.

The FNaF series needs to die.

This opinion is not in the least unpopular.

The original Legend of Zelda is not even a difficult game, unless one speaks of Second Quest. Now that shit's difficult. The real unpopular part of my opinion is, that people who gripe about the difficulty of this game's first quest need to get gud. Back in my day, we made maps. Barefoot in the snow.

I just simply do not care about E3, and i doubt that will ever change.

Handheld > console.

I hate the Female Link Debate and it never ends in a productive manner. I think people need to simply stop talking about it, because Nintendo is very likely to never go there. Zelda will become playable as a protagonist in a game before Link grows a vagina.

I also do not care who winds up in Smash anymore.

Xenoblade related, with mild spoilers

(23) Xenoblade is a bit overrated nowadays. Yeah, the characters are entertaining, but there's nothing really new or different about them: for example Shulk is the young hero from a humble upbringing, Dunban is the retired hero/mentor type, and so on. Also the story isn't that great. It's all right, but it peaks halfway through (which is something people who love the game also commonly say). Before the episode at Sword Island, it was largely just your standard revenge plot with some JRPG mythology sprinkled in. After those events, it tries too hard to be sci-fi, with most of the twists being presented in a couple of glorified info dumps (also, one twist at the very end feels so tacked-on and last-mintue, as well as not making much sense). It also becomes a *yawn* "Screw destiny!" plot that has already been done to death with varying results.

I feel like you missed the point of the game tbh. If you had played the other games this team of writers made, (Xenogears, Xenosaga) you'd likely have a different viewpoint on Xenoblade. This game is supposed to be a lot more lighthearted and idealistic. It doesnt try too hard to be sci-fi at all. If anything, its trying to be a little bit less sci-fi than it seems. One thing about this team of devs, is that two plot elements are always present. Giant Robots of some kind, something really terrible always occurs to a significant population of the game's world. Screw Destiny and Give A Higher Power The Finger elements are also always a running theme. People liked this game because outside of the wonderful gameplay, its not as grim and depressing as previous Xeno games.

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Zelda will become playable as a protagonist in a game before Link grows a vagina.

omg Loki. You are wonderful.

I don't really care about E3.

Metroid Fusion and especially Zero Mission are my favorite Metroids.

I don't like Ryu. Like, to fight. I don't particularly want him in Smash either.

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I actually enjoy the gameplay of Xenoblade much more than the story, not that it's bad, but it's nice to see a JRPG that has a large focus on exploration and other things that made the genre great long ago without deciding it needs to "go back to the roots" and indulging in turn-based battles, random encounters and cliché dungeon formats.

Here's an opinion.

-Melee does a few things right that the new games don't, but overall, Brawl, and definitely Smash 4 are better games IMO.

Edited by Knight
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I feel like you missed the point of the game tbh. If you had played the other games this team of writers made, (Xenogears, Xenosaga) you'd likely have a different viewpoint on Xenoblade. This game is supposed to be a lot more lighthearted and idealistic. It doesnt try too hard to be sci-fi at all. If anything, its trying to be a little bit less sci-fi than it seems. One thing about this team of devs, is that two plot elements are always present. Giant Robots of some kind, something really terrible always occurs to a significant population of the game's world. Screw Destiny and Give A Higher Power The Finger elements are also always a running theme. People liked this game because outside of the wonderful gameplay, its not as grim and depressing as previous Xeno games.

I understand it's history and pedigree; it's that I keep seeing people put the game up on a pedestal in its entirety (especially after the Xenoblade X plot complaints). As Knight said, the gameplay and exploration are what makes Xenoblade good.

Edited by The DanMan
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The "grimdark is better" has always been a trend, at least for centuries.

Therefore my opinion is not a popular one. Q.E.D.

[spoiler=Regarding Owain]He will never be born in any of my Awakening runs simply on account of being Chrom's nephew. Too much royal blood going around as it is. That being said, while he probably won't be used anyway (Dark Mage isn't exactly a class I can't get enough of), I won't mind Odin's presence in Fates quite as much. I'm a bit of a sucker for the hot-blooded anime character archetype, even if they're a bit lacking in the head. Bang Shishigami was the only character I liked (or could even stand, to be frank) from the original BlazBlue, for instance. (Taokaka has her moments, I guess, but I'm not really a cat person.)

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Here's an unpopular opinion. I actually like and enjoy Owain.

HOLY SHIT, THIS. Hating on Owain seems to be the POPULAR OPINION around here. I, for one, love the shit out of the kid. My Lunatic MU married Lissa just cuz i wanted him to be my kid. And i dont like marrying younger characters. I love Lissa but she is rather young. Odin in FE14, while im like ;/ about the three Awakening rugrats being in there, im easier on him. Besides, i dig his outfit and new class. MY TOME HAND TWITCHES.

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FE6 is the next generation to FE7, so the children in FE6 are justified just like FE4 and FE13.

Nope. FE6 and FE7 are two separate games. FE4 and Awakening have both generations in just a single game. Big difference. Besides, seeing as FE6 came before FE7, I really don't see why IS had to make so many of its characters look real young.

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I find most of the original Gameboy libraries to be meh. I only enjoyed about 6 titles at most.

Mario Kart 64 sucks and I find the amount of people still praising it hasn't seen how bad it has become in a technical standpoint.

I don't mind Fox's voice in Smash 4.

Paper Mario 1 and 2 is so much better than Super Mario RPG.

I don't care about Geno and don't get why people want him to be in smash bros.

Majoras Mask was meh.

Star Wars Rogue Squadron 2 is better than Star Fox 64.

Call of Duty 2 is the best Call of Duty game in the series and I was a huge fan of it since the original. Stopped playing at BO2. I also mostly play it for the single player campaign.

