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[Battle: FE13] Chicken Wings vs. General Horace


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Turn 4

Gerome restores 10 HP due to BOND

General Horace's Morgan-M@Brave Bow attacks Chicken Wings's Morgan-M@Aversa’s Night!
morganm_zpsawvx8mjs.png vs. morganm_zpsawvx8mjs.png

Morgan-M attacks!
28 DMG (2x) | 100 HIT | 0 CRT
[53] [7]
Morgan-M activates Vengeance!
[55] [26]
Morgan-M activates nothing.
Morgan-M takes 28 damage!

[63] [1]
Morgan-M activates Vengeance!
[33] [9]
Morgan-M activates Aegis.
Morgan-M takes 14 damage!

Morgan-M attacks!
36 DMG | 54 HIT | 0 CRT
Morgan-M activates nothing.
[43] [95]
Morgan-M takes 0 damage!


It's now Chicken Wing's turn

General Horace	
80/80	Morgan-M
80/80	Robin-F
80/80	Yarne
80/80	Laurent
35/80	Gerome
Chicken Wings	
80/80	Lucina
12/80	Morgan-M
80/80	Noire
00/80	Severa
80/80	Cynthia
Edited by Elieson
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no he doesn't

can't i get throgh one round without a mistake ugh

Fixed, Gerome has 35HP

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Turn 5
Morgan-M recovers 10 HP due to Cynthia's Bond.

Chicken Wings's Morgan-M@Aversa’s Night attacks General Horace's Gerome@Helswath!
271338_morganm_zpsa0l1ndf2.png vs. gerome_zpsju7gdf9d.jpg


Morgan-M attacks!
36 DMG (2x) | 97 HIT | 0 CRT
A.Skl | [15]
Morgan-M activates Luna!
Hit | [87] [8]
Crt | [99]
D.Skl | [63]
Gerome activates nothing.
Gerome takes 53 damage!
Morgan-M regains 17 HP!

Gerome has been felled.

It is now General Horace's turn.

General Horace	
80/80	Morgan-M
80/80	Robin-F
80/80	Yarne
80/80	Laurent
00/80	Gerome
Chicken Wings	
80/80	Lucina
39/80	Morgan-M
80/80	Noire
0/80	Severa
80/80	Cynthia
Edited by Elieson
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Turn 6

General Horace's Morgan-M@Brave Bow attacks Chicken Wings's Morgan-M@Aversa’s Night!
morganm_zpsawvx8mjs.png vs. morganm_zpsawvx8mjs.png

Morgan-M attacks!
28 DMG (2x) | 100 HIT | 0 CRT
[9] [9]
Morgan-M activates Luna!
[96] [55]
Morgan-M activates nothing.
Morgan-M takes 48 damage!

Morgan-M has felled. Morgan-M can't recover 40 HP due to Lifetaker.


It's now Chicken Wing's turn

General Horace	
80/80	Morgan-M
80/80	Robin-F
80/80	Yarne
80/80	Laurent
00/80	Gerome
Chicken Wings	
80/80	Lucina
00/80	Morgan-M
80/80	Noire
00/80	Severa
80/80	Cynthia
Edited by Elieson
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My brother got hospitalized so I haven't really been able to spend this weekend doing calculations, I'm doing responses from my mobile when I can tho.

Sry for the wait guys

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Running calcs, I fucking died

Turn 7

Chicken Wing's Noire@Aversa's Night+ attacks General Horace's Yarne@Ragnell!
271545_yarne_zpsq8hyvlum.jpg vs. noire_zpski3fqfkr.jpg

Noire attacks!
33 DMG | 100 HIT | 0 CRT
Noire activates Luna!
[12] [77]

Yarne activates nothing.
Yarne takes 51 damage!


Yarne counterattacks!
25 DMG (x2) | 41 HIT | 22 CRT
Yarne activates nothing!
[94] [4]

Noire would've taken a bunch of damage. but instead dodged and took 0 damage!

Yarne activates Luna!
[57] [19]

Noire takes fucking crits to the face and dies instantly, receiving 135 damage!

Noire doesn't exist any more.


It's now Chicken Wing's turn

General Horace	
80/80	Morgan-M
80/80	Robin-F
29/80	Yarne
80/80	Laurent
00/80	Gerome
Chicken Wings	
80/80	Lucina
00/80	Morgan-M
00/80	Noire
00/80	Severa
80/80	Cynthia
Edited by Elieson
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Yea I don't feel like this is a fair match to judge anything logical on, at this point anyway.

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Turn 8

Yarne recovers 10 HP with Bond.

General Horace's Yarne@Ragnell attacks Chicken Wing's Cynthia@Aversa's Night+ !
271545_yarne_zpsq8hyvlum.jpg vs. cynthia_zps7kdsgq2l.jpg

Yarne attacks!
18 DMG (x2) | 100 HIT | 70 CRT
Yarne activates Luna!
[92] [87]
Cynthia activates Pavise.
Cynthia takes 57 damage!


Cynthia counterattacks!
31 DMG | 85 HIT | 0 CRT
Cynthia activates Luna!
[76] [33]
BLOOD AND THUNDER! (clearly shouted to avenge Noire, and not because Elie made a mistake)

Yarne learns that you can't live on cuteness alone, and takes 49 Damage!

Yarne's been absorbed into Cynthia's abdomen, and she recovers 19 HP.


It's now Chicken Wings's turn

General Horace	
80/80	Morgan-M
80/80	Robin-F
00/80	Yarne
80/80	Laurent
00/80	Gerome
Chicken Wings	
80/80	Lucina
00/80	Morgan-M
00/80	Noire
00/80	Severa
42/80	Cynthia
Edited by Elieson
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