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I don't even play FF, but I don't have access to the newer ones? Should I play the older games from before their betrayal of Nintendo?  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is better?

  2. 2. Which is better?

    • FF10
    • FE10
  3. 3. Which is better?

  4. 4. Which one is better?

  5. 5. Which one is better?

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Wow, I'm really surprised at how many people are saying lolhandhelds are better than home consoles. I honestly expected home consoles to get more votes. I've played a lot more good home console games than handheld ones.

Home console games allow for more content, thus they're harder to rush. They also allow for better graphics, though that's not extremely important. They allow for more gameplay options though, given how many different controllers are compatible with the Wii alone as well as the Wii U. You also get to play on a bigger screen and that suits people with not-so-good eyesight. My eyesight isn't poor, but I can see what's on a big TV screen much better than what's on a little handheld screen because of my farsightedness. Being farsighted means you can see things far away really well, but things close up are blurry and it's a pain to have to hold a handheld console away from my face just to see details clearly. Meanwhile, I can easily sit at a good distance from a TV. Being able to lay on a couch and play a game on the Wii or Wii U while sick is awesome too.

To me, the only thing handheld games have above home console ones is portability, so I can't believe handhelds are more popular. It's shocking.

Edited by Anacybele
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Home consoles don't actually allow for more content due to how much space those "better graphics" take up on the disk, and you can rush anything, even console games, look at Sonic 06 and Crash Twinsanity, both of those are console exclusive, yet they were so obviously rushed it isn't funny. You're eyesight claim goes both ways BTW, since due to my extreme nearsightedness, handhelds are much more comfortable for me to look at. Back to the content bit, FE 7 has a lode more content then FE9 despite being on a handheld, and FE Awakening has more content than RD due to the crapton of Gaidens and bonus content existing. Put simply, the only thing consoles have over handhelds is graphical quality, which means absolutely nothing to me.

Honestly, while I get why you prefer consoles, I personally prefer handhelds. I've played plenty of handheld games that are more fun, and contain more content than console games. The only handheld games that I've see rushed are ports to handhelds from consoles, but even then, some of said ports are amazing.(see Crash Nitro Kart GBA). Heck, Crash Tag Team Racing on the PSP is the exact same game as the PS2 version, with no cut content whatsoever.This makes the console version look really bad, but its still a good game

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Home console games allow for more content, thus they're harder to rush.

Hahahahhahah, have you seen some of the extremely rushed trash consoles get all the time from AAA developers. Ubisoft is guilty of this to the extreme.

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Uh, I never said home console games couldn't ever be rushed at all. Hell, I would say RD was rather rushed. Way to exaggerate my point. Also, there's no need to make fun of me.

Awakening's story and all suffered because of how much extra content it had and it hurt the game overall, imo. A home console game has the potential to have said extra content without forcing the story to be rushed and stuff.

Edited by Anacybele
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  • While I won't say that Awakening is the best Fire Emblem game in terms of story (as I haven't beaten any of the others) I think the themes of the game and it's accessibility makes it a great starting point for the series, and is by no means a bad game.
  • I consider Metal Gear Solid 3D: Snake Eater to be the definitive version of MGS3.
  • As a part of the Awakening fanbase, I don't think Lucina is as great as a character, and certainly not the best in the game, that many other Awakening fans seem to think. (By no means is she a bad character, but I don't feel she's anything more than the duty-bound tragic heroine.)
  • I think Spirit Tracks is an excellent game.
  • Metal Gear Solid 4, while huge on cutscenes, isn't even remotely a bad game in the franchise.
  • Raiden was better before he was made into a cyborg, as a matter of fact, I never thought he was a bad character. (Except for Rising. I can't wait to beat it and never play it again.)
  • Metal Gear Solid 1 has aged terribly.
  • Persona 3's characters were better than Persona 4's.
  • Junpei is the best P3 character.
  • Yukari is the worst P3 character.
  • Labrys was fine until she became the lead for the Persona 3 cast in Persona 4 Arena Ultimax
  • Nintendo's E3 this year was really good!
  • As long as a game has a good explanation for it, pandering or fanservice (as in the referential kind) is perfectly fine.
  • Chrom is my favorite Fire Emblem character. I understand that other lords are apparently better personality wise, but Chrom is such a good friend to the Avatar character, and their relationship is something I wish I saw more of in fictional media.
  • In terms of games where you decide the personality of a character, I feel it's odd to say the player character is your favorite when their personality is of your own making. For example, Persona 3 and Persona 4. I don't count the Avatar characters from Fire Emblem considering you don't decide anything of their personality, only their choices.

