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[Battle: FE13] Gen 1 Maxes - Zerosabers vs Anon

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UVr0jc.jpg VS s66VAY.jpg

Gangrel @Brave Axe attacks Aversa @Aversa's Night!

25x2 damage, 100% hit, 0% crit


Gangrel's VENGEANCE activates!

Aversa takes 48 damage! (32/80)

Gangrel attacks again!


Gangrel's VENGEANCE activates!


Aversa has fallen!

zero's turn.

       ANON                  ZERO
GANGREL      33/80     STAHL       80/80
TIKI         80/80     MIRIEL      00/80
MIRIEL       80/80     CHROM       80/80
PRIAM        80/80     CONAN       80/80
COOKIE       80/80     AVERSA      00/80

also going out for a run with THE DOG, be back in an hour or so.

Edited by General Horace
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also going out for a run with THE DOG, be back in an hour or so.

Aw, we gotta wait an hour for the Gangrel trample!

Gangrel, the hero we all needed

And didn't know we wanted

And get whether you want him or not.

Yes, make Gangrel king of Outrealm Gate


Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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Sorcero's Gangrel's favorite snack, and I was nice enough to bring two

It was so nice of you, he might even forgive that you bear the avatar of that pathetic little worm's daughter.

Is gangrel's battle sprite the skinny berserker or the buffed one? Cuz skinny zerker is hilarious.

Clever strategy and tactic anon

Skinny Zerker Headcanon.


Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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I wonder how Sorcerer!Cordelia counters Gangrel, with her high speed, Patience & Axebreaker.

Probably pretty decently but not as solid as one would hope since LuckySeven for early game is pretty amazing

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I wonder how Sorcerer!Cordelia counters Gangrel, with her high speed, Patience & Axebreaker.

Probably pretty decently but not as solid as one would hope since LuckySeven for early game is pretty amazing

She would probably do alright, actually, but since Tome Breaker cancels Axebreaker and Lucky 7 and Hex are still there, it might not be quite as great, though it might work, who knows. I was actually considering having Cordelia as a Sorcerer or a Hero on my team, but ultimately I decided I'd pack Priam instead.



...I don't...

Mario's nose

That's kinda gross...weird how Mario's nose has no blood in it...

Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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Eh, it's fine.

I see it, I just don't see what you did there, other than point that out.

...it does kind of look like a cookie...

I dont think Cordy will work with that build unless she also has Haex, Anathema, breaker, Vengeancd and maybe Lifetaker

Hex=Hax indeed, it's a fantastic skill for melee attackers.

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