I am not a fan of the Fire Emblem GBA animations all that much and I find them repetitively boring.

Battalion Wars Wii is the best Nintendo War series game. Better than Advance Wars.

Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed is better than Mario Kart 8.

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The Legend of Zelda

Zelda II: Link's Adventure

A Link to the Past

Link's Awakening

Ocarina of Time

Majora's Mask

Oracle of Seasons

Oracles of Ages

Wind Waker

Twilight Princess

Four Swords

Four Swords Adventures

Minish Cap

Phantom Hourglass

Spirit Tracks

Skyward Sword

A Link Between Worlds

OoS > ALBW > PH = ALTTP > MC > FSA > MM >> TP >> OoA > LA > OoT > ST > Z2LA > TLoZ > FS >> SS, in my opinion.

Edited by Draco
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1) Fire Emblem Gaiden was/is good.
2) Super Mario Bros 2 is bad. I'd rather play The Lost Levels.
3) Fallout 3 is the best Fallout game, with the original as a close second. (not sure if this is an unpopular opinion,
but w/e)
4) Shadow Dragon is a good game.
5) I would rather play Final Fantasy 2 than 7.
6) Ocarina of Time dungeons suck and I hate them.
7) I have a dislike for the Sinnoh Pokemon games and some of the new Pokemon in X and Y are very... idk, uninspired?
8) People need to get the fuck over FE14's fanservice.
9) This isn't gaming related, but I liked the 3rd Transformers movie.

Nope. FE6 and FE7 are two separate games. FE4 and Awakening have both generations in just a single game. Big difference. Besides, seeing as FE6 came before FE7, I really don't see why IS had to make so many of its characters look real young.

Just because they're 2 separate games doesn't mean shit, lol. It's still one generation after the other, so it's completely justified.

Also, Japan likes to make characters looks younger than they actually are

Edited by PixelmanFE
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Nope. FE6 and FE7 are two separate games. FE4 and Awakening have both generations in just a single game. Big difference. Besides, seeing as FE6 came before FE7, I really don't see why IS had to make so many of its characters look real young.

How does that make anything any different? I don't see what you're getting at :/

This was their first game after Kaga left, and the new artist they had come in, Eiji Kaneda, was pretty inexperienced at the time, if you couldn't tell by the proportion issues plaguing most of the OAs. Even so, they don't even look that young in comparison to most of the other characters in like literally every other game. Have you even seen artwork for the older games? they have the exact same issues of looking younger than what they are. This is far from a unique problem of FE6, so I think it's pretty ridiculous that you're singling it out like this.

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HOLY SHIT, THIS. Hating on Owain seems to be the POPULAR OPINION around here. I, for one, love the shit out of the kid. My Lunatic MU married Lissa just cuz i wanted him to be my kid. And i dont like marrying younger characters. I love Lissa but she is rather young. Odin in FE14, while im like ;/ about the three Awakening rugrats being in there, im easier on him. Besides, i dig his outfit and new class. MY TOME HAND TWITCHES.

Outside of Serenes pretty much everyone has a massive Owain boner.

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A few things about Smash:

  • Tiers For Queers
  • Brawl has the best character roster (Snake, Wolf and Ice-Climbers are more interesting than most of the newcomers or returners in 4)
  • Melee has the best gameplay (even if I'm terrible at this game)
  • Brawl is overall the best game of this series because of Subspace Emissary
  • hate fast characters
  • I'm good with Ganondorf, but terrible with Falcon in Brawl
  • way too many Mario characters in 4
  • won't buy any of the DLCs except if Snake, Wolf or Ice-Climbers will come out
  • ZSS' and Palutena's groaning annoys me as hell
  • never ever would play with halfnaked Shulk and ZSS (the reason, why I dislike them in general in 4)
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1) I didn't mind Awakening's plot. I tend to have a high tolerance for below-average plots for some reason.

2) I think since FE is popular now, people are being more nitpicky about it because its no longer an "underdog" franchise. At least, I think.

3) I don't mind the fanservice and tend to ignore it.

4) (It's related to video games, right?) TheRunawayGuys are more entertaining to me than Game Grumps.

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Majora's Mask

1) The first two dungeons kind of suck.

A) The Forest temple is really bland with a meh boss.

B The Ice Temple suffers from poor design with how you can fall down and have to walk for 10 minutes before getting back to where you were. It probably has the best boss of the 4 temples though.

2) The Water temples REALLY sucks. Seriously, people complain about OoT water temple have obviously never experienced the original n64 version of this monster. I really think it is the WORST temple in any zelda game.

3) Stone tower is probably one of the best areas in a zelda game, and the dungeon is really cool. The boss sucks so much if you buy Magic Milk for infinite mana though.

4) The side quests are better than the main quest.

Edited by zerosabers
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4) (It's related to video games, right?) TheRunawayGuys are more entertaining to me than Game Grumps.

Can I second this? Because this so much yes. (Never got the appeal for the grumps).

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I think the grumps are cool, but I'm not a big let's play watcher anyways so I dunno. I think Danny is better than Jon and Jon should stick to his thing cause he's great at it.

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Can I second this? Because this so much yes. (Never got the appeal for the grumps).

Yeah... The Game Grumps tend to skip dialogue and cutscenes, thus not really showing off stuff, then they sometimes get stuck because they skipped stuff (which is pulling off a Grumps, according to NCS of TRG). They even have editing in annotations post-production, but they fail to acknowledge their errors, unlike Let's Players such as Chuggaaconroy (and by extension, TheRunawayGuys, as he edits videos for that channel) and MasaeAnela (especially Masae), who acknowledge errors and usually try to show stuff off. I really get bothered when people completely miss big stuff in LPs and don't point it out either in the end, or within editing.
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