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Street Fighter V Thread


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They'll find some way to make it bad.

The MOBA-style system has generally worked out, though.

I wouldn't be surprised if there was some way to buy Fight Money ala the MOBA system.

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This may be a bit redundant, but (spoilering due to DLC roster leaks)

I thought I'd post a link that confirms Guile, Balrog, Alex, Ibuki, Urien, and Juri with audio file hacking.

As for my reaction to those 6 being chosen, Guile, Ibuki, and Juri definitely make sense due to their immense popularity and being among the top 15 in the Street Fighter character poll. Though Alex isn't in the top 20 in the Street Fighter character poll, he's arguably among the top 5 requested Street Fighter characters in terms of them returning from their playable status hiatus and being playable in a new Street Fighter game. Urien, I find a bit of a weird choice since I didn't think he was particularly popular or requested, but since I don't know much about the popularity of Street Fighter III characters who aren't in Street Fighter IV and aren't Alex, I'm not exactly the proper judge of that. Balrog kind of surprises me since Dudley is the more popular boxer according to the polls, Balrog himself was 49th out of 67th on the official polls (which is bad, especially for one of the original 12 in Street Fighter II), and the roster is too Street Fighter II heavy as it is (then again, Capcom does have the habit of Street Fighter II biasedness in their rosters, which I was hoping Street Fighter V would break off from). Overall, I think the choices for the first set of DLC characters is alright.)

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  • 1 month later...

It's like an Asian Waluigi who has aspects of Voldo, some of the comments on the video are pretty seething lol.

He's deceptive looking, which looks like it plays into his character.

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he reminds me of like, hsien ko from darkstalkers, choi and duo lon from king of fighters, voldo from soul calibur... waluigi

I also get a Brad Wong vibe just from one of his moves lol.

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F.A.N.G looks... weird. Design style. Well, even his moves looks weird.

I mean... he's just. I don't know. Too much "Disney Vilain" like maybe?

He looks goofy, evil, brutal and he is a mad scientist wich doubles all the traits cited before.

he reminds me of like, hsien ko from darkstalkers, choi and duo lon from king of fighters, voldo from soul calibur... waluigi

Yup. I most agree with all of them.

It's too soon for me to say anything about gameplay.

But I like his V-Trigger and V-Skill a lot.

He gets a free projectile and a poison aura and that's cool.

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The hell, did Choi from King of Fighters have a kid with Necro?! And then learn to fight from Arakune?

I have no idea what the hell Capcom was thinking.

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The hell, did Choi from King of Fighters have a kid with Necro?! And then learn to fight from Arakune?

This is quite possibly the best explanation I've heard :P:

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F.A.N.G. definitely looks fun and amusing. Hopefully I'll be able to main him and get his fighting style down, since it's always a shame adding a character to your "wanted to main but couldn't properly learn" list (especially since his fighting style is about deception and distraction from what I've read up).

So now that all 16 of the base characters are revealed, that brings us to the question of: who's the final boss in arcade mode? According to the rumours, it was going to be Necali since they said there'd be Rashid, Laura, Fan, and a new final boss. But with the stage they used for F.A.N.G.'s reveal, maybe F.A.N.G.'s the final boss who tries to overthrow Bison (though then again, that's way too similar to Seth). Or maybe they have a final boss that's not among the 16 base characters (though hackers probably would've leaked data on a final boss by now since they leaked announcer voice clips of the 6 DLC characters).

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From the look of the first 30 seconds of this video :

The final boss in arcade mode is gonna be either F.A.N.G, Dictator (M.Bison) or Necalli. And maybe a Evil Ryu as a hidden boss.

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  • 1 month later...

I hope necro-ing this thread is okay since we've received a significant update on Street Fighter V and this thread is our official Street Fighter V thread on SF.

Anyways, Capcom has released a Trailer for the Story Mode they'll be putting in as an update in Summer 2016, and it's looking awesome:

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What I am wondering is why Guile is DLC. He was the one of the 6 Original you can use in street fighter 2. Will he be anything more special?

Edited by Radiance
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I hope necro-ing this thread is okay since we've received a significant update on Street Fighter V and this thread is our official Street Fighter V thread on SF.

Anyways, Capcom has released a Trailer for the Story Mode they'll be putting in as an update in Summer 2016, and it's looking awesome:

What a cool trailer!

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That trailer is hype, I wonder if the story format will be what fighting games have been doing since like Mortal Kombat and DoA did that chapter structure where you use the majority of the cast in little bits and segments.

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That trailer is hype, I wonder if the story format will be what fighting games have been doing since like Mortal Kombat and DoA did that chapter structure where you use the majority of the cast in little bits and segments.

