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The characters I'd like to see return are Guile, Juri, Cody, and Sakura. I think Sakura and Juri have a good chance but the other two I'm not so sure.

tbh, I think Guile, Juri, and Sakura WILL be back at some point, but as of right now, it's unlikely we'll see any of them in the initial 16

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tbh, I think Guile, Juri, and Sakura WILL be back at some point, but as of right now, it's unlikely we'll see any of them in the initial 16

Yeah I was mostly thinking that because it seems they are trying to harken back to SFIII with this title and Guile wasn't in that game. Juri was new in IV as was Sakura? Unfortunately Cody and Guy being Final Fight guys and making their appearence in IV was probably more fan service than anything.

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Sakura has been in since SF II turbo.

Cody and Guy were introduced in SFII(maybe SFIII I dun remember) Alpha alongside a huge cast of reskinned Final Fight enemies like Hugo. Poison was introduced in one of the last incarnations of SFIII. The only newcomers in SFIV:

Rufus: Attempting to hit Yin and Yun's playstyle in one char

Hakan: Oil Wrestling

Juri: Feng-Shui engine

El Fuerte: Mix-up and unpredictable hit-grappler

Seth: Boss

Oni: More ridiculous Akuma

Gouken: Revived master of Ryu and Ken

Abel: MMA-style grappler

literally no one else is new through all 4 versions of SFIV.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, R. Mika has been confirmed to be playable as part of the base 16 characters of Street Fighter V.

Normally, I would provide a link, but I have a personal rule to avoid posting lewd links/videos online. I know mods here would be okay with lewd content that pertains to a T-Rated game, but I don't want to take my chances and I personally don't want to be the one posting it.

Also, there's this rumour going around on Siliconera that R. Mika, Alex, Karin, and Urien will be the last 4 veteran characters to be confirmed for the base 16 characters. Seeing how R. Mika has been confirmed, Street Fighter III characters were confirmed to be in the base 16 by Capcom, and they said they'd be avoiding shotas for the base 16, I'd say this rumour is holding up quite well.

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I wouldn't say R. Mika is that lewd. Yah she's fanservice, but honestly its not THAT bad. That's like saying the Chun-Li boob jiggle is lewd.

Besides, R.Mika looks absolutely brutal in the game. I look forward to playing her honestly. Don't have any gameplay info yet, though.

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That super looks really dumb. And not in a good way. Don't mind the rest of her kit, though.

Who's that other wrestler with R. Mika?

Mika's a wrestle. However, the type of wrestling she does is a Japanese niche style that most other countries don't pay any attention to. It's kind of like WWE, though with more flair and flamboyance to it instead of hype. It's more about the eye candy towards the crowd than the silliness like in America, which explains a lot for how R. Mika acts and fights.

Either way, the Grappler+KoF Strikers style interests me.

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Mika looks wonderful. The Alpha characters seem to be hitting it out of the ballpark, so I'm hoping for Karin or Ingrid next. I actually think that Ibuki, Juri, and Ingrid would make the roster perfect for the last 3 vets.

although please keep out any of sfiii's non-human trash

elena, dudley, alex, makoto, yun, yang, and ibuki are fine

though please


never let q or oro or necro or twelve see the light of day ever again

they're all awful (And yes, I know that Oro is human, but he's so uhly it's unbearable)

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i like adon and makoto but I doubt they're coming back.

what exactly is the whole 16 characters with more being added later thing? I haven't really been keeping up with SFV

edit: nevermind, read op

Edited by Tryhard
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Oh, R Mika? And she looks amazing!

I really didn't expect her to come back but I shouldn't be surprised anymore.

Quick question : Do we know what's her V-Skill?

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R.Mika's V-skill basically makes her Grabs EX and has Yamato come out for an extra hit or make some grabs possible to combo out of.

And to all speculating, please realize a few things:

A. The leaks that have thus far been supported

B. While a ton of characters are still on the table, many of the SFIV vets WILL NOT be coming back initially. There have been hints towards Alex, Karen, and Blanka, and a reference to Ingrid. However, in the case that Ingrid comes back, she will be seeing a massive overhaul as the mass of the fanbase considers her personality and backstory to basically be that of a Mary Sue character. Capcom has stated in the past tat Ingrid was created to act as a Dues Ex Machina specifically for their vs. games and crossovers, so her return is less likely given that statement.

C. Q is amazing.

D. Necro and Oro are quite popular for their playstyles and Necro's backstory.

E. We have no Zoner yet. No one mentioned by Faceless remotely falls into that category aside from maybe Juri.

F. in response to TryHard, Capcom's policy is to release the full 16 char cast, and then have all updates and characters be added for free. You will have to work hard to unlock the new chars, but you can unlock them without paying for them. No new versions like Ultra Street Fighter V or the like will be coming around.

G. Whatever new chars come back, remember that they're likely to get some form of an overhaul. This hasn't been seen with R. Mika or Chun Li, but the rest of the cast looks noticably aged or had their moveset completely flipped on its head, like Charlie and Birdie.

EDIT: R.Mika's V-skill does require holding the button for Mika to pump up the crowd to trigger the effect though. It's basically Beowulf's Hype mechanic from Skullgirls.

Edited by North888
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Why do people like Q, Oro, or Necro though? They all are either hideous or grotesque like Necro or Oro or some random using generic design tropes like a mask AND a trench coat like Q.

Especially Q. What about that is interesting exactly?

