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I don't even play FF, but I don't have access to the newer ones? Should I play the older games from before their betrayal of Nintendo?  

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  1. 1. Which is better?

  2. 2. Which is better?

    • FF10
    • FE10
  3. 3. Which is better?

  4. 4. Which one is better?

  5. 5. Which one is better?

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While I feel RD has the worst writing in the series, I liked Ike's characterization in it. Tho, I do acknowledge he had no room left to develop as a character.

Amiibo are awesome, and I don't regret my purchases of them.

While I would buy it if Nintendo localized Binding Blade, I don't mind if they don't thanks to my English bootleg gba copy I bought on Ebay.

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FF4 (DS) is way too hard to me, at least by endgame.
FF10 is probably my least favorite of the ones I've played.
FF8 is dumb too.
I couldn't get into FE4.
Eliwood was a good lord.

I don't particularly care for Ike.
I liked FE6.
I didn't like FE8.

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EmeraldFox- I agree with you. Apart from the Fairy type, Pokemon Amie is the best thing Gen VI added. :)

Am I the only person who didn't like Fairy type? I mean, I get why they added it, but I still didn't like it.

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Am I the only person who didn't like Fairy type? I mean, I get why they added it, but I still didn't like it.

Same here.I think they should have added a Light type or Good/Holy type.(Since Dark type in Japan is Evil type)

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Same here.I think they should have added a Light type or Good/Holy type.(Since Dark type in Japan is Evil type)

Or Aura type for Lucario and maybe the legendaries. THAT would have been cool.

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Where's the Super Mario Bros. Deluxe option?

Intelligent Systems' writing staff sucks.

Tales of Legendia's sountrack alone justifies a remake.

Tales of's fighting system needs to be more like BlazBlue.

Twilight Princess is linear bullshit. A Link Between Worlds was way too fucking easy, and they should've had Master Quest dungeons, not a fucking "take more damage" mode. Nintendo should've made a third game in the "Oracle" series. I liked Skyward Sword for not pretending to have its identity rooted in realism like Twilight Princess leaned towards. Skyward Sword's color vividness ultimately makes Twilight Princess the inferior game, visually. Twilight Princess is hard to look at.

Shadow Dragon's difficulty is insultingly easy to make, from a games development perspective, and the avoid hitrate calculations should've been in line with FE7. Also 11 and 12's art/map tile/sprite designs suck. FE12's player perspective shouldn't have zoomed in. Those maps are huge.

Despite my passive-aggressive relationship with the DS games, they should have been ported to mobile platforms, as their touch controls are really intuitive.

Nintendo, stop fucking with us and make an Android/iOS Fire Emblem, already. Your DS engine's good enough.

FE4/5's battle animations are the best. FE4 is fucking slow and fucking unpolished, and those are legitimate complains against it.

Stat caps of 20 was the best stat cap level, as downplaying the risks of stat randomization allows developers to craft a more controlled, and thus, refined gameplay experience throughout.

Fire Emblem shouldn't be a game about stats, whether you're steamrolling enemies, or the enemies can steamroll you; it should be about meticulous map and level design that will grind you into dust if you don't maximize your resources in ingenious ways. Fire Emblem should be more a strategy game and less of an RPG than what the series is at now.

Another Metroid 2 Remake >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Anything Nintendo's done with Metroid within the past 11 years (with the sole exception of Metroid Prime trilogy on Wii), and Nintendo has every right to be ashamed.

Hideo Kojima isn't all that. He needs a serious elementary course in cutting parts of the script that aren't necessary, and focus the experience.

Tales of the Abyss' higher difficulty design sucks. You don't raise enemy HP to quintuple what they had on normal, you raise the enemy's stats/change enemy AI and emphasize intelligent and strategic blocking/dodging.

We haven't gotten one near-perfect Tales game, at least one that's in a playable format in English.

Games writing sucks. It is the rare, RARE exception that puts games writing on par with actual works of literature, even if a single example has even gotten to that level.

And no, that exception is NOT Dear Esther, or anything written by thechineseroom. If you were thinking that they were, start by finding out what Purple Prose is, and realize that it sucks. Mark Twain said it sucks in The Last of the Mohicans back then, and I say it sucks now.