Please be gentle.

EDIT: Wait is the part where we list unpopular opinions over?

Edited by Deviddo
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11. Nintendo's E3 this year was really good!

I agree with this one. I get why people are disappointed with Metroid Prime Federation Force since it isn't a proper Metroid with Samus and all, but Zelda: Tri Force Heroes looks really fun, Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam looks great, we got an FE: Fates trailer in ENGLISH, and the puppet show was hilarious and fun. Iwata shouldn't have had to apologize for anything.

I also really hate that people keep whining about Zelda Wii U not having been there when it WAS STATED THAT IT WASN'T GOING TO SHOW UP. I admit I was disappointed in this, but I could understand why it had to be delayed. Aonuma and his team are working to make it the best it can be. But people going "where's Zelda Wii U?! This sucks!" are just idiots.

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Ana, Awakening's story suffered due to bad writing, just like RD. The amount of content or being on a handheld had nothing to do with it, if Awakening was on the Wii U, I assure it's plot would have the same flaws. Limitations of a system only affected the plot back in the days of the NES and original Gameboy, but today a game's plot can be well told regardless of being on a console or handheld. Heck, FE7 is widely considered to have one of the best plots in the series, and it was on a significantly weaker system than the 3DS.

Heck, I personally feel RD has worse writing than Awakening, but most don't agree with me there.

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No, it was rushed. It tried to cram three different arcs in just 25 chapters. RD had just one arc more, but in 45 chapters and it was still a little rushed. Awakening's story was rushed.

And I feel Awakening had worse writing, of course.

Edited by Anacybele
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Awakening's story is rushed, but not because they didn't have enough room. They could have fit more chapters if they wanted to into the game. More likely it was rushed because of deadlines.

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Ana, Awakening's story suffered due to bad writing, just like RD. The amount of content or being on a handheld had nothing to do with it, if Awakening was on the Wii U, I assure it's plot would have the same flaws. Limitations of a system only affected the plot back in the days of the NES and original Gameboy, but today a game's plot can be well told regardless of being on a console or handheld. Heck, FE7 is widely considered to have one of the best plots in the series, and it was on a significantly weaker system than the 3DS.

Heck, I personally feel RD has worse writing than Awakening, but most don't agree with me there.

Radiant Dawn has cut stuff from the Japanese version, and that alone among other things makes its story overall better then Awakening.

Also Part 2 is the perfect capstone to what PoR started and no one ever gives it any credit.

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The problem is with RD's plot is that it lacked any sense of direction. While Part 2 is awesome, it doesn't change the fact that it and Part 1 are completely pointless, in fact, if Part 1 didn't occur, Daein's army being forced to fight for Begnion despite not wanting to would actually make sense, and not require the out of nowhere Blood Pact to be Implemented. Then you could use the space used for those 2 parts to solve a lode of Part 3's other problems, not to mention Part 4. Awakening has more direction too IMO, since the message it's trying to tell is actually focused on, while I have no flipping clue what I'm supposed to get out of RD. I said earlier tho, that most don't agree with me on RD being the worst written FE, but I still feel Awakening has the better plot

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The problem is with RD's plot is that it lacked any sense of direction. While Part 2 is awesome, it doesn't change the fact that it and Part 1 are completely pointless, in fact, if Part 1 didn't occur, Daein's army being forced to fight for Begnion despite not wanting to would actually make sense, and not require the out of nowhere Blood Pact to be Implemented. Then you could use the space used for those 2 parts to solve a lode of Part 3's other problems, not to mention Part 4. Awakening has more direction too IMO, since the message it's trying to tell is actually focused on, while I have no flipping clue what I'm supposed to get out of RD. I said earlier tho, that most don't agree with me on RD being the worst written FE, but I still feel Awakening has the better plot

It's just a problem in general for that game. Even the gameplay is all over the place. It's a downhill slope. The game starts out hard and gets easier. Sure, gems like 3-6 exist to challenge you again, but the difficulty is just plain in reverse.

RD's plot is a mess in the regards of it reviving old plot threads that were COMPLETE from PoR and making it be the crux of what started the problems in Part 3. RD... Just didn't have enough substance to exist honestly. The problem with Awakening though is that it's problems with the plot are more readily apparent and in your face. RD's problems are problems if you played PoR primarily. I'll grant you that Part 1 is the problem... But wait, I'd blame Part 3.

