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What class/skills should Chrom and Sumia generally be as a pair?


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The Exalted Falchion is one of Chrom's best weapons bar none. Double damage vs. Wyverns, good power and accuracy, and the ability to heal 20 HP are all really good features. You can make him a Paladin, but his default Great Lord is generally his best outside of Apotheosis (where you want him as a Double Bow Sniper).

Chrom's best skills are Rightful King, Aether, Luna, Aggressor, Limit Break, Dual Strike+, Aegis, and Rally Skill (his only Rally command).

Sumia's best skills are Lancefaire, Renewal, Pavise, Luna, Galeforce, Dual Guard+, Rally Speed, and Rally Heart. She's a good support character as a Falcon Knight but you can make her a Dark Flier if and when you eventually get her Magic up.

If you're using them together all of the time, I recommend the following:

(Lead) Chrom (Paladin): Limit Break, Dual Strike+, Rightful King, Aether, Luna

(Support) Sumia (Falcon Knight): Limit Break, Dual Guard+, Galeforce, Luna, Lancefaire

At their best, The two of them become incredibly reliable when maxed out and can achieve a 100% Dual Strike rating and both of them can activate Luna around 3/4 of the time, with Chrom's Aether acting as a less reliable but more powerful proc strike activating roughly 1/8 of the time (Luna will activate 3/4 of the time, 1/4 of the time it will not. In that 1/4, Aether will proc roughly half the time, with nothing activating 1/8th of the time).

Edited by 4Dam PKMN Master Nappa
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That's solid advice. If I can throw in two more things...

-Bow Knight is really good on Chrom. You get to use Bowfaire, you get to keep Falchion, and Sumia likes the pairup bonuses.

-Agg is flat out better than RK in terms of damage. By the time you have it, that pair shouldn't need to be fighting on enemy phase.

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The Exalted Falchion is one of Chrom's best weapons bar none. Double damage vs. Wyverns, good power and accuracy, and the ability to heal 20 HP are all really good features. You can make him a Paladin, but his default Great Lord is generally his best outside of Apotheosis (where you want him as a Double Bow Sniper).

Chrom's best skills are Rightful King, Aether, Luna, Aggressor, Limit Break, Dual Strike+, Aegis, and Rally Skill (his only Rally command).

Sumia's best skills are Lancefaire, Renewal, Pavise, Luna, Galeforce, Dual Guard+, Rally Speed, and Rally Heart. She's a good support character as a Falcon Knight but you can make her a Dark Flier if and when you eventually get her Magic up.

If you're using them together all of the time, I recommend the following:

(Lead) Chrom (Paladin): Limit Break, Dual Strike+, Rightful King, Aether, Luna

(Support) Sumia (Falcon Knight): Limit Break, Dual Guard+, Galeforce, Luna, Lancefaire

At their best, The two of them become incredibly reliable when maxed out and can achieve a 100% Dual Strike rating and both of them can activate Luna around 3/4 of the time, with Chrom's Aether acting as a less reliable but more powerful proc strike activating roughly 1/8 of the time (Luna will activate 3/4 of the time, 1/4 of the time it will not. In that 1/4, Aether will proc roughly half the time, with nothing activating 1/8th of the time).

I've always thought of Chrom as more of a support unit with both dual strike+ and dual guard+. If Chrom was leading however what is the point of running dual stike+ on him? Do dual strike+ and dual guard+ work if the unit with the skill(s) is leading?

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Yes they do.

I have Chrom run support sets when he needs to hide behind someone who's training on LB3 or something (aka staying out of the way). But he's such a ridiculously good unit for postgame/DLC that it's a shame to confine him to a hard support like some common Gerome (though he can support very well if you want him to).

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Thanks for the suggestions! I like switching their classes every so often just so things don't get monotonous. How would a Bow Knight ChromxSumia pair work, or the Sniper one that you mentioned?

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Yes they do.

I have Chrom run support sets when he needs to hide behind someone who's training on LB3 or something (aka staying out of the way). But he's such a ridiculously good unit for postgame/DLC that it's a shame to confine him to a hard support like some common Gerome (though he can support very well if you want him to).

So if I have two units, both with the dual strike+ skill, would the dual strike chance be raised by 10% and then another 10% or is it limited to only one 10%?

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In the context of Apo...

Sniper Chrom runs LB/Agg/Aether/Luna/DSt+ and supports a Falco Sumia. She can kill whatever she wants with GF, and then Chrom comes up front with a Longbow on their second move and obliterates something with his Aether/Agg combo.

BK Chrom does similar, but runs BF and All+2 (or Hit+20 or Charm) over Luna and Aether, and stays in the back

Equipping any Dual+ skill more than once has no effect past the first.

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