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Ana Plays Through SoulSilver


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Yeah, I'm going to play SoulSilver because Iwata... I mean, he's the reason the original Gold and Silver were able to happen since he figured out how to fit Kanto in them alongside Johto. SoulSilver is a remake, but you can't have a remake without the originals, right?

I'm thinking of naming my character Iwata too. Sounds enough like a girl could have that name to me. Especially if it's pronounced "ee-wah-tah" which I think it is. I was never sure.

Anyway, I'm going to choose Chikorita for my starter since I picked Cyndaquil in HeartGold and I'm not a fan of the Totodile line. In fact, I would actually play HeartGold instead since I prefer Ho-Oh over Lugia, but I don't want to erase my HeartGold file. Besides, I'll probably attempt to complete the Johto Pokedex too, and having a HeartGold file where I've beaten Red and collected all the Johto starter Pokemon along with another DS/3DS system would make that simpler. I think I have all the Kanto starters between it and my gen 4 games. If not, well, I also have FireRed and LeafGreen, which I know I picked Bulbasaur in one of them and bred the resulting Venusaur. I picked Squirtle in HeartGold, so if I pick Charmander in this SoulSilver playthrough, I'm set.

Is anyone else doing some kind of tribute like this for Iwata? Doesn't have to be Pokemon related, of course. I'll talk about my progress too, btw. :)

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Wish I could. The least I can do is to wish you good luck and having fun in your playthrough and hope you can honor Iwata's memory with all your heart!

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What team do you have in mind?

Also, I'd just, you know, play games where Iwata was the executive producer. I mean, I still have my original cart of Gold, if you wanna get technical.

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I don't have a Gold or Silver cart though (and I never did, so I didn't give one away or anything). Only Crystal. And it's too late now, I've already started...

I also don't have any games where he was actually the producer. So this is the best I can do.

Anyway, I've reached Mr. Pokemon's house and and left. Time to go back and see Elm again. :P I don't know what my team will be yet, I'll figure that out as I go along. Though, I'm certainly going to catch a Mareep, as a Chikorita isn't exactly the ideal thing to put against Falkner and his birds. xP

The only bad part is that this Chikorita has a crummy nature... Jolly, srsly. Chikorita is a sp. attacker, not a speedster... >_<

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I don't have the tools necessary to do a Let's Play, so no, it's not one, sadly. I'm just sharing info on my playthrough.

And now I've battled the rival and returned to Professor Elm. I named the rival Sony. lol Sony and Microsoft were Nintendo's rivals... haha. And Sony sounds more like a name than Microsoft, so... :P

My Chikorita may have a stinking jolly nature, but it appears to be pretty tanky. Though I leveled it up two times before battling Sony. One Tackle missed his Cyndaquil, but I still beat it by using Tackle and Growl a few times.

I think I'm gonna catch a Pidgey and a Mareep for now, so I have something that can combat the first two gyms.

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Yeah, I agree, but I don't have anything that can take screenshots... Aside from my phone, but the quality would be horrible. And I don't want to fill it up with a whole buttload of pics that I'll just delete later.

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Caught a Pidgey and leveled it up a bit! And it's...jolly. What's with this game and jolly Pokemon.

Oh well, at least this actually works for a Pidgey, unlike Chikorita. xP On to Violet City!

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I'm not using a 3DS though, I'm using my DS Lite. The 3DS lowers the graphical quality of DS games for some reason.

I have a Mareep now. It's bold natured. Not bad, Mareep isn't a physical attacker, so a low attack stat doesn't matter. A higher defense on it isn't a bad thing either. Time to level it up so it can fry Falkner's birds. :P

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I'm not using a 3DS though, I'm using my DS Lite. The 3DS lowers the graphical quality of DS games for some reason.

I have a Mareep now. It's bold natured. Not bad, Mareep isn't a physical attacker, so a low attack stat doesn't matter. A higher defense on it isn't a bad thing either. Time to level it up so it can fry Falkner's birds. :P

If you have a 3DS XL or New 3DS XL, then hold down the start or select button when selecting the game. The display of those games will shrink to pretty much DS/Lite size, therefor retaining the graphical quality.

