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Easy Bake Fate Babies[Spoilers]

Iron Griffin

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That's kind of reminds me of this pokemon rom hack called Pokemon Sweet. Maybe in future Fire Emblem, you'll be able to bake your own baby. :p

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Ignoring the lack of aging/instant full term pregnancy/potential to impregnate children "logic", the part that really rubs me the wrong way is why the characters thought it appropriate to have children in the middle of a war and then be so callous as to shove them in a pocket dimension to only be occasionally visited. Why have children when you don't want to spend any time raising them? Is your army that short on soldiers that you need to super-age your own children and conscript them? All the 1st gen parents are assholes.

Sex scenes and visible pregnancy will be in the next Fire Emblem. We need to hit ALL the fetishes.

[spoiler=New Confession Scenes]


And it will be just as creepy as Usagi Drop.

and what is up with people calling eyes "orbs"? like, it's such an obvious way to try and avoid sounding repetitive that you instead make the reader aware they're reading a book, which is one of the worst things a writer can do.

*ahem* My orbs are up here, Thane. Stop staring!

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Given me not caring about the story all that much and recognizing it as just a means to hand wave away having a popular mechanic (that I happened to enjoy), I don't terribly mind, although I do agree the way they chose to implement it sounds stupid

Yes, there are indeed the problems you cited. They DID add in about a part about "monsters" infiltrating and seeming trying to direct attack the children, although its blatantly contrived and one wonders why: a.) the parent's security at MyCastle was so vulnerable that this became a problem and b.) what if the monsters had found their way into said secluded lands.

But I'm not going to worry about it all that much. Actually, to me, its so stupid of a mechanism that it actually becomes amusing again, particularly with all the hyperbolic time chamber jokes we get to throw around.

Just like certain other excuses in other games make me chuckle at how dumb they are….

For example (from what I've heard about it, anyways, I haven't played this particular game), an excuse to have an H-scene in Fate/Stay Night:

"Mana Transfer Ritual"

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Just like certain other excuses in other games make me chuckle at how dumb they are….

For example (from what I've heard about it, anyways, I haven't played this particular game), an excuse to have an H-scene in Fate/Stay Night:

"Mana Transfer Ritual"

I did and I was "WTF?" when it happened. Like totally random. Imagine a FE visual novel with all the "excuses".

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Given me not caring about the story all that much and recognizing it as just a means to hand wave away having a popular mechanic (that I happened to enjoy), I don't terribly mind, although I do agree the way they chose to implement it sounds stupid

Yes, there are indeed the problems you cited. They DID add in about a part about "monsters" infiltrating and seeming trying to direct attack the children, although its blatantly contrived and one wonders why: a.) the parent's security at MyCastle was so vulnerable that this became a problem and b.) what if the monsters had found their way into said secluded lands.

But I'm not going to worry about it all that much. Actually, to me, its so stupid of a mechanism that it actually becomes amusing again, particularly with all the hyperbolic time chamber jokes we get to throw around.

Just like certain other excuses in other games make me chuckle at how dumb they are….

For example (from what I've heard about it, anyways, I haven't played this particular game), an excuse to have an H-scene in Fate/Stay Night:

"Mana Transfer Ritual"

This whole game is a case of Crosses the Line Twice. It's so incredibly dumb that it works.

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In Awakening the underage characters presumably grew up between the war and the birth of their children, but now I am supposed to believe Midoriko was pregnant

No, that can't be, I don't think anyone married Midoriko, right? Let's pretend nobody out there married Midoriko

Edited by gayserbeam
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In Awakening the underage characters presumably grew up between the war and the birth of their children, but now I am supposed to believe Midoriko was pregnant

No, that can't be, I don't think anyone married Midoriko, right? Let's pretend nobody out there married Midoriko

Oh god oh god oh god oh god! This will not look good if FBI saw this!

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It's getting worse each game in terms of kids reasons:

FE4: Kids got born ->parents died -> years past -> pick up where we left off

FE13: the kids come from the a ruined future and travel to the past to save their parents and their unborn selfs a world of pain. There's also a gazillion different worlds with more peeps in them.

FE14: People get married, have kids in the middle of war, shove them into alternate dimensions to grow up by themselves (save for occasional visits), they grow up super fast and them come to help the parents fight.

With how ridiculous the explanations are getting, I am really fearing for FE15.

Mabye they should just skip the silly explanations and have the kids born like Athena: fully grown and ready to fight.

Children in FE15 are confirmed to magically poof into existence next to the parents following conception. The stork is a wizard.

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If easy bake child incubators then how else would they explain the bad guys never running out of generics?

Cloning, duh. That's why they all look exactly the same.

...Maybe that's how children characters will be done in the next FE. The children characters are exact replicas of their parents in class, skills, personality, and supports.

Edited by Zachmac
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It would've been easier to just make it to where all the children were coincidentally born from previous marriages that ended in divorce and so happened to have the new mother's hair color by default lol

I feel like there are better ways of introducing children. Maybe making the story span over a much larger time than it does currently. Or perhaps having the children already born and grown, but adopting them as your own after marriage. Or better yet, not explaining it at all and leaving it to whatever you want to believe!

We don't need everyone to have a child in the game. You can be married and not have children too, so it wouldn't remove the marriage feature.

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It's getting worse each game in terms of kids reasons:

FE4: Kids got born ->parents died -> years past -> pick up where we left off

FE13: the kids come from the a ruined future and travel to the past to save their parents and their unborn selfs a world of pain. There's also a gazillion different worlds with more peeps in them.

FE14: People get married, have kids in the middle of war, shove them into alternate dimensions to grow up by themselves (save for occasional visits), they grow up super fast and them come to help the parents fight.

With how ridiculous the explanations are getting, I am really fearing for FE15.

Mabye they should just skip the silly explanations and have the kids born like Athena: fully grown and ready to fight.

If this means we could get a Greek-themed Fire Emblem I'd be totally on board...Although Greek-inspired games would probably go to Kid Icarus

I'm worried that children characters are going to be FE's future. I desperately hope that this is just a phase, and that they'll abandon it as soon as the novelty wears out(though, I already feel that it's already long since worn out).

I love having paralouges and extra characters, but I want to see them find other ways to add these. I don't want to be forced to pretend I'm playing some limited dating simulator just to unlock all the maps and characters.

Considering the possibility that all this child-pushing is in response to low birth-rates in Japan...eh, we'll see what happens really.

Oh yeah, and Midoriko will be getting A-Support at MAX with Kamui on my play-throughs, regardless of gender...

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I feel like there are better ways of introducing children. Maybe making the story span over a much larger time than it does currently.

I think they way they handled it in the later games is because they don't want the parents to age up.

I don't think that's a worthy concern (Fin says hi), but whatever.

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