Wouldn't be that shocking if capcom went that route honestly.

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That trailer is hype, I wonder if the story format will be what fighting games have been doing since like Mortal Kombat and DoA did that chapter structure where you use the majority of the cast in little bits and segments.

I'd be good with that kind of structure. I like it especially for how it accustoms the player to using a variety of characters and having them try out characters they likely wouldn't use otherwise (and potentially pick up new mains). Though I have to wonder if the DLC characters will be implemented in the story with their own DLC chapters or not. (I don't mind either way. I mean, a separate story mode for Street Fighter for the first time alone is cool enough as it is.)

What I am wondering is why Guile is DLC. He was the one of the 6 Original you can use in street fighter 2. Will he be anything more special?

Well, I don't have any direct quotes from Capcom regarding Guile being DLC rather than a base character for Street Fighter V, but this article (you'll need to click the links for each of the 16 characters for their individual articles) covers the reasoning for why all base 16 characters were chosen to be in the main game.

And while it doesn't pertain to Guile specifically, there is this article saying why Sagat wasn't included in the base 16. Though I think that Guile wasn't included in the base 16 for a very similar reason, that being they wanted a good balance in the variety and playstyles in each of the base 16 characters that were chosen. Even with Charlie Nash being greatly revamped from Guile, they likely still considered Guile to be too similar to Nash and decided to release him as DLC rather than as one of the base 16, in order to keep the cast as varied as possible.

I know that Ryu and Ken are much more similar than SFV Nash and Guile, but with Ryu and Ken being perfect attendance characters ever since the first Street Fighter and every Street Fighter after it, I think they really wanted to keep the "playable Ryu and Ken in every Street Fighter" tradition intact (which Street Fighter III: A New Generation only did thanks to fans heavily requesting their return, showing how important and wanted a tradition it is). Plus, Ryu and Ken are the 1st and 2nd most popular Street Fighter characters according to the offical Capcom polls.

And even though Guile is more popular than Nash, Nash has been a heavily requested character (usually among the top 5 in polls) in terms of being playable in future Street Fighter games while Guile's playability has always been essentially guaranteed, and hasn't been as heavily requested as a result since people just assume he'll be playable in any new Street Fighter game/crossover that appears. With Street Fighter V, I'm thinking they really wanted to satisfy the wishes of the people wanting Nash to return after his long hiatus, but with Capcom wanting to keep the base 16 as varied as possible, they couldn't have Guile in there as well with Nash without people thinking the cast is somewhat redundant (regardless of how much they changed up Nash, there will always be people that think Guile and Nash are clones).

...well, a lot of the above is speculation on my part, and I don't know for sure if Capcom actually had that mindset. I'm just bringing up facts I know and filling in the gaps from there.

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Kinda new to the series, what is the difference between Nash and Guile, playstyle wise?

I know Guile is like the iconic lame zoning character in SF since Dieminion used him 4Head, so i thought Nash would be different or something

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Guile main here~

in SF Alpha, Charlie/Nash is near identical to Guile. Air throws, command normals, specials, the whole deal. iirc some of his normals are slightly different (his cr HK is only a single hit) and he has a different super rather than Sonic Hurricane (it's like Remy's first super from Third Strike)

However in SFV, Charlie has been overhauled in terms of playstyle. I honestly haven't heard/read anything about it, I would look into it if your curious. I think it's a more agressive/tricky style with teleports (Decapre???)

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in SF Alpha, Charlie/Nash is near identical to Guile. Air throws, command normals, specials, the whole deal. iirc some of his normals are slightly different (his cr HK is only a single hit) and he has a different super rather than Sonic Hurricane (it's like Remy's first super from Third Strike)

However in SFV, Charlie has been overhauled in terms of playstyle. I honestly haven't heard/read anything about it, I would look into it if your curious. I think it's a more agressive/tricky style with teleports (Decapre???)

Really good to know, regarding the Alpha differences. Even the Street Fighter wiki didn't point out as many differences as you did regarding their move differences. They literally only said that Charlie did a one armed Sonic Boom while Guile did a two armed Sonic Boom, Charlie being able to do a 2 foot Flash Kick, and that Charlie seemed more polished in his moves animation-wise. I was always curious to the differences Charlie and Guile had in Alpha 3, since it was so hard to notice any.

Street Fighter V Charlie Nash has really been changed up by switching out Flash Kick with Moonsault Slash, Tragedy Assault, Sonic Scythe, and Teleporting moves. Nash also uses circular motions for his specials instead of charge motions. Nash also makes use of a dark looking energy that he didn't have in the Alpha series, which is notably used in his teleports and Tragedy Assault.

Nash's reveal trailer shows quite a lot of Nash's new abilities that separate him from Guile:

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