And as for a zoner, I didn't put one because I expect a zoner as a newcomer and I just really like Ibuki and Juri. Would be better than 2 more SF2 characters or Alex and Urien. As for the last Alpha character, Ingrid would actually be nice. I like Karin, but I really like Ingrid's design. People say she doesn't fit, but I don't think so. Her design never looks even as "anime" as Karin or Sakura except for that admittedly bad animation with the lollipop.

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why do people like <insert your favourite character here>? since when did every fighter have to be the spitting image of health or normality, or even human? hideous and grotesque characters/bosses (not to mention non-human) have been in a lot of fighting games and this is the first time I've heard someone complain about them. I think Oro would be interesting, since he is considered the canon strongest character of the series. I like Necro, but if they were going to do someone like him, they would just bring Dhalsim. I don't think Twelve is very popular and so I doubt he would be coming back, and I don't know about Q.

The reason people like Q is because of his unique playstyle and the fact that he is interesting because he is openly a mystery, even appearing in the background of one of the SF2 stages, compared to everyone else in the series. His design is alright, but his animations are very good.

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Why do people like Q, Oro, or Necro though? They all are either hideous or grotesque like Necro or Oro or some random using generic design tropes like a mask AND a trench coat like Q.

Especially Q. What about that is interesting exactly?

And as for a zoner, I didn't put one because I expect a zoner as a newcomer and I just really like Ibuki and Juri. Would be better than 2 more SF2 characters or Alex and Urien. As for the last Alpha character, Ingrid would actually be nice. I like Karin, but I really like Ingrid's design. People say she doesn't fit, but I don't think so. Her design never looks even as "anime" as Karin or Sakura except for that admittedly bad animation with the lollipop.

Most of the SF3 cast has been MIA in 4 and crossover games. Ibuki has already been brought back a bunch of times and we really don't need her back, unlike Alex or Urien, WHO ARE IMPORTANT THE STORY THAT THEY APPEAR TO BE SETTING UP.

As far as Oro, he's fun to play and is tough. Q is animated VERY well and is a big mystery, which has led to tons of speculation and thus ppl have grown to like him. Necro has a hard backstory and some people enjoy his personality.

Ingrid is a mary sue and they need to rework her at some point, but she's never been part of an initial cast. And if you read my post, you'd know they'd prefer to not have her be a main character for a SF game, which is why she didn't show up in 3 until Alpha and as a last minute decision to put her in since she was in Capcom Fighting Evolution.

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It's good to see that R. Mika and Yamato both look like they lift. The comments on the R. Mika release page that Jedi linked range from hilarious to UGH WHY DID I BOTHER. I'm somewhat disappointed that a lot of the comments are directed at R. Mika's outfit - how many people whined about fanservice when Claw was shown, pecs and all?

Still think that super is dumb, even with explanation, but I'm just a random idiot on a board that's not even dedicated to fighting games. Even if her fighting style isn't one that I normally play (the grabbing part, not the flashy part), I don't mind that she's in there. At least her get-up makes sense!

EDIT: I fully support Q coming back, humanity be damned.

Edited by eclipse
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Why do people like Q, Oro, or Necro though? They all are either hideous or grotesque like Necro or Oro or some random using generic design tropes like a mask AND a trench coat like Q.

Especially Q. What about that is interesting exactly?

Q's mysterious, a grappler, a giant man in a metal mask. He's been in one game, it explained nothing about him, but goddamn was he cool in that game, and i think capcom is missing out by not bringing him back in the newer games. His animations and fighting style, I think, would bring a lot of diversity to the game, simply because it's so haphazard and nothing like any of the other characters.

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It's good to see that R. Mika and Yamato both look like they lift. The comments on the R. Mika release page that Jedi linked range from hilarious to UGH WHY DID I BOTHER. I'm somewhat disappointed that a lot of the comments are directed at R. Mika's outfit - how many people whined about fanservice when Claw was shown, pecs and all?

Still think that super is dumb, even with explanation, but I'm just a random idiot on a board that's not even dedicated to fighting games. Even if her fighting style isn't one that I normally play (the grabbing part, not the flashy part), I don't mind that she's in there. At least her get-up makes sense!

EDIT: I fully support Q coming back, humanity be damned.

Her top being a cleavage window thing saddens me due to the loss of the heart design the top had before.

Don't forget that almost every character is fanservice

I expected something else for her super move but I guess it fits her new play style with getting assistance from her partner so eh. :L

If they do add Q he better be a complete secret up until the leaks/datamining/by some miracle someone manages to fight him in arcade by fulfilling some Mortal Kombat 1-3 esque requirements.

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I've never played Street Fighter III before, but Q definitely looks really cool and stylish and I'd main him. Twelve and Necro also seems really unique and different for Street Fighter characters, and I'd definitely try them out as well. The rest of the Street Fighter III characters, none of them particularly appeal to me, but I'm not against them either and I definitely think that the Street Fighter cast outside of Street Fighter II need more love and attention.

Speaking of which, is anyone here hoping that some of the forgotten Street Fighter I characters will make it in as DLC? Even if they are kind of bland and not too unique in appearance, I always found it a shame that the Street Fighter series disregarded quite a few of the characters from the game that started it all (even if Street Fighter I was considered bad by most and Street Fighter II was the one that revolutionized the fighting genre). I mean, it'd be really neat to see Lee and his giant point blank fireballs return or Geki who has shurikens, a claw, and teleporting moves return (yeah, there's already characters who have those, but none of them have all three available in their moveset).

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