Illusory Revelations#FE will probably be decent gameplay-wise, and we'll like it once it's out, even some of those that were hoping for a return to Majin Tensei... like me.

The game industry sets up unrealistic expectations, the Smash Bros newcomer speculation being my definitive case-in-point.

Have we gotten our Citizen Kane of gaming? Probably not.

SMT if... is probably going to reveal it's aged terribly once the translation patch comes out and we play it.

I don't like Resident Evil 4 as much as 1-3. The series should've been rebooted as a Sweet Home remake.

Fuck weeaboo-pandering. Miyazaki's in the objective right in his dismissal of otaku/shut-in culture, and the anime/game industry is suffering as a result of building games around their wants.

If you have to grind to win, you didn't refine your game enough.

Never really liked Final Fantasy games. I've PLAYED them (1-4), but I never REALLY liked them.

Never tell me to my face that status quo is a legitimate argument for mediocrity. It's the lamest, weakest excuse I've ever heard.

Hey Nintendo: fuck you for not putting Four Swords out on the eShop for sale. Perhaps people that obsessively follow games news might have a shot at getting it, but maybe you guys could get your heads out of your asses and realize that people who have enough of a fulfilling life to not check games media might actually want to play the game as well. You cunts.

Edited by Kysafen
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Micky is on the cover, so she's definitely the protagonist in this game. And the reason, why should she be added in Brawl instead of Ike.

I'm waiting for the FE10 hack so badly. So far as I've heared she shall be able to kill Ashera. Screw you Ike!

lol. Did you forget that Ike is a better Tellius rep because he's a main character in BOTH Tellius games? Micaiah replacing him is an awful idea. Screw Micaiah anyway.

Also, I think the reason Ike isn't on the cover is that his part of the game was meant to be secret/a spoiler. Notice he doesn't show up in the intro vid either until you reach part 3.

Edited by Anacybele
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While I would buy it if Nintendo localized Binding Blade, I don't mind if they don't thanks to my English bootleg gba copy I bought on Ebay.

I think FE6 should be localized simply because I believe everyone should have the option to play every game legally in a language that they can understand. Now, I am aware that this is an impossible scenario, but I do believe that if companies have the opportunity and resources to localize a game, then they should do it because I feel their fans deserve at least that much. FE6 and Mother 3 are two games I feel NEED to be localized, because awareness of these games exist outside Japan, thanks to Smash Bros.

I'll never, EVER understand why people say things like "I hope this game is never translated and released here". A game with a limited release benefits no one outside of one specific region, and if you're not interested, you can choose not to buy it. I mean, I don't particularly care for Soma Bringer, but if Nintendo suddenly decides to localize it and release it here, who am I to complain? I'll be happy for those who do want to play it.

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-I dunno if it's unpopular or not, but I honestly believe that the Souls series' NG+ is pure bullshit, it change all the ennemies into PV bag that two-three shot you. Its not funny. I'm all for replaying the the game, but if it's to have such poorly designed difficulty.

-I think that FFVII is freaking overated, I don't think it's a bad game by any mean, but it's not the freaking bible of RPGs that people make it out to be.

-I honestly don't give a crap about the FFVII remake.

-Have I said that I disliked Tales of the Abyss's story ? Too much BS in this one.

-I honestly like Castlevania Lords of Shadow, I think it's a very good reboot. Great story, great gameplay, though I miss my Metroidvanias.

Y'know, Kysafen, there's some point that I disagree with, but I like half of what you said.

Edited by B.Leu
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Kysafen, there's no 3rd Oracle game for a reason. They said they didn't know what to do for its story or how to link it with the other 2. There was one planned for Farore called Oracle of Secrets or something but it didn't happen.

Speaking of, the Oracle games are some of my favorites in the Zelda series. I liked ALBW too.

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some others:

- I love mainline SMT, but persona looks boring and not appealing for me

- The first Mario Galaxy was a fantastic game that I 100%ed, but Mario Galaxy 2 really bored me and I couldn't get more than 40 stars before dropping it.