Personally I would have just made Part 3 "choose your side" and then crush the other team with different endings.

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^But even if POR isn't played primarily before heading into RD, the game does such a poor job of explaining various things from the last game that are crucial to RD, that anyone who hadn't played POR would be just as confused as those who had, just for different reasons. Awakening's plot holes are more apparent, until you start looking at translated Japanese artbooks which explain most of the plotholes much like FE4.(tho it's plotholes weren't anywhere near as apparent)

Agreed on part 3 tho.

Another unpopular opinion, Fire Emblem Awakening is a remake of Geneology's story.

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Wow, I'm really surprised at how many people are saying lolhandhelds are better than home consoles.

"lolhandhelds". Wow.

Preferring handhelds shouldn't be a surprise here of all places, in a forum dedicated to a series that will probably never be on consoles again.

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a series that will probably never be on consoles again.

Don't count your wyverns before they hatch, yo. I'll be quite disappointed if FE is never on home consoles again though. It's honestly much better on home consoles, imo.

Edited by Anacybele
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^Uh, I legitimately wonder how you could think that, considering there is only any difference in graphics between the handhelds and consoles. While I understand and sympathize with your farsightedness, there really isn't much of a difference in the gameplay between the console games and handheld games in this series. Granted, there is a difference in the length of the main quest, but honestly RD is too flipping long, and FE4's map designs can DIAF IMO. IS has proven any concept shown in the console games can be replicated without cuts in the handhelds, so I'm legitimately curious as to what you find better? If it's just the plot, then that has NOTHING to do with being on a console, as proven by FE7 and 8.

FE9 is my personal second favorite, so don't think I hate the console games. RD and GOTHW I don't care for, but the others I enjoy. I just typically enjoy the handheld games more

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Late response, sorry.

I just found Johto a very lacking region. The level scaling was pretty bad, a lot of Johto mons could only be found in Kanto, the region itself was definitely outshined by Kanto, and it was overall just a boring region.

Level scaling was actually my only complaint with the game, lol

Which Johto Pokemon could only be found in Kanto though? I haven't played the games in a while.

EDIT: Also, Ho-Oh > Lugia

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^Uh, I legitimately wonder how you could think that, considering there is only any difference in graphics between the handhelds and consoles. While I understand and sympathize with your farsightedness, there really isn't much of a difference in the gameplay between the console games and handheld games in this series. Granted, there is a difference in the length of the main quest, but honestly RD is too flipping long, and FE4's map designs can DIAF IMO. IS has proven any concept shown in the console games can be replicated without cuts in the handhelds, so I'm legitimately curious as to what you find better? If it's just the plot, then that has NOTHING to do with being on a console, as proven by FE7 and 8.

FE9 is my personal second favorite, so don't think I hate the console games. RD and GOTHW I don't care for, but the others I enjoy. I just typically enjoy the handheld games more

There's plenty of difference between the gameplay of the GBA games and the gameplay of the Tellius games. The Tellius games have skills, most notably Canto, and RD has things like ledge mechanics, unique objectives, etc. And it isn't just the gameplay that makes the Tellius games much better to me, I also like the characters and story more.

FE7's plot is boring. Sacred Stones has a nice story though. Still not as good as Tellius, but it's hardly bad. I just enjoy the Tellius games more than the handheld ones, deal with it.

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Funny, I didn't think I was saying to change your opinion cause it's wrong, if that's how I came across instead of mildly curious like I intended, I apologize.

Funnily, Sacred Stones has skills implemented, granted not the same level FE9, but they were there.

While your allowed to think 7 is boring, the general consensus is that it has a great plot which I agree wholeheartedly with. I was simply using said consensus as an example.

Canto is available in the GBA games tho it's not as useful since it can't be used after attacking or healing. It's just there when using items or rescueing. I prefer this method honestly, since it gives less incentive to use mounts.

I personally think that the reason the GBA games didn't have skills on the same scale as FE4,5,9, and 10 is how bullcrap incarnate skills worked in those games, especially FE4. The ability to Double is a skill in that game, as are Critical hits.

Jugdral ruined skills for me, and I like that FE6 and 7 don't have them.

I don't like the Jugdral games at all tho. Thracia is okay at best, but I can't stand FE4 at all.

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