Although if you have a regular 3DS, you're kind of boned since the start/select thing will shrink the display to the size of a postcard lol.

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Cleared the Sprout Tower. Pidgey made short work of a lot of those Bellsprout. I leveled up Chikorita and Mareep too though, as I don't want them to fall behind. I like a balanced team in both type and level, see. Time to take on Falkner!


Chikorita lv. 12

Pidgey lv. 12

Mareep lv. 12

EDIT: I have only two regular 3DSs and I tried the start/select thing a long time ago. It never worked. :/

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Mareep totally flattened Falkner...lol Now it's lv. 14.

I also went to the Ruins of Alph and solved the first puzzle and riddle. I caught four kinds of Unown too. I ran out of Pokeballs, which is why I didn't catch more. :P I bought a few more Pokeballs, but I'm going to use those to add more team members later. Don't want to spend too much right now, you only have so much money at this point in the game.

This is all for today though, I'll continue tomorrow!

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I don't know who he is, but that's cool. :)

So, I just made it out of Union Cave! And both Chikorita and Mareep have evolved. I battle wild Pokemon once in awhile as well as the trainers to get levels. It just helps. :P I also picked up lots of items. I didn't forget the Old Rod either. lol Now the team is:

Bayleef lv. 16

Flaaffy lv. 15

Pidgey lv. 15

Azalea Town is just ahead!

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I kicked Team Rocket out of the Slowpoke Well. Proton, you're not scary at all, what you talking about...? :P

I also showed Togepi to Professor Elm. Well, I actually wouldn't mind using the little guy on my team for once, but he's so weak compared to the rest of my Pokemon that I don't want to bother. Togekiss is pretty cool. I don't think I can get a Shiny Stone before the league anyway.

Anyway, Bugsy, I'm coming after your gym next! Pidgey's gonna eat your icky bugs.

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Okay, that was a little embarrassing... Bugsy's Scyther flattened my poor Pidgey.

Flaaffy was able to take care of the whole battle though. Scyther is also weak to Electric type moves, bwaha. Ilex Forest is the next destination! Oh, but I'll have to teach somebody Cut, huh? Well, I think Bayleef can learn it. And it's a rare physical attacking Bayleef, so...

Bayleef lv. 17

Flaaffy lv. 18

Pidgey lv. 17

Don't worry, I hope to add another team member soon. :P

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I know I can catch Vulpix in this version of the game, so I'd like to get one of those. Vulpix is so cute and Ninetales is so pretty. ^^

I've reached Goldenrod City and explored some of it! But Mother, why you shopping so much? I swear she's calling like every five seconds to say she got me stuff. Oh well, can't complain if she keeps giving me berries. I like collecting berries! I got the Radio Card, bike, and coin case too. Although I was never too big on game corners in the Pokemon games. But I got the coin case in case I feel like playing Voltorb Flip for some reason.

Anyway, time to go take on Whitney's gym...even though I have no Fighting type moves and no Pokemon that can learn Rock Smash...

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Whoa, I got lucky there, though I was also a little overleveled. XD Flaaffy took care of Clefairy, and then Miltank actually almost got Bayleef...until Bayleef slammed it with a critical hit with Razor Leaf after its HP had already taken a blow. I had less trouble than I thought I would. I mean, Miltank has Rollout which would really hit Pidgeotto (forgot to mention that Pidgey had evolved, sorry! xP), and all my Pokemon are male while Whitney's are female and know Attract. And like I said, I had no Fighting type moves. But I won anyway, yay!

Definitely going to need to figure something else out for Morty though. Ugh, he always was the hardest gym leader for me in Johto... I don't have many options that aren't Normal type moves at the moment. And Morty uses Ghost types...

Oh, got more rare berries from Mother now. Man, I'm swimming in them at this point. lol

So now my team's levels!

Bayleef lv. 21

Pidgeotto lv. 20

Flaaffy lv. 20

I think I'll stop there for today though. I'll come up with a plan for Morty and his dang ghosts tomorrow.

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