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I don't even play FF, but I don't have access to the newer ones? Should I play the older games from before their betrayal of Nintendo?  

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  1. 1. Which is better?

  2. 2. Which is better?

    • FF10
    • FE10
  3. 3. Which is better?

  4. 4. Which one is better?

  5. 5. Which one is better?

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It's probably the main reason right now why I'm not getting Star Fox Zero. The only thing stopping me from loving Wind Waker HD was the gyroscope being very intrusive.

You can turn off gyro controls in Windwaker HD and not to mention Star Fox Zero will be able to turn off motion controls.


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Just missed the console poll! (Xbox 360 and 3DS, FYI.)

I have mixed to negative feelings about motion controls. In party games and things like tennis or baseball, sure. Otherwise, no way; that's why I tracked down a memory card, Gamecube controller, and GC copy of Metroid Prime to play on my Wii rather than get the Metroid Prime Trilogy.

Edited by The DanMan
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Few games implement motion controls really well, I don't think Twilight Princess is one of them. If what your game does can easily be replaced with a button press, then your motion control isn't implemented well. The exception being the spin attack in Mario Galaxy, which surprisingly felt more natural than using a button when Rosalina could do it in Mario 3D World, or maybe it's just because I was used to playing characters without the spin.

Edited by Knight
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Few games implement motion controls really well, I don't think Twilight Princess is one of them. If what your game does can easily be replaced with a button press, then your motion control isn't implemented well. The exception being the spin attack in Mario Galaxy, which surprisingly felt more natural than using a button when Rosalina could do it in Mario 3D World, or maybe it's just because I was used to playing characters without the spin.

Twilight Princess's motion controls felt as natural as Mario Galaxy to me, but if I was given the option to play Twlight Princess Wii with a standard control I'd probably do that.

I added another option to the poll that may fit your feelings for it better.

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Motion controls are generally okay with me and I can handle them relatively well... but I will admit there are times that I wish the concept of motion controls was a person so I could punch them in the face.

I was actually okay with TP's motion control mostly because it felt natural for me and I didn't feel like it was not responding except for the shield bash. That NEVER worked for me except for absolutely random occasions, so I could never perform the helm-splitter.

SS, however, was the complete opposite. The motion controls bothered me a lot and I really started hating it during the final boss. Link would refuse to pull of the skyward strike during the second phase, which is annoying because that's how you beat the boss.

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Yeah, I admit that the only problem I had with TP's controls was the shield bash. I could pull it off sometimes, but not always, so I was annoyed whenever Link wouldn't do it when I wanted him to.

I never had any such issues in SS though. Everything I did responded just fine and every battle was sooo fun (well, Quadro Babas annoyed me, but that was due to me sucking at timing my strikes right). It just took a little getting used to. I had some trouble against Demise, but that was more because I couldn't figure out HOW to beat him at first. Then I discovered that he wasn't the only one that could use his sword to absorb the lightning bolts...lol.

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I hated the Ghirahim fights in the Skyview Temple & the Fire Sanctuary.

The final fight against him in the Sealed Grounds was easier since you can take your time to break his huge sword.

-But the dead man's volley was a bit annoying against his vertical magic attack since it kept doing the skyward strike.-

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Haha, Ghirahim was a bastard for me at first too, but that's because I wasn't sure how to hit him when he kept blocking all my strikes and stuff. So yeah, I honestly just had to figure out exactly what to do. I don't get why I'm like the only person here that had no problems whatsoever with SS's gameplay.

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I like the concept of motion controls if nothing else, but forcing them on me when they aren't even that good to begin with just gets on my nerves. At least let me fucking change the setup if I can't work with the motion controls >_>

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SS, I only borrowed from a friend once. It was okay, but motion controls never work properly for me, so I ran into some problems. Tho to give credit where credit is due, SS's motion controls worked better than most Wii games I've played that are heavy on the motion controls.

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One of the biggest problems with motion controls I think is that people respond to them differently, some people find it quite natural while others struggle. The limited feedback, probably doesn't help.

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One of the biggest problems with motion controls I think is that people respond to them differently, some people find it quite natural while others struggle. The limited feedback, probably doesn't help.

most I find people attempting to play with motion controls is that they either swing too hard or jiggly it around a bit too much. This makes the motion coordinates to jump all over the place and thus causing problems for the system to read what you're inputting. Most of the time, you just have to make a smooth moving transition in order to get the controls working well and it's one of the reasons why I never had a problem with motion controls. It is a very sensitive system which a lot of people seem to unfortunately abuse a lot.

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The motion controls in Skyward Sword weren't that big a deal, but that's likely because the game had like a dozen other problems that overshadowed the motion controls. But on that subject, I think the motion in SS felt really tacked on and the game would have been fine without them. I like motion controls, but I feel they're better if the game is built around them or included as an option, rather than putting them there just for the sake of.

One game that I really think benefits from motion controls is Splatoon. You have the option of gyro aiming or dual analogs, but I feel the gyro is SOOOO much better since it allows for more natural movement and precise aiming. I played with gyro then tried analog, and immediately went back to gyro and never looked back.

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One game that I really think benefits from motion controls is Splatoon. You have the option of gyro aiming or dual analogs, but I feel the gyro is SOOOO much better since it allows for more natural movement and precise aiming. I played with gyro then tried analog, and immediately went back to gyro and never looked back.

I wanted to post something along these exact lines in response to the motion control hate, so I must thank you for doing so for me.

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Really, SS is tacked on? Cause to me, it seems like the whole game was built around them.

This. With things like using Fi's dowsing ability and certain enemies needed to be hit a certain way which can only really be done with motion controls, SS's gameplay was built around motion controls. Link can swing his sword in a whole bunch of different ways (up, down, left, right, stab/thrust, then the various diagonal strikes as well as the spin attack, jump attack, and Skyward Strike) and you have to use almost all of those swings at some point. No way could that be done reasonably with just buttons. It's too many options.

Edited by Anacybele
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SS was a unique game that made full use of the Wii's motion controls.

I don't see the problem with it, it's just awkward to use for someone with bad hand-eye coordination (like me).

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Really, SS is tacked on? Cause to me, it seems like the whole game was built around them.

My mistake, I actually meant Twilight Princess in that part of my post. I only played the Wii version (couldn't find the GC version anywhere), but I would have preferred to have the option of using a GC controller on the Wii version (even though I understand why they added the motion controls in the Wii version).

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I was fine with Skyward Sword's motion controls and they felt pretty natural to me. I think many peoples problems could do with overexaggerating the motions as they wiimote is pretty sensitive. I know for me if I sat too close to the TV that would throw off the motion controls.

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Some games only use specific motion controls such as shaking the Nunchuck or flicking the remote for some basic actions, or swing the nuncheck, remote, or both, in a specific way for a particular maneuver. If they make sense (like in Metroid Prime 3, Scarface: The World is Yours, or The Godfather: The Game), then I'm fine. But I draw the line at where it's too intrusive and doesn't make any sense, or if they do make sense but don't respond properly.

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Just asking, because my opinion of Gen II is the complete opposite of yours

Late response, sorry.

I just found Johto a very lacking region. The level scaling was pretty bad, a lot of Johto mons could only be found in Kanto, the region itself was definitely outshined by Kanto, and it was overall just a boring region.

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