- Making Super Mario 3D World instead of a more innovative 3D Mario was one of Nintendo's biggest mistakes when it comes to the Wii U. I love the game, as I loved 3D Land (and this one was amazingly innovative), but it was too much like the 3D land. It feels like a bigger, more refined version of the 3DS game. That's not what people want in new 3D Mario in a new Console and I doubt it sold as many systems as a more innovative 3D Mario would.

Edited by Nobody
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I think FE6 should be localized simply because I believe everyone should have the option to play every game legally in a language that they can understand. Now, I am aware that this is an impossible scenario, but I do believe that if companies have the opportunity and resources to localize a game, then they should do it because I feel their fans deserve at least that much. FE6 and Mother 3 are two games I feel NEED to be localized, because awareness of these games exist outside Japan, thanks to Smash Bros.

I'll never, EVER understand why people say things like "I hope this game is never translated and released here". A game with a limited release benefits no one outside of one specific region, and if you're not interested, you can choose not to buy it. I mean, I don't particularly care for Soma Bringer, but if Nintendo suddenly decides to localize it and release it here, who am I to complain? I'll be happy for those who do want to play it.

I never said that I hoped FE6 would never be localized. I said I didn't think it needed to be. I don't think it would sell well here given the hate for Roy in the FE community out here. Roy does have a lot of Smash fans, but how many of them really want to play FE? I'm sure some do, but there might not be enough to guarantee a profit.

Mother 3 I really have no idea about since I know little about that series, so I won't go there.

Also, I know I don't HAVE to play FE6 if I don't want to, but I still would rather have a game that I WOULD play, like FE4.

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I never said that I hoped FE6 would never be localized. I said I didn't think it needed to be. I don't think it would sell well here given the hate for Roy in the FE community out here. Roy does have a lot of Smash fans, but how many of them really want to play FE? I'm sure some do, but there might not be enough to guarantee a profit.

Mother 3 I really have no idea about since I know little about that series, so I won't go there.

Also, I know I don't HAVE to play FE6 if I don't want to, but I still would rather have a game that I WOULD play, like FE4.

First, if FE6 would be released here it would most definitely be digital only, so Nintendo's sales expectations wouldn't be high. Second, I'm not sure of this "Roy hate" you keep talking about. Most people agree Roy is a relatively bad unit (he is) but that doesn't make FE6 a bad game. In fact, a lot of people agree that despite Roy, FE6 is a pretty good game, and people will buy FE6 to play FE6, not to play Roy. A lot of people would also buy the game out of principle to support imports on VC, which is why Earthbound Beginnings did very well on eShop.

And you'd rather have FE4 instead of FE6? I have to say I'm surprised since I clearly remember you saying you never wanted to play FE4, because, you know, obligatory incest.

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Most of the time, I see people say Roy is either A, a terrible unit, or B, a bland character AND a terrible unit. This is where the "Roy hate" comes from. Also, Roy is the main character, so a like or dislike for him can still influence someone's decision on whether to play the game.

In my case though, neither the game nor the character look very interesting me.

EDIT: I don't remember ever saying that I didn't want to play FE4.

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But Frederick isn't popular? He's pretty much in the "eh, he's okay" area. People don't really love him or hate him. :P I love him though, of course. <3 Freddy Bear ftw!

Huh? I said that Chrom and Lucina being good characters is a popular opinion, not an unpopular one. I think saying that they're bad characters is an unpopular opinion, which is why I put that I think they're bad characters in my list.

Oh, I didn't think this through. I was wrong, my apologies.

I was thinking about the hardcore FE vets and how they hate Chrom and Lucina. I don't even acknowledge the other parts of the fanbase that have only played Awakening.

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Wow, forgive me for not remembering a post from more than half a year ago. And that was before I knew that the incest was a plot point and wasn't just there for the sake of it or all in your face.

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rekt again

FE6 is by no means a bad game, Ana, it's actually pretty fun, I think. You can just skip the cutscenes and then you won't have to deal with Roy. Just like the rest of the FEs.

But why should he influence whether or not you play the game? That just doesn't sound right. He doesn't actually do anything to make himself unlikable. He's like other lords in that he's just a noble. That's pretty much it. I don't see why you hate him and not every other lord in the series.

But at least play the game before you decide you never want to associate with it. Like, I kept chewing out Levant for complaining about FE4 when he hadn't played it. Then I played it, and I decided I just couldn't get into it. At least give FE6 that honor.

