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I don't even play FF, but I don't have access to the newer ones? Should I play the older games from before their betrayal of Nintendo?  

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  1. 1. Which is better?

  2. 2. Which is better?

    • FF10
    • FE10
  3. 3. Which is better?

  4. 4. Which one is better?

  5. 5. Which one is better?

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zelda was already a playable protag in 2 zelda games before, but um....

Those weren't made by or published by Nintendo, ergo. They don't count.

Edited by Jedi
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Agreed. The pompadour of time knows no limits.

Oh yeah, I do agree that Groose is awesome. I hated him at first, but then he turned into a giant sack of awesomeness.

Groose and Linebeck are so similar in how they are funny and jerks throughout the game, but end up redeeming themselves in the end. Haven't played Skyward Sword yet, but I don't need to in order to understand him.

Linebeck was the only good thing that came out of Phantom Hourglass. Therefore salvaging the entire game.

Edited by Rabbattack
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Groose and Linebeck are so similar in how they are funny and jerks throughout the game, but end up redeeming themselves in the end. Haven't played Skyward Sword yet, but I don't need to in order to understand him.

Linebeck was the only good thing that came out of Phantom Hourglass. Therefore salvaging the entire game.

Linebeck > Groose

Where did you get your profile picture from? It's epic.

The Temple of The Ocean King is one of my favorite handheld Zelda dungeons.

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Gangrel could hardly care less about Emmeryn. At most, he found it amusing that his luminous bargaining chip was willing to self-terminate. All he really wanted was the Fire Emblem so he could enact some vaguely-specified revenge on Ylisse--and we all know that he'd have been backstabbed by Aversa the moment he laid hands on it, anyway.

Nah he wanted to see her die. Yeah, it amused him she was willing to die, but getting rid of her was definitely a part of his plan. With Emmeryn out of the picture, Gangrel thought that Ylisse would yield to him and fork over the Fire Emblem. That vaguely-specified vengeance was twofold. Fire Emblem = power. Power = people bowing to him. He wanted to take Ylisse for himself if he could. But the real reason was likely planted by Aversa. "Get the Fire Emblem, cool shit will happen." Yeah she was gonna backstab him (or force him into submission) anyway, but you get the idea. Or at least that would have been the case if the plot bothered to expound on motive.

They are not actually a damsel in distress if they save themselves. It would be a good thing since it gives the character agency instead of the damsel being some object to be saved

A game in which you play the damsel saving herself from distress and beating the "hero" to the punch is something i would definitely play.

once i called music casual and people thought i was trying to be insulting

zelda was already a playable protag in 2 zelda games before, but um....

Unpopular Opinion Time: People who use the CD-i games as an argument against Zelda being playable, literally have no idea what they are talking about. Those games are not canon, not made by Nintendo, and do not count.

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I see you all mention this a lot, so you might be interested in this freeware game titled Captive Princess where you play as the titular princess and indeed beat the intended hero to the punch. Her methods of escape leave her increasingly rugged, but she never needs to fight mano a mano (and indeed, such methods were futile for even the hero).

The game did indulge itself, however, in taking a few extra twists on top of the basic premise . . . but one of the endings (at least, the one that I know of) does result in her forging the happy ending with the hero that she wanted all on her own.

Edited by Tamarsamar
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What does that even mean? The damsel isn't dehumanized in the game world (e.g. Mario doesn't view Princess Peach as an object to be won), but in the external sense (e.g. the player has to save the princess, who is generally lacking in any sort of agency which is part of the issue, to win the game). I agree with whatever else you said, but this part really confuses me.

Part of the issue with the damsel in distress trope is 1. said female might be the only female in the game, or one of a precious few 2. you could replace the damsel with a trinket, broom or a cupcake and the end result would be the same.

It's lazy, and is considered sexist if you consider most people find males to be the default hero of any given game. It gets worse if said damsel has vast magical powers that she never uses to benefit herself and that's her only important quality other than vaguely defined "protagonist loves her" BS. Princess Peach in non-spinoff Mario games could literally be anything else and Mario would be equally motivated because the games have the thinnest of plot. She embodies both of these two problems. Then the Zelda series has a serious problem with the princess being depowered/rendered useless for paper thin reasons. In LTTP, Zelda is just kidnapped right off the bat and we know very little about her except she and the other maidens have magic powers together, but they might as well be crystals and not girls. In OoT, Zelda's a badass as Sheik but immediately gets captured upon the revelation at endgame, despite Link having plenty of reason already to end Ganondorf's reign of terror. It's a last minute kidnapping that just did not have to happen except to fill the "princess gets kidnapped" trope. Thankfully, Saria, Ruto, Impa, and to a lesser extent Nabooru are a little less stereotypical in their presentation as key characters but we don't get to see much of most of them. In Wind Waker, Tetra becomes feeble and vulnerable as soon as she dons the dress and makeup, and also gets herself kidnapped after being so strong and self-assured as a pirate captain. She only regains her composure at the very end but it leads to a very awkward moment when this headstrong character suddenly decides "wow now that I'm a princess I'm gonna stay in this empty chamber and wait for you to get back".

Generally speaking I dislike princesses getting kidnapped no matter who the protagonist is, male or female, unless it's played with some kind of caveat or has fully fleshed out scenarios so we can ACTUALLY connect with the person held captive. Princess Peach in Paper Mario can't escape the floating castle and invincible Bowser due to geological reasons but she devises a ton of clever ways to deliver hints to Mario. She is cheeky and level headed and it brings something to her character. But a barely fleshed out character with token screentime so we can feel emotions for our main character is just so overplayed.