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Disclaimer: I don't know how unpopular these facts actually are.

1) Fire Emblem games should be cutting down on the supports, not progressively adding more and more with each installment (especially when the overall level of quality is, at the very least, inconsistent as fuck due to their abundance).

2) The funnest way to play the Pokemon main series is to nuzlocke them. This adds a level of challenge and reason to care that the overly easy games often don't have (of course, there are other ways of challenging yourself and blind nuzlockes can be pretty awful depending on the game).

3) What makes Shin Megami Tensei for me is the demon fusion and demon recruitment systems in tandem (I also really do appreciate the lore behind the demons and how great Kaneko's designs are (for both demons and humans)). Sure, there are often various other elements that draw me in (the press turn battle system is great, and I dig the atmosphere in a lot of the games), but they're not engaging enough to hold up a game by themselves. This is why I'll never be as invested in the latter Persona games (which greatly downplays the importance of the former and doesn't even have the latter) or #FE.

4) I never got the appeal for Animal Crossing. The games consist entirely of busy work that I would find tedious in any other, and none of the animals are very interesting or engaging to interact with. I do appreciate the art style and the music (especially how dynamic it is), though.

5) The importance of a game's visual/audio components are often underplayed. Yes, gameplay is king, but you don't get attracted to a game because you know that its gameplay will be amazing (that would be rather hard, unless you've played it beforehand). These don't just elevate a game's quality, but are necessary in order to have a quality game in the first place.

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I think Ephraim is a bit of a Mary Sue.

Same here.


  • I find Sacred Stones to the most overrated FE.
  • I find Eirika to be the worst female protagonist in the entire FE series.
  • I like Awakening despite its flaws.
  • I like Chrom more than Eirika, but still find him pretty boring and as naive as her.
  • Lucina is the best character in Awakening. (With "character" being the key word here.)
  • Lucina and Lyn get more flak than they deserve outside of Japan.
  • Idun is the only FE villain that doesn't get as much love as she deserves.
  • FE7's cast, as characters, is rivaled only by Jugdral, and FE9.
  • Skyward Sword isn't bad, period. Contrary to what some people may say.
  • I didn't enjoy Twilight Princess all too much. But it was still good despite that.
  • With that said, I found the DS Zeldas the least enjoyable Zeldas in existance. (Besides the CD-i Zeldas.)
  • Though that isn't to say that I don't enjoy playing any (canon) Zelda to an extent.
  • I can't decide between which Zelda I like more out of ALttP, OoT, MM, SS, LA, TMC, or ALBW.
  • I found Pokémon Gen 3 to be the worst Gen. With the lack of connectivity to Gens 1 & 2 being the only reason.
  • I find Pokémon Gen 5 to be the best Gen.
  • More people need to play the Valkyria Chronicles series.
  • More people need to play the Dark Cloud series.

I'll think of more later. If I can.

Edited by Just call me AL
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Fixed the title so anyone can say whatever the hell they want. I apologize for my inconsistent opinions, I was just trying to find things to say.

Twilight Princess was a good game, but it isn't as great as people make it out to be.

Edit: Fixed the title again

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2) The funnest way to play the Pokemon main series is to nuzlocke them. This adds a level of challenge and reason to care that the overly easy games often don't have (of course, there are other ways of challenging yourself and blind nuzlockes can be pretty awful depending on the game).

I'd personally say 0 Exp runs are the most interesting to play, though nuzlockes do have the benefit of no required cheat codes or hacking to be implemented.

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FF7 is only good because of the setting and many quirks and side content. Yes, the minigames control like hot garbage but FF7 would be boring without them. FFXIII purged all the fun out of the series, the only worthwhile part being Hope rampaging through enemy hoards in a dreadnaught.

If you didn't play the FF MMOs, you are missing some of the best jRPGs period.

The original Zelda is crud. Even Zelda 2 is better despite being ridiculously hard.

Gen 4 of Pokémon is the most significant of them all. Despite weaknesses in its dex and engine speed, the games struck up a great balance of features and difficulty. After gen 5 switched to use even more 3D the games have gotten ridiculously easy and gimmicky.

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