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Unpopular Opinion Time: People who use the CD-i games as an argument against Zelda being playable, literally have no idea what they are talking about. Those games are not canon, not made by Nintendo, and do not count.

what do you mean? do people actually say "zelda will never be playable because CD-I zelda happaned" and use that to argue?

why can't i vote for the game gear

Edited by xXHoshiHeartsXx
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what do you mean? do people actually say "zelda will never be playable because CD-I zelda happaned" and use that to argue?

why can't i vote for the game gear

Adding it now, I didn't think anyone liked that thing. Although more powerful, the battery on that was short I've heard in turn, which is why I didn't think it was worth it to put it on the list. Edited by Rabbattack
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Ooh, new poll. Wii U and 3DS are my favorite consoles. I just love all their features and they have lots of great games. It's just sad that the Wii U struggled sales-wise. I heard that people simply didn't understand that the Wii U and its Gamepad were a new console, not just another Wii or something. But I understood perfectly well. I really wish others had.

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what do you mean? do people actually say "zelda will never be playable because CD-I zelda happaned" and use that to argue?

why can't i vote for the game gear

Yes. And you freaking tried it, too. It comes up all the time in Female Link debates when someone has enough stones to say "No, Link growing a vagina is useless. Give Zelda a game."

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Ooh, new poll. Wii U and 3DS are my favorite consoles. I just love all their features and they have lots of great games. It's just sad that the Wii U struggled sales-wise. I heard that people simply didn't understand that the Wii U and its Gamepad were a new console, not just another Wii or something. But I understood perfectly well. I really wish others had.

Not only this, but the console was also universally panned . . . by everybody who didn't own one. Everybody who actually played one (an admittedly small number for a while) recognized the device as the most fun to have ever graced their living rooms, by stark contrast.

This was a hard choice for me, too (especially between the Wii U and my first console the Super Nintendo), but I have to echo the sentiment that Nintendo's current generation of gaming is, in fact, the best one yet.

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For me it was between the GC and N64. I chose the GC because it was the one I played the most out of all of them. Although that could change with the Wii U which I admittedly love to death.

As for handhelds I chose 3DS it's just flat out great and you get to play all your DS games on it. Just a shame there is no GBA VC on it without the ambassador program.

Edited by LordTaco42
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I love the Wii and the Wii U but the GCN had SSBM, Star Wars Rogue Squadron II, Paper Mario, Fire Emblem POR, Tales of Symphonia, Skies of Arcadia, Baten Kaitos, Animal Crossing, Metroid Prime and Wind Waker. The controller was also my favourite. Load times were minimal and I never had to worry about system updates. The great games and the easy portability of the GCN cement it as my favourite system of all.

On the other hand the 3DS is the best handheld, no question. It plays DS games and has a great library of its own. I liked the GBA but handhelds have continued to evolve like crazy.

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For consoles, probably Gamecube for nostalgia and having a good library. SNES and 64 will always hold a place in my heart though.

As far as handhelds go, probably GBA, also for nostalgia, but also having a pretty great library. I'd say 3DS otherwise, even if its library isn't all that great but it plays DS games too and has Youtube and and internet browser and stuff.

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I love the Wii and the Wii U but the GCN had SSBM, Star Wars Rogue Squadron II, Paper Mario, Fire Emblem POR, Tales of Symphonia, Skies of Arcadia, Baten Kaitos, Animal Crossing, Metroid Prime and Wind Waker. The controller was also my favourite. Load times were minimal and I never had to worry about system updates. The great games and the easy portability of the GCN cement it as my favourite system of all.

The GC controller is the best controller ever! Followed by the Xbox 360 controller.

But there was other good games too like Pokémon Colosseum/XD, Luigi's Mansion, Super Mario Sunshine and Mario Kart: Double Dash...

GCN Twilight Princess > Wii Twilight Princess (The motion controls was really forced in this game since it wasn't designed with them in mind, plus you cannot backflip off Epona with R+A)

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4. Gen II and Johto are the worst in the series.


Just asking, because my opinion of Gen II is the complete opposite of yours

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I've seen so much praise for the GC. But also that it did poorly. How does that work now?

Not that I didn't like the GC, I love several games from it. I'm just wondering.

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GC TP >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wii TP, because the extra item slot is not worth that stupid mirroring + motion control shit. Although ironically the motion controls are better here than they are in SS :x

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It's worth it to me. I don't like having to change my equipped items a crap ton, and I do that less in the Wii version since there's an extra slot. Wii TP being mirrored never really bothered me, I don't get why people hated it so much. I find it nitpick worthy, honestly. I think SS does the motion controls way better though, because in that one, you actually get to swing the Wii remote like Link swings his sword and it's so cool.

So yeah, completely disagree.

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Shout out to the one other person who voted on the Playstation 1.

Crash will never die

GC TP>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Wii TP, cause motion controls ALWAYS suck.

More opinions o mine

Roy x Sue is better than Roy's other pairs.

Lyn should be more than an assist trophy in smash.

Console gimmicks be it touchscreens, motion controls, or whatever they add to make you use more than the buttons are never done well.

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It's worth it to me. I don't like having to change my equipped items a crap ton, and I do that less in the Wii version since there's an extra slot. Wii TP being mirrored never really bothered me, I don't get why people hated it so much. I find it nitpick worthy, honestly. I think SS does the motion controls way better though, because in that one, you actually get to swing the Wii remote like Link swings his sword and it's so cool.

So yeah, completely disagree.

I don't care if you disagree with my opinion?

Skyward Sword's motion controls sucked so much ass that it made it hard for me to even enjoy playing the game. I could only have kind of accurate motion controls for like 2 minutes before I needed to recalibrate it because Link's sword kept going alllllllll he way to the right or left when I was pointing it forward. It was so bad it even made fighting bokoblins annoying to fight because Link just would not respond to the Wiimote lie he was supposed to. It's fucking ridiculous.

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